mirror of https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit.git synced 2025-03-27 22:01:46 +02:00
Jesse Duffield 63dc07fded Construct arg vector manually rather than parse string
By constructing an arg vector manually, we no longer need to quote arguments

Mandate that args must be passed when building a command

Now you need to provide an args array when building a command.
There are a handful of places where we need to deal with a string,
such as with user-defined custom commands, and for those we now require
that at the callsite they use str.ToArgv to do that. I don't want
to provide a method out of the box for it because I want to discourage its

For some reason we were invoking a command through a shell when amending a
commit, and I don't believe we needed to do that as there was nothing user-
supplied about the command. So I've switched to using a regular command out-
side the shell there
2023-05-23 19:49:19 +10:00

312 lines
8.2 KiB

package components
import (
// this is for running shell commands, mostly for the sake of setting up the repo
// but you can also run the commands from within lazygit to emulate things happening
// in the background.
type Shell struct {
// working directory the shell is invoked in
dir string
// when running the shell outside the gui we can directly panic on failure,
// but inside the gui we need to close the gui before panicking
fail func(string)
func NewShell(dir string, fail func(string)) *Shell {
return &Shell{dir: dir, fail: fail}
func (self *Shell) RunCommand(args []string) *Shell {
output, err := self.runCommandWithOutput(args)
if err != nil {
self.fail(fmt.Sprintf("error running command: %v\n%s", args, output))
return self
func (self *Shell) RunCommandExpectError(args []string) *Shell {
output, err := self.runCommandWithOutput(args)
if err == nil {
self.fail(fmt.Sprintf("Expected error running shell command: %v\n%s", args, output))
return self
func (self *Shell) runCommandWithOutput(args []string) (string, error) {
cmd := secureexec.Command(args[0], args[1:]...)
cmd.Env = os.Environ()
cmd.Dir = self.dir
output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
return string(output), err
func (self *Shell) RunShellCommand(cmdStr string) *Shell {
shell := "sh"
shellArg := "-c"
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
shell = "cmd"
shellArg = "/C"
cmd := secureexec.Command(shell, shellArg, cmdStr)
cmd.Env = os.Environ()
cmd.Dir = self.dir
output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
self.fail(fmt.Sprintf("error running shell command: %s\n%s", cmdStr, string(output)))
return self
func (self *Shell) CreateFile(path string, content string) *Shell {
fullPath := filepath.Join(self.dir, path)
err := os.WriteFile(fullPath, []byte(content), 0o644)
if err != nil {
self.fail(fmt.Sprintf("error creating file: %s\n%s", fullPath, err))
return self
func (self *Shell) DeleteFile(path string) *Shell {
fullPath := filepath.Join(self.dir, path)
err := os.Remove(fullPath)
if err != nil {
self.fail(fmt.Sprintf("error deleting file: %s\n%s", fullPath, err))
return self
func (self *Shell) CreateDir(path string) *Shell {
fullPath := filepath.Join(self.dir, path)
if err := os.MkdirAll(fullPath, 0o755); err != nil {
self.fail(fmt.Sprintf("error creating directory: %s\n%s", fullPath, err))
return self
func (self *Shell) UpdateFile(path string, content string) *Shell {
fullPath := filepath.Join(self.dir, path)
err := os.WriteFile(fullPath, []byte(content), 0o644)
if err != nil {
self.fail(fmt.Sprintf("error updating file: %s\n%s", fullPath, err))
return self
func (self *Shell) NewBranch(name string) *Shell {
return self.RunCommand([]string{"git", "checkout", "-b", name})
func (self *Shell) Checkout(name string) *Shell {
return self.RunCommand([]string{"git", "checkout", name})
func (self *Shell) Merge(name string) *Shell {
return self.RunCommand([]string{"git", "merge", "--commit", "--no-ff", name})
func (self *Shell) ContinueMerge() *Shell {
return self.RunCommand([]string{"git", "-c", "core.editor=true", "merge", "--continue"})
func (self *Shell) GitAdd(path string) *Shell {
return self.RunCommand([]string{"git", "add", path})
func (self *Shell) GitAddAll() *Shell {
return self.RunCommand([]string{"git", "add", "-A"})
func (self *Shell) Commit(message string) *Shell {
return self.RunCommand([]string{"git", "commit", "-m", message})
func (self *Shell) EmptyCommit(message string) *Shell {
return self.RunCommand([]string{"git", "commit", "--allow-empty", "-m", message})
func (self *Shell) Revert(ref string) *Shell {
return self.RunCommand([]string{"git", "revert", ref})
func (self *Shell) CreateLightweightTag(name string, ref string) *Shell {
return self.RunCommand([]string{"git", "tag", name, ref})
func (self *Shell) CreateAnnotatedTag(name string, message string, ref string) *Shell {
return self.RunCommand([]string{"git", "tag", "-a", name, "-m", message, ref})
// convenience method for creating a file and adding it
func (self *Shell) CreateFileAndAdd(fileName string, fileContents string) *Shell {
return self.
CreateFile(fileName, fileContents).
// convenience method for updating a file and adding it
func (self *Shell) UpdateFileAndAdd(fileName string, fileContents string) *Shell {
return self.
UpdateFile(fileName, fileContents).
// convenience method for deleting a file and adding it
func (self *Shell) DeleteFileAndAdd(fileName string) *Shell {
return self.
// creates commits 01, 02, 03, ..., n with a new file in each
// The reason for padding with zeroes is so that it's easier to do string
// matches on the commit messages when there are many of them
func (self *Shell) CreateNCommits(n int) *Shell {
return self.CreateNCommitsStartingAt(n, 1)
func (self *Shell) CreateNCommitsStartingAt(n, startIndex int) *Shell {
for i := startIndex; i < startIndex+n; i++ {
fmt.Sprintf("file%02d.txt", i),
fmt.Sprintf("file%02d content", i),
Commit(fmt.Sprintf("commit %02d", i))
return self
func (self *Shell) StashWithMessage(message string) *Shell {
self.RunCommand([]string{"git", "stash", "-m", message})
return self
func (self *Shell) SetConfig(key string, value string) *Shell {
self.RunCommand([]string{"git", "config", "--local", key, value})
return self
func (self *Shell) CloneIntoRemote(name string) *Shell {
self.RunCommand([]string{"git", "remote", "add", name, "../" + name})
self.RunCommand([]string{"git", "fetch", name})
return self
func (self *Shell) CloneIntoSubmodule(submoduleName string) *Shell {
self.RunCommand([]string{"git", "submodule", "add", "../other_repo", submoduleName})
return self
func (self *Shell) Clone(repoName string) *Shell {
self.RunCommand([]string{"git", "clone", "--bare", ".", "../" + repoName})
return self
func (self *Shell) SetBranchUpstream(branch string, upstream string) *Shell {
self.RunCommand([]string{"git", "branch", "--set-upstream-to=" + upstream, branch})
return self
func (self *Shell) RemoveRemoteBranch(remoteName string, branch string) *Shell {
self.RunCommand([]string{"git", "-C", "../" + remoteName, "branch", "-d", branch})
return self
func (self *Shell) HardReset(ref string) *Shell {
self.RunCommand([]string{"git", "reset", "--hard", ref})
return self
func (self *Shell) Stash(message string) *Shell {
self.RunCommand([]string{"git", "stash", "-m", message})
return self
func (self *Shell) StartBisect(good string, bad string) *Shell {
self.RunCommand([]string{"git", "bisect", "start", good, bad})
return self
func (self *Shell) Init(mainBranch string) *Shell {
self.RunCommand([]string{"git", "init", "-b", mainBranch})
return self
func (self *Shell) MakeExecutable(path string) *Shell {
// 0755 sets the executable permission for owner, and read/execute permissions for group and others
err := os.Chmod(filepath.Join(self.dir, path), 0o755)
if err != nil {
return self
// Help files are located at test/files from the root the lazygit repo.
// E.g. You may want to create a pre-commit hook file there, then call this
// function to copy it into your test repo.
func (self *Shell) CopyHelpFile(source string, destination string) *Shell {
return self.CopyFile(fmt.Sprintf("../../../../../files/%s", source), destination)
func (self *Shell) CopyFile(source string, destination string) *Shell {
absSourcePath := filepath.Join(self.dir, source)
absDestPath := filepath.Join(self.dir, destination)
sourceFile, err := os.Open(absSourcePath)
if err != nil {
defer sourceFile.Close()
destinationFile, err := os.Create(absDestPath)
if err != nil {
defer destinationFile.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(destinationFile, sourceFile)
if err != nil {
// copy permissions to destination file too
sourceFileInfo, err := os.Stat(absSourcePath)
if err != nil {
err = os.Chmod(absDestPath, sourceFileInfo.Mode())
if err != nil {
return self