2022-07-30 20:01:00 +12:00
# Changelog
2022-08-02 07:57:15 +12:00
Notable changes to Mailpit will be documented in this file.
2022-07-30 22:02:42 +12:00
2023-12-01 15:34:44 +13:00
## [v1.10.2]
### Chore
- Add favicon fallback font (sans-serif) for unread count
- Clearer log messages for bound SMTP & HTTP addresses
### Feature
- Allow port binding using hostname
### Libs
- Update node modules
- Update Go modules
### UI
- Enable tag colors by default
2023-11-19 15:14:07 +13:00
## [v1.10.1]
### Chore
- Use NextReader() instead of ReadMessage() for websocket reading ([#207 ](https://github.com/axllent/mailpit/issues/207 ))
### Fix
- Prevent JavaScript error if message is missing `From` header ([#209 ](https://github.com/axllent/mailpit/issues/209 ))
### Libs
- Update node modules
- Update Go modules
### Swagger
- Revert BinaryResponse type to string
2023-11-12 00:00:35 +13:00
## [v1.10.0]
### Feature
- Support search query params to /latest endpoints ([#206 ](https://github.com/axllent/mailpit/issues/206 ))
- Option to allow untrusted HTTPS certificates for screenshots & link checking ([#204 ](https://github.com/axllent/mailpit/issues/204 ))
- Add URL redirect (`/view/latest` ) to view latest message in web UI ([#166 ](https://github.com/axllent/mailpit/issues/166 ))
### Fix
- Correctly close websockets on client disconnect ([#207 ](https://github.com/axllent/mailpit/issues/207 ))
### Libs
- Update node modules
- Update Go modules
2023-10-31 16:52:17 +13:00
## [v1.9.10]
### Docs
- Update documentation links
### Fix
- Correctly display "About" modal when update check fails (resolves [#199 ](https://github.com/axllent/mailpit/issues/199 ))
### Libs
- Update node modules
- Update Go modules
- Update caniemail test data
### UI
- Fix column width in search view
2023-10-20 23:33:25 +13:00
## [v1.9.9]
### Chore
- Move html2text module to internal/html2text
### Feature
- Set optional webhook for received messages ([#195 ](https://github.com/axllent/mailpit/issues/195 ))
- Reset message date on release ([#194 ](https://github.com/axllent/mailpit/issues/194 ))
### Libs
- update node modules
- Update Go modules
2023-10-16 21:18:10 +13:00
## [v1.9.8]
### Chore
- Replace satori/go.uuid with github.com/google/uuid ([#190 ](https://github.com/axllent/mailpit/issues/190 ))
- Replace html2text modules with simplified internal function
### Libs
- Update node modules
- Update Go modules
### Swagger
- Update swagger documentation
### Tests
- Add test to validate swagger.json
- Add html2text tests
2023-10-13 23:22:05 +13:00
## [v1.9.7]
### Fix
- Enable delete button when new messages arrive
### Libs
- Update node modules
- Downgrade microcosm-cc/bluemonday, revert to Go 1.20
- Update Go modules & minimum Go version (1.21)
2023-10-06 17:10:29 +13:00
## [v1.9.6]
### Libs
- Update node modules
- Update Go modules
### UI
- Display message previews on separate line ([#175 ](https://github.com/axllent/mailpit/issues/175 ))
2023-10-05 17:39:19 +13:00
## [v1.9.5]
### Feature
- Add `reindex` subcommand to reindex all messages
- Display email previews ([#175 ](https://github.com/axllent/mailpit/issues/175 ))
### Fix
- HTML message preview background color when switching themes in Chrome
- Correctly detect tags in search (UI)
### Tests
- Add message summary tests
- Add snippet tests
2023-09-29 16:52:02 +13:00
## [v1.9.4]
### Chore
- Remove some flags deprecated 08/2022
### Feature
- Set auth credentials directly from environment variables
### Libs
- Update node modules
- Update Go modules
### UI
- Add option to delete a message after release
2023-09-27 17:32:15 +13:00
## [v1.9.3]
### Chore
- Update internal/storage import paths
- Move storage package to internal/storage
- Update internal import paths
- Move utils/* packages to internal/*
### Testing
- Add endpoints for integration tests
### Tests
- Add more API tests
- Add tests for ArgsParser & CleanTag
### UI
- Do not show excluded search tags as "current" in nav
- Display "Loading messages" instead of "No results" while loading results
- Only queue broadcast events if clients are connected
2023-09-24 19:16:22 +13:00
## [v1.9.2]
### Fix
- Delete all messages matching search when more than 1000 results
### Libs
- Update node modules
### Tests
- Add message tag tests
- Add search delete tests
### UI
- Reset pagination when returning to inbox from search
2023-09-23 22:58:10 +12:00
## [v1.9.1]
### Chore
- Update caniemail data
### Libs
- Update Go modules
### UI
- Set 404 page when loading a non-existent message
- Link email addresses in message summary to search
- Better support for mobile screen sizes
2023-09-22 16:40:48 +12:00
## [v1.9.0]
### API
- Remove redundant `Read` status from message (always true)
- Delete by search filter
- Add endpoint to return all tags in use
### Feature
- Improved search parser
- New search filter `[!]is:tagged`
### Fix
- Correctly escape certain characters in search (eg: `'` )
### Libs
- Update minimum Go version to 1.20
- Update Go modules
- Update node modules
### Tests
- Bump Go version to 1.21
### UI
- Rewrite web UI, add URL routing and components
2023-09-06 17:29:30 +12:00
## [v1.8.4]
### Fix
- Correctly decode proxy links containing HTML entities (screenshots)
2023-09-06 16:21:07 +12:00
## [v1.8.3]
### Feature
- HTML screenshots
### Libs
- Update node modules
### UI
- Group message tabs on mobile
2023-08-16 17:17:20 +12:00
## [v1.8.2]
2023-08-16 17:26:27 +12:00
### Build
- Update wangyoucao577/go-release-action[@v1 ](https://github.com/v1 ).39
2023-08-16 17:17:20 +12:00
### Feature
- Link check to test message links
- Workaround for non-RFC-compliant message headers containing < CR >< CR >< LF >
### Libs
- Update Go libs
### UI
- Set hostname in page meta title to identify Mailpit instance
2023-08-06 17:07:34 +12:00
## [v1.8.1]
### Docs
- Add pagination to swagger search documentation
### Fix
- Check/set message Reply-To using SMTP FROM
- Exclude "sendmail" from recipients list when using `mailpit sendmail <options>`
- Exclude < script type = "application/json" > from HTML check tests
### Libs
- Update node modules
- Update Go modules
2023-07-30 19:19:34 +12:00
## [v1.8.0]
### Docs
- Update brew installation instructions
### Feature
- HTML check to test & score mail client compatibility with HTML emails
### Fix
- Add basePath to swagger.json if webroot is specified
### Libs
- Update node modules
- Update Go modules
### Swagger
- Update swagger docs
### UI
- Add flag to block all access to remote CSS and fonts (CSP)
- Remove `<base />` tag if set in HTML preview
- Pagination support for search, all results
2023-07-11 16:52:35 +12:00
## [v1.7.1]
### Libs
- Update Go modules
- Update node modules
### UI
- Wrap HTML source lines
- Dark mode color adjustments
- Update dark mode loading background color
2023-06-30 23:14:38 +12:00
## [v1.7.0]
### API
- Ignore SMTP relay error when one of multiple recipients doesn't exist
- Set raw message Content-Type to UTF-8
### Build
- Define Vue build options in esbuild
### Libs
- Update node modules
- Update Go modules
### UI
- Theme toggler - auto, light and dark themes
2023-06-26 17:32:12 +12:00
## [v1.6.22]
### Feature
- Clearer SMTP error messages
### Libs
- Update Go modules
- Upgrade node modules
2023-06-15 22:25:47 +12:00
## [v1.6.21]
### UI
- More accurate clickable hyperlink logic in plain text messages
2023-06-15 17:34:15 +12:00
## [v1.6.20]
### Feature
- Convert links into clickable hyperlinks in plain text message content
### Libs
- Update node modules
2023-06-15 09:52:10 +12:00
## [v1.6.19]
### Fix
- Only display sendmail help when sendmail subcommand is invoked
2023-06-14 22:20:40 +12:00
## [v1.6.18]
### API
- Sort tags before saving
### UI
- Add option to enable tag colors based on tag name hash
- Display message tags below subject in message overview
2023-06-07 07:36:20 +12:00
## [v1.6.17]
### Fix
- Add single dash arguments support to sendmail command ([#123 ](https://github.com/axllent/mailpit/issues/123 ))
2023-06-03 17:19:29 +12:00
## [v1.6.16]
### Bugfix
- Fix sendmail/startup panic
2023-06-03 11:06:00 +12:00
## [v1.6.15]
### Feature
- Add `sendmail -bs` functionality
2023-06-02 17:22:12 +12:00
## [v1.6.14]
### Feature
- Add ability to delete or mark search results read
- Set tags via X-Tags message header
### Libs
- Update node modules
2023-05-30 20:38:44 +12:00
## [v1.6.13]
### Feature
- Add SMTP LOGIN authentication method for message relay
2023-05-30 16:58:00 +12:00
## [v1.6.12]
### Feature
- Add Message-Id to MessageSummary ([#116 ](https://github.com/axllent/mailpit/issues/116 ))
### Swagger
- Update swagger field descriptions, add MessageID
2023-05-26 23:02:47 +12:00
## [v1.6.11]
### Libs
- Update node modules
- Update Go modules
### UI
- Check for secure context instead of HTTPS ([#114 ](https://github.com/axllent/mailpit/issues/114 ))
2023-05-18 10:55:59 +12:00
## [v1.6.10]
### Libs
- Update node modules
- Update Go modules
### UI
- Remove "Noto Color Emoji" from default bootstrap font list
2023-05-09 17:17:58 +12:00
## [v1.6.9]
### API
- Return blank 200 response for OPTIONS requests (CORS)
### Bugfix
- Correctly escape JS cid regex
### Libs
- Update node modules
- Update Go modules
2023-05-05 22:14:04 +12:00
## [v1.6.8]
### Bugfix
- Fix Date display when message doesn't contain a Date header
### Feature
- Add allowlist to filter recipients before relaying messages ([#109 ](https://github.com/axllent/mailpit/issues/109 ))
- Add `-S` short flag for sendmail `--smtp-addr`
2023-05-05 06:59:09 +12:00
## [v1.6.7]
### Bugfix
- Fix auto-deletion cron
2023-05-04 22:24:38 +12:00
## [v1.6.6]
### API
- Set Access-Control-Allow-Headers when --api-cors is set
- Include correct start value in search reponse
### Feature
- Option to ignore duplicate Message-IDs
### Libs
- Update node modules
- Update Go modules
### Swagger
- Update swagger field descriptions
### UI
- Style Undisclosed recipients in message view
2023-04-25 08:58:22 +12:00
## [v1.6.5]
### Feature
- Add Access-Control-Allow-Methods methods when CORS origin is set
2023-04-24 22:29:35 +12:00
## [v1.6.4]
### Bugfix
- Fix UI images not displaying when multiple cid names overlap
2023-04-24 11:36:00 +12:00
## [v1.6.3]
### Feature
- Display clickable toast notifications for new messages
2023-04-21 22:31:01 +12:00
## [v1.6.2]
### Bugfix
- If set use return-path address as SMTP from address
2023-04-21 17:51:12 +12:00
## [v1.6.1]
### Bugfix
- Add API release route again (bad merge)
2023-04-21 14:22:05 +12:00
## [v1.6.0]
### API
- Enable cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) configuration
- Message relay / release
- Include Return-Path in message summary data
### Feature
- Inject/update Bcc header for missing addresses when SMTP recipients do not match messsage headers
### Libs
- Update Go modules
- Update node modules
### UI
- Display Return-Path if different to the From address
- Message release functionality
2023-04-12 17:06:41 +12:00
## [v1.5.5]
### Docker
- Add Docker image tag for major/minor version
### Feature
- Update listen regex to allow IPv6 addresses ([#85 ](https://github.com/axllent/mailpit/issues/85 ))
2023-04-03 18:47:48 +12:00
## [v1.5.4]
### Feature
- Mobile and tablet HTML preview toggle in desktop mode
2023-04-01 22:38:41 +13:00
## [v1.5.3]
### Bugfix
- Enable SMTP auth flags to be set via env
2023-04-01 17:08:09 +13:00
## [v1.5.2]
### API
- Include Reply-To in message summary (including Web UI)
### UI
- Tab to view formatted message headers
2023-03-31 22:46:26 +13:00
## [v1.5.1]
### Feature
- Add 'o', 'b' & 's' ignored flags for sendmail
### Libs
- Update Go modules
- Update node modules
2023-03-31 18:48:29 +13:00
## [v1.5.0]
### API
- Return received datetime when message does not contain a date header
### Bugfix
- Fix JavaScript error when adding the first tag manually
### Feature
- OpenAPI / Swagger schema
- Download raw message, HTML/text body parts or attachments via single button
- Rename SSL to TLS, add deprecation warnings to flags & ENV variables referring to SSL
- Options to support auth without STARTTLS, and accept any login
- Option to use message dates as received dates (new messages only)
2023-03-12 15:08:17 +13:00
## [v1.4.0]
### API
- Return received datetime when message does not contain a date header
### Feature
- Rename SSL to TLS, add deprecation warnings to flags & ENV variables referring to SSL
- Options to support auth without STARTTLS, and accept any login
- Option to use message dates as received dates (new messages only)
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [v1.3.11]
### Docker
- Expose default ports (1025/tcp 8025/tcp)
### Feature
- Expand custom webroot path to include a-z A-Z 0-9 _ . - and /
## [v1.3.10]
2023-03-04 23:40:27 +13:00
### Bugfix
- Fix search with existing emails
### Libs
- Update node modules
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [v1.3.9]
2023-02-24 22:31:21 +13:00
### Feature
- Add Cc and Bcc search filters
### Libs
- Update node modules
- Update Go modules
### Pull Requests
- Merge pull request [#44 ](https://github.com/axllent/mailpit/issues/44 ) from axllent/dependabot/github_actions/wangyoucao577/go-release-action-1.36
- Merge pull request [#43 ](https://github.com/axllent/mailpit/issues/43 ) from axllent/dependabot/github_actions/docker/build-push-action-4
- Merge pull request [#55 ](https://github.com/axllent/mailpit/issues/55 ) from axllent/dependabot/go_modules/golang.org/x/image-0.5.0
- Merge pull request [#42 ](https://github.com/axllent/mailpit/issues/42 ) from shizunge/dependabot
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [v1.3.8]
2023-02-09 15:24:35 +13:00
### Bugfix
- Restore notification icon
### UI
- Compress SVG icons
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [v1.3.7]
2023-01-30 22:21:22 +13:00
### Feature
- Add Kubernetes API health (livez/readyz) endpoints
### Libs
- Upgrade to esbuild 0.17.5
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [v1.3.6]
2023-01-12 16:12:18 +13:00
### Bugfix
- Correctly index missing 'From' header in database
### Libs
- Update node modules
- Update go modules
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [v1.3.5]
2023-01-05 11:57:53 +13:00
### Bugfix
- Include HTML link text in search data
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [v1.3.4]
2022-12-09 10:28:21 +13:00
### Bugfix
- Allow tags to be set from MP_TAG environment
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [v1.3.3]
2022-12-09 09:33:03 +13:00
### Bugfix
- Allow tags to be set from MP_TAG environment
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [v1.3.2]
2022-12-08 22:01:47 +13:00
### Build
- Temporarily disable arm (32) Docker build
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [v1.3.1]
2022-12-08 10:22:20 +13:00
### Bugfix
- Append trailing slash to custom webroot for UI & API
### Libs
- Upgrade esbuild & axios
### UI
- Rename "results" to "result" when singular message returned
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [v1.3.0]
2022-11-22 22:24:55 +13:00
### Build
- Remove duplicate bootstrap CSS
### Libs
- Update go modules
- Update node modules
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [v1.2.9]
2022-11-18 13:26:29 +13:00
### Bugfix
- Delay 200ms to set `target="_blank"` for all rendered email links
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [v1.2.8]
2022-11-13 17:29:40 +13:00
### Bugfix
- Return empty arrays rather than null for message To, CC, BCC, Inlines & Attachments
### Feature
- Message tags and auto-tagging
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [v1.2.7]
2022-10-31 22:15:24 +13:00
### Feature
- Allow custom webroot
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [v1.2.6]
2022-10-29 10:23:29 +13:00
### API
- Provide structs of API v1 responses for use in client code
### Libs
- Update go modules
- Update node modules
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [1.2.5]
2022-10-16 12:07:20 +13:00
### UI
- Broadcast "delete all" action to reload all connected clients
- Load first page if paginated list returns 0 results
- Theme changes
- Bump build action to use node 18
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [1.2.4]
2022-10-15 09:02:16 +13:00
### Bugfix
- Fix mail download link
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [1.2.3]
2022-10-14 17:31:56 +13:00
### API
- Add limit and start parameters to search
### UI
- Prevent double message index request on websocket connect
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [1.2.2]
2022-10-13 08:11:35 +13:00
2022-10-13 08:14:41 +13:00
### API
- Add API endpoint to return message headers
2022-10-13 08:11:35 +13:00
### Libs
- Update go modules
2022-10-13 08:14:41 +13:00
### Testing
- Add API test for raw & message headers
2022-10-13 08:11:35 +13:00
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [1.2.1]
2022-10-08 23:35:23 +13:00
### UI
- Update frontend modules
- Add about app modal with version update notification
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [1.2.0]
2022-10-07 19:54:51 +13:00
### Feature
### Testing
- Add API tests
### UI
- Changes to use new data API
- Hide delete all / mark all read in message view
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [1.1.7]
2022-09-21 15:48:56 +12:00
### Fix
2022-09-21 16:01:08 +12:00
- Normalize running binary name detection (Windows)
2022-09-21 15:48:56 +12:00
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [1.1.6]
2022-09-19 22:18:00 +12:00
### Fix
- Workaround for Safari source matching bug blocking event listener
### UI
- Add documentation link (wiki)
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [1.1.5]
2022-09-16 23:27:55 +12:00
### Build
- Switch to esbuild-sass-plugin
### UI
- Support for inline images using filenames instead of cid
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [1.1.4]
2022-09-15 21:54:16 +12:00
### Feature
- Add --quiet flag to display only errors
### Security
- Add restrictive HTTP Content-Security-Policy
### UI
- Minor UI color change & unread count position adjustment
- Add favicon unread message counter
- Remove left & right borders (message list)
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [1.1.3]
2022-09-14 16:46:50 +12:00
### Fix
- Update message download link
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [1.1.2]
2022-09-14 13:44:23 +12:00
### UI
- Allow reverse proxy subdirectories
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [1.1.1]
2022-09-12 22:12:51 +12:00
### UI
- Attachment icons and image thumbnails
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [1.1.0]
2022-09-10 00:00:36 +12:00
### UI
- HTML source & highlighting
- Add previous/next message links
2022-07-30 22:02:42 +12:00
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [1.0.0]
2022-09-03 19:13:20 +12:00
### Feature
- Multiple message selection for group actions using shift/ctrl click
- Search parser improvements
### Feature
- Search parser improvements
### UI
- Post data using 'application/json'
- Display unknown recipients as as `Undisclosed recipients`
- Update frontend modules & esbuild
- Update frontend modules & esbuild
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [1.0.0-beta1]
2022-08-30 23:52:53 +12:00
This release includes a major backend storage change (SQLite) that will render any previously-saved messages useless. Please delete old data to free up space. For more information see https://github.com/axllent/mailpit/issues/10
### Feature
- Switch backend storage to use SQLite
### UI
- Resize preview iframe on load
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [0.1.5]
2022-08-16 08:17:20 +12:00
### Feature
- Improved message search - any order & phrase quoting
### UI
- Change breakpoints for mobile view of messages
- Resize iframes with viewport resize
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [0.1.4]
2022-08-10 20:30:01 +12:00
### Feature
- Email compression in storage
### Testing
- Enable testing on feature branches
- Database total/unread statistics tests
2022-08-10 20:31:59 +12:00
### UI
- Mobile compatibility improvements & functionality
2022-08-10 20:30:01 +12:00
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [0.1.3]
2022-08-07 10:40:59 +12:00
### Feature
- Mark all messages as read
### UI
- Better error handling when connection to server is broken
- Add reset search button
- Minor UI tweaks
- Update pagination values when new mail arrives when not on first page
2022-09-03 19:20:51 +12:00
### Pull Requests
- Merge pull request [#6 ](https://github.com/axllent/mailpit/issues/6 ) from KaptinLin/develop
2022-08-07 10:40:59 +12:00
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [0.1.2]
2022-08-07 01:07:58 +12:00
### Feature
- Optional browser notifications (HTTPS only)
### Security
- Don't allow tar files containing a ".."
- Sanitize mailbox names
- Use strconv.Atoi() for safe string to int conversions
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [0.1.1]
2022-08-06 23:11:55 +12:00
### Bugfix
- Fix env variable for MP_UI_SSL_KEY
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [0.1.0]
2022-08-06 20:01:45 +12:00
### Feature
- SMTP STARTTLS & SMTP authentication support
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [0.0.9]
2022-08-06 00:12:09 +12:00
### Bugfix
- Include read status in search results
### Feature
- HTTPS option for web UI
### Testing
- Memory & physical database tests
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [0.0.8]
2022-08-05 16:17:15 +12:00
### Bugfix
- Fix total/unread count after failed message inserts
### UI
- Add project links to help in CLI
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [0.0.7]
2022-08-04 22:59:57 +12:00
### Bugfix
- Command flag should be `--auth-file`
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [0.0.6]
2022-08-04 20:48:05 +12:00
### Bugfix
- Disable CGO when building multi-arch binaries
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [0.0.5]
2022-08-04 17:19:18 +12:00
### Feature
- Basic authentication support
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [0.0.4]
2022-07-30 22:02:42 +12:00
2022-08-02 07:57:15 +12:00
### Bugfix
- Update to clover-v2.0.0-alpha.2 to fix sorting
2022-07-30 20:01:00 +12:00
2022-08-02 07:57:15 +12:00
### Tests
- Add search tests
2022-07-30 20:01:00 +12:00
2022-08-02 07:57:15 +12:00
### UI
- Add date to console log
- Add space in To fields
- Cater for messages without From email address
- Minor UI & logging changes
- Add space in To fields
- cater for messages without From email address
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [0.0.3]
2022-08-02 07:57:15 +12:00
### Bugfix
- Update to clover-v2.0.0-alpha.2 to fix sorting
2023-03-10 14:57:08 +13:00
## [0.0.2]
2022-08-02 07:57:15 +12:00
### Feature
- Unread statistics
2023-03-31 18:51:52 +13:00