import axios from 'axios' import moment from 'moment' import ColorHash from 'color-hash' import { Modal, Offcanvas } from 'bootstrap' // BootstrapElement is used to return a fake Bootstrap element // if the ID returns nothing to prevent errors. class BootstrapElement { constructor() { } hide() { } show() { } } // Set up the color hash generator lightness and hue to ensure darker colors const colorHash = new ColorHash({ lightness: 0.3, saturation: [0.35, 0.5, 0.65] }) /* Common mixin functions used in apps */ export default { data() { return { loading: 0, tagColorCache: {}, } }, methods: { resolve: function (u) { return this.$router.resolve(u).href }, searchURI: function (s) { return this.resolve('/search') + '?q=' + encodeURIComponent(s) }, getFileSize: function (bytes) { var i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024)) return (bytes / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(1) * 1 + ' ' + ['B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'][i] }, formatNumber: function (nr) { return new Intl.NumberFormat().format(nr) }, messageDate: function (d) { return moment(d).format('ddd, D MMM YYYY, h:mm a') }, tagEncodeURI: function (tag) { if (tag.match(/ /)) { tag = `"${tag}"` } return encodeURIComponent(`tag:${tag}`) }, getSearch: function () { if (! { return false } const urlParams = new URLSearchParams( const q = urlParams.get('q').trim() if (q == '') { return false } return q }, // generic modal get/set function modal: function (id) { let e = document.getElementById(id) if (e) { return Modal.getOrCreateInstance(e) } // in case there are open/close actions return new BootstrapElement() }, // close mobile navigation hideNav: function () { let e = document.getElementById('offcanvas') if (e) { Offcanvas.getOrCreateInstance(e).hide() } }, /** * Axios GET request * * @params string url * @params array array parameters Object/array * @params function callback function * @params function error callback function */ get: function (url, values, callback, errorCallback) { let self = this self.loading++ axios.get(url, { params: values }) .then(callback) .catch(function (err) { if (typeof errorCallback == 'function') { return errorCallback(err) } self.handleError(err) }) .then(function () { // always executed if (self.loading > 0) { self.loading-- } }) }, /** * Axios POST request * * @params string url * @params array object/array values * @params function callback function */ post: function (url, data, callback) { let self = this self.loading++, data) .then(callback) .catch(self.handleError) .then(function () { // always executed if (self.loading > 0) { self.loading-- } }) }, /** * Axios DELETE request (REST only) * * @params string url * @params array object/array values * @params function callback function */ delete: function (url, data, callback) { let self = this self.loading++ axios.delete(url, { data: data }) .then(callback) .catch(self.handleError) .then(function () { // always executed if (self.loading > 0) { self.loading-- } }) }, /** * Axios PUT request (REST only) * * @params string url * @params array object/array values * @params function callback function */ put: function (url, data, callback) { let self = this self.loading++ axios.put(url, data) .then(callback) .catch(self.handleError) .then(function () { // always executed if (self.loading > 0) { self.loading-- } }) }, // Ajax error message handleError: function (error) { // handle error if (error.response && { // The request was made and the server responded with a status code // that falls out of the range of 2xx if ( { alert( } else { alert( } } else if (error.request) { // The request was made but no response was received alert('Error sending data to the server. Please try again.') } else { // Something happened in setting up the request that triggered an Error alert(error.message) } }, allAttachments: function (message) { let a = [] for (let i in message.Attachments) { a.push(message.Attachments[i]) } for (let i in message.OtherParts) { a.push(message.OtherParts[i]) } for (let i in message.Inline) { a.push(message.Inline[i]) } return a.length ? a : false }, isImage(a) { return a.ContentType.match(/^image\//) }, attachmentIcon: function (a) { let ext = a.FileName.split('.').pop().toLowerCase() if (a.ContentType.match(/^image\//)) { return 'bi-file-image-fill' } if (a.ContentType.match(/\/pdf$/) || ext == 'pdf') { return 'bi-file-pdf-fill' } if (['doc', 'docx', 'odt', 'rtf'].includes(ext)) { return 'bi-file-word-fill' } if (['xls', 'xlsx', 'ods'].includes(ext)) { return 'bi-file-spreadsheet-fill' } if (['ppt', 'pptx', 'key', 'ppt', 'odp'].includes(ext)) { return 'bi-file-slides-fill' } if (['zip', 'tar', 'rar', 'bz2', 'gz', 'xz'].includes(ext)) { return 'bi-file-zip-fill' } if (a.ContentType.match(/^audio\//)) { return 'bi-file-music-fill' } if (a.ContentType.match(/^video\//)) { return 'bi-file-play-fill' } if (a.ContentType.match(/\/calendar$/)) { return 'bi-file-check-fill' } if (a.ContentType.match(/^text\//) || ['txt', 'sh', 'log'].includes(ext)) { return 'bi-file-text-fill' } return 'bi-file-arrow-down-fill' }, // Returns a hex color based on a string. // Values are stored in an array for faster lookup / processing. colorHash: function (s) { if (this.tagColorCache[s] != undefined) { return this.tagColorCache[s] } this.tagColorCache[s] = colorHash.hex(s) return this.tagColorCache[s] }, } }