package storage

import (


var (
	testTextEmail []byte
	testMimeEmail []byte
	testRuns      = 100

func TestTextEmailInserts(t *testing.T) {
	defer Close()

	t.Log("Testing text email storage")

	start := time.Now()

	assertEqualStats(t, 0, 0)

	for i := 0; i < testRuns; i++ {
		if _, err := Store(testTextEmail); err != nil {
			t.Log("error ", err)

	assertEqual(t, CountTotal(), testRuns, "Incorrect number of text emails stored")

	t.Logf("Inserted %d text emails in %s", testRuns, time.Since(start))

	assertEqualStats(t, testRuns, testRuns)

	delStart := time.Now()
	if err := DeleteAllMessages(); err != nil {
		t.Log("error ", err)

	assertEqual(t, CountTotal(), 0, "incorrect number of text emails deleted")

	t.Logf("deleted %d text emails in %s", testRuns, time.Since(delStart))

	assertEqualStats(t, 0, 0)

func TestMimeEmailInserts(t *testing.T) {
	defer Close()

	t.Log("Testing mime email storage")

	start := time.Now()

	assertEqualStats(t, 0, 0)

	for i := 0; i < testRuns; i++ {
		if _, err := Store(testMimeEmail); err != nil {
			t.Log("error ", err)

	assertEqual(t, CountTotal(), testRuns, "Incorrect number of mime emails stored")

	t.Logf("Inserted %d text emails in %s", testRuns, time.Since(start))

	assertEqualStats(t, testRuns, testRuns)

	delStart := time.Now()
	if err := DeleteAllMessages(); err != nil {
		t.Log("error ", err)

	assertEqual(t, CountTotal(), 0, "incorrect number of mime emails deleted")

	t.Logf("Deleted %d mime emails in %s", testRuns, time.Since(delStart))

	assertEqualStats(t, 0, 0)

func TestRetrieveMimeEmail(t *testing.T) {
	defer Close()

	t.Log("Testing mime email retrieval")

	id, err := Store(testMimeEmail)
	if err != nil {
		t.Log("error ", err)

	msg, err := GetMessage(id)
	if err != nil {
		t.Log("error ", err)

	assertEqual(t, msg.From.Name, "Sender Smith", "\"From\" name does not match")
	assertEqual(t, msg.From.Address, "", "\"From\" address does not match")
	assertEqual(t, msg.Subject, "inline + attachment", "subject does not match")
	assertEqual(t, len(msg.To), 1, "incorrect number of recipients")
	assertEqual(t, msg.To[0].Name, "Recipient Ross", "\"To\" name does not match")
	assertEqual(t, msg.To[0].Address, "", "\"To\" address does not match")
	assertEqual(t, len(msg.Attachments), 1, "incorrect number of attachments")
	assertEqual(t, msg.Attachments[0].FileName, "Sample PDF.pdf", "attachment filename does not match")
	assertEqual(t, len(msg.Inline), 1, "incorrect number of inline attachments")
	assertEqual(t, msg.Inline[0].FileName, "inline-image.jpg", "inline attachment filename does not match")

	attachmentData, err := GetAttachmentPart(id, msg.Attachments[0].PartID)
	if err != nil {
		t.Log("error ", err)
	assertEqual(t, len(attachmentData.Content), msg.Attachments[0].Size, "attachment size does not match")

	inlineData, err := GetAttachmentPart(id, msg.Inline[0].PartID)
	if err != nil {
		t.Log("error ", err)
	assertEqual(t, len(inlineData.Content), msg.Inline[0].Size, "inline attachment size does not match")

func TestSearch(t *testing.T) {
	defer Close()

	t.Log("Testing search")
	for i := 0; i < testRuns; i++ {
		msg := enmime.Builder().
			From(fmt.Sprintf("From %d", i), fmt.Sprintf("", i)).
			Subject(fmt.Sprintf("Subject line %d end", i)).
			Text([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("This is the email body %d <jdsauk;dwqmdqw;>.", i))).
			To(fmt.Sprintf("To %d", i), fmt.Sprintf("", i))

		env, err := msg.Build()
		if err != nil {
			t.Log("error ", err)

		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)

		if err := env.Encode(buf); err != nil {
			t.Log("error ", err)

		if _, err := Store(buf.Bytes()); err != nil {
			t.Log("error ", err)

	for i := 1; i < 51; i++ {
		// search a random something that will return a single result
		searchIndx := rand.Intn(4) + 1
		var search string
		switch searchIndx {
		case 1:
			search = fmt.Sprintf("", i)
		case 2:
			search = fmt.Sprintf("", i)
		case 3:
			search = fmt.Sprintf("\"Subject line %d end\"", i)
			search = fmt.Sprintf("\"the email body %d jdsauk dwqmdqw\"", i)

		summaries, err := Search(search, 0, 100)
		if err != nil {
			t.Log("error ", err)

		assertEqual(t, len(summaries), 1, "1 search result expected")

		assertEqual(t, summaries[0].From.Name, fmt.Sprintf("From %d", i), "\"From\" name does not match")
		assertEqual(t, summaries[0].From.Address, fmt.Sprintf("", i), "\"From\" address does not match")
		assertEqual(t, summaries[0].To[0].Name, fmt.Sprintf("To %d", i), "\"To\" name does not match")
		assertEqual(t, summaries[0].To[0].Address, fmt.Sprintf("", i), "\"To\" address does not match")
		assertEqual(t, summaries[0].Subject, fmt.Sprintf("Subject line %d end", i), "\"Subject\" does not match")

	// search something that will return 200 rsults
	summaries, err := Search("This is the email body", 0, testRuns)
	if err != nil {
		t.Log("error ", err)
	assertEqual(t, len(summaries), testRuns, "search results expected")

func BenchmarkImportText(b *testing.B) {
	defer Close()

	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		if _, err := Store(testTextEmail); err != nil {
			b.Log("error ", err)

func BenchmarkImportMime(b *testing.B) {
	defer Close()

	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		if _, err := Store(testMimeEmail); err != nil {
			b.Log("error ", err)


func setup() {
	config.NoLogging = true
	config.MaxMessages = 0
	config.DataFile = ""

	if err := InitDB(); err != nil {

	var err error

	testTextEmail, err = ioutil.ReadFile("testdata/plain-text.eml")
	if err != nil {

	testMimeEmail, err = ioutil.ReadFile("testdata/mime-attachment.eml")
	if err != nil {

func assertEqual(t *testing.T, a interface{}, b interface{}, message string) {
	if a == b {
	message = fmt.Sprintf("%s: \"%v\" != \"%v\"", message, a, b)

func assertEqualStats(t *testing.T, total int, unread int) {
	s := StatsGet()
	if total != s.Total {
		t.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf("Incorrect total mailbox stats: \"%d\" != \"%d\"", total, s.Total))

	if unread != s.Unread {
		t.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf("Incorrect unread mailbox stats: \"%d\" != \"%d\"", unread, s.Unread))