import axios from 'axios' // FakeModal is used to return a fake Bootstrap modal // if the ID returns nothing function FakeModal() { } FakeModal.prototype.hide = function () { alert('close fake modal') } = function () { alert('open fake modal') } /* Common mixin functions used in apps */ const commonMixins = { data() { return { loading: 0, } }, methods: { getFileSize: function (bytes) { var i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024)); return (bytes / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(1) * 1 + ' ' + ['B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'][i]; }, formatNumber: function (nr) { return new Intl.NumberFormat().format(nr); }, // Ajax error message handleError: function (error) { // handle error if (error.response) { // The request was made and the server responded with a status code // that falls out of the range of 2xx if ( { alert( } else { alert(; } } else if (error.request) { // The request was made but no response was received // `error.request` is an instance of XMLHttpRequest in the browser and an instance of // http.ClientRequest in node.js alert('Error sending data to the server. Please try again.'); } else { // Something happened in setting up the request that triggered an Error alert(error.message); } }, // generic modal get/set function modal: function (id) { let e = document.getElementById(id); if (e) { return bootstrap.Modal.getOrCreateInstance(e); } // in case there are open/close actions return new FakeModal(); }, // generic modal get/set function offcanvas: function (id) { var e = document.getElementById(id); if (e) { return bootstrap.Offcanvas.getOrCreateInstance(e); } // in case there are open/close actions return new FakeModal(); }, /** * Axios GET request * * @params string url * @params array array parameters Object/array * @params function callback function */ get: function (url, values, callback) { let self = this; self.loading++; axios.get(url, { params: values }) .then(callback) .catch(self.handleError) .then(function () { // always executed if (self.loading > 0) { self.loading--; } }); }, /** * Axios Post request * * @params string url * @params array array parameters Object/array * @params function callback function */ post: function (url, values, callback) { let self = this; const params = new URLSearchParams(); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(values)) { params.append(key, value); } self.loading++;, params) .then(callback) .catch(self.handleError) .then(function () { // always executed if (self.loading > 0) { self.loading--; } }); }, /** * Axios DELETE request (REST only) * * @params string url * @params array array parameters Object/array * @params function callback function */ delete: function (url, values, callback) { let self = this; self.loading++; axios.delete(url, { data: values }) .then(callback) .catch(self.handleError) .then(function () { // always executed if (self.loading > 0) { self.loading--; } }); } } } export default commonMixins