// Package config handles the application configuration package config import ( "errors" "fmt" "net" "net/url" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strings" "github.com/axllent/mailpit/internal/auth" "github.com/axllent/mailpit/internal/logger" "github.com/axllent/mailpit/internal/spamassassin" "github.com/axllent/mailpit/internal/tools" "gopkg.in/yaml.v3" ) var ( // SMTPListen to listen on : SMTPListen = "[::]:1025" // HTTPListen to listen on : HTTPListen = "[::]:8025" // DataFile for mail (optional) DataFile string // MaxMessages is the maximum number of messages a mailbox can have (auto-pruned every minute) MaxMessages = 500 // UseMessageDates sets the Created date using the message date, not the delivered date UseMessageDates bool // UITLSCert file UITLSCert string // UITLSKey file UITLSKey string // UIAuthFile for UI & API authentication UIAuthFile string // Webroot to define the base path for the UI and API Webroot = "/" // SMTPTLSCert file SMTPTLSCert string // SMTPTLSKey file SMTPTLSKey string // SMTPTLSRequired to enforce TLS // The only allowed commands are NOOP, EHLO, STARTTLS and QUIT (as specified in RFC 3207) until // the connection is upgraded to TLS i.e. until STARTTLS is issued. SMTPTLSRequired bool // SMTPAuthFile for SMTP authentication SMTPAuthFile string // SMTPAuthAllowInsecure allows PLAIN & LOGIN unencrypted authentication SMTPAuthAllowInsecure bool // SMTPAuthAcceptAny accepts any username/password including none SMTPAuthAcceptAny bool // SMTPMaxRecipients is the maximum number of recipients a message may have. // The SMTP RFC states that an server must handle a minimum of 100 recipients // however some servers accept more. SMTPMaxRecipients = 100 // IgnoreDuplicateIDs will skip messages with the same ID IgnoreDuplicateIDs bool // DisableHTMLCheck used to disable the HTML check in bother the API and web UI DisableHTMLCheck = false // BlockRemoteCSSAndFonts used to disable remote CSS & fonts BlockRemoteCSSAndFonts = false // SMTPCLITags is used to map the CLI args SMTPCLITags string // ValidTagRegexp represents a valid tag ValidTagRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^([a-zA-Z0-9\-\ \_]){3,}$`) // SMTPTags are expressions to apply tags to new mail SMTPTags []AutoTag // SMTPRelayConfigFile to parse a yaml file and store config of relay SMTP server SMTPRelayConfigFile string // SMTPRelayConfig to parse a yaml file and store config of relay SMTP server SMTPRelayConfig smtpRelayConfigStruct // SMTPStrictRFCHeaders will return an error if the email headers contain (\r\r\n) // @see https://github.com/axllent/mailpit/issues/87 & https://github.com/axllent/mailpit/issues/153 SMTPStrictRFCHeaders bool // SMTPAllowedRecipients if set, will only accept recipients matching this regular expression SMTPAllowedRecipients string // SMTPAllowedRecipientsRegexp is the compiled version of SMTPAllowedRecipients SMTPAllowedRecipientsRegexp *regexp.Regexp // ReleaseEnabled is whether message releases are enabled, requires a valid SMTPRelayConfigFile ReleaseEnabled = false // SMTPRelayAllIncoming is whether to relay all incoming messages via pre-configured SMTP server. // Use with extreme caution! SMTPRelayAllIncoming = false // POP3Listen address - if set then Mailpit will start the POP3 server and listen on this address POP3Listen = "[::]:1110" // POP3AuthFile for POP3 authentication POP3AuthFile string // POP3TLSCert TLS certificate POP3TLSCert string // POP3TLSKey TLS certificate key POP3TLSKey string // EnableSpamAssassin must be either : or "postmark" EnableSpamAssassin string // WebhookURL for calling WebhookURL string // ContentSecurityPolicy for HTTP server - set via VerifyConfig() ContentSecurityPolicy string // AllowUntrustedTLS allows untrusted HTTPS connections link checking & screenshot generation AllowUntrustedTLS bool // Version is the default application version, updated on release Version = "dev" // Repo on Github for updater Repo = "axllent/mailpit" // RepoBinaryName on Github for updater RepoBinaryName = "mailpit" ) // AutoTag struct for auto-tagging type AutoTag struct { Tag string Match string } // SMTPRelayConfigStruct struct for parsing yaml & storing variables type smtpRelayConfigStruct struct { Host string `yaml:"host"` Port int `yaml:"port"` STARTTLS bool `yaml:"starttls"` AllowInsecure bool `yaml:"allow-insecure"` Auth string `yaml:"auth"` // none, plain, login, cram-md5 Username string `yaml:"username"` // plain & cram-md5 Password string `yaml:"password"` // plain Secret string `yaml:"secret"` // cram-md5 ReturnPath string `yaml:"return-path"` // allow overriding the bounce address RecipientAllowlist string `yaml:"recipient-allowlist"` // regex, if set needs to match for mails to be relayed RecipientAllowlistRegexp *regexp.Regexp } // VerifyConfig wil do some basic checking func VerifyConfig() error { cssFontRestriction := "*" if BlockRemoteCSSAndFonts { cssFontRestriction = "'self'" } ContentSecurityPolicy = fmt.Sprintf("default-src 'self'; script-src 'self'; style-src %s 'unsafe-inline'; frame-src 'self'; img-src * data: blob:; font-src %s data:; media-src 'self'; connect-src 'self' ws: wss:; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'self';", cssFontRestriction, cssFontRestriction, ) if DataFile != "" && isDir(DataFile) { DataFile = filepath.Join(DataFile, "mailpit.db") } re := regexp.MustCompile(`.*:\d+$`) if !re.MatchString(SMTPListen) { return errors.New("[smtp] bind should be in the format of :") } if !re.MatchString(HTTPListen) { return errors.New("[ui] HTTP bind should be in the format of :") } if UIAuthFile != "" { UIAuthFile = filepath.Clean(UIAuthFile) if !isFile(UIAuthFile) { return fmt.Errorf("[ui] HTTP password file not found: %s", UIAuthFile) } b, err := os.ReadFile(UIAuthFile) if err != nil { return err } if err := auth.SetUIAuth(string(b)); err != nil { return err } } if UITLSCert != "" && UITLSKey == "" || UITLSCert == "" && UITLSKey != "" { return errors.New("[ui] you must provide both a UI TLS certificate and a key") } if UITLSCert != "" { UITLSCert = filepath.Clean(UITLSCert) UITLSKey = filepath.Clean(UITLSKey) if !isFile(UITLSCert) { return fmt.Errorf("[ui] TLS certificate not found: %s", UITLSCert) } if !isFile(UITLSKey) { return fmt.Errorf("[ui] TLS key not found: %s", UITLSKey) } } if SMTPTLSCert != "" && SMTPTLSKey == "" || SMTPTLSCert == "" && SMTPTLSKey != "" { return errors.New("[smtp] You must provide both an SMTP TLS certificate and a key") } if SMTPTLSCert != "" { SMTPTLSCert = filepath.Clean(SMTPTLSCert) SMTPTLSKey = filepath.Clean(SMTPTLSKey) if !isFile(SMTPTLSCert) { return fmt.Errorf("[smtp] TLS certificate not found: %s", SMTPTLSCert) } if !isFile(SMTPTLSKey) { return fmt.Errorf("[smtp] TLS key not found: %s", SMTPTLSKey) } } else if SMTPTLSRequired { return errors.New("[smtp] TLS cannot be required without an SMTP TLS certificate and key") } if SMTPTLSRequired && SMTPAuthAllowInsecure { return errors.New("[smtp] TLS cannot be required while also allowing insecure authentication") } if SMTPAuthFile != "" { SMTPAuthFile = filepath.Clean(SMTPAuthFile) if !isFile(SMTPAuthFile) { return fmt.Errorf("[smtp] password file not found: %s", SMTPAuthFile) } b, err := os.ReadFile(SMTPAuthFile) if err != nil { return err } if err := auth.SetSMTPAuth(string(b)); err != nil { return err } } if auth.SMTPCredentials != nil && SMTPAuthAcceptAny { return errors.New("[smtp] authentication cannot use both credentials and --smtp-auth-accept-any") } if SMTPTLSCert == "" && (auth.SMTPCredentials != nil || SMTPAuthAcceptAny) && !SMTPAuthAllowInsecure { return errors.New("[smtp] authentication requires TLS encryption, run with `--smtp-auth-allow-insecure` to allow insecure authentication") } // POP3 server if POP3TLSCert != "" { POP3TLSCert = filepath.Clean(POP3TLSCert) POP3TLSKey = filepath.Clean(POP3TLSKey) if !isFile(POP3TLSCert) { return fmt.Errorf("[pop3] TLS certificate not found: %s", POP3TLSCert) } if !isFile(POP3TLSKey) { return fmt.Errorf("[pop3] TLS key not found: %s", POP3TLSKey) } } if POP3TLSCert != "" && POP3TLSKey == "" || POP3TLSCert == "" && POP3TLSKey != "" { return errors.New("[pop3] You must provide both a POP3 TLS certificate and a key") } if POP3Listen != "" { _, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", POP3Listen) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("[pop3] %s", err.Error()) } } if POP3AuthFile != "" { POP3AuthFile = filepath.Clean(POP3AuthFile) if !isFile(POP3AuthFile) { return fmt.Errorf("[pop3] password file not found: %s", POP3AuthFile) } b, err := os.ReadFile(POP3AuthFile) if err != nil { return err } if err := auth.SetPOP3Auth(string(b)); err != nil { return err } } // Web root validWebrootRe := regexp.MustCompile(`[^0-9a-zA-Z\/\-\_\.@]`) if validWebrootRe.MatchString(Webroot) { return fmt.Errorf("invalid characters in Webroot (%s). Valid chars include: [a-z A-Z 0-9 _ . - / @]", Webroot) } s := strings.TrimRight(path.Join("/", Webroot, "/"), "/") + "/" Webroot = s if WebhookURL != "" && !isValidURL(WebhookURL) { return fmt.Errorf("webhook URL does not appear to be a valid URL (%s)", WebhookURL) } if EnableSpamAssassin != "" { spamassassin.SetService(EnableSpamAssassin) logger.Log().Infof("[spamassassin] enabled via %s", EnableSpamAssassin) if err := spamassassin.Ping(); err != nil { logger.Log().Warnf("[spamassassin] ping: %s", err.Error()) } } SMTPTags = []AutoTag{} if SMTPCLITags != "" { args := tools.ArgsParser(SMTPCLITags) for _, a := range args { t := strings.Split(a, "=") if len(t) > 1 { tag := tools.CleanTag(t[0]) if !ValidTagRegexp.MatchString(tag) || len(tag) == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("[tag] invalid tag (%s) - can only contain spaces, letters, numbers, - & _", tag) } match := strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(strings.Join(t[1:], "="))) if len(match) == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("[tag] invalid tag match (%s) - no search detected", tag) } SMTPTags = append(SMTPTags, AutoTag{Tag: tag, Match: match}) } else { return fmt.Errorf("[tag] error parsing tags (%s)", a) } } } if SMTPAllowedRecipients != "" { restrictRegexp, err := regexp.Compile(SMTPAllowedRecipients) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("[smtp] failed to compile smtp-allowed-recipients regexp: %s", err.Error()) } SMTPAllowedRecipientsRegexp = restrictRegexp logger.Log().Infof("[smtp] only allowing recipients matching the following regexp: %s", SMTPAllowedRecipients) } if err := parseRelayConfig(SMTPRelayConfigFile); err != nil { return err } if !ReleaseEnabled && SMTPRelayAllIncoming { return errors.New("[smtp] relay config must be set to relay all messages") } if SMTPRelayAllIncoming { // this deserves a warning logger.Log().Warnf("[smtp] enabling automatic relay of all new messages via %s:%d", SMTPRelayConfig.Host, SMTPRelayConfig.Port) } return nil } // Parse & validate the SMTPRelayConfigFile (if set) func parseRelayConfig(c string) error { if c == "" { return nil } c = filepath.Clean(c) if !isFile(c) { return fmt.Errorf("[smtp] relay configuration not found: %s", c) } data, err := os.ReadFile(c) if err != nil { return err } if err := yaml.Unmarshal(data, &SMTPRelayConfig); err != nil { return err } if SMTPRelayConfig.Host == "" { return errors.New("[smtp] relay host not set") } if SMTPRelayConfig.Port == 0 { SMTPRelayConfig.Port = 25 // default } SMTPRelayConfig.Auth = strings.ToLower(SMTPRelayConfig.Auth) if SMTPRelayConfig.Auth == "" || SMTPRelayConfig.Auth == "none" || SMTPRelayConfig.Auth == "false" { SMTPRelayConfig.Auth = "none" } else if SMTPRelayConfig.Auth == "plain" { if SMTPRelayConfig.Username == "" || SMTPRelayConfig.Password == "" { return fmt.Errorf("[smtp] relay host username or password not set for PLAIN authentication (%s)", c) } } else if SMTPRelayConfig.Auth == "login" { SMTPRelayConfig.Auth = "login" if SMTPRelayConfig.Username == "" || SMTPRelayConfig.Password == "" { return fmt.Errorf("[smtp] relay host username or password not set for LOGIN authentication (%s)", c) } } else if strings.HasPrefix(SMTPRelayConfig.Auth, "cram") { SMTPRelayConfig.Auth = "cram-md5" if SMTPRelayConfig.Username == "" || SMTPRelayConfig.Secret == "" { return fmt.Errorf("[smtp] relay host username or secret not set for CRAM-MD5 authentication (%s)", c) } } else { return fmt.Errorf("[smtp] relay authentication method not supported: %s", SMTPRelayConfig.Auth) } ReleaseEnabled = true logger.Log().Infof("[smtp] enabling message relaying via %s:%d", SMTPRelayConfig.Host, SMTPRelayConfig.Port) allowlistRegexp, err := regexp.Compile(SMTPRelayConfig.RecipientAllowlist) if SMTPRelayConfig.RecipientAllowlist != "" { if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("[smtp] failed to compile relay recipient allowlist regexp: %s", err.Error()) } SMTPRelayConfig.RecipientAllowlistRegexp = allowlistRegexp logger.Log().Infof("[smtp] relay recipient allowlist is active with the following regexp: %s", SMTPRelayConfig.RecipientAllowlist) } return nil } // IsFile returns if a path is a file func isFile(path string) bool { info, err := os.Stat(path) if os.IsNotExist(err) || !info.Mode().IsRegular() { return false } return true } // IsDir returns whether a path is a directory func isDir(path string) bool { info, err := os.Stat(path) if os.IsNotExist(err) || !info.IsDir() { return false } return true } func isValidURL(s string) bool { u, err := url.ParseRequestURI(s) if err != nil { return false } return strings.HasPrefix(u.Scheme, "http") }