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// Package storage handles all database actions
package storage
import (
// sqlite (native) - https://gitlab.com/cznic/sqlite
_ "modernc.org/sqlite"
var (
db *sql.DB
dbFile string
dbIsTemp bool
dbLastAction time.Time
dbIsIdle bool
dbDataDeleted bool
// zstd compression encoder & decoder
dbEncoder, _ = zstd.NewWriter(nil)
dbDecoder, _ = zstd.NewReader(nil)
// InitDB will initialise the database
func InitDB() error {
p := config.DataFile
if p == "" {
// when no path is provided then we create a temporary file
// which will get deleted on Close(), SIGINT or SIGTERM
p = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d.db", path.Join(os.TempDir(), "mailpit"), time.Now().UnixNano())
dbIsTemp = true
logger.Log().Debugf("[db] using temporary database: %s", p)
} else {
p = filepath.Clean(p)
config.DataFile = p
logger.Log().Debugf("[db] opening database %s", p)
var err error
dsn := fmt.Sprintf("file:%s?cache=shared", p)
db, err = sql.Open("sqlite", dsn)
if err != nil {
return err
// prevent "database locked" errors
// @see https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3#faq
// create tables if necessary & apply migrations
if err := dbApplyMigrations(); err != nil {
return err
dbFile = p
dbLastAction = time.Now()
sigs := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
// catch all signals since not explicitly listing
// Program that will listen to the SIGINT and SIGTERM
// SIGINT will listen to CTRL-C.
// SIGTERM will be caught if kill command executed
signal.Notify(sigs, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
// method invoked upon seeing signal
go func() {
s := <-sigs
fmt.Printf("[db] got %s signal, shutting down\n", s)
// auto-prune & delete
go dbCron()
go dataMigrations()
return nil
// Close will close the database, and delete if a temporary table
func Close() {
if db != nil {
if err := db.Close(); err != nil {
logger.Log().Warning("[db] error closing database, ignoring")
if dbIsTemp && isFile(dbFile) {
logger.Log().Debugf("[db] deleting temporary file %s", dbFile)
if err := os.Remove(dbFile); err != nil {
logger.Log().Errorf("[db] %s", err.Error())
// Store will save an email to the database tables.
// Returns the database ID of the saved message.
func Store(body []byte) (string, error) {
// Parse message body with enmime
env, err := enmime.ReadEnvelope(bytes.NewReader(body))
if err != nil {
logger.Log().Warningf("[db] %s", err.Error())
return "", nil
from := &mail.Address{}
fromJSON := addressToSlice(env, "From")
if len(fromJSON) > 0 {
from = fromJSON[0]
} else if env.GetHeader("From") != "" {
from = &mail.Address{Name: env.GetHeader("From")}
messageID := strings.Trim(env.Root.Header.Get("Message-ID"), "<>")
obj := DBMailSummary{
From: from,
To: addressToSlice(env, "To"),
Cc: addressToSlice(env, "Cc"),
Bcc: addressToSlice(env, "Bcc"),
created := time.Now()
// use message date instead of created date
if config.UseMessageDates {
if mDate, err := env.Date(); err == nil {
created = mDate
// generate the search text
searchText := createSearchText(env)
// generate unique ID
id := uuid.New().String()
summaryJSON, err := json.Marshal(obj)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// extract tags from body matches based on --tag
tagStr := findTagsInRawMessage(&body)
// extract tags from X-Tags header
headerTags := strings.TrimSpace(env.Root.Header.Get("X-Tags"))
if headerTags != "" {
tagStr += "," + headerTags
tagData := uniqueTagsFromString(tagStr)
tagJSON, err := json.Marshal(tagData)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// begin a transaction to ensure both the message
// and data are stored successfully
ctx := context.Background()
tx, err := db.BeginTx(ctx, nil)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// roll back if it fails
defer tx.Rollback()
subject := env.GetHeader("Subject")
size := len(body)
inline := len(env.Inlines)
attachments := len(env.Attachments)
snippet := tools.CreateSnippet(env.Text, env.HTML)
// insert mail summary data
_, err = tx.Exec("INSERT INTO mailbox(Created, ID, MessageID, Subject, Metadata, Size, Inline, Attachments, SearchText, Tags, Read, Snippet) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,0, ?)",
created.UnixMilli(), id, messageID, subject, string(summaryJSON), size, inline, attachments, searchText, string(tagJSON), snippet)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// insert compressed raw message
compressed := dbEncoder.EncodeAll(body, make([]byte, 0, len(body)))
_, err = tx.Exec("INSERT INTO mailbox_data(ID, Email) values(?,?)", id, string(compressed))
if err != nil {
return "", err
if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
return "", err
c := &MessageSummary{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(summaryJSON, c); err != nil {
return "", err
c.Created = created
c.ID = id
c.MessageID = messageID
c.Attachments = attachments
c.Subject = subject
c.Size = size
c.Tags = tagData
c.Snippet = snippet
websockets.Broadcast("new", c)
dbLastAction = time.Now()
return id, nil
// List returns a subset of messages from the mailbox,
// sorted latest to oldest
func List(start, limit int) ([]MessageSummary, error) {
results := []MessageSummary{}
q := sqlf.From("mailbox").
Select(`Created, ID, MessageID, Subject, Metadata, Size, Attachments, Read, Tags, Snippet`).
OrderBy("Created DESC").
if err := q.QueryAndClose(nil, db, func(row *sql.Rows) {
var created int64
var id string
var messageID string
var subject string
var metadata string
var size int
var attachments int
var tags string
var read int
var snippet string
em := MessageSummary{}
if err := row.Scan(&created, &id, &messageID, &subject, &metadata, &size, &attachments, &read, &tags, &snippet); err != nil {
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(metadata), &em); err != nil {
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(tags), &em.Tags); err != nil {
em.Created = time.UnixMilli(created)
em.ID = id
em.MessageID = messageID
em.Subject = subject
em.Size = size
em.Attachments = attachments
em.Read = read == 1
em.Snippet = snippet
results = append(results, em)
}); err != nil {
return results, err
dbLastAction = time.Now()
return results, nil
// GetMessage returns a Message generated from the mailbox_data collection.
// If the message lacks a date header, then the received datetime is used.
func GetMessage(id string) (*Message, error) {
raw, err := GetMessageRaw(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
r := bytes.NewReader(raw)
env, err := enmime.ReadEnvelope(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var from *mail.Address
fromData := addressToSlice(env, "From")
if len(fromData) > 0 {
from = fromData[0]
} else if env.GetHeader("From") != "" {
from = &mail.Address{Name: env.GetHeader("From")}
messageID := strings.Trim(env.GetHeader("Message-ID"), "<>")
returnPath := strings.Trim(env.GetHeader("Return-Path"), "<>")
if returnPath == "" && from != nil {
returnPath = from.Address
date, err := env.Date()
if err != nil {
// return received datetime when message does not contain a date header
q := sqlf.From("mailbox").
Where(`ID = ?`, id)
if err := q.QueryAndClose(nil, db, func(row *sql.Rows) {
var created int64
if err := row.Scan(&created); err != nil {
logger.Log().Debugf("[db] %s does not contain a date header, using received datetime", id)
date = time.UnixMilli(created)
}); err != nil {
obj := Message{
ID: id,
MessageID: messageID,
From: from,
Date: date,
To: addressToSlice(env, "To"),
Cc: addressToSlice(env, "Cc"),
Bcc: addressToSlice(env, "Bcc"),
ReplyTo: addressToSlice(env, "Reply-To"),
ReturnPath: returnPath,
Subject: env.GetHeader("Subject"),
Tags: getMessageTags(id),
Size: len(raw),
Text: env.Text,
obj.HTML = env.HTML
obj.Inline = []Attachment{}
obj.Attachments = []Attachment{}
for _, i := range env.Inlines {
if i.FileName != "" || i.ContentID != "" {
obj.Inline = append(obj.Inline, AttachmentSummary(i))
for _, i := range env.OtherParts {
if i.FileName != "" || i.ContentID != "" {
obj.Inline = append(obj.Inline, AttachmentSummary(i))
for _, a := range env.Attachments {
if a.FileName != "" || a.ContentID != "" {
obj.Attachments = append(obj.Attachments, AttachmentSummary(a))
// mark message as read
if err := MarkRead(id); err != nil {
return &obj, err
dbLastAction = time.Now()
return &obj, nil
// GetMessageRaw returns an []byte of the full message
func GetMessageRaw(id string) ([]byte, error) {
var i string
var msg string
q := sqlf.From("mailbox_data").
Where(`ID = ?`, id)
err := q.QueryRowAndClose(context.Background(), db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if i == "" {
return nil, errors.New("message not found")
raw, err := dbDecoder.DecodeAll([]byte(msg), nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error decompressing message: %s", err.Error())
dbLastAction = time.Now()
return raw, err
// GetAttachmentPart returns an *enmime.Part (attachment or inline) from a message
func GetAttachmentPart(id, partID string) (*enmime.Part, error) {
raw, err := GetMessageRaw(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
r := bytes.NewReader(raw)
env, err := enmime.ReadEnvelope(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, a := range env.Inlines {
if a.PartID == partID {
return a, nil
for _, a := range env.OtherParts {
if a.PartID == partID {
return a, nil
for _, a := range env.Attachments {
if a.PartID == partID {
return a, nil
dbLastAction = time.Now()
return nil, errors.New("attachment not found")
// MarkRead will mark a message as read
func MarkRead(id string) error {
if !IsUnread(id) {
return nil
_, err := sqlf.Update("mailbox").
Set("Read", 1).
Where("ID = ?", id).
ExecAndClose(context.Background(), db)
if err == nil {
logger.Log().Debugf("[db] marked message %s as read", id)
return err
// MarkAllRead will mark all messages as read
func MarkAllRead() error {
var (
start = time.Now()
total = CountUnread()
_, err := sqlf.Update("mailbox").
Set("Read", 1).
Where("Read = ?", 0).
ExecAndClose(context.Background(), db)
if err != nil {
return err
elapsed := time.Since(start)
logger.Log().Debugf("[db] marked %d messages as read in %s", total, elapsed)
dbLastAction = time.Now()
return nil
// MarkAllUnread will mark all messages as unread
func MarkAllUnread() error {
var (
start = time.Now()
total = CountRead()
_, err := sqlf.Update("mailbox").
Set("Read", 0).
Where("Read = ?", 1).
ExecAndClose(context.Background(), db)
if err != nil {
return err
elapsed := time.Since(start)
logger.Log().Debugf("[db] marked %d messages as unread in %s", total, elapsed)
dbLastAction = time.Now()
return nil
// MarkUnread will mark a message as unread
func MarkUnread(id string) error {
if IsUnread(id) {
return nil
_, err := sqlf.Update("mailbox").
Set("Read", 0).
Where("ID = ?", id).
ExecAndClose(context.Background(), db)
if err == nil {
logger.Log().Debugf("[db] marked message %s as unread", id)
dbLastAction = time.Now()
return err
// DeleteOneMessage will delete a single message from a mailbox
func DeleteOneMessage(id string) error {
// begin a transaction to ensure both the message
// and data are deleted successfully
tx, err := db.BeginTx(context.Background(), nil)
if err != nil {
return err
// roll back if it fails
defer tx.Rollback()
_, err = tx.Exec("DELETE FROM mailbox WHERE ID = ?", id)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = tx.Exec("DELETE FROM mailbox_data WHERE ID = ?", id)
if err != nil {
return err
err = tx.Commit()
if err == nil {
logger.Log().Debugf("[db] deleted message %s", id)
dbLastAction = time.Now()
dbDataDeleted = true
return err
// DeleteAllMessages will delete all messages from a mailbox
func DeleteAllMessages() error {
var (
start = time.Now()
total int
_ = sqlf.From("mailbox").
QueryRowAndClose(nil, db)
// begin a transaction to ensure both the message
// summaries and data are deleted successfully
tx, err := db.BeginTx(context.Background(), nil)
if err != nil {
return err
// roll back if it fails
defer tx.Rollback()
_, err = tx.Exec("DELETE FROM mailbox")
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = tx.Exec("DELETE FROM mailbox_data")
if err != nil {
return err
if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
return err
_, err = db.Exec("VACUUM")
if err == nil {
elapsed := time.Since(start)
logger.Log().Debugf("[db] deleted %d messages in %s", total, elapsed)
dbLastAction = time.Now()
dbDataDeleted = false
websockets.Broadcast("prune", nil)
return err
// GetAllTags returns all used tags
func GetAllTags() []string {
q := sqlf.From("mailbox").
Select(`DISTINCT Tags`).
Where("Tags != ?", "[]")
var tags = []string{}
if err := q.QueryAndClose(nil, db, func(row *sql.Rows) {
var tagData string
t := []string{}
if err := row.Scan(&tagData); err != nil {
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(tagData), &t); err != nil {
for _, tag := range t {
if !inArray(tag, tags) {
tags = append(tags, tag)
}); err != nil {
return tags
// StatsGet returns the total/unread statistics for a mailbox
func StatsGet() MailboxStats {
var (
total = CountTotal()
unread = CountUnread()
tags = GetAllTags()
dbLastAction = time.Now()
return MailboxStats{
Total: total,
Unread: unread,
Tags: tags,
// CountTotal returns the number of emails in the database
func CountTotal() int {
var total int
_ = sqlf.From("mailbox").
QueryRowAndClose(nil, db)
return total
// CountUnread returns the number of emails in the database that are unread.
func CountUnread() int {
var total int
q := sqlf.From("mailbox").
Where("Read = ?", 0)
_ = q.QueryRowAndClose(nil, db)
return total
// CountRead returns the number of emails in the database that are read.
func CountRead() int {
var total int
q := sqlf.From("mailbox").
Where("Read = ?", 1)
_ = q.QueryRowAndClose(nil, db)
return total
// IsUnread returns the number of emails in the database that are unread.
// If an ID is supplied, then it is just limited to that message.
func IsUnread(id string) bool {
var unread int
q := sqlf.From("mailbox").
Where("Read = ?", 0).
Where("ID = ?", id)
_ = q.QueryRowAndClose(nil, db)
return unread == 1
// MessageIDExists checks whether a Message-ID exists in the DB
func MessageIDExists(id string) bool {
var total int
q := sqlf.From("mailbox").
Where("MessageID = ?", id)
_ = q.QueryRowAndClose(nil, db)
return total != 0