mirror of https://github.com/axllent/mailpit.git synced 2025-03-19 21:28:07 +02:00

243 lines
10 KiB

// Package cmd is the main application
package cmd
import (
var cfgFile string
// rootCmd represents the base command when called without any subcommands
var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "mailpit",
Short: "Mailpit is an email testing tool for developers",
Long: `Mailpit is an email testing tool for developers.
It acts as an SMTP server, and provides a web interface to view all captured emails.
Run: func(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) {
if err := config.VerifyConfig(); err != nil {
if err := storage.InitDB(); err != nil {
go server.Listen()
if err := smtpd.Listen(); err != nil {
// Execute adds all child commands to the root command and sets flags appropriately.
// This is called by main.main(). It only needs to happen once to the rootCmd.
func Execute() {
err := rootCmd.Execute()
if err != nil {
// SendmailExecute adds all child commands to the root command and sets flags appropriately.
// This is called by main.main(). It only needs to happen once to the rootCmd.
func SendmailExecute() {
args := []string{"mailpit", "sendmail"}
rootCmd.Run(sendmailCmd, args)
func init() {
// hide autocompletion
rootCmd.CompletionOptions.HiddenDefaultCmd = true
rootCmd.Flags().SortFlags = false
// hide help command
rootCmd.SetHelpCommand(&cobra.Command{Hidden: true})
// hide help flag
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolP("help", "h", false, "This help")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("help").Hidden = true
// load and warn deprecated ENV vars
// load ENV vars
rootCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&config.DataFile, "db-file", "d", config.DataFile, "Database file to store persistent data")
rootCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&config.SMTPListen, "smtp", "s", config.SMTPListen, "SMTP bind interface and port")
rootCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&config.HTTPListen, "listen", "l", config.HTTPListen, "HTTP bind interface and port for UI")
rootCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&config.MaxMessages, "max", "m", config.MaxMessages, "Max number of messages to store")
rootCmd.Flags().StringVar(&config.Webroot, "webroot", config.Webroot, "Set the webroot for web UI & API")
rootCmd.Flags().StringVar(&server.AccessControlAllowOrigin, "api-cors", server.AccessControlAllowOrigin, "Set API CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin header")
rootCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&config.UseMessageDates, "use-message-dates", config.UseMessageDates, "Use message dates as the received dates")
rootCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&config.IgnoreDuplicateIDs, "ignore-duplicate-ids", config.IgnoreDuplicateIDs, "Ignore duplicate messages (by Message-Id)")
rootCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&config.DisableHTMLCheck, "disable-html-check", config.DisableHTMLCheck, "Disable the HTML check functionality (web UI & API)")
rootCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&config.BlockRemoteCSSAndFonts, "block-remote-css-and-fonts", config.BlockRemoteCSSAndFonts, "Block access to remote CSS & fonts")
rootCmd.Flags().StringVar(&config.UIAuthFile, "ui-auth-file", config.UIAuthFile, "A password file for web UI & API authentication")
rootCmd.Flags().StringVar(&config.UITLSCert, "ui-tls-cert", config.UITLSCert, "TLS certificate for web UI (HTTPS) - requires ui-tls-key")
rootCmd.Flags().StringVar(&config.UITLSKey, "ui-tls-key", config.UITLSKey, "TLS key for web UI (HTTPS) - requires ui-tls-cert")
rootCmd.Flags().StringVar(&config.SMTPAuthFile, "smtp-auth-file", config.SMTPAuthFile, "A password file for SMTP authentication")
rootCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&config.SMTPAuthAcceptAny, "smtp-auth-accept-any", config.SMTPAuthAcceptAny, "Accept any SMTP username and password, including none")
rootCmd.Flags().StringVar(&config.SMTPTLSCert, "smtp-tls-cert", config.SMTPTLSCert, "TLS certificate for SMTP (STARTTLS) - requires smtp-tls-key")
rootCmd.Flags().StringVar(&config.SMTPTLSKey, "smtp-tls-key", config.SMTPTLSKey, "TLS key for SMTP (STARTTLS) - requires smtp-tls-cert")
rootCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&config.SMTPAuthAllowInsecure, "smtp-auth-allow-insecure", config.SMTPAuthAllowInsecure, "Enable insecure PLAIN & LOGIN authentication")
rootCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&config.SMTPStrictRFCHeaders, "smtp-strict-rfc-headers", config.SMTPStrictRFCHeaders, "Return SMTP error if message headers contain <CR><CR><LF>")
rootCmd.Flags().StringVar(&config.SMTPRelayConfigFile, "smtp-relay-config", config.SMTPRelayConfigFile, "SMTP configuration file to allow releasing messages")
rootCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&config.SMTPRelayAllIncoming, "smtp-relay-all", config.SMTPRelayAllIncoming, "Relay all incoming messages via external SMTP server (caution!)")
rootCmd.Flags().StringVar(&config.WebhookURL, "webhook-url", config.WebhookURL, "Send a webhook request for new messages")
rootCmd.Flags().IntVar(&webhook.RateLimit, "webhook-limit", webhook.RateLimit, "Limit webhook requests per second")
rootCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&config.SMTPCLITags, "tag", "t", config.SMTPCLITags, "Tag new messages matching filters")
rootCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&logger.QuietLogging, "quiet", "q", logger.QuietLogging, "Quiet logging (errors only)")
rootCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&logger.VerboseLogging, "verbose", "v", logger.VerboseLogging, "Verbose logging")
// deprecated flags 2023/03/12
rootCmd.Flags().StringVar(&config.UITLSCert, "ui-ssl-cert", config.UITLSCert, "SSL certificate for web UI - requires ui-ssl-key")
rootCmd.Flags().StringVar(&config.UITLSKey, "ui-ssl-key", config.UITLSKey, "SSL key for web UI - requires ui-ssl-cert")
rootCmd.Flags().StringVar(&config.SMTPTLSCert, "smtp-ssl-cert", config.SMTPTLSCert, "SSL certificate for SMTP - requires smtp-ssl-key")
rootCmd.Flags().StringVar(&config.SMTPTLSKey, "smtp-ssl-key", config.SMTPTLSKey, "SSL key for SMTP - requires smtp-ssl-cert")
rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("ui-ssl-cert").Hidden = true
rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("ui-ssl-cert").Deprecated = "use --ui-tls-cert"
rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("ui-ssl-key").Hidden = true
rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("ui-ssl-key").Deprecated = "use --ui-tls-key"
rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("smtp-ssl-cert").Hidden = true
rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("smtp-ssl-cert").Deprecated = "use --smtp-tls-cert"
rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("smtp-ssl-key").Hidden = true
rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("smtp-ssl-key").Deprecated = "use --smtp-tls-key"
// Load settings from environment
func initConfigFromEnv() {
// inherit from environment if provided
config.DataFile = os.Getenv("MP_DATA_FILE")
if len(os.Getenv("MP_SMTP_BIND_ADDR")) > 0 {
config.SMTPListen = os.Getenv("MP_SMTP_BIND_ADDR")
if len(os.Getenv("MP_UI_BIND_ADDR")) > 0 {
config.HTTPListen = os.Getenv("MP_UI_BIND_ADDR")
if len(os.Getenv("MP_MAX_MESSAGES")) > 0 {
config.MaxMessages, _ = strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv("MP_MAX_MESSAGES"))
if len(os.Getenv("MP_TAG")) > 0 {
config.SMTPCLITags = os.Getenv("MP_TAG")
// UI
config.UIAuthFile = os.Getenv("MP_UI_AUTH_FILE")
config.UITLSCert = os.Getenv("MP_UI_TLS_CERT")
config.UITLSKey = os.Getenv("MP_UI_TLS_KEY")
config.SMTPAuthFile = os.Getenv("MP_SMTP_AUTH_FILE")
config.SMTPTLSCert = os.Getenv("MP_SMTP_TLS_CERT")
config.SMTPTLSKey = os.Getenv("MP_SMTP_TLS_KEY")
if getEnabledFromEnv("MP_SMTP_AUTH_ACCEPT_ANY") {
config.SMTPAuthAcceptAny = true
if getEnabledFromEnv("MP_SMTP_AUTH_ALLOW_INSECURE") {
config.SMTPAuthAllowInsecure = true
if getEnabledFromEnv("MP_STRICT_RFC_HEADERS") {
config.SMTPStrictRFCHeaders = true
// Relay server config
config.SMTPRelayConfigFile = os.Getenv("MP_SMTP_RELAY_CONFIG")
if getEnabledFromEnv("MP_SMTP_RELAY_ALL") {
config.SMTPRelayAllIncoming = true
// Webhook
if len(os.Getenv("MP_WEBHOOK_URL")) > 0 {
config.WebhookURL = os.Getenv("MP_WEBHOOK_URL")
if len(os.Getenv("MP_WEBHOOK_LIMIT")) > 0 {
webhook.RateLimit, _ = strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv("MP_WEBHOOK_LIMIT"))
// Misc options
if len(os.Getenv("MP_WEBROOT")) > 0 {
config.Webroot = os.Getenv("MP_WEBROOT")
if len(os.Getenv("MP_API_CORS")) > 0 {
server.AccessControlAllowOrigin = os.Getenv("MP_API_CORS")
if getEnabledFromEnv("MP_USE_MESSAGE_DATES") {
config.UseMessageDates = true
if getEnabledFromEnv("MP_IGNORE_DUPLICATE_IDS") {
config.IgnoreDuplicateIDs = true
if getEnabledFromEnv("MP_DISABLE_HTML_CHECK") {
config.DisableHTMLCheck = true
if getEnabledFromEnv("MP_BLOCK_REMOTE_CSS_AND_FONTS") {
config.BlockRemoteCSSAndFonts = true
if getEnabledFromEnv("MP_QUIET") {
logger.QuietLogging = true
if getEnabledFromEnv("MP_VERBOSE") {
logger.VerboseLogging = true
// load deprecated settings from environment and warn
func initDeprecatedConfigFromEnv() {
// deprecated 2023/03/12
if len(os.Getenv("MP_UI_SSL_CERT")) > 0 {
fmt.Println("ENV MP_UI_SSL_CERT has been deprecated, use MP_UI_TLS_CERT")
config.UITLSCert = os.Getenv("MP_UI_SSL_CERT")
// deprecated 2023/03/12
if len(os.Getenv("MP_UI_SSL_KEY")) > 0 {
fmt.Println("ENV MP_UI_SSL_KEY has been deprecated, use MP_UI_TLS_KEY")
config.UITLSKey = os.Getenv("MP_UI_SSL_KEY")
// deprecated 2023/03/12
if len(os.Getenv("MP_SMTP_SSL_CERT")) > 0 {
fmt.Println("ENV MP_SMTP_CERT has been deprecated, use MP_SMTP_TLS_CERT")
config.SMTPTLSCert = os.Getenv("MP_SMTP_SSL_CERT")
// deprecated 2023/03/12
if len(os.Getenv("MP_SMTP_SSL_KEY")) > 0 {
fmt.Println("ENV MP_SMTP_KEY has been deprecated, use MP_SMTP_TLS_KEY")
config.SMTPTLSKey = os.Getenv("MP_SMTP_SMTP_KEY")
// Wrapper to get a boolean from an environment variable
func getEnabledFromEnv(k string) bool {
if len(os.Getenv(k)) > 0 {
v := strings.ToLower(os.Getenv(k))
return v == "1" || v == "true" || v == "yes"
return false