> A dead simple Go library for sending notifications to various messaging platforms.
## Install
go get -u github.com/nikoksr/notify
## Example usage
// The notifier we're gonna send our messages to
notifier := notify.New()
// Create a telegram service. Ignoring error for demo simplicity
telegramService, _ := telegram.New("your_telegram_api_token")
// Passing a telegram chat id as receiver for our messages.
// Basically where should our message be sent to?
// Tell our notifier to use the telegram service. You can repeat the above process
// for as many services as you like and just tell the notifier to use them.
// Its kinda like using middlewares for api servers.
// Send a test message
"Message Subject/Title",
"The actual message. Hello, you awesome gophers! :)",
## Roadmap
* [ ] Add tests
* [ ] Add more notification services
## Libraries in use
* [github.com/bwmarrin/discordgo](github.com/bwmarrin/discordgo)
* [github.com/jordan-wright/email](github.com/jordan-wright/email)
* [github.com/go-telegram-bot-api/telegram-bot-api](github.com/go-telegram-bot-api/telegram-bot-api)
## Author
👤 **Niko Köser**
* Twitter: [@nikoksr](https://twitter.com/nikoksr)
* Github: [@nikoksr](https://github.com/nikoksr)
## 🤝 Contributing
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check [issues page](https://github.com/nikoksr/notify/issues). You can also take a look at the [contributing guide](https://github.com/nikoksr/notify/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md).
## Show your support
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