OAuth2 Proxy responds directly to the following endpoints. All other endpoints will be proxied upstream when authenticated. The `/oauth2` prefix can be changed with the `--proxy-prefix` config variable.
- /robots.txt - returns a 200 OK response that disallows all User-agents from all paths; see [robotstxt.org](http://www.robotstxt.org/) for more info
- /ping - returns a 200 OK response, which is intended for use with health checks
- /oauth2/sign_in - the login page, which also doubles as a sign out page (it clears cookies)
- /oauth2/auth - only returns a 202 Accepted response or a 401 Unauthorized response; for use with the [Nginx `auth_request` directive](#nginx-auth-request)
To sign the user out, redirect them to `/oauth2/sign_out`. This endpoint only removes oauth2-proxy's own cookies, i.e. the user is still logged in with the authentication provider and may automatically re-login when accessing the application again. You will also need to redirect the user to the authentication provider's sign out page afterwards using the `rd` query parameter, i.e. redirect the user to something like (notice the url-encoding!):
(The "sign_out_page" should be the [`end_session_endpoint`](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-session-1_0.html#rfc.section.2.1) from [the metadata](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-discovery-1_0.html#ProviderConfig) if your OIDC provider supports Session Management and Discovery.)
BEWARE that the domain you want to redirect to (`my-oidc-provider.example.com` in the example) must be added to the [`--whitelist-domain`](configuration) configuration option otherwise the redirect will be ignored.