diff --git a/pkg/upstream/proxy.go b/pkg/upstream/proxy.go
index 3907eb0a..594824e2 100644
--- a/pkg/upstream/proxy.go
+++ b/pkg/upstream/proxy.go
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (
+ "sort"
@@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ func NewProxy(upstreams options.Upstreams, sigData *options.SignatureData, write
serveMux: mux.NewRouter(),
- for _, upstream := range upstreams {
+ for _, upstream := range sortByPathLongest(upstreams) {
if upstream.Static {
if err := m.registerStaticResponseHandler(upstream, writer); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not register static upstream %q: %v", upstream.ID, err)
@@ -145,3 +146,33 @@ func registerTrailingSlashHandler(serveMux *mux.Router) {
http.Redirect(rw, req, req.URL.String()+"/", http.StatusMovedPermanently)
+// sortByPathLongest ensures that the upstreams are sorted by longest path.
+// If rewrites are involved, a rewrite takes precedence over a non-rewrite.
+// When two upstreams define rewrites, whichever has the longest path will take
+// precedence (note this is the input to the rewrite logic).
+// This does not account for when a rewrite would actually make the path shorter.
+// This should maintain the sorting behaviour of the standard go serve mux.
+func sortByPathLongest(in options.Upstreams) options.Upstreams {
+ sort.Slice(in, func(i, j int) bool {
+ iRW := in[i].RewriteTarget
+ jRW := in[j].RewriteTarget
+ switch {
+ case iRW != "" && jRW != "":
+ // If both have a rewrite target, whichever has the longest pattern
+ // should go first
+ return len(in[i].Path) > len(in[j].Path)
+ case iRW != "" && jRW == "":
+ // Only one has rewrite, it goes first
+ return true
+ case iRW == "" && jRW != "":
+ // Only one has rewrite, it goes first
+ return false
+ default:
+ // Default to longest Path wins
+ return len(in[i].Path) > len(in[j].Path)
+ }
+ })
+ return in
diff --git a/pkg/upstream/proxy_test.go b/pkg/upstream/proxy_test.go
index 5ac9842c..597f5422 100644
--- a/pkg/upstream/proxy_test.go
+++ b/pkg/upstream/proxy_test.go
@@ -18,249 +18,369 @@ import (
var _ = Describe("Proxy Suite", func() {
var upstreamServer http.Handler
- BeforeEach(func() {
- sigData := &options.SignatureData{Hash: crypto.SHA256, Key: "secret"}
+ Context("multiUpstreamProxy", func() {
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ sigData := &options.SignatureData{Hash: crypto.SHA256, Key: "secret"}
- writer := &pagewriter.WriterFuncs{
- ProxyErrorFunc: func(rw http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request, _ error) {
- rw.WriteHeader(502)
- rw.Write([]byte("Proxy Error"))
- },
- }
- ok := http.StatusOK
- accepted := http.StatusAccepted
- upstreams := options.Upstreams{
- {
- ID: "http-backend",
- Path: "/http/",
- URI: serverAddr,
- },
- {
- ID: "file-backend",
- Path: "/files/",
- URI: fmt.Sprintf("file:///%s", filesDir),
- },
- {
- ID: "static-backend",
- Path: "/static/",
- Static: true,
- StaticCode: &ok,
- },
- {
- ID: "static-backend-no-trailing-slash",
- Path: "/static",
- Static: true,
- StaticCode: &accepted,
- },
- {
- ID: "bad-http-backend",
- Path: "/bad-http/",
- URI: "http://::1",
- },
- {
- ID: "single-path-backend",
- Path: "/single-path",
- Static: true,
- StaticCode: &ok,
- },
- {
- ID: "backend-with-rewrite-prefix",
- Path: "^/rewrite-prefix/(.*)",
- RewriteTarget: "/different/backend/path/$1",
- URI: serverAddr,
- },
- }
- var err error
- upstreamServer, err = NewProxy(upstreams, sigData, writer)
- Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
- })
- type proxyTableInput struct {
- target string
- response testHTTPResponse
- upstream string
- }
- DescribeTable("Proxy ServeHTTP",
- func(in *proxyTableInput) {
- req := middlewareapi.AddRequestScope(
- httptest.NewRequest("", in.target, nil),
- &middlewareapi.RequestScope{},
- )
- rw := httptest.NewRecorder()
- // Don't mock the remote Address
- req.RemoteAddr = ""
- upstreamServer.ServeHTTP(rw, req)
- scope := middlewareapi.GetRequestScope(req)
- Expect(scope.Upstream).To(Equal(in.upstream))
- Expect(rw.Code).To(Equal(in.response.code))
- // Delete extra headers that aren't relevant to tests
- testSanitizeResponseHeader(rw.Header())
- Expect(rw.Header()).To(Equal(in.response.header))
- body := rw.Body.Bytes()
- // If the raw body is set, check that, else check the Request object
- if in.response.raw != "" {
- Expect(string(body)).To(Equal(in.response.raw))
- return
+ writer := &pagewriter.WriterFuncs{
+ ProxyErrorFunc: func(rw http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request, _ error) {
+ rw.WriteHeader(502)
+ rw.Write([]byte("Proxy Error"))
+ },
- // Compare the reflected request to the upstream
- request := testHTTPRequest{}
- Expect(json.Unmarshal(body, &request)).To(Succeed())
- testSanitizeRequestHeader(request.Header)
- Expect(request).To(Equal(in.response.request))
- },
- Entry("with a request to the HTTP service", &proxyTableInput{
- target: "http://example.localhost/http/1234",
- response: testHTTPResponse{
- code: 200,
- header: map[string][]string{
- contentType: {applicationJSON},
+ ok := http.StatusOK
+ accepted := http.StatusAccepted
+ upstreams := options.Upstreams{
+ {
+ ID: "http-backend",
+ Path: "/http/",
+ URI: serverAddr,
- request: testHTTPRequest{
- Method: "GET",
- URL: "http://example.localhost/http/1234",
- Header: map[string][]string{
- "Gap-Auth": {""},
- "Gap-Signature": {"sha256 ofB1u6+FhEUbFLc3/uGbJVkl7GaN4egFqVvyO3+2I1w="},
+ {
+ ID: "file-backend",
+ Path: "/files/",
+ URI: fmt.Sprintf("file:///%s", filesDir),
+ },
+ {
+ ID: "static-backend",
+ Path: "/static/",
+ Static: true,
+ StaticCode: &ok,
+ },
+ {
+ ID: "static-backend-no-trailing-slash",
+ Path: "/static",
+ Static: true,
+ StaticCode: &accepted,
+ },
+ {
+ ID: "static-backend-long",
+ Path: "/static/long",
+ Static: true,
+ StaticCode: &accepted,
+ },
+ {
+ ID: "bad-http-backend",
+ Path: "/bad-http/",
+ URI: "http://::1",
+ },
+ {
+ ID: "single-path-backend",
+ Path: "/single-path",
+ Static: true,
+ StaticCode: &ok,
+ },
+ {
+ ID: "backend-with-rewrite-prefix",
+ Path: "^/rewrite-prefix/(.*)",
+ RewriteTarget: "/different/backend/path/$1",
+ URI: serverAddr,
+ },
+ {
+ ID: "double-match-plain",
+ Path: "/double-match/",
+ URI: serverAddr,
+ },
+ {
+ ID: "double-match-rewrite",
+ Path: "^/double-match/(.*)",
+ RewriteTarget: "/double-match/rewrite/$1",
+ URI: serverAddr,
+ },
+ }
+ var err error
+ upstreamServer, err = NewProxy(upstreams, sigData, writer)
+ Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+ })
+ type proxyTableInput struct {
+ target string
+ response testHTTPResponse
+ upstream string
+ }
+ DescribeTable("Proxy ServeHTTP",
+ func(in *proxyTableInput) {
+ req := middlewareapi.AddRequestScope(
+ httptest.NewRequest("", in.target, nil),
+ &middlewareapi.RequestScope{},
+ )
+ rw := httptest.NewRecorder()
+ // Don't mock the remote Address
+ req.RemoteAddr = ""
+ upstreamServer.ServeHTTP(rw, req)
+ scope := middlewareapi.GetRequestScope(req)
+ Expect(scope.Upstream).To(Equal(in.upstream))
+ Expect(rw.Code).To(Equal(in.response.code))
+ // Delete extra headers that aren't relevant to tests
+ testSanitizeResponseHeader(rw.Header())
+ Expect(rw.Header()).To(Equal(in.response.header))
+ body := rw.Body.Bytes()
+ // If the raw body is set, check that, else check the Request object
+ if in.response.raw != "" {
+ Expect(string(body)).To(Equal(in.response.raw))
+ return
+ }
+ // Compare the reflected request to the upstream
+ request := testHTTPRequest{}
+ Expect(json.Unmarshal(body, &request)).To(Succeed())
+ testSanitizeRequestHeader(request.Header)
+ Expect(request).To(Equal(in.response.request))
+ },
+ Entry("with a request to the HTTP service", &proxyTableInput{
+ target: "http://example.localhost/http/1234",
+ response: testHTTPResponse{
+ code: 200,
+ header: map[string][]string{
+ contentType: {applicationJSON},
- Body: []byte{},
- Host: "example.localhost",
- RequestURI: "http://example.localhost/http/1234",
- },
- },
- upstream: "http-backend",
- }),
- Entry("with a request to the File backend", &proxyTableInput{
- target: "http://example.localhost/files/foo",
- response: testHTTPResponse{
- code: 200,
- header: map[string][]string{
- contentType: {textPlainUTF8},
- },
- raw: "foo",
- },
- upstream: "file-backend",
- }),
- Entry("with a request to the Static backend", &proxyTableInput{
- target: "http://example.localhost/static/bar",
- response: testHTTPResponse{
- code: 200,
- header: map[string][]string{},
- raw: "Authenticated",
- },
- upstream: "static-backend",
- }),
- Entry("with a request to the bad HTTP backend", &proxyTableInput{
- target: "http://example.localhost/bad-http/bad",
- response: testHTTPResponse{
- code: 502,
- header: map[string][]string{},
- // This tests the error handler
- raw: "Proxy Error",
- },
- upstream: "bad-http-backend",
- }),
- Entry("with a request to the to an unregistered path", &proxyTableInput{
- target: "http://example.localhost/unregistered",
- response: testHTTPResponse{
- code: 404,
- header: map[string][]string{
- "X-Content-Type-Options": {"nosniff"},
- contentType: {textPlainUTF8},
- },
- raw: "404 page not found\n",
- },
- }),
- Entry("with a request to the to backend registered to a single path", &proxyTableInput{
- target: "http://example.localhost/single-path",
- response: testHTTPResponse{
- code: 200,
- header: map[string][]string{},
- raw: "Authenticated",
- },
- upstream: "single-path-backend",
- }),
- Entry("with a request to the to a subpath of a backend registered to a single path", &proxyTableInput{
- target: "http://example.localhost/single-path/unregistered",
- response: testHTTPResponse{
- code: 404,
- header: map[string][]string{
- "X-Content-Type-Options": {"nosniff"},
- contentType: {textPlainUTF8},
- },
- raw: "404 page not found\n",
- },
- }),
- Entry("with a request to the rewrite prefix server", &proxyTableInput{
- target: "http://example.localhost/rewrite-prefix/1234",
- response: testHTTPResponse{
- code: 200,
- header: map[string][]string{
- contentType: {applicationJSON},
- },
- request: testHTTPRequest{
- Method: "GET",
- URL: "http://example.localhost/different/backend/path/1234",
- Header: map[string][]string{
- "Gap-Auth": {""},
- "Gap-Signature": {"sha256 jeAeM7wHSj2ab/l9YPvtTJ9l/8q1tpY2V/iwXF48bgw="},
+ request: testHTTPRequest{
+ Method: "GET",
+ URL: "http://example.localhost/http/1234",
+ Header: map[string][]string{
+ "Gap-Auth": {""},
+ "Gap-Signature": {"sha256 ofB1u6+FhEUbFLc3/uGbJVkl7GaN4egFqVvyO3+2I1w="},
+ },
+ Body: []byte{},
+ Host: "example.localhost",
+ RequestURI: "http://example.localhost/http/1234",
- Body: []byte{},
- Host: "example.localhost",
- RequestURI: "http://example.localhost/different/backend/path/1234",
- },
- upstream: "backend-with-rewrite-prefix",
- }),
- Entry("with a request to a subpath of the rewrite prefix server", &proxyTableInput{
- target: "http://example.localhost/rewrite-prefix/1234/abc",
- response: testHTTPResponse{
- code: 200,
- header: map[string][]string{
- contentType: {applicationJSON},
- },
- request: testHTTPRequest{
- Method: "GET",
- URL: "http://example.localhost/different/backend/path/1234/abc",
- Header: map[string][]string{
- "Gap-Auth": {""},
- "Gap-Signature": {"sha256 rAkAc9gp7EndoOppJuvbuPnYuBcqrTkBnQx6iPS8xTA="},
+ upstream: "http-backend",
+ }),
+ Entry("with a request to the File backend", &proxyTableInput{
+ target: "http://example.localhost/files/foo",
+ response: testHTTPResponse{
+ code: 200,
+ header: map[string][]string{
+ contentType: {textPlainUTF8},
- Body: []byte{},
- Host: "example.localhost",
- RequestURI: "http://example.localhost/different/backend/path/1234/abc",
+ raw: "foo",
- },
- upstream: "backend-with-rewrite-prefix",
- }),
- Entry("with a request to a path, missing the trailing slash", &proxyTableInput{
- target: "http://example.localhost/http",
- response: testHTTPResponse{
- code: 301,
- header: map[string][]string{
- contentType: {textHTMLUTF8},
- "Location": {"http://example.localhost/http/"},
+ upstream: "file-backend",
+ }),
+ Entry("with a request to the Static backend", &proxyTableInput{
+ target: "http://example.localhost/static/bar",
+ response: testHTTPResponse{
+ code: 200,
+ header: map[string][]string{},
+ raw: "Authenticated",
- raw: "Moved Permanently.\n\n",
+ upstream: "static-backend",
+ }),
+ Entry("with a request to the bad HTTP backend", &proxyTableInput{
+ target: "http://example.localhost/bad-http/bad",
+ response: testHTTPResponse{
+ code: 502,
+ header: map[string][]string{},
+ // This tests the error handler
+ raw: "Proxy Error",
+ },
+ upstream: "bad-http-backend",
+ }),
+ Entry("with a request to the to an unregistered path", &proxyTableInput{
+ target: "http://example.localhost/unregistered",
+ response: testHTTPResponse{
+ code: 404,
+ header: map[string][]string{
+ "X-Content-Type-Options": {"nosniff"},
+ contentType: {textPlainUTF8},
+ },
+ raw: "404 page not found\n",
+ },
+ }),
+ Entry("with a request to the to backend registered to a single path", &proxyTableInput{
+ target: "http://example.localhost/single-path",
+ response: testHTTPResponse{
+ code: 200,
+ header: map[string][]string{},
+ raw: "Authenticated",
+ },
+ upstream: "single-path-backend",
+ }),
+ Entry("with a request to the to a subpath of a backend registered to a single path", &proxyTableInput{
+ target: "http://example.localhost/single-path/unregistered",
+ response: testHTTPResponse{
+ code: 404,
+ header: map[string][]string{
+ "X-Content-Type-Options": {"nosniff"},
+ contentType: {textPlainUTF8},
+ },
+ raw: "404 page not found\n",
+ },
+ }),
+ Entry("with a request to the rewrite prefix server", &proxyTableInput{
+ target: "http://example.localhost/rewrite-prefix/1234",
+ response: testHTTPResponse{
+ code: 200,
+ header: map[string][]string{
+ contentType: {applicationJSON},
+ },
+ request: testHTTPRequest{
+ Method: "GET",
+ URL: "http://example.localhost/different/backend/path/1234",
+ Header: map[string][]string{
+ "Gap-Auth": {""},
+ "Gap-Signature": {"sha256 jeAeM7wHSj2ab/l9YPvtTJ9l/8q1tpY2V/iwXF48bgw="},
+ },
+ Body: []byte{},
+ Host: "example.localhost",
+ RequestURI: "http://example.localhost/different/backend/path/1234",
+ },
+ },
+ upstream: "backend-with-rewrite-prefix",
+ }),
+ Entry("with a request to a subpath of the rewrite prefix server", &proxyTableInput{
+ target: "http://example.localhost/rewrite-prefix/1234/abc",
+ response: testHTTPResponse{
+ code: 200,
+ header: map[string][]string{
+ contentType: {applicationJSON},
+ },
+ request: testHTTPRequest{
+ Method: "GET",
+ URL: "http://example.localhost/different/backend/path/1234/abc",
+ Header: map[string][]string{
+ "Gap-Auth": {""},
+ "Gap-Signature": {"sha256 rAkAc9gp7EndoOppJuvbuPnYuBcqrTkBnQx6iPS8xTA="},
+ },
+ Body: []byte{},
+ Host: "example.localhost",
+ RequestURI: "http://example.localhost/different/backend/path/1234/abc",
+ },
+ },
+ upstream: "backend-with-rewrite-prefix",
+ }),
+ Entry("with a request to a path, missing the trailing slash", &proxyTableInput{
+ target: "http://example.localhost/http",
+ response: testHTTPResponse{
+ code: 301,
+ header: map[string][]string{
+ contentType: {textHTMLUTF8},
+ "Location": {"http://example.localhost/http/"},
+ },
+ raw: "Moved Permanently.\n\n",
+ },
+ }),
+ Entry("with a request to a path, missing the trailing slash, but registered separately", &proxyTableInput{
+ target: "http://example.localhost/static",
+ response: testHTTPResponse{
+ code: 202,
+ header: map[string][]string{},
+ raw: "Authenticated",
+ },
+ upstream: "static-backend-no-trailing-slash",
+ }),
+ Entry("should match longest path first", &proxyTableInput{
+ target: "http://example.localhost/static/long",
+ response: testHTTPResponse{
+ code: 202,
+ header: map[string][]string{},
+ raw: "Authenticated",
+ },
+ upstream: "static-backend-long",
+ }),
+ Entry("should match rewrite path first", &proxyTableInput{
+ target: "http://example.localhost/double-match/foo",
+ response: testHTTPResponse{
+ code: 200,
+ header: map[string][]string{
+ contentType: {applicationJSON},
+ },
+ request: testHTTPRequest{
+ Method: "GET",
+ URL: "http://example.localhost/double-match/rewrite/foo",
+ Header: map[string][]string{
+ "Gap-Auth": {""},
+ "Gap-Signature": {"sha256 eYyUNdsrTmnvFpavpP8AdHGUGzqJ39QEjqn0/3fQPHA="},
+ },
+ Body: []byte{},
+ Host: "example.localhost",
+ RequestURI: "http://example.localhost/double-match/rewrite/foo",
+ },
+ },
+ upstream: "double-match-rewrite",
+ }),
+ )
+ })
+ Context("sortByPathLongest", func() {
+ type sortByPathLongestTableInput struct {
+ input options.Upstreams
+ expectedOutput options.Upstreams
+ }
+ var httpPath = options.Upstream{
+ Path: "/http/",
+ }
+ var httpSubPath = options.Upstream{
+ Path: "/http/subpath/",
+ }
+ var longerPath = options.Upstream{
+ Path: "/longer-than-http",
+ }
+ var shortPathWithRewrite = options.Upstream{
+ Path: "^/h/(.*)",
+ RewriteTarget: "/$1",
+ }
+ var shortSubPathWithRewrite = options.Upstream{
+ Path: "^/h/bar/(.*)",
+ RewriteTarget: "/$1",
+ }
+ DescribeTable("short sort into the correct order",
+ func(in sortByPathLongestTableInput) {
+ Expect(sortByPathLongest(in.input)).To(Equal(in.expectedOutput))
- }),
- Entry("with a request to a path, missing the trailing slash, but registered separately", &proxyTableInput{
- target: "http://example.localhost/static",
- response: testHTTPResponse{
- code: 202,
- header: map[string][]string{},
- raw: "Authenticated",
- },
- upstream: "static-backend-no-trailing-slash",
- }),
- )
+ Entry("with a mix of paths registered", sortByPathLongestTableInput{
+ input: options.Upstreams{httpPath, httpSubPath, shortSubPathWithRewrite, longerPath, shortPathWithRewrite},
+ expectedOutput: options.Upstreams{shortSubPathWithRewrite, shortPathWithRewrite, longerPath, httpSubPath, httpPath},
+ }),
+ Entry("when a subpath is registered (in order)", sortByPathLongestTableInput{
+ input: options.Upstreams{httpSubPath, httpPath},
+ expectedOutput: options.Upstreams{httpSubPath, httpPath},
+ }),
+ Entry("when a subpath is registered (out of order)", sortByPathLongestTableInput{
+ input: options.Upstreams{httpPath, httpSubPath},
+ expectedOutput: options.Upstreams{httpSubPath, httpPath},
+ }),
+ Entry("when longer paths are registered (in order)", sortByPathLongestTableInput{
+ input: options.Upstreams{longerPath, httpPath},
+ expectedOutput: options.Upstreams{longerPath, httpPath},
+ }),
+ Entry("when longer paths are registered (out of order)", sortByPathLongestTableInput{
+ input: options.Upstreams{httpPath, longerPath},
+ expectedOutput: options.Upstreams{longerPath, httpPath},
+ }),
+ Entry("when a rewrite target is registered (in order)", sortByPathLongestTableInput{
+ input: options.Upstreams{shortPathWithRewrite, longerPath},
+ expectedOutput: options.Upstreams{shortPathWithRewrite, longerPath},
+ }),
+ Entry("when a rewrite target is registered (out of order)", sortByPathLongestTableInput{
+ input: options.Upstreams{longerPath, shortPathWithRewrite},
+ expectedOutput: options.Upstreams{shortPathWithRewrite, longerPath},
+ }),
+ Entry("with multiple rewrite targets registered (in order)", sortByPathLongestTableInput{
+ input: options.Upstreams{shortSubPathWithRewrite, shortPathWithRewrite},
+ expectedOutput: options.Upstreams{shortSubPathWithRewrite, shortPathWithRewrite},
+ }),
+ Entry("with multiple rewrite targets registered (out of order)", sortByPathLongestTableInput{
+ input: options.Upstreams{shortPathWithRewrite, shortSubPathWithRewrite},
+ expectedOutput: options.Upstreams{shortSubPathWithRewrite, shortPathWithRewrite},
+ }),
+ )
+ })