diff --git a/oauthproxy.go b/oauthproxy.go
index 72ab580b..40e43b6d 100644
--- a/oauthproxy.go
+++ b/oauthproxy.go
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ func NewWebSocketOrRestReverseProxy(u *url.URL, opts *Options, auth hmacauth.Hma
-// NewOAuthProxy creates a new instance of OOuthProxy from the options provided
+// NewOAuthProxy creates a new instance of OAuthProxy from the options provided
 func NewOAuthProxy(opts *Options, validator func(string) bool) *OAuthProxy {
 	serveMux := http.NewServeMux()
 	var auth hmacauth.HmacAuth
diff --git a/pkg/cookies/cookies.go b/pkg/cookies/cookies.go
index 75b93e4d..4a8bed93 100644
--- a/pkg/cookies/cookies.go
+++ b/pkg/cookies/cookies.go
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ func MakeCookie(req *http.Request, name string, value string, path string, domai
-// MakeCookieFromOptions constructs a cookie based on the givemn *options.CookieOptions,
+// MakeCookieFromOptions constructs a cookie based on the given *options.CookieOptions,
 // value and creation time
 func MakeCookieFromOptions(req *http.Request, name string, value string, opts *options.CookieOptions, expiration time.Duration, now time.Time) *http.Cookie {
 	return MakeCookie(req, name, value, opts.CookiePath, opts.CookieDomain, opts.CookieHTTPOnly, opts.CookieSecure, expiration, now)