diff --git a/docs/2_auth.md b/docs/2_auth.md index e1a5ecd5..eba5f0c5 100644 --- a/docs/2_auth.md +++ b/docs/2_auth.md @@ -146,6 +146,56 @@ OpenID Connect is a spec for OAUTH 2.0 + identity that is implemented by many ma -cookie-secure=false -email-domain example.com +The OpenID Connect Provider (OIDC) can also be used to connect to other Identity Providers such as Okta. To configure the OIDC provider for Okta, perform +the following steps: + +#### Configuring the OIDC Provider with Okta + +1. Log in to Okta using an administrative account. It is suggested you try this in preview first, `example.oktapreview.com` +2. (OPTIONAL) If you want to configure authorization scopes and claims to be passed on to multiple applications, +you may wish to configure an authorization server for each application. Otherwise, the provided `default` will work. +* Navigate to **Security** then select **API** +* Click **Add Authorization Server**, if this option is not available you may require an additional license for a custom authorization server. +* Fill out the **Name** with something to describe the application you are protecting. e.g. 'Example App'. +* For **Audience**, pick the URL of the application you wish to protect: https://example.corp.com +* Fill out a **Description** +* Add any **Access Policies** you wish to configure to limit application access. +* The default settings will work for other options. +[See Okta documentation for more information on Authorization Servers](https://developer.okta.com/docs/guides/customize-authz-server/overview/) +3. Navigate to **Applications** then select **Add Application**. +* Select **Web** for the **Platform** setting. +* Select **OpenID Connect** and click **Create** +* Pick an **Application Name** such as `Example App`. +* Set the **Login redirect URI** to `https://example.corp.com`. +* Under **General** set the **Allowed grant types** to `Authorization Code` and `Refresh Token`. +* Leave the rest as default, taking note of the `Client ID` and `Client Secret`. +* Under **Assignments** select the users or groups you wish to access your application. +4. Create a configuration file like the following: + +``` +provider = "oidc" +redirect_url = "https://example.corp.com" +oidc_issuer_url = "https://corp.okta.com/oauth2/abCd1234" +upstreams = [ + "https://example.corp.com" +] +email_domains = [ + "corp.com" +] +client_id = "XXXXX" +client_secret = "YYYYY" +pass_access_token = true +cookie_secret = "ZZZZZ" +skip_provider_button = true +``` + +The `oidc_issuer_url` is based on URL from your **Authorization Server**'s **Issuer** field in step 2, or simply https://corp.okta.com +The `client_id` and `client_secret` are configured in the application settings. +Generate a unique `client_secret` to encrypt the cookie. + +Then you can start the oauth2_proxy with `./oauth2_proxy -config /etc/example.cfg` + + ### login.gov Provider login.gov is an OIDC provider for the US Government.