From e1764d42215fd99ee675661bbaf7b22f256b8f8e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joel  Speed <>
Date: Sun, 30 May 2021 09:34:37 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Create AppDirector for getting the application redirect URL

 pkg/app/redirect/director.go              |  96 ++++++++++++
 pkg/app/redirect/director_test.go         | 177 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 pkg/app/redirect/getters.go               |  73 +++++++++
 pkg/app/redirect/pagewriter_suite_test.go |  22 +++
 pkg/requests/util/util.go                 |   5 +
 5 files changed, 373 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 pkg/app/redirect/director.go
 create mode 100644 pkg/app/redirect/director_test.go
 create mode 100644 pkg/app/redirect/getters.go

diff --git a/pkg/app/redirect/director.go b/pkg/app/redirect/director.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ed8e408
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/app/redirect/director.go
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+package redirect
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"net/http"
+	"strings"
+	""
+// AppDirector is responsible for determining where OAuth2 Proxy should redirect
+// a users request to after the user has authenticated with the identity provider.
+type AppDirector interface {
+	GetRedirect(req *http.Request) (string, error)
+// AppDirectorOpts are the requirements for constructing a new AppDirector.
+type AppDirectorOpts struct {
+	ProxyPrefix string
+	Validator   Validator
+// NewAppDirector constructs a new AppDirector for getting the application
+// redirect URL.
+func NewAppDirector(opts AppDirectorOpts) AppDirector {
+	prefix := opts.ProxyPrefix
+	if !strings.HasSuffix(prefix, "/") {
+		prefix = fmt.Sprintf("%s/", prefix)
+	}
+	return &appDirector{
+		proxyPrefix: prefix,
+		validator:   opts.Validator,
+	}
+// appDirector implements the AppDirector interface.
+type appDirector struct {
+	proxyPrefix string
+	validator   Validator
+// GetRedirect determines the full URL or URI path to redirect clients to once
+// authenticated with the OAuthProxy.
+// Strategy priority (first legal result is used):
+// - `rd` querysting parameter
+// - `X-Auth-Request-Redirect` header
+// - `X-Forwarded-(Proto|Host|Uri)` headers (when ReverseProxy mode is enabled)
+// - `X-Forwarded-(Proto|Host)` if `Uri` has the ProxyPath (i.e. /oauth2/*)
+// - `X-Forwarded-Uri` direct URI path (when ReverseProxy mode is enabled)
+// - `req.URL.RequestURI` if not under the ProxyPath (i.e. /oauth2/*)
+// - `/`
+func (a *appDirector) GetRedirect(req *http.Request) (string, error) {
+	err := req.ParseForm()
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", err
+	}
+	// These redirect getter functions are strategies ordered by priority
+	// for figuring out the redirect URL.
+	for _, rdGetter := range []redirectGetter{
+		a.getRdQuerystringRedirect,
+		a.getXAuthRequestRedirect,
+		a.getXForwardedHeadersRedirect,
+		a.getURIRedirect,
+	} {
+		redirect := rdGetter(req)
+		// Call `p.IsValidRedirect` again here a final time to be safe
+		if redirect != "" && a.validator.IsValidRedirect(redirect) {
+			return redirect, nil
+		}
+	}
+	return "/", nil
+// validateRedirect checks that the redirect is valid.
+// When an invalid, non-empty redirect is found, an error will be logged using
+// the provided format.
+func (a *appDirector) validateRedirect(redirect string, errorFormat string) string {
+	if a.validator.IsValidRedirect(redirect) {
+		return redirect
+	}
+	if redirect != "" {
+		logger.Errorf(errorFormat, redirect)
+	}
+	return ""
+// hasProxyPrefix determines whether the obtained path would be a request to
+// one of OAuth2 Proxy's own endpoints, eg. th callback URL.
+// Redirects to these endpoints should not be allowed as they will create
+// redirection loops.
+func (a *appDirector) hasProxyPrefix(path string) bool {
+	return strings.HasPrefix(path, a.proxyPrefix)
diff --git a/pkg/app/redirect/director_test.go b/pkg/app/redirect/director_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..55359f52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/app/redirect/director_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+package redirect
+import (
+	"net/http"
+	""
+	. ""
+	. ""
+	. ""
+const testProxyPrefix = "/oauth2"
+var _ = Describe("Director Suite", func() {
+	type getRedirectTableInput struct {
+		requestURL       string
+		headers          map[string]string
+		reverseProxy     bool
+		validator        Validator
+		expectedRedirect string
+	}
+	DescribeTable("GetRedirect",
+		func(in getRedirectTableInput) {
+			appDirector := NewAppDirector(AppDirectorOpts{
+				ProxyPrefix: testProxyPrefix,
+				Validator:   in.validator,
+			})
+			req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", in.requestURL, nil)
+			for header, value := range in.headers {
+				if value != "" {
+					req.Header.Add(header, value)
+				}
+			}
+			req = middleware.AddRequestScope(req, &middleware.RequestScope{
+				ReverseProxy: in.reverseProxy,
+			})
+			redirect, err := appDirector.GetRedirect(req)
+			Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+			Expect(redirect).To(Equal(in.expectedRedirect))
+		},
+		Entry("Request outside of the proxy prefix, redirects to original request", getRedirectTableInput{
+			requestURL:       "/foo/bar",
+			headers:          nil,
+			reverseProxy:     false,
+			validator:        testValidator(true),
+			expectedRedirect: "/foo/bar",
+		}),
+		Entry("Request with query, preserves the query", getRedirectTableInput{
+			requestURL:       "/foo?bar",
+			headers:          nil,
+			reverseProxy:     false,
+			validator:        testValidator(true),
+			expectedRedirect: "/foo?bar",
+		}),
+		Entry("Request under the proxy prefix, redirects to root", getRedirectTableInput{
+			requestURL:       testProxyPrefix + "/foo/bar",
+			headers:          nil,
+			reverseProxy:     false,
+			validator:        testValidator(true),
+			expectedRedirect: "/",
+		}),
+		Entry("Proxied request with headers, outside of ProxyPrefix, redirects to proxied URL", getRedirectTableInput{
+			requestURL: "",
+			headers: map[string]string{
+				"X-Forwarded-Proto": "https",
+				"X-Forwarded-Host":  "",
+				"X-Forwarded-Uri":   "/foo/bar",
+			},
+			reverseProxy:     true,
+			validator:        testValidator(true),
+			expectedRedirect: "",
+		}),
+		Entry("Non-proxied request with spoofed headers, wouldn't redirect", getRedirectTableInput{
+			requestURL: "",
+			headers: map[string]string{
+				"X-Forwarded-Proto": "https",
+				"X-Forwarded-Host":  "",
+				"X-Forwarded-Uri":   "/foo/bar",
+			},
+			reverseProxy:     false,
+			validator:        testValidator(true),
+			expectedRedirect: "/foo?bar",
+		}),
+		Entry("Proxied request with headers, under ProxyPrefix, redirects to  root", getRedirectTableInput{
+			requestURL: "" + testProxyPrefix + "/foo/bar",
+			headers: map[string]string{
+				"X-Forwarded-Proto": "https",
+				"X-Forwarded-Host":  "",
+				"X-Forwarded-Uri":   testProxyPrefix + "/foo/bar",
+			},
+			reverseProxy:     true,
+			validator:        testValidator(true),
+			expectedRedirect: "",
+		}),
+		Entry("Proxied request with port, under ProxyPrefix, redirects to  root", getRedirectTableInput{
+			requestURL: "" + testProxyPrefix + "/foo/bar",
+			headers: map[string]string{
+				"X-Forwarded-Proto": "https",
+				"X-Forwarded-Host":  "",
+				"X-Forwarded-Uri":   testProxyPrefix + "/foo/bar",
+			},
+			reverseProxy:     true,
+			validator:        testValidator(true),
+			expectedRedirect: "",
+		}),
+		Entry("Proxied request with headers, missing URI header, redirects to the desired redirect URL", getRedirectTableInput{
+			requestURL: "",
+			headers: map[string]string{
+				"X-Forwarded-Proto": "https",
+				"X-Forwarded-Host":  "",
+			},
+			reverseProxy:     true,
+			validator:        testValidator(true),
+			expectedRedirect: "",
+		}),
+		Entry("Proxied request without headers, with reverse proxy enabled, redirects to the desired URL", getRedirectTableInput{
+			requestURL:       "",
+			headers:          nil,
+			reverseProxy:     true,
+			validator:        testValidator(true),
+			expectedRedirect: "/foo?bar",
+		}),
+		Entry("Proxied request with X-Auth-Request-Redirect, outside of ProxyPrefix, redirects to proxied URL", getRedirectTableInput{
+			requestURL: "",
+			headers: map[string]string{
+				"X-Auth-Request-Redirect": "",
+			},
+			reverseProxy:     true,
+			validator:        testValidator(true),
+			expectedRedirect: "",
+		}),
+		Entry("Proxied request with RD parameter, outside of ProxyPrefix, redirects to proxied URL", getRedirectTableInput{
+			requestURL:       "",
+			headers:          nil,
+			reverseProxy:     false,
+			validator:        testValidator(true),
+			expectedRedirect: "",
+		}),
+		Entry("Proxied request with RD parameter and all headers set, reverse proxy disabled, redirects to proxied URL based on the RD parameter", getRedirectTableInput{
+			requestURL: "",
+			headers: map[string]string{
+				"X-Auth-Request-Redirect": "",
+				"X-Forwarded-Proto":       "http",
+				"X-Forwarded-Host":        "",
+				"X-Forwarded-Uri":         "/seasons/greetings",
+			},
+			reverseProxy:     false,
+			validator:        testValidator(true),
+			expectedRedirect: "",
+		}),
+		Entry("Proxied request with RD parameter and some headers set, reverse proxy enabled, redirects to proxied URL based on the RD parameter", getRedirectTableInput{
+			requestURL: "",
+			headers: map[string]string{
+				"X-Forwarded-Proto": "http",
+				"X-Forwarded-Host":  "",
+				"X-Forwarded-Uri":   "/seasons/greetings",
+			},
+			reverseProxy:     true,
+			validator:        testValidator(true),
+			expectedRedirect: "",
+		}),
+		Entry("Proxied request with invalid RD parameter and some headers set, reverse proxy enabled, redirects to proxied URL based on the headers", getRedirectTableInput{
+			requestURL: "",
+			headers: map[string]string{
+				"X-Forwarded-Proto": "https",
+				"X-Forwarded-Host":  "",
+				"X-Forwarded-Uri":   "/foo/bar",
+			},
+			reverseProxy:     true,
+			validator:        testValidator(false, ""),
+			expectedRedirect: "",
+		}),
+	)
diff --git a/pkg/app/redirect/getters.go b/pkg/app/redirect/getters.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5240abeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/app/redirect/getters.go
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+package redirect
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"net/http"
+	requestutil ""
+// redirectGetter represents a method to allow the proxy to determine a redirect
+// based on the original request.
+type redirectGetter func(req *http.Request) string
+// getRdQuerystringRedirect handles this getAppRedirect strategy:
+// - `rd` querysting parameter
+func (a *appDirector) getRdQuerystringRedirect(req *http.Request) string {
+	return a.validateRedirect(
+		req.Form.Get("rd"),
+		"Invalid redirect provided in rd querystring parameter: %s",
+	)
+// getXAuthRequestRedirect handles this getAppRedirect strategy:
+// - `X-Auth-Request-Redirect` Header
+func (a *appDirector) getXAuthRequestRedirect(req *http.Request) string {
+	return a.validateRedirect(
+		req.Header.Get("X-Auth-Request-Redirect"),
+		"Invalid redirect provided in X-Auth-Request-Redirect header: %s",
+	)
+// getXForwardedHeadersRedirect handles these getAppRedirect strategies:
+// - `X-Forwarded-(Proto|Host|Uri)` headers (when ReverseProxy mode is enabled)
+// - `X-Forwarded-(Proto|Host)` if `Uri` has the ProxyPath (i.e. /oauth2/*)
+func (a *appDirector) getXForwardedHeadersRedirect(req *http.Request) string {
+	if !requestutil.IsForwardedRequest(req) {
+		return ""
+	}
+	uri := requestutil.GetRequestURI(req)
+	if a.hasProxyPrefix(uri) {
+		uri = "/"
+	}
+	redirect := fmt.Sprintf(
+		"%s://%s%s",
+		requestutil.GetRequestProto(req),
+		requestutil.GetRequestHost(req),
+		uri,
+	)
+	return a.validateRedirect(redirect,
+		"Invalid redirect generated from X-Forwarded-* headers: %s")
+// getURIRedirect handles these getAppRedirect strategies:
+// - `X-Forwarded-Uri` direct URI path (when ReverseProxy mode is enabled)
+// - `req.URL.RequestURI` if not under the ProxyPath (i.e. /oauth2/*)
+// - `/`
+func (a *appDirector) getURIRedirect(req *http.Request) string {
+	redirect := a.validateRedirect(
+		requestutil.GetRequestURI(req),
+		"Invalid redirect generated from X-Forwarded-Uri header: %s",
+	)
+	if redirect == "" {
+		redirect = req.URL.RequestURI()
+	}
+	if a.hasProxyPrefix(redirect) {
+		return "/"
+	}
+	return redirect
diff --git a/pkg/app/redirect/pagewriter_suite_test.go b/pkg/app/redirect/pagewriter_suite_test.go
index 45703ff3..71301f58 100644
--- a/pkg/app/redirect/pagewriter_suite_test.go
+++ b/pkg/app/redirect/pagewriter_suite_test.go
@@ -15,3 +15,25 @@ func TestOptionsSuite(t *testing.T) {
 	RunSpecs(t, "Redirect Suite")
+// testValidator creates a mock validator that will always return the given result.
+func testValidator(result bool, allowedRedirects ...string) Validator {
+	return &mockValidator{result: result, allowedRedirects: allowedRedirects}
+// mockValidator implements the Validator interface for use in testing.
+type mockValidator struct {
+	result           bool
+	allowedRedirects []string
+// IsValidRedirect implements the Validator interface.
+func (m *mockValidator) IsValidRedirect(redirect string) bool {
+	for _, allowed := range m.allowedRedirects {
+		if redirect == allowed {
+			return true
+		}
+	}
+	return m.result
diff --git a/pkg/requests/util/util.go b/pkg/requests/util/util.go
index 9805db61..44e1ab0e 100644
--- a/pkg/requests/util/util.go
+++ b/pkg/requests/util/util.go
@@ -52,3 +52,8 @@ func IsProxied(req *http.Request) bool {
 	return scope.ReverseProxy
+func IsForwardedRequest(req *http.Request) bool {
+	return IsProxied(req) &&
+		req.Host != GetRequestHost(req)