# This configuration is intended to be used with the docker-compose testing # environment. # This should configure Dex to run on port 4190 and provides a static login issuer: http://dex.localhost:4190/dex storage: type: etcd config: endpoints: - http://etcd:2379 namespace: dex/ web: http: oauth2: skipApprovalScreen: true expiry: signingKeys: "4h" idTokens: "1h" staticClients: - id: oauth2-proxy redirectURIs: # These redirect URIs point to the `--redirect-url` for OAuth2 proxy. - 'http://localhost:4180/oauth2/callback' # For basic proxy example. - 'http://oauth2-proxy.oauth2-proxy.localhost/oauth2/callback' # For nginx example. name: 'OAuth2 Proxy' secret: b2F1dGgyLXByb3h5LWNsaWVudC1zZWNyZXQK enablePasswordDB: true staticPasswords: - email: "admin@example.com" # bcrypt hash of the string "password" hash: "$2a$10$2b2cU8CPhOTaGrs1HRQuAueS7JTT5ZHsHSzYiFPm1leZck7Mc8T4W" username: "admin" userID: "08a8684b-db88-4b73-90a9-3cd1661f5466"