http_address="" cookie_secret="OQINaROshtE9TcZkNAm-5Zs2Pv3xaWytBmc5W7sPX7w=" provider="oidc" email_domains=[""] oidc_issuer_url="http://dex.localhost:4190/dex" client_secret="b2F1dGgyLXByb3h5LWNsaWVudC1zZWNyZXQK" client_id="oauth2-proxy" cookie_secure="false" redirect_url="http://oauth2-proxy.oauth2-proxy.localhost/oauth2/callback" cookie_domains=".oauth2-proxy.localhost" # Required so cookie can be read on all subdomains. whitelist_domains=".oauth2-proxy.localhost" # Required to allow redirection back to original requested target. # Mandatory option when using oauth2-proxy with traefik reverse_proxy="true" # Required for traefik with ForwardAuth and static upstream configuration upstreams="static://202" # The following option skip the page requesting the user # to click on a button to be redirected to the identity provider # It can be activated only when traefik is not configure with # the error redirection middleware as this example. skip_provider_button="true"