package providers import ( "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "net/url" "testing" "" "" ) const formatJSON = "format=json" const userPath = "/ocs/v2.php/cloud/user" func testNextcloudProvider(hostname string) *NextcloudProvider { p := NewNextcloudProvider( &ProviderData{ ProviderName: "", LoginURL: &url.URL{}, RedeemURL: &url.URL{}, ProfileURL: &url.URL{}, ValidateURL: &url.URL{}, Scope: ""}) if hostname != "" { updateURL(p.Data().LoginURL, hostname) updateURL(p.Data().RedeemURL, hostname) updateURL(p.Data().ProfileURL, hostname) updateURL(p.Data().ValidateURL, hostname) } return p } func testNextcloudBackend(payload string) *httptest.Server { path := userPath query := formatJSON return httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc( func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.URL.Path != path || r.URL.RawQuery != query { w.WriteHeader(404) } else if !IsAuthorizedInHeader(r.Header) { w.WriteHeader(403) } else { w.WriteHeader(200) w.Write([]byte(payload)) } })) } func TestNextcloudProviderDefaults(t *testing.T) { p := testNextcloudProvider("") assert.NotEqual(t, nil, p) assert.Equal(t, "Nextcloud", p.Data().ProviderName) assert.Equal(t, "", p.Data().LoginURL.String()) assert.Equal(t, "", p.Data().RedeemURL.String()) assert.Equal(t, "", p.Data().ValidateURL.String()) } func TestNextcloudProviderOverrides(t *testing.T) { p := NewNextcloudProvider( &ProviderData{ LoginURL: &url.URL{ Scheme: "https", Host: "", Path: "/index.php/apps/oauth2/authorize"}, RedeemURL: &url.URL{ Scheme: "https", Host: "", Path: "/index.php/apps/oauth2/api/v1/token"}, ValidateURL: &url.URL{ Scheme: "https", Host: "", Path: "/test/ocs/v2.php/cloud/user", RawQuery: formatJSON}, Scope: "profile"}) assert.NotEqual(t, nil, p) assert.Equal(t, "Nextcloud", p.Data().ProviderName) assert.Equal(t, "", p.Data().LoginURL.String()) assert.Equal(t, "", p.Data().RedeemURL.String()) assert.Equal(t, ""+formatJSON, p.Data().ValidateURL.String()) } func TestNextcloudProviderGetEmailAddress(t *testing.T) { b := testNextcloudBackend("{\"ocs\": {\"data\": { \"email\": \"\"}}}") defer b.Close() bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL) p := testNextcloudProvider(bURL.Host) p.ValidateURL.Path = userPath p.ValidateURL.RawQuery = formatJSON session := CreateAuthorizedSession() email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session) assert.Equal(t, nil, err) assert.Equal(t, "", email) } // Note that trying to trigger the "failed building request" case is not // practical, since the only way it can fail is if the URL fails to parse. func TestNextcloudProviderGetEmailAddressFailedRequest(t *testing.T) { b := testNextcloudBackend("unused payload") defer b.Close() bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL) p := testNextcloudProvider(bURL.Host) p.ValidateURL.Path = userPath p.ValidateURL.RawQuery = formatJSON // We'll trigger a request failure by using an unexpected access // token. Alternatively, we could allow the parsing of the payload as // JSON to fail. session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "unexpected_access_token"} email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session) assert.NotEqual(t, nil, err) assert.Equal(t, "", email) } func TestNextcloudProviderGetEmailAddressEmailNotPresentInPayload(t *testing.T) { b := testNextcloudBackend("{\"foo\": \"bar\"}") defer b.Close() bURL, _ := url.Parse(b.URL) p := testNextcloudProvider(bURL.Host) p.ValidateURL.Path = userPath p.ValidateURL.RawQuery = formatJSON session := CreateAuthorizedSession() email, err := p.GetEmailAddress(session) assert.NotEqual(t, nil, err) assert.Equal(t, "", email) }