package validation import ( "context" "crypto/tls" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // Validate checks that required options are set and validates those that they // are of the correct format func Validate(o *options.Options) error { msgs := validateCookie(o.Cookie) msgs = append(msgs, validateSessionCookieMinimal(o)...) msgs = append(msgs, validateRedisSessionStore(o)...) msgs = append(msgs, prefixValues("injectRequestHeaders: ", validateHeaders(o.InjectRequestHeaders)...)...) msgs = append(msgs, prefixValues("injectResponseHeaders: ", validateHeaders(o.InjectResponseHeaders)...)...) msgs = append(msgs, validateProviders(o)...) msgs = configureLogger(o.Logging, msgs) msgs = parseSignatureKey(o, msgs) if o.SSLInsecureSkipVerify { // InsecureSkipVerify is a configurable option we allow /* #nosec G402 */ insecureTransport := &http.Transport{ TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}, } http.DefaultClient = &http.Client{Transport: insecureTransport} } else if len(o.Providers[0].CAFiles) > 0 { pool, err := util.GetCertPool(o.Providers[0].CAFiles) if err == nil { transport := http.DefaultTransport.(*http.Transport).Clone() transport.TLSClientConfig = &tls.Config{ RootCAs: pool, MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12, } http.DefaultClient = &http.Client{Transport: transport} } else { msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf("unable to load provider CA file(s): %v", err)) } } if o.AuthenticatedEmailsFile == "" && len(o.EmailDomains) == 0 && o.HtpasswdFile == "" { msgs = append(msgs, "missing setting for email validation: email-domain or authenticated-emails-file required."+ "\n use email-domain=* to authorize all email addresses") } if o.Providers[0].OIDCConfig.IssuerURL != "" { ctx := context.Background() if o.Providers[0].OIDCConfig.InsecureSkipIssuerVerification && !o.Providers[0].OIDCConfig.SkipDiscovery { // go-oidc doesn't let us pass bypass the issuer check this in the oidc.NewProvider call // (which uses discovery to get the URLs), so we'll do a quick check ourselves and if // we get the URLs, we'll just use the non-discovery path. logger.Printf("Performing OIDC Discovery...") requestURL := strings.TrimSuffix(o.Providers[0].OIDCConfig.IssuerURL, "/") + "/.well-known/openid-configuration" body, err := requests.New(requestURL). WithContext(ctx). Do(). UnmarshalJSON() if err != nil { logger.Errorf("error: failed to discover OIDC configuration: %v", err) } else { // Prefer manually configured URLs. It's a bit unclear // why you'd be doing discovery and also providing the URLs // explicitly though... if o.Providers[0].LoginURL == "" { o.Providers[0].LoginURL = body.Get("authorization_endpoint").MustString() } if o.Providers[0].RedeemURL == "" { o.Providers[0].RedeemURL = body.Get("token_endpoint").MustString() } if o.Providers[0].OIDCConfig.JwksURL == "" { o.Providers[0].OIDCConfig.JwksURL = body.Get("jwks_uri").MustString() } if o.Providers[0].ProfileURL == "" { o.Providers[0].ProfileURL = body.Get("userinfo_endpoint").MustString() } o.Providers[0].OIDCConfig.SkipDiscovery = true } } // Construct a manual IDTokenVerifier from issuer URL & JWKS URI // instead of metadata discovery if we enable -skip-oidc-discovery. // In this case we need to make sure the required endpoints for // the provider are configured. if o.Providers[0].OIDCConfig.SkipDiscovery { if o.Providers[0].LoginURL == "" { msgs = append(msgs, "missing setting: login-url") } if o.Providers[0].RedeemURL == "" { msgs = append(msgs, "missing setting: redeem-url") } if o.Providers[0].OIDCConfig.JwksURL == "" { msgs = append(msgs, "missing setting: oidc-jwks-url") } keySet := oidc.NewRemoteKeySet(ctx, o.Providers[0].OIDCConfig.JwksURL) o.SetOIDCVerifier(oidc.NewVerifier(o.Providers[0].OIDCConfig.IssuerURL, keySet, &oidc.Config{ ClientID: o.Providers[0].ClientID, SkipIssuerCheck: o.Providers[0].OIDCConfig.InsecureSkipIssuerVerification, })) } else { // Configure discoverable provider data. provider, err := oidc.NewProvider(ctx, o.Providers[0].OIDCConfig.IssuerURL) if err != nil { return err } o.SetOIDCVerifier(provider.Verifier(&oidc.Config{ ClientID: o.Providers[0].ClientID, SkipIssuerCheck: o.Providers[0].OIDCConfig.InsecureSkipIssuerVerification, })) o.Providers[0].LoginURL = provider.Endpoint().AuthURL o.Providers[0].RedeemURL = provider.Endpoint().TokenURL } if o.Providers[0].Scope == "" { o.Providers[0].Scope = "openid email profile" if len(o.Providers[0].AllowedGroups) > 0 { o.Providers[0].Scope += " groups" } } if o.Providers[0].OIDCConfig.UserIDClaim == "" { o.Providers[0].OIDCConfig.UserIDClaim = "email" } } if o.SkipJwtBearerTokens { // Configure extra issuers if len(o.ExtraJwtIssuers) > 0 { var jwtIssuers []jwtIssuer jwtIssuers, msgs = parseJwtIssuers(o.ExtraJwtIssuers, msgs) for _, jwtIssuer := range jwtIssuers { verifier, err := newVerifierFromJwtIssuer(jwtIssuer) if err != nil { msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf("error building verifiers: %s", err)) } o.SetJWTBearerVerifiers(append(o.GetJWTBearerVerifiers(), verifier)) } } } var redirectURL *url.URL redirectURL, msgs = parseURL(o.RawRedirectURL, "redirect", msgs) o.SetRedirectURL(redirectURL) if o.RawRedirectURL == "" && !o.Cookie.Secure && !o.ReverseProxy { logger.Print("WARNING: no explicit redirect URL: redirects will default to insecure HTTP") } msgs = append(msgs, validateUpstreams(o.UpstreamServers)...) msgs = parseProviderInfo(o, msgs) if o.ReverseProxy { parser, err := ip.GetRealClientIPParser(o.RealClientIPHeader) if err != nil { msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf("real_client_ip_header (%s) not accepted parameter value: %v", o.RealClientIPHeader, err)) } o.SetRealClientIPParser(parser) // Allow the logger to get client IPs logger.SetGetClientFunc(func(r *http.Request) string { return ip.GetClientString(o.GetRealClientIPParser(), r, false) }) } // Do this after ReverseProxy validation for TrustedIP coordinated checks msgs = append(msgs, validateAllowlists(o)...) if len(msgs) != 0 { return fmt.Errorf("invalid configuration:\n %s", strings.Join(msgs, "\n ")) } return nil } func parseProviderInfo(o *options.Options, msgs []string) []string { p := &providers.ProviderData{ Scope: o.Providers[0].Scope, ClientID: o.Providers[0].ClientID, ClientSecret: o.Providers[0].ClientSecret, ClientSecretFile: o.Providers[0].ClientSecretFile, Prompt: o.Providers[0].Prompt, ApprovalPrompt: o.Providers[0].ApprovalPrompt, AcrValues: o.Providers[0].AcrValues, } p.LoginURL, msgs = parseURL(o.Providers[0].LoginURL, "login", msgs) p.RedeemURL, msgs = parseURL(o.Providers[0].RedeemURL, "redeem", msgs) p.ProfileURL, msgs = parseURL(o.Providers[0].ProfileURL, "profile", msgs) p.ValidateURL, msgs = parseURL(o.Providers[0].ValidateURL, "validate", msgs) p.ProtectedResource, msgs = parseURL(o.Providers[0].ProtectedResource, "resource", msgs) // Make the OIDC options available to all providers that support it p.AllowUnverifiedEmail = o.Providers[0].OIDCConfig.InsecureAllowUnverifiedEmail p.EmailClaim = o.Providers[0].OIDCConfig.EmailClaim p.GroupsClaim = o.Providers[0].OIDCConfig.GroupsClaim p.Verifier = o.GetOIDCVerifier() // TODO (@NickMeves) - Remove This // Backwards Compatibility for Deprecated UserIDClaim option if o.Providers[0].OIDCConfig.EmailClaim == providers.OIDCEmailClaim && o.Providers[0].OIDCConfig.UserIDClaim != providers.OIDCEmailClaim { p.EmailClaim = o.Providers[0].OIDCConfig.UserIDClaim } p.SetAllowedGroups(o.Providers[0].AllowedGroups) provider := providers.New(o.Providers[0].Type, p) if provider == nil { msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf("invalid setting: provider '%s' is not available", o.Providers[0].Type)) return msgs } o.SetProvider(provider) switch p := o.GetProvider().(type) { case *providers.AzureProvider: p.Configure(o.Providers[0].AzureConfig.Tenant) case *providers.ADFSProvider: p.Configure(o.Providers[0].ADFSConfig.SkipScope) case *providers.GitHubProvider: p.SetOrgTeam(o.Providers[0].GitHubConfig.Org, o.Providers[0].GitHubConfig.Team) p.SetRepo(o.Providers[0].GitHubConfig.Repo, o.Providers[0].GitHubConfig.Token) p.SetUsers(o.Providers[0].GitHubConfig.Users) case *providers.KeycloakProvider: // Backwards compatibility with `--keycloak-group` option if len(o.Providers[0].KeycloakConfig.Groups) > 0 { p.SetAllowedGroups(o.Providers[0].KeycloakConfig.Groups) } case *providers.KeycloakOIDCProvider: if p.Verifier == nil { msgs = append(msgs, "keycloak-oidc provider requires an oidc issuer URL") } p.AddAllowedRoles(o.Providers[0].KeycloakConfig.Roles) case *providers.GoogleProvider: if o.Providers[0].GoogleConfig.ServiceAccountJSON != "" { file, err := os.Open(o.Providers[0].GoogleConfig.ServiceAccountJSON) if err != nil { msgs = append(msgs, "invalid Google credentials file: "+o.Providers[0].GoogleConfig.ServiceAccountJSON) } else { groups := o.Providers[0].AllowedGroups // Backwards compatibility with `--google-group` option if len(o.Providers[0].GoogleConfig.Groups) > 0 { groups = o.Providers[0].GoogleConfig.Groups p.SetAllowedGroups(groups) } p.SetGroupRestriction(groups, o.Providers[0].GoogleConfig.AdminEmail, file) } } case *providers.BitbucketProvider: p.SetTeam(o.Providers[0].BitbucketConfig.Team) p.SetRepository(o.Providers[0].BitbucketConfig.Repository) case *providers.OIDCProvider: p.SkipNonce = o.Providers[0].OIDCConfig.InsecureSkipNonce if p.Verifier == nil { msgs = append(msgs, "oidc provider requires an oidc issuer URL") } case *providers.GitLabProvider: p.SetAllowedGroups(o.Providers[0].GitLabConfig.Group) err := p.SetAllowedProjects(o.Providers[0].GitLabConfig.Projects) if err != nil { msgs = append(msgs, "failed to setup gitlab project access level") } if p.Verifier == nil { // Initialize with default verifier for ctx := context.Background() provider, err := oidc.NewProvider(ctx, "") if err != nil { msgs = append(msgs, "failed to initialize oidc provider for") } else { p.Verifier = provider.Verifier(&oidc.Config{ ClientID: o.Providers[0].ClientID, }) p.LoginURL, msgs = parseURL(provider.Endpoint().AuthURL, "login", msgs) p.RedeemURL, msgs = parseURL(provider.Endpoint().TokenURL, "redeem", msgs) } } case *providers.LoginGovProvider: p.PubJWKURL, msgs = parseURL(o.Providers[0].LoginGovConfig.PubJWKURL, "pubjwk", msgs) // JWT key can be supplied via env variable or file in the filesystem, but not both. switch { case o.Providers[0].LoginGovConfig.JWTKey != "" && o.Providers[0].LoginGovConfig.JWTKeyFile != "": msgs = append(msgs, "cannot set both jwt-key and jwt-key-file options") case o.Providers[0].LoginGovConfig.JWTKey == "" && o.Providers[0].LoginGovConfig.JWTKeyFile == "": msgs = append(msgs, " provider requires a private key for signing JWTs") case o.Providers[0].LoginGovConfig.JWTKey != "": // The JWT Key is in the commandline argument signKey, err := jwt.ParseRSAPrivateKeyFromPEM([]byte(o.Providers[0].LoginGovConfig.JWTKey)) if err != nil { msgs = append(msgs, "could not parse RSA Private Key PEM") } else { p.JWTKey = signKey } case o.Providers[0].LoginGovConfig.JWTKeyFile != "": // The JWT key is in the filesystem keyData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(o.Providers[0].LoginGovConfig.JWTKeyFile) if err != nil { msgs = append(msgs, "could not read key file: "+o.Providers[0].LoginGovConfig.JWTKeyFile) } signKey, err := jwt.ParseRSAPrivateKeyFromPEM(keyData) if err != nil { msgs = append(msgs, "could not parse private key from PEM file:"+o.Providers[0].LoginGovConfig.JWTKeyFile) } else { p.JWTKey = signKey } } } return msgs } func parseSignatureKey(o *options.Options, msgs []string) []string { if o.SignatureKey == "" { return msgs } logger.Print("WARNING: `--signature-key` is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release") components := strings.Split(o.SignatureKey, ":") if len(components) != 2 { return append(msgs, "invalid signature hash:key spec: "+ o.SignatureKey) } algorithm, secretKey := components[0], components[1] hash, err := hmacauth.DigestNameToCryptoHash(algorithm) if err != nil { return append(msgs, "unsupported signature hash algorithm: "+o.SignatureKey) } o.SetSignatureData(&options.SignatureData{Hash: hash, Key: secretKey}) return msgs } // parseJwtIssuers takes in an array of strings in the form of issuer=audience // and parses to an array of jwtIssuer structs. func parseJwtIssuers(issuers []string, msgs []string) ([]jwtIssuer, []string) { parsedIssuers := make([]jwtIssuer, 0, len(issuers)) for _, jwtVerifier := range issuers { components := strings.Split(jwtVerifier, "=") if len(components) < 2 { msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf("invalid jwt verifier uri=audience spec: %s", jwtVerifier)) continue } uri, audience := components[0], strings.Join(components[1:], "=") parsedIssuers = append(parsedIssuers, jwtIssuer{issuerURI: uri, audience: audience}) } return parsedIssuers, msgs } // newVerifierFromJwtIssuer takes in issuer information in jwtIssuer info and returns // a verifier for that issuer. func newVerifierFromJwtIssuer(jwtIssuer jwtIssuer) (*oidc.IDTokenVerifier, error) { config := &oidc.Config{ ClientID: jwtIssuer.audience, } // Try as an OpenID Connect Provider first var verifier *oidc.IDTokenVerifier provider, err := oidc.NewProvider(context.Background(), jwtIssuer.issuerURI) if err != nil { // Try as JWKS URI jwksURI := strings.TrimSuffix(jwtIssuer.issuerURI, "/") + "/.well-known/jwks.json" if err := requests.New(jwksURI).Do().Error(); err != nil { return nil, err } verifier = oidc.NewVerifier(jwtIssuer.issuerURI, oidc.NewRemoteKeySet(context.Background(), jwksURI), config) } else { verifier = provider.Verifier(config) } return verifier, nil } // jwtIssuer hold parsed JWT issuer info that's used to construct a verifier. type jwtIssuer struct { issuerURI string audience string } func parseURL(toParse string, urltype string, msgs []string) (*url.URL, []string) { parsed, err := url.Parse(toParse) if err != nil { return nil, append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf( "error parsing %s-url=%q %s", urltype, toParse, err)) } return parsed, msgs }