# This docker-compose file can be used to bring up an example instance of oauth2-proxy # for manual testing and exploration of features. # Alongside OAuth2-Proxy, this file also starts Dex to act as the identity provider, # etcd for storage for Dex and HTTPBin as an example upstream. # # This can either be created using docker-compose # docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml # Or: # make (eg. make up, make down) # # Access http://localhost:4180 to initiate a login cycle version: '3.0' services: oauth2-proxy: container_name: oauth2-proxy image: quay.io/oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy:v6.1.1 command: --config /oauth2-proxy.cfg ports: - 4180:4180/tcp hostname: oauth2-proxy volumes: - "./oauth2-proxy.cfg:/oauth2-proxy.cfg" restart: unless-stopped networks: dex: {} httpbin: {} depends_on: - dex - httpbin dex: container_name: dex image: quay.io/dexidp/dex:v2.23.0 command: serve /dex.yaml ports: - 4190:4190/tcp hostname: dex volumes: - "./dex.yaml:/dex.yaml" restart: unless-stopped networks: dex: aliases: - dex.localhost etcd: {} depends_on: - etcd httpbin: container_name: httpbin image: kennethreitz/httpbin networks: httpbin: {} etcd: container_name: etcd image: gcr.io/etcd-development/etcd:v3.4.7 entrypoint: /usr/local/bin/etcd command: - --listen-client-urls= - --advertise-client-urls=http://etcd:2379 networks: etcd: {} networks: dex: {} etcd: {} httpbin: {}