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synced 2025-03-25 22:00:56 +02:00
With some providers the Username is an upstream Unique ID, like fex. in the case of Google. When matching this with downstream databases, it's sometimes preferred to use the email address as the known identifier. However, when _mixing_ this with sometimes other sources, like htaccess, which doesn't have a concept of an email address, it can turn difficult. This change makes the headers _prefer_ to use the Email address, if such exists, for the Username identifier when passing data to downstream services. Defaults to Off. Signed-off-by: D.S. Ljungmark <ljungmark@modio.se> Co-authored-by: Joel Speed <Joel.speed@hotmail.co.uk>
209 lines
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209 lines
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package main
import (
options "github.com/mreiferson/go-options"
func main() {
flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("oauth2_proxy", flag.ExitOnError)
emailDomains := StringArray{}
whitelistDomains := StringArray{}
upstreams := StringArray{}
skipAuthRegex := StringArray{}
jwtIssuers := StringArray{}
googleGroups := StringArray{}
redisSentinelConnectionURLs := StringArray{}
redisClusterConnectionURLs := StringArray{}
config := flagSet.String("config", "", "path to config file")
showVersion := flagSet.Bool("version", false, "print version string")
flagSet.String("http-address", "", "[http://]<addr>:<port> or unix://<path> to listen on for HTTP clients")
flagSet.String("https-address", ":443", "<addr>:<port> to listen on for HTTPS clients")
flagSet.Bool("reverse-proxy", false, "are we running behind a reverse proxy, controls whether headers like X-Real-Ip are accepted")
flagSet.Bool("force-https", false, "force HTTPS redirect for HTTP requests")
flagSet.String("tls-cert-file", "", "path to certificate file")
flagSet.String("tls-key-file", "", "path to private key file")
flagSet.String("redirect-url", "", "the OAuth Redirect URL. ie: \"https://internalapp.yourcompany.com/oauth2/callback\"")
flagSet.Bool("set-xauthrequest", false, "set X-Auth-Request-User and X-Auth-Request-Email response headers (useful in Nginx auth_request mode)")
flagSet.Var(&upstreams, "upstream", "the http url(s) of the upstream endpoint, file:// paths for static files or static://<status_code> for static response. Routing is based on the path")
flagSet.Bool("pass-basic-auth", true, "pass HTTP Basic Auth, X-Forwarded-User and X-Forwarded-Email information to upstream")
flagSet.Bool("prefer-email-to-user", false, "Prefer to use the Email address as the Username when passing information to upstream. Will only use Username if Email is unavailable, eg. htaccess authentication.")
flagSet.Bool("pass-user-headers", true, "pass X-Forwarded-User and X-Forwarded-Email information to upstream")
flagSet.String("basic-auth-password", "", "the password to set when passing the HTTP Basic Auth header")
flagSet.Bool("pass-access-token", false, "pass OAuth access_token to upstream via X-Forwarded-Access-Token header")
flagSet.Bool("pass-host-header", true, "pass the request Host Header to upstream")
flagSet.Bool("pass-authorization-header", false, "pass the Authorization Header to upstream")
flagSet.Bool("set-authorization-header", false, "set Authorization response headers (useful in Nginx auth_request mode)")
flagSet.Var(&skipAuthRegex, "skip-auth-regex", "bypass authentication for requests path's that match (may be given multiple times)")
flagSet.Bool("skip-provider-button", false, "will skip sign-in-page to directly reach the next step: oauth/start")
flagSet.Bool("skip-auth-preflight", false, "will skip authentication for OPTIONS requests")
flagSet.Bool("ssl-insecure-skip-verify", false, "skip validation of certificates presented when using HTTPS providers")
flagSet.Bool("ssl-upstream-insecure-skip-verify", false, "skip validation of certificates presented when using HTTPS upstreams")
flagSet.Duration("flush-interval", time.Duration(1)*time.Second, "period between response flushing when streaming responses")
flagSet.Bool("skip-jwt-bearer-tokens", false, "will skip requests that have verified JWT bearer tokens (default false)")
flagSet.Var(&jwtIssuers, "extra-jwt-issuers", "if skip-jwt-bearer-tokens is set, a list of extra JWT issuer=audience pairs (where the issuer URL has a .well-known/openid-configuration or a .well-known/jwks.json)")
flagSet.Var(&emailDomains, "email-domain", "authenticate emails with the specified domain (may be given multiple times). Use * to authenticate any email")
flagSet.Var(&whitelistDomains, "whitelist-domain", "allowed domains for redirection after authentication. Prefix domain with a . to allow subdomains (eg .example.com)")
flagSet.String("keycloak-group", "", "restrict login to members of this group.")
flagSet.String("azure-tenant", "common", "go to a tenant-specific or common (tenant-independent) endpoint.")
flagSet.String("bitbucket-team", "", "restrict logins to members of this team")
flagSet.String("bitbucket-repository", "", "restrict logins to user with access to this repository")
flagSet.String("github-org", "", "restrict logins to members of this organisation")
flagSet.String("github-team", "", "restrict logins to members of this team")
flagSet.String("gitlab-group", "", "restrict logins to members of this group")
flagSet.Var(&googleGroups, "google-group", "restrict logins to members of this google group (may be given multiple times).")
flagSet.String("google-admin-email", "", "the google admin to impersonate for api calls")
flagSet.String("google-service-account-json", "", "the path to the service account json credentials")
flagSet.String("client-id", "", "the OAuth Client ID: ie: \"123456.apps.googleusercontent.com\"")
flagSet.String("client-secret", "", "the OAuth Client Secret")
flagSet.String("client-secret-file", "", "the file with OAuth Client Secret")
flagSet.String("authenticated-emails-file", "", "authenticate against emails via file (one per line)")
flagSet.String("htpasswd-file", "", "additionally authenticate against a htpasswd file. Entries must be created with \"htpasswd -s\" for SHA encryption or \"htpasswd -B\" for bcrypt encryption")
flagSet.Bool("display-htpasswd-form", true, "display username / password login form if an htpasswd file is provided")
flagSet.String("custom-templates-dir", "", "path to custom html templates")
flagSet.String("banner", "", "custom banner string. Use \"-\" to disable default banner.")
flagSet.String("footer", "", "custom footer string. Use \"-\" to disable default footer.")
flagSet.String("proxy-prefix", "/oauth2", "the url root path that this proxy should be nested under (e.g. /<oauth2>/sign_in)")
flagSet.String("ping-path", "/ping", "the ping endpoint that can be used for basic health checks")
flagSet.Bool("proxy-websockets", true, "enables WebSocket proxying")
flagSet.String("cookie-name", "_oauth2_proxy", "the name of the cookie that the oauth_proxy creates")
flagSet.String("cookie-secret", "", "the seed string for secure cookies (optionally base64 encoded)")
flagSet.String("cookie-domain", "", "an optional cookie domain to force cookies to (ie: .yourcompany.com)*")
flagSet.String("cookie-path", "/", "an optional cookie path to force cookies to (ie: /poc/)*")
flagSet.Duration("cookie-expire", time.Duration(168)*time.Hour, "expire timeframe for cookie")
flagSet.Duration("cookie-refresh", time.Duration(0), "refresh the cookie after this duration; 0 to disable")
flagSet.Bool("cookie-secure", true, "set secure (HTTPS) cookie flag")
flagSet.Bool("cookie-httponly", true, "set HttpOnly cookie flag")
flagSet.String("cookie-samesite", "", "set SameSite cookie attribute (ie: \"lax\", \"strict\", \"none\", or \"\"). ")
flagSet.String("session-store-type", "cookie", "the session storage provider to use")
flagSet.String("redis-connection-url", "", "URL of redis server for redis session storage (eg: redis://HOST[:PORT])")
flagSet.Bool("redis-use-sentinel", false, "Connect to redis via sentinels. Must set --redis-sentinel-master-name and --redis-sentinel-connection-urls to use this feature")
flagSet.String("redis-sentinel-master-name", "", "Redis sentinel master name. Used in conjunction with --redis-use-sentinel")
flagSet.String("redis-ca-path", "", "Redis custom CA path")
flagSet.Bool("redis-insecure-skip-tls-verify", false, "Use insecure TLS connection to redis")
flagSet.Var(&redisSentinelConnectionURLs, "redis-sentinel-connection-urls", "List of Redis sentinel connection URLs (eg redis://HOST[:PORT]). Used in conjunction with --redis-use-sentinel")
flagSet.Bool("redis-use-cluster", false, "Connect to redis cluster. Must set --redis-cluster-connection-urls to use this feature")
flagSet.Var(&redisClusterConnectionURLs, "redis-cluster-connection-urls", "List of Redis cluster connection URLs (eg redis://HOST[:PORT]). Used in conjunction with --redis-use-cluster")
flagSet.String("logging-filename", "", "File to log requests to, empty for stdout")
flagSet.Int("logging-max-size", 100, "Maximum size in megabytes of the log file before rotation")
flagSet.Int("logging-max-age", 7, "Maximum number of days to retain old log files")
flagSet.Int("logging-max-backups", 0, "Maximum number of old log files to retain; 0 to disable")
flagSet.Bool("logging-local-time", true, "If the time in log files and backup filenames are local or UTC time")
flagSet.Bool("logging-compress", false, "Should rotated log files be compressed using gzip")
flagSet.Bool("standard-logging", true, "Log standard runtime information")
flagSet.String("standard-logging-format", logger.DefaultStandardLoggingFormat, "Template for standard log lines")
flagSet.Bool("request-logging", true, "Log HTTP requests")
flagSet.String("request-logging-format", logger.DefaultRequestLoggingFormat, "Template for HTTP request log lines")
flagSet.String("exclude-logging-paths", "", "Exclude logging requests to paths (eg: '/path1,/path2,/path3')")
flagSet.Bool("silence-ping-logging", false, "Disable logging of requests to ping endpoint")
flagSet.Bool("auth-logging", true, "Log authentication attempts")
flagSet.String("auth-logging-format", logger.DefaultAuthLoggingFormat, "Template for authentication log lines")
flagSet.String("provider", "google", "OAuth provider")
flagSet.String("provider-display-name", "", "Provider display name")
flagSet.String("oidc-issuer-url", "", "OpenID Connect issuer URL (ie: https://accounts.google.com)")
flagSet.Bool("insecure-oidc-allow-unverified-email", false, "Don't fail if an email address in an id_token is not verified")
flagSet.Bool("skip-oidc-discovery", false, "Skip OIDC discovery and use manually supplied Endpoints")
flagSet.String("oidc-jwks-url", "", "OpenID Connect JWKS URL (ie: https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/certs)")
flagSet.String("login-url", "", "Authentication endpoint")
flagSet.String("redeem-url", "", "Token redemption endpoint")
flagSet.String("profile-url", "", "Profile access endpoint")
flagSet.String("resource", "", "The resource that is protected (Azure AD only)")
flagSet.String("validate-url", "", "Access token validation endpoint")
flagSet.String("scope", "", "OAuth scope specification")
flagSet.String("approval-prompt", "force", "OAuth approval_prompt")
flagSet.String("signature-key", "", "GAP-Signature request signature key (algorithm:secretkey)")
flagSet.String("acr-values", "http://idmanagement.gov/ns/assurance/loa/1", "acr values string: optional, used by login.gov")
flagSet.String("jwt-key", "", "private key in PEM format used to sign JWT, so that you can say something like -jwt-key=\"${OAUTH2_PROXY_JWT_KEY}\": required by login.gov")
flagSet.String("jwt-key-file", "", "path to the private key file in PEM format used to sign the JWT so that you can say something like -jwt-key-file=/etc/ssl/private/jwt_signing_key.pem: required by login.gov")
flagSet.String("pubjwk-url", "", "JWK pubkey access endpoint: required by login.gov")
flagSet.Bool("gcp-healthchecks", false, "Enable GCP/GKE healthcheck endpoints")
if *showVersion {
fmt.Printf("oauth2_proxy %s (built with %s)\n", VERSION, runtime.Version())
opts := NewOptions()
cfg := make(EnvOptions)
if *config != "" {
_, err := toml.DecodeFile(*config, &cfg)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("ERROR: failed to load config file %s - %s", *config, err)
options.Resolve(opts, flagSet, cfg)
err := opts.Validate()
if err != nil {
logger.Printf("%s", err)
validator := NewValidator(opts.EmailDomains, opts.AuthenticatedEmailsFile)
oauthproxy := NewOAuthProxy(opts, validator)
if len(opts.Banner) >= 1 {
if opts.Banner == "-" {
oauthproxy.SignInMessage = ""
} else {
oauthproxy.SignInMessage = opts.Banner
} else if len(opts.EmailDomains) != 0 && opts.AuthenticatedEmailsFile == "" {
if len(opts.EmailDomains) > 1 {
oauthproxy.SignInMessage = fmt.Sprintf("Authenticate using one of the following domains: %v", strings.Join(opts.EmailDomains, ", "))
} else if opts.EmailDomains[0] != "*" {
oauthproxy.SignInMessage = fmt.Sprintf("Authenticate using %v", opts.EmailDomains[0])
if opts.HtpasswdFile != "" {
logger.Printf("using htpasswd file %s", opts.HtpasswdFile)
oauthproxy.HtpasswdFile, err = NewHtpasswdFromFile(opts.HtpasswdFile)
oauthproxy.DisplayHtpasswdForm = opts.DisplayHtpasswdForm
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("FATAL: unable to open %s %s", opts.HtpasswdFile, err)
var handler http.Handler
if opts.GCPHealthChecks {
handler = redirectToHTTPS(opts, gcpHealthcheck(LoggingHandler(oauthproxy)))
} else {
handler = redirectToHTTPS(opts, LoggingHandler(oauthproxy))
s := &Server{
Handler: handler,
Opts: opts,