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synced 2025-02-03 13:21:51 +02:00
* Strip X-Forwarded auth headers from whitelisted paths For any paths that match skip-auth-regex, strip normal X-Forwarded headers that would be sent based on pass-user-headers or pass-access-token settings. This prevents malicious injecting of authentication headers through the skip-auth-regex paths in cases where the regex might be misconfigured and too open. Control this behavior with --skip-auth-strip-headers flag. This flag is set to TRUE by default (this is secure by default, but potentially breaks some legacy configurations). Only x-Forwarded headers stripped, left the Authorization header untouched. * Strip authorization header if it would be set * Improve TestStripAuthHeaders test table * Improve --skip-auth-strip-headers flag documentation
286 lines
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286 lines
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package options
import (
oidc "github.com/coreos/go-oidc"
ipapi "github.com/oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy/pkg/apis/ip"
// SignatureData holds hmacauth signature hash and key
type SignatureData struct {
Hash crypto.Hash
Key string
// Options holds Configuration Options that can be set by Command Line Flag,
// or Config File
type Options struct {
ProxyPrefix string `flag:"proxy-prefix" cfg:"proxy_prefix"`
PingPath string `flag:"ping-path" cfg:"ping_path"`
PingUserAgent string `flag:"ping-user-agent" cfg:"ping_user_agent"`
ProxyWebSockets bool `flag:"proxy-websockets" cfg:"proxy_websockets"`
HTTPAddress string `flag:"http-address" cfg:"http_address"`
HTTPSAddress string `flag:"https-address" cfg:"https_address"`
ReverseProxy bool `flag:"reverse-proxy" cfg:"reverse_proxy"`
RealClientIPHeader string `flag:"real-client-ip-header" cfg:"real_client_ip_header"`
TrustedIPs []string `flag:"trusted-ip" cfg:"trusted_ips"`
ForceHTTPS bool `flag:"force-https" cfg:"force_https"`
RawRedirectURL string `flag:"redirect-url" cfg:"redirect_url"`
ClientID string `flag:"client-id" cfg:"client_id"`
ClientSecret string `flag:"client-secret" cfg:"client_secret"`
ClientSecretFile string `flag:"client-secret-file" cfg:"client_secret_file"`
TLSCertFile string `flag:"tls-cert-file" cfg:"tls_cert_file"`
TLSKeyFile string `flag:"tls-key-file" cfg:"tls_key_file"`
AuthenticatedEmailsFile string `flag:"authenticated-emails-file" cfg:"authenticated_emails_file"`
KeycloakGroup string `flag:"keycloak-group" cfg:"keycloak_group"`
AzureTenant string `flag:"azure-tenant" cfg:"azure_tenant"`
BitbucketTeam string `flag:"bitbucket-team" cfg:"bitbucket_team"`
BitbucketRepository string `flag:"bitbucket-repository" cfg:"bitbucket_repository"`
EmailDomains []string `flag:"email-domain" cfg:"email_domains"`
WhitelistDomains []string `flag:"whitelist-domain" cfg:"whitelist_domains"`
GitHubOrg string `flag:"github-org" cfg:"github_org"`
GitHubTeam string `flag:"github-team" cfg:"github_team"`
GitHubRepo string `flag:"github-repo" cfg:"github_repo"`
GitHubToken string `flag:"github-token" cfg:"github_token"`
GitHubUsers []string `flag:"github-user" cfg:"github_users"`
GitLabGroup []string `flag:"gitlab-group" cfg:"gitlab_groups"`
GoogleGroups []string `flag:"google-group" cfg:"google_group"`
GoogleAdminEmail string `flag:"google-admin-email" cfg:"google_admin_email"`
GoogleServiceAccountJSON string `flag:"google-service-account-json" cfg:"google_service_account_json"`
HtpasswdFile string `flag:"htpasswd-file" cfg:"htpasswd_file"`
DisplayHtpasswdForm bool `flag:"display-htpasswd-form" cfg:"display_htpasswd_form"`
CustomTemplatesDir string `flag:"custom-templates-dir" cfg:"custom_templates_dir"`
Banner string `flag:"banner" cfg:"banner"`
Footer string `flag:"footer" cfg:"footer"`
Cookie Cookie `cfg:",squash"`
Session SessionOptions `cfg:",squash"`
Logging Logging `cfg:",squash"`
Upstreams []string `flag:"upstream" cfg:"upstreams"`
SkipAuthRegex []string `flag:"skip-auth-regex" cfg:"skip_auth_regex"`
SkipAuthStripHeaders bool `flag:"skip-auth-strip-headers" cfg:"skip_auth_strip_headers"`
SkipJwtBearerTokens bool `flag:"skip-jwt-bearer-tokens" cfg:"skip_jwt_bearer_tokens"`
ExtraJwtIssuers []string `flag:"extra-jwt-issuers" cfg:"extra_jwt_issuers"`
PassBasicAuth bool `flag:"pass-basic-auth" cfg:"pass_basic_auth"`
SetBasicAuth bool `flag:"set-basic-auth" cfg:"set_basic_auth"`
PreferEmailToUser bool `flag:"prefer-email-to-user" cfg:"prefer_email_to_user"`
BasicAuthPassword string `flag:"basic-auth-password" cfg:"basic_auth_password"`
PassAccessToken bool `flag:"pass-access-token" cfg:"pass_access_token"`
PassHostHeader bool `flag:"pass-host-header" cfg:"pass_host_header"`
SkipProviderButton bool `flag:"skip-provider-button" cfg:"skip_provider_button"`
PassUserHeaders bool `flag:"pass-user-headers" cfg:"pass_user_headers"`
SSLInsecureSkipVerify bool `flag:"ssl-insecure-skip-verify" cfg:"ssl_insecure_skip_verify"`
SSLUpstreamInsecureSkipVerify bool `flag:"ssl-upstream-insecure-skip-verify" cfg:"ssl_upstream_insecure_skip_verify"`
SetXAuthRequest bool `flag:"set-xauthrequest" cfg:"set_xauthrequest"`
SetAuthorization bool `flag:"set-authorization-header" cfg:"set_authorization_header"`
PassAuthorization bool `flag:"pass-authorization-header" cfg:"pass_authorization_header"`
SkipAuthPreflight bool `flag:"skip-auth-preflight" cfg:"skip_auth_preflight"`
FlushInterval time.Duration `flag:"flush-interval" cfg:"flush_interval"`
// These options allow for other providers besides Google, with
// potential overrides.
ProviderType string `flag:"provider" cfg:"provider"`
ProviderName string `flag:"provider-display-name" cfg:"provider_display_name"`
ProviderCAFiles []string `flag:"provider-ca-file" cfg:"provider_ca_files"`
OIDCIssuerURL string `flag:"oidc-issuer-url" cfg:"oidc_issuer_url"`
InsecureOIDCAllowUnverifiedEmail bool `flag:"insecure-oidc-allow-unverified-email" cfg:"insecure_oidc_allow_unverified_email"`
InsecureOIDCSkipIssuerVerification bool `flag:"insecure-oidc-skip-issuer-verification" cfg:"insecure_oidc_skip_issuer_verification"`
SkipOIDCDiscovery bool `flag:"skip-oidc-discovery" cfg:"skip_oidc_discovery"`
OIDCJwksURL string `flag:"oidc-jwks-url" cfg:"oidc_jwks_url"`
LoginURL string `flag:"login-url" cfg:"login_url"`
RedeemURL string `flag:"redeem-url" cfg:"redeem_url"`
ProfileURL string `flag:"profile-url" cfg:"profile_url"`
ProtectedResource string `flag:"resource" cfg:"resource"`
ValidateURL string `flag:"validate-url" cfg:"validate_url"`
Scope string `flag:"scope" cfg:"scope"`
Prompt string `flag:"prompt" cfg:"prompt"`
ApprovalPrompt string `flag:"approval-prompt" cfg:"approval_prompt"` // Deprecated by OIDC 1.0
UserIDClaim string `flag:"user-id-claim" cfg:"user_id_claim"`
SignatureKey string `flag:"signature-key" cfg:"signature_key"`
AcrValues string `flag:"acr-values" cfg:"acr_values"`
JWTKey string `flag:"jwt-key" cfg:"jwt_key"`
JWTKeyFile string `flag:"jwt-key-file" cfg:"jwt_key_file"`
PubJWKURL string `flag:"pubjwk-url" cfg:"pubjwk_url"`
GCPHealthChecks bool `flag:"gcp-healthchecks" cfg:"gcp_healthchecks"`
// internal values that are set after config validation
redirectURL *url.URL
proxyURLs []*url.URL
compiledRegex []*regexp.Regexp
provider providers.Provider
signatureData *SignatureData
oidcVerifier *oidc.IDTokenVerifier
jwtBearerVerifiers []*oidc.IDTokenVerifier
realClientIPParser ipapi.RealClientIPParser
// Options for Getting internal values
func (o *Options) GetRedirectURL() *url.URL { return o.redirectURL }
func (o *Options) GetProxyURLs() []*url.URL { return o.proxyURLs }
func (o *Options) GetCompiledRegex() []*regexp.Regexp { return o.compiledRegex }
func (o *Options) GetProvider() providers.Provider { return o.provider }
func (o *Options) GetSignatureData() *SignatureData { return o.signatureData }
func (o *Options) GetOIDCVerifier() *oidc.IDTokenVerifier { return o.oidcVerifier }
func (o *Options) GetJWTBearerVerifiers() []*oidc.IDTokenVerifier { return o.jwtBearerVerifiers }
func (o *Options) GetRealClientIPParser() ipapi.RealClientIPParser { return o.realClientIPParser }
// Options for Setting internal values
func (o *Options) SetRedirectURL(s *url.URL) { o.redirectURL = s }
func (o *Options) SetProxyURLs(s []*url.URL) { o.proxyURLs = s }
func (o *Options) SetCompiledRegex(s []*regexp.Regexp) { o.compiledRegex = s }
func (o *Options) SetProvider(s providers.Provider) { o.provider = s }
func (o *Options) SetSignatureData(s *SignatureData) { o.signatureData = s }
func (o *Options) SetOIDCVerifier(s *oidc.IDTokenVerifier) { o.oidcVerifier = s }
func (o *Options) SetJWTBearerVerifiers(s []*oidc.IDTokenVerifier) { o.jwtBearerVerifiers = s }
func (o *Options) SetRealClientIPParser(s ipapi.RealClientIPParser) { o.realClientIPParser = s }
// NewOptions constructs a new Options with defaulted values
func NewOptions() *Options {
return &Options{
ProxyPrefix: "/oauth2",
ProviderType: "google",
PingPath: "/ping",
ProxyWebSockets: true,
HTTPAddress: "",
HTTPSAddress: ":443",
RealClientIPHeader: "X-Real-IP",
ForceHTTPS: false,
DisplayHtpasswdForm: true,
Cookie: cookieDefaults(),
Session: sessionOptionsDefaults(),
AzureTenant: "common",
SetXAuthRequest: false,
SkipAuthPreflight: false,
SkipAuthStripHeaders: false,
FlushInterval: time.Duration(1) * time.Second,
PassBasicAuth: true,
SetBasicAuth: false,
PassUserHeaders: true,
PassAccessToken: false,
PassHostHeader: true,
SetAuthorization: false,
PassAuthorization: false,
PreferEmailToUser: false,
Prompt: "", // Change to "login" when ApprovalPrompt officially deprecated
ApprovalPrompt: "force",
UserIDClaim: "email",
InsecureOIDCAllowUnverifiedEmail: false,
SkipOIDCDiscovery: false,
Logging: loggingDefaults(),
// NewFlagSet creates a new FlagSet with all of the flags required by Options
func NewFlagSet() *pflag.FlagSet {
flagSet := pflag.NewFlagSet("oauth2-proxy", pflag.ExitOnError)
flagSet.String("http-address", "", "[http://]<addr>:<port> or unix://<path> to listen on for HTTP clients")
flagSet.String("https-address", ":443", "<addr>:<port> to listen on for HTTPS clients")
flagSet.Bool("reverse-proxy", false, "are we running behind a reverse proxy, controls whether headers like X-Real-Ip are accepted")
flagSet.String("real-client-ip-header", "X-Real-IP", "Header used to determine the real IP of the client (one of: X-Forwarded-For, X-Real-IP, or X-ProxyUser-IP)")
flagSet.StringSlice("trusted-ip", []string{}, "list of IPs or CIDR ranges to allow to bypass authentication. WARNING: trusting by IP has inherent security flaws, read the configuration documentation for more information.")
flagSet.Bool("force-https", false, "force HTTPS redirect for HTTP requests")
flagSet.String("tls-cert-file", "", "path to certificate file")
flagSet.String("tls-key-file", "", "path to private key file")
flagSet.String("redirect-url", "", "the OAuth Redirect URL. ie: \"https://internalapp.yourcompany.com/oauth2/callback\"")
flagSet.Bool("set-xauthrequest", false, "set X-Auth-Request-User and X-Auth-Request-Email response headers (useful in Nginx auth_request mode)")
flagSet.StringSlice("upstream", []string{}, "the http url(s) of the upstream endpoint, file:// paths for static files or static://<status_code> for static response. Routing is based on the path")
flagSet.Bool("pass-basic-auth", true, "pass HTTP Basic Auth, X-Forwarded-User and X-Forwarded-Email information to upstream")
flagSet.Bool("set-basic-auth", false, "set HTTP Basic Auth information in response (useful in Nginx auth_request mode)")
flagSet.Bool("prefer-email-to-user", false, "Prefer to use the Email address as the Username when passing information to upstream. Will only use Username if Email is unavailable, eg. htaccess authentication. Used in conjunction with -pass-basic-auth and -pass-user-headers")
flagSet.Bool("pass-user-headers", true, "pass X-Forwarded-User and X-Forwarded-Email information to upstream")
flagSet.String("basic-auth-password", "", "the password to set when passing the HTTP Basic Auth header")
flagSet.Bool("pass-access-token", false, "pass OAuth access_token to upstream via X-Forwarded-Access-Token header")
flagSet.Bool("pass-host-header", true, "pass the request Host Header to upstream")
flagSet.Bool("pass-authorization-header", false, "pass the Authorization Header to upstream")
flagSet.Bool("set-authorization-header", false, "set Authorization response headers (useful in Nginx auth_request mode)")
flagSet.StringSlice("skip-auth-regex", []string{}, "bypass authentication for requests path's that match (may be given multiple times)")
flagSet.Bool("skip-auth-strip-headers", false, "strips X-Forwarded-* style authentication headers & Authorization header if they would be set by oauth2-proxy for request paths in --skip-auth-regex")
flagSet.Bool("skip-provider-button", false, "will skip sign-in-page to directly reach the next step: oauth/start")
flagSet.Bool("skip-auth-preflight", false, "will skip authentication for OPTIONS requests")
flagSet.Bool("ssl-insecure-skip-verify", false, "skip validation of certificates presented when using HTTPS providers")
flagSet.Bool("ssl-upstream-insecure-skip-verify", false, "skip validation of certificates presented when using HTTPS upstreams")
flagSet.Duration("flush-interval", time.Duration(1)*time.Second, "period between response flushing when streaming responses")
flagSet.Bool("skip-jwt-bearer-tokens", false, "will skip requests that have verified JWT bearer tokens (default false)")
flagSet.StringSlice("extra-jwt-issuers", []string{}, "if skip-jwt-bearer-tokens is set, a list of extra JWT issuer=audience pairs (where the issuer URL has a .well-known/openid-configuration or a .well-known/jwks.json)")
flagSet.StringSlice("email-domain", []string{}, "authenticate emails with the specified domain (may be given multiple times). Use * to authenticate any email")
flagSet.StringSlice("whitelist-domain", []string{}, "allowed domains for redirection after authentication. Prefix domain with a . to allow subdomains (eg .example.com)")
flagSet.String("keycloak-group", "", "restrict login to members of this group.")
flagSet.String("azure-tenant", "common", "go to a tenant-specific or common (tenant-independent) endpoint.")
flagSet.String("bitbucket-team", "", "restrict logins to members of this team")
flagSet.String("bitbucket-repository", "", "restrict logins to user with access to this repository")
flagSet.String("github-org", "", "restrict logins to members of this organisation")
flagSet.String("github-team", "", "restrict logins to members of this team")
flagSet.String("github-repo", "", "restrict logins to collaborators of this repository")
flagSet.String("github-token", "", "the token to use when verifying repository collaborators (must have push access to the repository)")
flagSet.StringSlice("github-user", []string{}, "allow users with these usernames to login even if they do not belong to the specified org and team or collaborators (may be given multiple times)")
flagSet.StringSlice("gitlab-group", []string{}, "restrict logins to members of this group (may be given multiple times)")
flagSet.StringSlice("google-group", []string{}, "restrict logins to members of this google group (may be given multiple times).")
flagSet.String("google-admin-email", "", "the google admin to impersonate for api calls")
flagSet.String("google-service-account-json", "", "the path to the service account json credentials")
flagSet.String("client-id", "", "the OAuth Client ID: ie: \"123456.apps.googleusercontent.com\"")
flagSet.String("client-secret", "", "the OAuth Client Secret")
flagSet.String("client-secret-file", "", "the file with OAuth Client Secret")
flagSet.String("authenticated-emails-file", "", "authenticate against emails via file (one per line)")
flagSet.String("htpasswd-file", "", "additionally authenticate against a htpasswd file. Entries must be created with \"htpasswd -s\" for SHA encryption or \"htpasswd -B\" for bcrypt encryption")
flagSet.Bool("display-htpasswd-form", true, "display username / password login form if an htpasswd file is provided")
flagSet.String("custom-templates-dir", "", "path to custom html templates")
flagSet.String("banner", "", "custom banner string. Use \"-\" to disable default banner.")
flagSet.String("footer", "", "custom footer string. Use \"-\" to disable default footer.")
flagSet.String("proxy-prefix", "/oauth2", "the url root path that this proxy should be nested under (e.g. /<oauth2>/sign_in)")
flagSet.String("ping-path", "/ping", "the ping endpoint that can be used for basic health checks")
flagSet.String("ping-user-agent", "", "special User-Agent that will be used for basic health checks")
flagSet.Bool("proxy-websockets", true, "enables WebSocket proxying")
flagSet.String("session-store-type", "cookie", "the session storage provider to use")
flagSet.Bool("session-cookie-minimal", false, "strip OAuth tokens from cookie session stores if they aren't needed (cookie session store only)")
flagSet.String("redis-connection-url", "", "URL of redis server for redis session storage (eg: redis://HOST[:PORT])")
flagSet.Bool("redis-use-sentinel", false, "Connect to redis via sentinels. Must set --redis-sentinel-master-name and --redis-sentinel-connection-urls to use this feature")
flagSet.String("redis-sentinel-master-name", "", "Redis sentinel master name. Used in conjunction with --redis-use-sentinel")
flagSet.String("redis-ca-path", "", "Redis custom CA path")
flagSet.Bool("redis-insecure-skip-tls-verify", false, "Use insecure TLS connection to redis")
flagSet.StringSlice("redis-sentinel-connection-urls", []string{}, "List of Redis sentinel connection URLs (eg redis://HOST[:PORT]). Used in conjunction with --redis-use-sentinel")
flagSet.Bool("redis-use-cluster", false, "Connect to redis cluster. Must set --redis-cluster-connection-urls to use this feature")
flagSet.StringSlice("redis-cluster-connection-urls", []string{}, "List of Redis cluster connection URLs (eg redis://HOST[:PORT]). Used in conjunction with --redis-use-cluster")
flagSet.String("provider", "google", "OAuth provider")
flagSet.String("provider-display-name", "", "Provider display name")
flagSet.StringSlice("provider-ca-file", []string{}, "One or more paths to CA certificates that should be used when connecting to the provider. If not specified, the default Go trust sources are used instead.")
flagSet.String("oidc-issuer-url", "", "OpenID Connect issuer URL (ie: https://accounts.google.com)")
flagSet.Bool("insecure-oidc-allow-unverified-email", false, "Don't fail if an email address in an id_token is not verified")
flagSet.Bool("insecure-oidc-skip-issuer-verification", false, "Do not verify if issuer matches OIDC discovery URL")
flagSet.Bool("skip-oidc-discovery", false, "Skip OIDC discovery and use manually supplied Endpoints")
flagSet.String("oidc-jwks-url", "", "OpenID Connect JWKS URL (ie: https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/certs)")
flagSet.String("login-url", "", "Authentication endpoint")
flagSet.String("redeem-url", "", "Token redemption endpoint")
flagSet.String("profile-url", "", "Profile access endpoint")
flagSet.String("resource", "", "The resource that is protected (Azure AD only)")
flagSet.String("validate-url", "", "Access token validation endpoint")
flagSet.String("scope", "", "OAuth scope specification")
flagSet.String("prompt", "", "OIDC prompt")
flagSet.String("approval-prompt", "force", "OAuth approval_prompt")
flagSet.String("signature-key", "", "GAP-Signature request signature key (algorithm:secretkey)")
flagSet.String("acr-values", "", "acr values string: optional")
flagSet.String("jwt-key", "", "private key in PEM format used to sign JWT, so that you can say something like -jwt-key=\"${OAUTH2_PROXY_JWT_KEY}\": required by login.gov")
flagSet.String("jwt-key-file", "", "path to the private key file in PEM format used to sign the JWT so that you can say something like -jwt-key-file=/etc/ssl/private/jwt_signing_key.pem: required by login.gov")
flagSet.String("pubjwk-url", "", "JWK pubkey access endpoint: required by login.gov")
flagSet.Bool("gcp-healthchecks", false, "Enable GCP/GKE healthcheck endpoints")
flagSet.String("user-id-claim", "email", "which claim contains the user ID")
return flagSet