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192 lines
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package upstream
import (
middlewareapi "github.com/oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy/v7/pkg/apis/middleware"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/extensions/table"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
var _ = Describe("Proxy Suite", func() {
var upstreamServer http.Handler
BeforeEach(func() {
sigData := &options.SignatureData{Hash: crypto.SHA256, Key: "secret"}
writer := &pagewriter.WriterFuncs{
ProxyErrorFunc: func(rw http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request, _ error) {
rw.Write([]byte("Proxy Error"))
ok := http.StatusOK
upstreams := options.Upstreams{
ID: "http-backend",
Path: "/http/",
URI: serverAddr,
ID: "file-backend",
Path: "/files/",
URI: fmt.Sprintf("file:///%s", filesDir),
ID: "static-backend",
Path: "/static/",
Static: true,
StaticCode: &ok,
ID: "bad-http-backend",
Path: "/bad-http/",
URI: "http://::1",
ID: "single-path-backend",
Path: "/single-path",
Static: true,
StaticCode: &ok,
var err error
upstreamServer, err = NewProxy(upstreams, sigData, writer)
type proxyTableInput struct {
target string
response testHTTPResponse
upstream string
DescribeTable("Proxy ServeHTTP",
func(in *proxyTableInput) {
req := middlewareapi.AddRequestScope(
httptest.NewRequest("", in.target, nil),
rw := httptest.NewRecorder()
// Don't mock the remote Address
req.RemoteAddr = ""
upstreamServer.ServeHTTP(rw, req)
scope := middlewareapi.GetRequestScope(req)
// Delete extra headers that aren't relevant to tests
body := rw.Body.Bytes()
// If the raw body is set, check that, else check the Request object
if in.response.raw != "" {
// Compare the reflected request to the upstream
request := testHTTPRequest{}
Expect(json.Unmarshal(body, &request)).To(Succeed())
Entry("with a request to the HTTP service", &proxyTableInput{
target: "http://example.localhost/http/1234",
response: testHTTPResponse{
code: 200,
header: map[string][]string{
contentType: {applicationJSON},
request: testHTTPRequest{
Method: "GET",
URL: "http://example.localhost/http/1234",
Header: map[string][]string{
"Gap-Auth": {""},
"Gap-Signature": {"sha256 ofB1u6+FhEUbFLc3/uGbJVkl7GaN4egFqVvyO3+2I1w="},
Body: []byte{},
Host: "example.localhost",
RequestURI: "http://example.localhost/http/1234",
upstream: "http-backend",
Entry("with a request to the File backend", &proxyTableInput{
target: "http://example.localhost/files/foo",
response: testHTTPResponse{
code: 200,
header: map[string][]string{
contentType: {textPlainUTF8},
raw: "foo",
upstream: "file-backend",
Entry("with a request to the Static backend", &proxyTableInput{
target: "http://example.localhost/static/bar",
response: testHTTPResponse{
code: 200,
header: map[string][]string{},
raw: "Authenticated",
upstream: "static-backend",
Entry("with a request to the bad HTTP backend", &proxyTableInput{
target: "http://example.localhost/bad-http/bad",
response: testHTTPResponse{
code: 502,
header: map[string][]string{},
// This tests the error handler
raw: "Proxy Error",
upstream: "bad-http-backend",
Entry("with a request to the to an unregistered path", &proxyTableInput{
target: "http://example.localhost/unregistered",
response: testHTTPResponse{
code: 404,
header: map[string][]string{
"X-Content-Type-Options": {"nosniff"},
contentType: {textPlainUTF8},
raw: "404 page not found\n",
Entry("with a request to the to backend registered to a single path", &proxyTableInput{
target: "http://example.localhost/single-path",
response: testHTTPResponse{
code: 200,
header: map[string][]string{},
raw: "Authenticated",
upstream: "single-path-backend",
Entry("with a request to the to a subpath of a backend registered to a single path", &proxyTableInput{
target: "http://example.localhost/single-path/unregistered",
response: testHTTPResponse{
code: 404,
header: map[string][]string{
"X-Content-Type-Options": {"nosniff"},
contentType: {textPlainUTF8},
raw: "404 page not found\n",