index 6aed3bd9d..2176ce526 100644
@@ -570,6 +570,9 @@ functionality should be added, each one will need their own super-set
 interfaces and will duplicate the pattern. For this reason, the simple targeted
 interface that defines the specific functionality should be preferred.
+See also:
+[Keeping Your Modules Compatible: Working with interfaces](https://go.dev/blog/module-compatibility#working-with-interfaces).
 ### Testing
 The tests should never leak goroutines.
diff --git a/sdk/log/DESIGN.md b/sdk/log/DESIGN.md
index b1a69aae9..99c5bf51c 100644
--- a/sdk/log/DESIGN.md
+++ b/sdk/log/DESIGN.md
@@ -50,6 +50,11 @@ The user set processors for the `LoggerProvider` using
 The user can configure custom processors and decorate built-in processors.
+The specification may add new operations to the
+If it happens, [CONTRIBUTING.md](../../CONTRIBUTING.md#how-to-change-other-interfaces)
+describes how the SDK can be extended in a backwards-compatible way.
 ### SimpleProcessor
 The [Simple processor](https://opentelemetry.io/docs/specs/otel/logs/sdk/#simple-processor)
@@ -74,6 +79,11 @@ so that the caller can reuse the passed slice
 (e.g. using [`sync.Pool`](https://pkg.go.dev/sync#Pool))
 to avoid heap allocations on each call.
+The specification may add new operations to the
+If it happens, [CONTRIBUTING.md](../../CONTRIBUTING.md#how-to-change-other-interfaces)
+describes how the SDK can be extended in a backwards-compatible way.
 ### Record
 The [ReadWriteLogRecord](https://opentelemetry.io/docs/specs/otel/logs/sdk/#readwritelogrecord)