// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package opencensus import ( "context" "testing" octrace "go.opencensus.io/trace" "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/bridge/opencensus/utils" "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/codes" "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/label" "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/oteltest" "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace" ) func TestMixedAPIs(t *testing.T) { sr := new(oteltest.SpanRecorder) tp := oteltest.NewTracerProvider(oteltest.WithSpanRecorder(sr)) tracer := tp.Tracer("mixedapitracer") octrace.DefaultTracer = NewTracer(tracer) func() { ctx := context.Background() var ocspan1 *octrace.Span ctx, ocspan1 = octrace.StartSpan(ctx, "OpenCensusSpan1") defer ocspan1.End() var otspan1 trace.Span ctx, otspan1 = tracer.Start(ctx, "OpenTelemetrySpan1") defer otspan1.End() var ocspan2 *octrace.Span ctx, ocspan2 = octrace.StartSpan(ctx, "OpenCensusSpan2") defer ocspan2.End() var otspan2 trace.Span _, otspan2 = tracer.Start(ctx, "OpenTelemetrySpan2") defer otspan2.End() }() spans := sr.Completed() if len(spans) != 4 { for _, span := range spans { t.Logf("Span: %s", span.Name()) } t.Fatalf("Got %d spans, exepected %d.", len(spans), 4) } parent := &oteltest.Span{} for i := range spans { // Reverse the order we look at the spans in, since they are listed in last-to-first order. i = len(spans) - i - 1 // Verify that OpenCensus spans and opentelemetry spans have each other as parents. if spans[i].ParentSpanID() != parent.SpanContext().SpanID { t.Errorf("Span %v had parent %v. Expected %d", spans[i].Name(), spans[i].ParentSpanID(), parent.SpanContext().SpanID) } parent = spans[i] } } func TestStartOptions(t *testing.T) { sr := new(oteltest.SpanRecorder) tp := oteltest.NewTracerProvider(oteltest.WithSpanRecorder(sr)) octrace.DefaultTracer = NewTracer(tp.Tracer("startoptionstracer")) ctx := context.Background() _, span := octrace.StartSpan(ctx, "OpenCensusSpan", octrace.WithSpanKind(octrace.SpanKindClient)) span.End() spans := sr.Completed() if len(spans) != 1 { t.Fatalf("Got %d spans, exepected %d", len(spans), 1) } if spans[0].SpanKind() != trace.SpanKindClient { t.Errorf("Got span kind %v, exepected %d", spans[0].SpanKind(), trace.SpanKindClient) } } func TestStartSpanWithRemoteParent(t *testing.T) { sr := new(oteltest.SpanRecorder) tp := oteltest.NewTracerProvider(oteltest.WithSpanRecorder(sr)) tracer := tp.Tracer("remoteparent") octrace.DefaultTracer = NewTracer(tracer) ctx := context.Background() ctx, parent := tracer.Start(ctx, "OpenTelemetrySpan1") _, span := octrace.StartSpanWithRemoteParent(ctx, "OpenCensusSpan", utils.OTelSpanContextToOC(parent.SpanContext())) span.End() spans := sr.Completed() if len(spans) != 1 { t.Fatalf("Got %d spans, exepected %d", len(spans), 1) } if spans[0].ParentSpanID() != parent.SpanContext().SpanID { t.Errorf("Span %v, had parent %v. Expected %d", spans[0].Name(), spans[0].ParentSpanID(), parent.SpanContext().SpanID) } } func TestToFromContext(t *testing.T) { sr := new(oteltest.SpanRecorder) tp := oteltest.NewTracerProvider(oteltest.WithSpanRecorder(sr)) tracer := tp.Tracer("tofromcontext") octrace.DefaultTracer = NewTracer(tracer) func() { ctx := context.Background() _, otSpan1 := tracer.Start(ctx, "OpenTelemetrySpan1") defer otSpan1.End() // Use NewContext instead of the context from Start ctx = octrace.NewContext(ctx, octrace.NewSpan(&span{otSpan: otSpan1})) ctx, _ = tracer.Start(ctx, "OpenTelemetrySpan2") // Get the opentelemetry span using the OpenCensus FromContext, and end it otSpan2 := octrace.FromContext(ctx) defer otSpan2.End() }() spans := sr.Completed() if len(spans) != 2 { t.Fatalf("Got %d spans, exepected %d.", len(spans), 2) } parent := &oteltest.Span{} for i := range spans { // Reverse the order we look at the spans in, since they are listed in last-to-first order. i = len(spans) - i - 1 // Verify that OpenCensus spans and opentelemetry spans have each other as parents. if spans[i].ParentSpanID() != parent.SpanContext().SpanID { t.Errorf("Span %v had parent %v. Expected %d", spans[i].Name(), spans[i].ParentSpanID(), parent.SpanContext().SpanID) } parent = spans[i] } } func TestIsRecordingEvents(t *testing.T) { sr := new(oteltest.SpanRecorder) tp := oteltest.NewTracerProvider(oteltest.WithSpanRecorder(sr)) octrace.DefaultTracer = NewTracer(tp.Tracer("isrecordingevents")) ctx := context.Background() _, ocspan := octrace.StartSpan(ctx, "OpenCensusSpan1") if !ocspan.IsRecordingEvents() { t.Errorf("Got %v, expected true", ocspan.IsRecordingEvents()) } } func TestSetThings(t *testing.T) { sr := new(oteltest.SpanRecorder) tp := oteltest.NewTracerProvider(oteltest.WithSpanRecorder(sr)) octrace.DefaultTracer = NewTracer(tp.Tracer("setthings")) ctx := context.Background() _, ocspan := octrace.StartSpan(ctx, "OpenCensusSpan1") ocspan.SetName("span-foo") ocspan.SetStatus(octrace.Status{Code: 1, Message: "foo"}) ocspan.AddAttributes( octrace.BoolAttribute("bool", true), octrace.Int64Attribute("int64", 12345), octrace.Float64Attribute("float64", 12.345), octrace.StringAttribute("string", "stringval"), ) ocspan.Annotate( []octrace.Attribute{octrace.StringAttribute("string", "annotateval")}, "annotate", ) ocspan.Annotatef( []octrace.Attribute{ octrace.Int64Attribute("int64", 12345), octrace.Float64Attribute("float64", 12.345), }, "annotate%d", 67890, ) ocspan.AddMessageSendEvent(123, 456, 789) ocspan.AddMessageReceiveEvent(246, 135, 369) ocspan.End() spans := sr.Completed() if len(spans) != 1 { t.Fatalf("Got %d spans, exepected %d.", len(spans), 1) } s := spans[0] if s.Name() != "span-foo" { t.Errorf("Got name %v, expected span-foo", s.Name()) } if s.StatusCode().String() != codes.Error.String() { t.Errorf("Got code %v, expected 1", s.StatusCode().String()) } if s.StatusMessage() != "foo" { t.Errorf("Got code %v, expected foo", s.StatusMessage()) } if v := s.Attributes()[label.Key("bool")]; !v.AsBool() { t.Errorf("Got attributes[bool] %v, expected true", v.AsBool()) } if v := s.Attributes()[label.Key("int64")]; v.AsInt64() != 12345 { t.Errorf("Got attributes[int64] %v, expected 12345", v.AsInt64()) } if v := s.Attributes()[label.Key("float64")]; v.AsFloat64() != 12.345 { t.Errorf("Got attributes[float64] %v, expected 12.345", v.AsFloat64()) } if v := s.Attributes()[label.Key("string")]; v.AsString() != "stringval" { t.Errorf("Got attributes[string] %v, expected stringval", v.AsString()) } if len(s.Events()) != 4 { t.Fatalf("Got len(events) = %v, expected 4", len(s.Events())) } annotateEvent := s.Events()[0] annotatefEvent := s.Events()[1] sendEvent := s.Events()[2] receiveEvent := s.Events()[3] if v := annotateEvent.Attributes[label.Key("string")]; v.AsString() != "annotateval" { t.Errorf("Got annotateEvent.Attributes[string] = %v, expected annotateval", v.AsString()) } if annotateEvent.Name != "annotate" { t.Errorf("Got annotateEvent.Name = %v, expected annotate", annotateEvent.Name) } if v := annotatefEvent.Attributes[label.Key("int64")]; v.AsInt64() != 12345 { t.Errorf("Got annotatefEvent.Attributes[int64] = %v, expected 12345", v.AsInt64()) } if v := annotatefEvent.Attributes[label.Key("float64")]; v.AsFloat64() != 12.345 { t.Errorf("Got annotatefEvent.Attributes[float64] = %v, expected 12.345", v.AsFloat64()) } if annotatefEvent.Name != "annotate67890" { t.Errorf("Got annotatefEvent.Name = %v, expected annotate67890", annotatefEvent.Name) } if v := annotateEvent.Attributes[label.Key("string")]; v.AsString() != "annotateval" { t.Errorf("Got annotateEvent.Attributes[string] = %v, expected annotateval", v.AsString()) } if sendEvent.Name != "message send" { t.Errorf("Got sendEvent.Name = %v, expected message send", sendEvent.Name) } if v := sendEvent.Attributes[uncompressedKey]; v.AsInt64() != 456 { t.Errorf("Got sendEvent.Attributes[uncompressedKey] = %v, expected 456", v.AsInt64()) } if v := sendEvent.Attributes[compressedKey]; v.AsInt64() != 789 { t.Errorf("Got sendEvent.Attributes[compressedKey] = %v, expected 789", v.AsInt64()) } if receiveEvent.Name != "message receive" { t.Errorf("Got receiveEvent.Name = %v, expected message receive", receiveEvent.Name) } if v := receiveEvent.Attributes[uncompressedKey]; v.AsInt64() != 135 { t.Errorf("Got receiveEvent.Attributes[uncompressedKey] = %v, expected 135", v.AsInt64()) } if v := receiveEvent.Attributes[compressedKey]; v.AsInt64() != 369 { t.Errorf("Got receiveEvent.Attributes[compressedKey] = %v, expected 369", v.AsInt64()) } }