// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package internal // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/bridge/opencensus/opencensusmetric/internal" import ( "errors" "testing" "time" ocmetricdata "go.opencensus.io/metric/metricdata" "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute" "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/unit" "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric/metricdata" "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric/metricdata/metricdatatest" ) func TestConvertMetrics(t *testing.T) { endTime1 := time.Now() endTime2 := endTime1.Add(-time.Millisecond) startTime := endTime2.Add(-time.Minute) for _, tc := range []struct { desc string input []*ocmetricdata.Metric expected []metricdata.Metrics expectedErr error }{ { desc: "empty", expected: []metricdata.Metrics{}, }, { desc: "normal Histogram, gauges, and sums", input: []*ocmetricdata.Metric{ { Descriptor: ocmetricdata.Descriptor{ Name: "foo.com/histogram-a", Description: "a testing histogram", Unit: ocmetricdata.UnitDimensionless, Type: ocmetricdata.TypeCumulativeDistribution, LabelKeys: []ocmetricdata.LabelKey{ {Key: "a"}, {Key: "b"}, }, }, TimeSeries: []*ocmetricdata.TimeSeries{ { LabelValues: []ocmetricdata.LabelValue{ { Value: "hello", Present: true, }, { Value: "world", Present: true, }, }, Points: []ocmetricdata.Point{ ocmetricdata.NewDistributionPoint(endTime1, &ocmetricdata.Distribution{ Count: 8, Sum: 100.0, BucketOptions: &ocmetricdata.BucketOptions{ Bounds: []float64{1.0, 2.0, 3.0}, }, Buckets: []ocmetricdata.Bucket{ {Count: 1}, {Count: 2}, {Count: 5}, }, }), ocmetricdata.NewDistributionPoint(endTime2, &ocmetricdata.Distribution{ Count: 10, Sum: 110.0, BucketOptions: &ocmetricdata.BucketOptions{ Bounds: []float64{1.0, 2.0, 3.0}, }, Buckets: []ocmetricdata.Bucket{ {Count: 1}, {Count: 4}, {Count: 5}, }, }), }, StartTime: startTime, }, }, }, { Descriptor: ocmetricdata.Descriptor{ Name: "foo.com/gauge-a", Description: "an int testing gauge", Unit: ocmetricdata.UnitBytes, Type: ocmetricdata.TypeGaugeInt64, LabelKeys: []ocmetricdata.LabelKey{ {Key: "c"}, {Key: "d"}, }, }, TimeSeries: []*ocmetricdata.TimeSeries{ { LabelValues: []ocmetricdata.LabelValue{ { Value: "foo", Present: true, }, { Value: "bar", Present: true, }, }, Points: []ocmetricdata.Point{ ocmetricdata.NewInt64Point(endTime1, 123), ocmetricdata.NewInt64Point(endTime2, 1236), }, }, }, }, { Descriptor: ocmetricdata.Descriptor{ Name: "foo.com/gauge-b", Description: "a float testing gauge", Unit: ocmetricdata.UnitBytes, Type: ocmetricdata.TypeGaugeFloat64, LabelKeys: []ocmetricdata.LabelKey{ {Key: "cf"}, {Key: "df"}, }, }, TimeSeries: []*ocmetricdata.TimeSeries{ { LabelValues: []ocmetricdata.LabelValue{ { Value: "foof", Present: true, }, { Value: "barf", Present: true, }, }, Points: []ocmetricdata.Point{ ocmetricdata.NewFloat64Point(endTime1, 123.4), ocmetricdata.NewFloat64Point(endTime2, 1236.7), }, }, }, }, { Descriptor: ocmetricdata.Descriptor{ Name: "foo.com/sum-a", Description: "an int testing sum", Unit: ocmetricdata.UnitMilliseconds, Type: ocmetricdata.TypeCumulativeInt64, LabelKeys: []ocmetricdata.LabelKey{ {Key: "e"}, {Key: "f"}, }, }, TimeSeries: []*ocmetricdata.TimeSeries{ { LabelValues: []ocmetricdata.LabelValue{ { Value: "zig", Present: true, }, { Value: "zag", Present: true, }, }, Points: []ocmetricdata.Point{ ocmetricdata.NewInt64Point(endTime1, 13), ocmetricdata.NewInt64Point(endTime2, 14), }, }, }, }, { Descriptor: ocmetricdata.Descriptor{ Name: "foo.com/sum-b", Description: "a float testing sum", Unit: ocmetricdata.UnitMilliseconds, Type: ocmetricdata.TypeCumulativeFloat64, LabelKeys: []ocmetricdata.LabelKey{ {Key: "e"}, {Key: "f"}, }, }, TimeSeries: []*ocmetricdata.TimeSeries{ { LabelValues: []ocmetricdata.LabelValue{ { Value: "zig", Present: true, }, { Value: "zag", Present: true, }, }, Points: []ocmetricdata.Point{ ocmetricdata.NewFloat64Point(endTime1, 12.3), ocmetricdata.NewFloat64Point(endTime2, 123.4), }, }, }, }, }, expected: []metricdata.Metrics{ { Name: "foo.com/histogram-a", Description: "a testing histogram", Unit: unit.Dimensionless, Data: metricdata.Histogram{ DataPoints: []metricdata.HistogramDataPoint{ { Attributes: attribute.NewSet(attribute.KeyValue{ Key: attribute.Key("a"), Value: attribute.StringValue("hello"), }, attribute.KeyValue{ Key: attribute.Key("b"), Value: attribute.StringValue("world"), }), StartTime: startTime, Time: endTime1, Count: 8, Sum: 100.0, Bounds: []float64{1.0, 2.0, 3.0}, BucketCounts: []uint64{1, 2, 5}, }, { Attributes: attribute.NewSet(attribute.KeyValue{ Key: attribute.Key("a"), Value: attribute.StringValue("hello"), }, attribute.KeyValue{ Key: attribute.Key("b"), Value: attribute.StringValue("world"), }), StartTime: startTime, Time: endTime2, Count: 10, Sum: 110.0, Bounds: []float64{1.0, 2.0, 3.0}, BucketCounts: []uint64{1, 4, 5}, }, }, Temporality: metricdata.CumulativeTemporality, }, }, { Name: "foo.com/gauge-a", Description: "an int testing gauge", Unit: unit.Bytes, Data: metricdata.Gauge[int64]{ DataPoints: []metricdata.DataPoint[int64]{ { Attributes: attribute.NewSet(attribute.KeyValue{ Key: attribute.Key("c"), Value: attribute.StringValue("foo"), }, attribute.KeyValue{ Key: attribute.Key("d"), Value: attribute.StringValue("bar"), }), Time: endTime1, Value: 123, }, { Attributes: attribute.NewSet(attribute.KeyValue{ Key: attribute.Key("c"), Value: attribute.StringValue("foo"), }, attribute.KeyValue{ Key: attribute.Key("d"), Value: attribute.StringValue("bar"), }), Time: endTime2, Value: 1236, }, }, }, }, { Name: "foo.com/gauge-b", Description: "a float testing gauge", Unit: unit.Bytes, Data: metricdata.Gauge[float64]{ DataPoints: []metricdata.DataPoint[float64]{ { Attributes: attribute.NewSet(attribute.KeyValue{ Key: attribute.Key("cf"), Value: attribute.StringValue("foof"), }, attribute.KeyValue{ Key: attribute.Key("df"), Value: attribute.StringValue("barf"), }), Time: endTime1, Value: 123.4, }, { Attributes: attribute.NewSet(attribute.KeyValue{ Key: attribute.Key("cf"), Value: attribute.StringValue("foof"), }, attribute.KeyValue{ Key: attribute.Key("df"), Value: attribute.StringValue("barf"), }), Time: endTime2, Value: 1236.7, }, }, }, }, { Name: "foo.com/sum-a", Description: "an int testing sum", Unit: unit.Milliseconds, Data: metricdata.Sum[int64]{ Temporality: metricdata.CumulativeTemporality, DataPoints: []metricdata.DataPoint[int64]{ { Attributes: attribute.NewSet(attribute.KeyValue{ Key: attribute.Key("e"), Value: attribute.StringValue("zig"), }, attribute.KeyValue{ Key: attribute.Key("f"), Value: attribute.StringValue("zag"), }), Time: endTime1, Value: 13, }, { Attributes: attribute.NewSet(attribute.KeyValue{ Key: attribute.Key("e"), Value: attribute.StringValue("zig"), }, attribute.KeyValue{ Key: attribute.Key("f"), Value: attribute.StringValue("zag"), }), Time: endTime2, Value: 14, }, }, }, }, { Name: "foo.com/sum-b", Description: "a float testing sum", Unit: unit.Milliseconds, Data: metricdata.Sum[float64]{ Temporality: metricdata.CumulativeTemporality, DataPoints: []metricdata.DataPoint[float64]{ { Attributes: attribute.NewSet(attribute.KeyValue{ Key: attribute.Key("e"), Value: attribute.StringValue("zig"), }, attribute.KeyValue{ Key: attribute.Key("f"), Value: attribute.StringValue("zag"), }), Time: endTime1, Value: 12.3, }, { Attributes: attribute.NewSet(attribute.KeyValue{ Key: attribute.Key("e"), Value: attribute.StringValue("zig"), }, attribute.KeyValue{ Key: attribute.Key("f"), Value: attribute.StringValue("zag"), }), Time: endTime2, Value: 123.4, }, }, }, }, }, }, { desc: "histogram without data points", input: []*ocmetricdata.Metric{ { Descriptor: ocmetricdata.Descriptor{ Name: "foo.com/histogram-a", Description: "a testing histogram", Unit: ocmetricdata.UnitDimensionless, Type: ocmetricdata.TypeCumulativeDistribution, }, }, }, expected: []metricdata.Metrics{ { Name: "foo.com/histogram-a", Description: "a testing histogram", Unit: unit.Dimensionless, Data: metricdata.Histogram{ Temporality: metricdata.CumulativeTemporality, DataPoints: []metricdata.HistogramDataPoint{}, }, }, }, }, { desc: "sum without data points", input: []*ocmetricdata.Metric{ { Descriptor: ocmetricdata.Descriptor{ Name: "foo.com/sum-a", Description: "a testing sum", Unit: ocmetricdata.UnitDimensionless, Type: ocmetricdata.TypeCumulativeFloat64, }, }, }, expected: []metricdata.Metrics{ { Name: "foo.com/sum-a", Description: "a testing sum", Unit: unit.Dimensionless, Data: metricdata.Sum[float64]{ Temporality: metricdata.CumulativeTemporality, DataPoints: []metricdata.DataPoint[float64]{}, }, }, }, }, { desc: "gauge without data points", input: []*ocmetricdata.Metric{ { Descriptor: ocmetricdata.Descriptor{ Name: "foo.com/gauge-a", Description: "a testing gauge", Unit: ocmetricdata.UnitDimensionless, Type: ocmetricdata.TypeGaugeInt64, }, }, }, expected: []metricdata.Metrics{ { Name: "foo.com/gauge-a", Description: "a testing gauge", Unit: unit.Dimensionless, Data: metricdata.Gauge[int64]{ DataPoints: []metricdata.DataPoint[int64]{}, }, }, }, }, { desc: "histogram with negative count", input: []*ocmetricdata.Metric{ { Descriptor: ocmetricdata.Descriptor{ Name: "foo.com/histogram-a", Description: "a testing histogram", Unit: ocmetricdata.UnitDimensionless, Type: ocmetricdata.TypeCumulativeDistribution, }, TimeSeries: []*ocmetricdata.TimeSeries{ { Points: []ocmetricdata.Point{ ocmetricdata.NewDistributionPoint(endTime1, &ocmetricdata.Distribution{ Count: -8, }), }, StartTime: startTime, }, }, }, }, expectedErr: errConversion, }, { desc: "histogram with negative bucket count", input: []*ocmetricdata.Metric{ { Descriptor: ocmetricdata.Descriptor{ Name: "foo.com/histogram-a", Description: "a testing histogram", Unit: ocmetricdata.UnitDimensionless, Type: ocmetricdata.TypeCumulativeDistribution, }, TimeSeries: []*ocmetricdata.TimeSeries{ { Points: []ocmetricdata.Point{ ocmetricdata.NewDistributionPoint(endTime1, &ocmetricdata.Distribution{ Buckets: []ocmetricdata.Bucket{ {Count: -1}, {Count: 2}, {Count: 5}, }, }), }, StartTime: startTime, }, }, }, }, expectedErr: errConversion, }, { desc: "histogram with non-histogram datapoint type", input: []*ocmetricdata.Metric{ { Descriptor: ocmetricdata.Descriptor{ Name: "foo.com/bad-point", Description: "a bad type", Unit: ocmetricdata.UnitDimensionless, Type: ocmetricdata.TypeCumulativeDistribution, }, TimeSeries: []*ocmetricdata.TimeSeries{ { Points: []ocmetricdata.Point{ ocmetricdata.NewFloat64Point(endTime1, 1.0), }, StartTime: startTime, }, }, }, }, expectedErr: errConversion, }, { desc: "sum with non-sum datapoint type", input: []*ocmetricdata.Metric{ { Descriptor: ocmetricdata.Descriptor{ Name: "foo.com/bad-point", Description: "a bad type", Unit: ocmetricdata.UnitDimensionless, Type: ocmetricdata.TypeCumulativeFloat64, }, TimeSeries: []*ocmetricdata.TimeSeries{ { Points: []ocmetricdata.Point{ ocmetricdata.NewDistributionPoint(endTime1, &ocmetricdata.Distribution{}), }, StartTime: startTime, }, }, }, }, expectedErr: errConversion, }, { desc: "gauge with non-gauge datapoint type", input: []*ocmetricdata.Metric{ { Descriptor: ocmetricdata.Descriptor{ Name: "foo.com/bad-point", Description: "a bad type", Unit: ocmetricdata.UnitDimensionless, Type: ocmetricdata.TypeGaugeFloat64, }, TimeSeries: []*ocmetricdata.TimeSeries{ { Points: []ocmetricdata.Point{ ocmetricdata.NewDistributionPoint(endTime1, &ocmetricdata.Distribution{}), }, StartTime: startTime, }, }, }, }, expectedErr: errConversion, }, { desc: "unsupported Gauge Distribution type", input: []*ocmetricdata.Metric{ { Descriptor: ocmetricdata.Descriptor{ Name: "foo.com/bad-point", Description: "a bad type", Unit: ocmetricdata.UnitDimensionless, Type: ocmetricdata.TypeGaugeDistribution, }, }, }, expectedErr: errConversion, }, } { t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { output, err := ConvertMetrics(tc.input) if !errors.Is(err, tc.expectedErr) { t.Errorf("convertAggregation(%+v) = err(%v), want err(%v)", tc.input, err, tc.expectedErr) } metricdatatest.AssertEqual[metricdata.ScopeMetrics](t, metricdata.ScopeMetrics{Metrics: tc.expected}, metricdata.ScopeMetrics{Metrics: output}) }) } } func TestConvertUnits(t *testing.T) { var noUnit unit.Unit for _, tc := range []struct { desc string input ocmetricdata.Unit expected unit.Unit }{{ desc: "unspecified unit", expected: noUnit, }, { desc: "dimensionless", input: ocmetricdata.UnitDimensionless, expected: unit.Dimensionless, }, { desc: "milliseconds", input: ocmetricdata.UnitMilliseconds, expected: unit.Milliseconds, }, { desc: "bytes", input: ocmetricdata.UnitBytes, expected: unit.Bytes, }, } { t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { output := convertUnit(tc.input) if output != tc.expected { t.Errorf("convertUnit(%v) = %q, want %q", tc.input, output, tc.expected) } }) } } func TestConvertAttributes(t *testing.T) { setWithMultipleKeys := attribute.NewSet( attribute.KeyValue{Key: attribute.Key("first"), Value: attribute.StringValue("1")}, attribute.KeyValue{Key: attribute.Key("second"), Value: attribute.StringValue("2")}, ) for _, tc := range []struct { desc string inputKeys []ocmetricdata.LabelKey inputValues []ocmetricdata.LabelValue expected *attribute.Set expectedErr error }{ { desc: "no attributes", expected: attribute.EmptySet(), }, { desc: "different numbers of keys and values", inputKeys: []ocmetricdata.LabelKey{{Key: "foo"}}, expected: attribute.EmptySet(), expectedErr: errMismatchedAttributeKeyValues, }, { desc: "multiple keys and values", inputKeys: []ocmetricdata.LabelKey{{Key: "first"}, {Key: "second"}}, inputValues: []ocmetricdata.LabelValue{ {Value: "1", Present: true}, {Value: "2", Present: true}, }, expected: &setWithMultipleKeys, }, { desc: "multiple keys and values with some not present", inputKeys: []ocmetricdata.LabelKey{{Key: "first"}, {Key: "second"}, {Key: "third"}}, inputValues: []ocmetricdata.LabelValue{ {Value: "1", Present: true}, {Value: "2", Present: true}, {Present: false}, }, expected: &setWithMultipleKeys, }, } { t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) { output, err := convertAttrs(tc.inputKeys, tc.inputValues) if !errors.Is(err, tc.expectedErr) { t.Errorf("convertAttrs(keys: %v, values: %v) = err(%v), want err(%v)", tc.inputKeys, tc.inputValues, err, tc.expectedErr) } if !output.Equals(tc.expected) { t.Errorf("convertAttrs(keys: %v, values: %v) = %+v, want %+v", tc.inputKeys, tc.inputValues, output.ToSlice(), tc.expected.ToSlice()) } }) } }