// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package zipkin // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/zipkin" import ( "encoding/binary" "encoding/json" "fmt" "net" "strconv" "strings" zkmodel "github.com/openzipkin/zipkin-go/model" "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute" "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/codes" "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/resource" tracesdk "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/trace" semconv "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.16.0" "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace" ) const ( keyInstrumentationLibraryName = "otel.library.name" keyInstrumentationLibraryVersion = "otel.library.version" keyPeerHostname attribute.Key = "peer.hostname" keyPeerAddress attribute.Key = "peer.address" ) var defaultServiceName string func init() { // fetch service.name from default resource for backup defaultResource := resource.Default() if value, exists := defaultResource.Set().Value(semconv.ServiceNameKey); exists { defaultServiceName = value.AsString() } } // SpanModels converts OpenTelemetry spans into Zipkin model spans. // This is used for exporting to Zipkin compatible tracing services. func SpanModels(batch []tracesdk.ReadOnlySpan) []zkmodel.SpanModel { models := make([]zkmodel.SpanModel, 0, len(batch)) for _, data := range batch { models = append(models, toZipkinSpanModel(data)) } return models } func getServiceName(attrs []attribute.KeyValue) string { for _, kv := range attrs { if kv.Key == semconv.ServiceNameKey { return kv.Value.AsString() } } return defaultServiceName } func toZipkinSpanModel(data tracesdk.ReadOnlySpan) zkmodel.SpanModel { return zkmodel.SpanModel{ SpanContext: toZipkinSpanContext(data), Name: data.Name(), Kind: toZipkinKind(data.SpanKind()), Timestamp: data.StartTime(), Duration: data.EndTime().Sub(data.StartTime()), Shared: false, LocalEndpoint: &zkmodel.Endpoint{ ServiceName: getServiceName(data.Resource().Attributes()), }, RemoteEndpoint: toZipkinRemoteEndpoint(data), Annotations: toZipkinAnnotations(data.Events()), Tags: toZipkinTags(data), } } func toZipkinSpanContext(data tracesdk.ReadOnlySpan) zkmodel.SpanContext { return zkmodel.SpanContext{ TraceID: toZipkinTraceID(data.SpanContext().TraceID()), ID: toZipkinID(data.SpanContext().SpanID()), ParentID: toZipkinParentID(data.Parent().SpanID()), Debug: false, Sampled: nil, Err: nil, } } func toZipkinTraceID(traceID trace.TraceID) zkmodel.TraceID { return zkmodel.TraceID{ High: binary.BigEndian.Uint64(traceID[:8]), Low: binary.BigEndian.Uint64(traceID[8:]), } } func toZipkinID(spanID trace.SpanID) zkmodel.ID { return zkmodel.ID(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(spanID[:])) } func toZipkinParentID(spanID trace.SpanID) *zkmodel.ID { if spanID.IsValid() { id := toZipkinID(spanID) return &id } return nil } func toZipkinKind(kind trace.SpanKind) zkmodel.Kind { switch kind { case trace.SpanKindUnspecified: return zkmodel.Undetermined case trace.SpanKindInternal: // The spec says we should set the kind to nil, but // the model does not allow that. return zkmodel.Undetermined case trace.SpanKindServer: return zkmodel.Server case trace.SpanKindClient: return zkmodel.Client case trace.SpanKindProducer: return zkmodel.Producer case trace.SpanKindConsumer: return zkmodel.Consumer } return zkmodel.Undetermined } func toZipkinAnnotations(events []tracesdk.Event) []zkmodel.Annotation { if len(events) == 0 { return nil } annotations := make([]zkmodel.Annotation, 0, len(events)) for _, event := range events { value := event.Name if len(event.Attributes) > 0 { jsonString := attributesToJSONMapString(event.Attributes) if jsonString != "" { value = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", event.Name, jsonString) } } annotations = append(annotations, zkmodel.Annotation{ Timestamp: event.Time, Value: value, }) } return annotations } func attributesToJSONMapString(attributes []attribute.KeyValue) string { m := make(map[string]interface{}, len(attributes)) for _, a := range attributes { m[(string)(a.Key)] = a.Value.AsInterface() } // if an error happens, the result will be an empty string jsonBytes, _ := json.Marshal(m) return (string)(jsonBytes) } // attributeToStringPair serializes each attribute to a string pair. func attributeToStringPair(kv attribute.KeyValue) (string, string) { switch kv.Value.Type() { // For slice attributes, serialize as JSON list string. case attribute.BOOLSLICE: data, _ := json.Marshal(kv.Value.AsBoolSlice()) return (string)(kv.Key), (string)(data) case attribute.INT64SLICE: data, _ := json.Marshal(kv.Value.AsInt64Slice()) return (string)(kv.Key), (string)(data) case attribute.FLOAT64SLICE: data, _ := json.Marshal(kv.Value.AsFloat64Slice()) return (string)(kv.Key), (string)(data) case attribute.STRINGSLICE: data, _ := json.Marshal(kv.Value.AsStringSlice()) return (string)(kv.Key), (string)(data) default: return (string)(kv.Key), kv.Value.Emit() } } // extraZipkinTags are those that may be added to every outgoing span. var extraZipkinTags = []string{ "otel.status_code", keyInstrumentationLibraryName, keyInstrumentationLibraryVersion, } func toZipkinTags(data tracesdk.ReadOnlySpan) map[string]string { attr := data.Attributes() resourceAttr := data.Resource().Attributes() m := make(map[string]string, len(attr)+len(resourceAttr)+len(extraZipkinTags)) for _, kv := range attr { k, v := attributeToStringPair(kv) m[k] = v } for _, kv := range resourceAttr { k, v := attributeToStringPair(kv) m[k] = v } if data.Status().Code != codes.Unset { // Zipkin expect to receive uppercase status values // rather than default capitalized ones. m["otel.status_code"] = strings.ToUpper(data.Status().Code.String()) } if data.Status().Code == codes.Error { m["error"] = data.Status().Description } else { delete(m, "error") } if is := data.InstrumentationScope(); is.Name != "" { m[keyInstrumentationLibraryName] = is.Name if is.Version != "" { m[keyInstrumentationLibraryVersion] = is.Version } } if len(m) == 0 { return nil } return m } // Rank determines selection order for remote endpoint. See the specification // https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/v1.0.1/specification/trace/sdk_exporters/zipkin.md#otlp---zipkin var remoteEndpointKeyRank = map[attribute.Key]int{ semconv.PeerServiceKey: 0, semconv.NetPeerNameKey: 1, semconv.NetSockPeerNameKey: 2, semconv.NetSockPeerAddrKey: 3, keyPeerHostname: 4, keyPeerAddress: 5, semconv.DBNameKey: 6, } func toZipkinRemoteEndpoint(data tracesdk.ReadOnlySpan) *zkmodel.Endpoint { // Should be set only for client or producer kind if sk := data.SpanKind(); sk != trace.SpanKindClient && sk != trace.SpanKindProducer { return nil } attr := data.Attributes() var endpointAttr attribute.KeyValue for _, kv := range attr { rank, ok := remoteEndpointKeyRank[kv.Key] if !ok { continue } currentKeyRank, ok := remoteEndpointKeyRank[endpointAttr.Key] if ok && rank < currentKeyRank { endpointAttr = kv } else if !ok { endpointAttr = kv } } if endpointAttr.Key == "" { return nil } if endpointAttr.Key != semconv.NetSockPeerAddrKey && endpointAttr.Value.Type() == attribute.STRING { return &zkmodel.Endpoint{ ServiceName: endpointAttr.Value.AsString(), } } return remoteEndpointPeerIPWithPort(endpointAttr.Value.AsString(), attr) } // Handles `net.peer.ip` remote endpoint separately (should include `net.peer.ip` // as well, if available). func remoteEndpointPeerIPWithPort(peerIP string, attrs []attribute.KeyValue) *zkmodel.Endpoint { ip := net.ParseIP(peerIP) if ip == nil { return nil } endpoint := &zkmodel.Endpoint{} // Determine if IPv4 or IPv6 if ip.To4() != nil { endpoint.IPv4 = ip } else { endpoint.IPv6 = ip } for _, kv := range attrs { if kv.Key == semconv.NetSockPeerPortKey { port, _ := strconv.ParseUint(kv.Value.Emit(), 10, 16) endpoint.Port = uint16(port) return endpoint } } return endpoint }