// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package attribute_test

import (



func TestDefined(t *testing.T) {
	for _, testcase := range []struct {
		name string
		k    attribute.Key
		want bool
			name: "Key.Defined() returns true when len(v.Name) != 0",
			k:    attribute.Key("foo"),
			want: true,
			name: "Key.Defined() returns false when len(v.Name) == 0",
			k:    attribute.Key(""),
			want: false,
	} {
		t.Run(testcase.name, func(t *testing.T) {
			// func (k attribute.Key) Defined() bool {
			have := testcase.k.Defined()
			if have != testcase.want {
				t.Errorf("Want: %v, but have: %v", testcase.want, have)

func TestJSONValue(t *testing.T) {
	var kvs interface{} = [2]attribute.KeyValue{
		attribute.String("A", "B"),
		attribute.Int64("C", 1),

	data, err := json.Marshal(kvs)
	require.NoError(t, err)

func TestEmit(t *testing.T) {
	for _, testcase := range []struct {
		name string
		v    attribute.Value
		want string
			name: `test Key.Emit() can emit a string representing self.BOOL`,
			v:    attribute.BoolValue(true),
			want: "true",
			name: `test Key.Emit() can emit a string representing self.INT64SLICE`,
			v:    attribute.Int64SliceValue([]int64{1, 42}),
			want: `[1,42]`,
			name: `test Key.Emit() can emit a string representing self.INT64`,
			v:    attribute.Int64Value(42),
			want: "42",
			name: `test Key.Emit() can emit a string representing self.FLOAT64SLICE`,
			v:    attribute.Float64SliceValue([]float64{1.0, 42.5}),
			want: `[1,42.5]`,
			name: `test Key.Emit() can emit a string representing self.FLOAT64`,
			v:    attribute.Float64Value(42.1),
			want: "42.1",
			name: `test Key.Emit() can emit a string representing self.STRING`,
			v:    attribute.StringValue("foo"),
			want: "foo",
			name: `test Key.Emit() can emit a string representing self.STRINGSLICE`,
			v:    attribute.StringSliceValue([]string{"foo", "bar"}),
			want: `["foo","bar"]`,
	} {
		t.Run(testcase.name, func(t *testing.T) {
			// proto: func (v attribute.Value) Emit() string {
			have := testcase.v.Emit()
			if have != testcase.want {
				t.Errorf("Want: %s, but have: %s", testcase.want, have)