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// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package test
import (
export "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/export/metric"
type (
// Encoder is an alternate label encoder to validate grouping logic.
Encoder struct{}
// Output collects distinct metric/label set outputs.
Output struct {
Map map[string]float64
labelEncoder label.Encoder
// testAggregationSelector returns aggregators consistent with
// the test variables below, needed for testing stateful
// integrators, which clone Aggregators using AggregatorFor(desc).
testAggregationSelector struct{}
var (
// Resource is applied to all test records built in this package.
Resource = resource.New(kv.String("R", "V"))
// LastValueADesc and LastValueBDesc group by "G"
LastValueADesc = metric.NewDescriptor(
"lastvalue.a", metric.ValueObserverKind, metric.Int64NumberKind)
LastValueBDesc = metric.NewDescriptor(
"lastvalue.b", metric.ValueObserverKind, metric.Int64NumberKind)
// CounterADesc and CounterBDesc group by "C"
CounterADesc = metric.NewDescriptor(
"sum.a", metric.CounterKind, metric.Int64NumberKind)
CounterBDesc = metric.NewDescriptor(
"sum.b", metric.CounterKind, metric.Int64NumberKind)
// SdkEncoder uses a non-standard encoder like K1~V1&K2~V2
SdkEncoder = &Encoder{}
// GroupEncoder uses the SDK default encoder
GroupEncoder = label.DefaultEncoder()
// LastValue groups are (labels1), (labels2+labels3)
// Counter groups are (labels1+labels2), (labels3)
// Labels1 has G=H and C=D
Labels1 = makeLabels(kv.String("G", "H"), kv.String("C", "D"))
// Labels2 has C=D and E=F
Labels2 = makeLabels(kv.String("C", "D"), kv.String("E", "F"))
// Labels3 is the empty set
Labels3 = makeLabels()
testLabelEncoderID = label.NewEncoderID()
func NewOutput(labelEncoder label.Encoder) Output {
return Output{
Map: make(map[string]float64),
labelEncoder: labelEncoder,
// NewAggregationSelector returns a policy that is consistent with the
// test descriptors above. I.e., it returns sum.New() for counter
// instruments and lastvalue.New() for lastValue instruments.
func NewAggregationSelector() export.AggregationSelector {
return &testAggregationSelector{}
func (*testAggregationSelector) AggregatorFor(desc *metric.Descriptor) export.Aggregator {
switch desc.MetricKind() {
case metric.CounterKind:
return sum.New()
case metric.ValueObserverKind:
return lastvalue.New()
panic("Invalid descriptor MetricKind for this test")
func makeLabels(labels ...kv.KeyValue) *label.Set {
s := label.NewSet(labels...)
return &s
func (Encoder) Encode(iter label.Iterator) string {
var sb strings.Builder
for iter.Next() {
i, l := iter.IndexedLabel()
if i > 0 {
return sb.String()
func (Encoder) ID() label.EncoderID {
return testLabelEncoderID
// LastValueAgg returns a checkpointed lastValue aggregator w/ the specified descriptor and value.
func LastValueAgg(desc *metric.Descriptor, v int64) export.Aggregator {
ctx := context.Background()
gagg := lastvalue.New()
_ = gagg.Update(ctx, metric.NewInt64Number(v), desc)
gagg.Checkpoint(ctx, desc)
return gagg
// Convenience method for building a test exported lastValue record.
func NewLastValueRecord(desc *metric.Descriptor, labels *label.Set, value int64) export.Record {
return export.NewRecord(desc, labels, Resource, LastValueAgg(desc, value))
// Convenience method for building a test exported counter record.
func NewCounterRecord(desc *metric.Descriptor, labels *label.Set, value int64) export.Record {
return export.NewRecord(desc, labels, Resource, CounterAgg(desc, value))
// CounterAgg returns a checkpointed counter aggregator w/ the specified descriptor and value.
func CounterAgg(desc *metric.Descriptor, v int64) export.Aggregator {
ctx := context.Background()
cagg := sum.New()
_ = cagg.Update(ctx, metric.NewInt64Number(v), desc)
cagg.Checkpoint(ctx, desc)
return cagg
// AddTo adds a name/label-encoding entry with the lastValue or counter
// value to the output map.
func (o Output) AddTo(rec export.Record) error {
encoded := rec.Labels().Encoded(o.labelEncoder)
rencoded := rec.Resource().Encoded(o.labelEncoder)
key := fmt.Sprint(rec.Descriptor().Name(), "/", encoded, "/", rencoded)
var value float64
if s, ok := rec.Aggregator().(aggregator.Sum); ok {
sum, _ := s.Sum()
value = sum.CoerceToFloat64(rec.Descriptor().NumberKind())
} else if l, ok := rec.Aggregator().(aggregator.LastValue); ok {
last, _, _ := l.LastValue()
value = last.CoerceToFloat64(rec.Descriptor().NumberKind())
} else {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled aggregator type: %T", rec.Aggregator()))
o.Map[key] = value
return nil