mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 21:17:35 +02:00
* Move `api/label` to `label` * Move `api/kv` package contents into `label` package * Unify label package name * Move `api/internal/rawhelpers.go` to `internal` * Propagate replacing `api/kv` with `label` pkg * golint * Fix over-aggressive change * Update Changelog
412 lines
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412 lines
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// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package metric_test
import (
mockTest "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/metric"
var Must = metric.Must
func TestOptions(t *testing.T) {
type testcase struct {
name string
opts []metric.InstrumentOption
desc string
unit unit.Unit
testcases := []testcase{
name: "no opts",
opts: nil,
desc: "",
unit: "",
name: "description",
opts: []metric.InstrumentOption{
desc: "stuff",
unit: "",
name: "description override",
opts: []metric.InstrumentOption{
desc: "things",
unit: "",
name: "unit",
opts: []metric.InstrumentOption{
desc: "",
unit: "s",
name: "unit override",
opts: []metric.InstrumentOption{
desc: "",
unit: "h",
for idx, tt := range testcases {
t.Logf("Testing counter case %s (%d)", tt.name, idx)
if diff := cmp.Diff(metric.ConfigureInstrument(tt.opts), metric.InstrumentConfig{
Description: tt.desc,
Unit: tt.unit,
}); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("Compare options: -got +want %s", diff)
func TestCounter(t *testing.T) {
// N.B. the API does not check for negative
// values, that's the SDK's responsibility.
t.Run("float64 counter", func(t *testing.T) {
mockSDK, meter := mockTest.NewMeter()
c := Must(meter).NewFloat64Counter("test.counter.float")
ctx := context.Background()
labels := []label.KeyValue{label.String("A", "B")}
c.Add(ctx, 1994.1, labels...)
boundInstrument := c.Bind(labels...)
boundInstrument.Add(ctx, -742)
meter.RecordBatch(ctx, labels, c.Measurement(42))
checkSyncBatches(t, ctx, labels, mockSDK, metric.Float64NumberKind, metric.CounterKind, c.SyncImpl(),
1994.1, -742, 42,
t.Run("int64 counter", func(t *testing.T) {
mockSDK, meter := mockTest.NewMeter()
c := Must(meter).NewInt64Counter("test.counter.int")
ctx := context.Background()
labels := []label.KeyValue{label.String("A", "B"), label.String("C", "D")}
c.Add(ctx, 42, labels...)
boundInstrument := c.Bind(labels...)
boundInstrument.Add(ctx, 4200)
meter.RecordBatch(ctx, labels, c.Measurement(420000))
checkSyncBatches(t, ctx, labels, mockSDK, metric.Int64NumberKind, metric.CounterKind, c.SyncImpl(),
42, 4200, 420000,
t.Run("int64 updowncounter", func(t *testing.T) {
mockSDK, meter := mockTest.NewMeter()
c := Must(meter).NewInt64UpDownCounter("test.updowncounter.int")
ctx := context.Background()
labels := []label.KeyValue{label.String("A", "B"), label.String("C", "D")}
c.Add(ctx, 100, labels...)
boundInstrument := c.Bind(labels...)
boundInstrument.Add(ctx, -100)
meter.RecordBatch(ctx, labels, c.Measurement(42))
checkSyncBatches(t, ctx, labels, mockSDK, metric.Int64NumberKind, metric.UpDownCounterKind, c.SyncImpl(),
100, -100, 42,
t.Run("float64 updowncounter", func(t *testing.T) {
mockSDK, meter := mockTest.NewMeter()
c := Must(meter).NewFloat64UpDownCounter("test.updowncounter.float")
ctx := context.Background()
labels := []label.KeyValue{label.String("A", "B"), label.String("C", "D")}
c.Add(ctx, 100.1, labels...)
boundInstrument := c.Bind(labels...)
boundInstrument.Add(ctx, -76)
meter.RecordBatch(ctx, labels, c.Measurement(-100.1))
checkSyncBatches(t, ctx, labels, mockSDK, metric.Float64NumberKind, metric.UpDownCounterKind, c.SyncImpl(),
100.1, -76, -100.1,
func TestValueRecorder(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("float64 valuerecorder", func(t *testing.T) {
mockSDK, meter := mockTest.NewMeter()
m := Must(meter).NewFloat64ValueRecorder("test.valuerecorder.float")
ctx := context.Background()
labels := []label.KeyValue{}
m.Record(ctx, 42, labels...)
boundInstrument := m.Bind(labels...)
boundInstrument.Record(ctx, 0)
meter.RecordBatch(ctx, labels, m.Measurement(-100.5))
checkSyncBatches(t, ctx, labels, mockSDK, metric.Float64NumberKind, metric.ValueRecorderKind, m.SyncImpl(),
42, 0, -100.5,
t.Run("int64 valuerecorder", func(t *testing.T) {
mockSDK, meter := mockTest.NewMeter()
m := Must(meter).NewInt64ValueRecorder("test.valuerecorder.int")
ctx := context.Background()
labels := []label.KeyValue{label.Int("I", 1)}
m.Record(ctx, 173, labels...)
boundInstrument := m.Bind(labels...)
boundInstrument.Record(ctx, 80)
meter.RecordBatch(ctx, labels, m.Measurement(0))
checkSyncBatches(t, ctx, labels, mockSDK, metric.Int64NumberKind, metric.ValueRecorderKind, m.SyncImpl(),
173, 80, 0,
func TestObserverInstruments(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("float valueobserver", func(t *testing.T) {
labels := []label.KeyValue{label.String("O", "P")}
mockSDK, meter := mockTest.NewMeter()
o := Must(meter).NewFloat64ValueObserver("test.valueobserver.float", func(_ context.Context, result metric.Float64ObserverResult) {
result.Observe(42.1, labels...)
checkObserverBatch(t, labels, mockSDK, metric.Float64NumberKind, metric.ValueObserverKind, o.AsyncImpl(),
t.Run("int valueobserver", func(t *testing.T) {
labels := []label.KeyValue{}
mockSDK, meter := mockTest.NewMeter()
o := Must(meter).NewInt64ValueObserver("test.observer.int", func(_ context.Context, result metric.Int64ObserverResult) {
result.Observe(-142, labels...)
checkObserverBatch(t, labels, mockSDK, metric.Int64NumberKind, metric.ValueObserverKind, o.AsyncImpl(),
t.Run("float sumobserver", func(t *testing.T) {
labels := []label.KeyValue{label.String("O", "P")}
mockSDK, meter := mockTest.NewMeter()
o := Must(meter).NewFloat64SumObserver("test.sumobserver.float", func(_ context.Context, result metric.Float64ObserverResult) {
result.Observe(42.1, labels...)
checkObserverBatch(t, labels, mockSDK, metric.Float64NumberKind, metric.SumObserverKind, o.AsyncImpl(),
t.Run("int sumobserver", func(t *testing.T) {
labels := []label.KeyValue{}
mockSDK, meter := mockTest.NewMeter()
o := Must(meter).NewInt64SumObserver("test.observer.int", func(_ context.Context, result metric.Int64ObserverResult) {
result.Observe(-142, labels...)
checkObserverBatch(t, labels, mockSDK, metric.Int64NumberKind, metric.SumObserverKind, o.AsyncImpl(),
t.Run("float updownsumobserver", func(t *testing.T) {
labels := []label.KeyValue{label.String("O", "P")}
mockSDK, meter := mockTest.NewMeter()
o := Must(meter).NewFloat64UpDownSumObserver("test.updownsumobserver.float", func(_ context.Context, result metric.Float64ObserverResult) {
result.Observe(42.1, labels...)
checkObserverBatch(t, labels, mockSDK, metric.Float64NumberKind, metric.UpDownSumObserverKind, o.AsyncImpl(),
t.Run("int updownsumobserver", func(t *testing.T) {
labels := []label.KeyValue{}
mockSDK, meter := mockTest.NewMeter()
o := Must(meter).NewInt64UpDownSumObserver("test.observer.int", func(_ context.Context, result metric.Int64ObserverResult) {
result.Observe(-142, labels...)
checkObserverBatch(t, labels, mockSDK, metric.Int64NumberKind, metric.UpDownSumObserverKind, o.AsyncImpl(),
func checkSyncBatches(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, labels []label.KeyValue, mock *mockTest.MeterImpl, nkind metric.NumberKind, mkind metric.Kind, instrument metric.InstrumentImpl, expected ...float64) {
if len(mock.MeasurementBatches) != 3 {
t.Errorf("Expected 3 recorded measurement batches, got %d", len(mock.MeasurementBatches))
ourInstrument := instrument.Implementation().(*mockTest.Sync)
for i, got := range mock.MeasurementBatches {
if got.Ctx != ctx {
d := func(c context.Context) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("(ptr: %p, ctx %#v)", c, c)
t.Errorf("Wrong recorded context in batch %d, expected %s, got %s", i, d(ctx), d(got.Ctx))
if !assert.Equal(t, got.Labels, labels) {
t.Errorf("Wrong recorded label set in batch %d, expected %v, got %v", i, labels, got.Labels)
if len(got.Measurements) != 1 {
t.Errorf("Expected 1 measurement in batch %d, got %d", i, len(got.Measurements))
minMLen := 1
if minMLen > len(got.Measurements) {
minMLen = len(got.Measurements)
for j := 0; j < minMLen; j++ {
measurement := got.Measurements[j]
require.Equal(t, mkind, measurement.Instrument.Descriptor().MetricKind())
if measurement.Instrument.Implementation() != ourInstrument {
d := func(iface interface{}) string {
i := iface.(*mockTest.Instrument)
return fmt.Sprintf("(ptr: %p, instrument %#v)", i, i)
t.Errorf("Wrong recorded instrument in measurement %d in batch %d, expected %s, got %s", j, i, d(ourInstrument), d(measurement.Instrument.Implementation()))
expect := number(t, nkind, expected[i])
if measurement.Number.CompareNumber(nkind, expect) != 0 {
t.Errorf("Wrong recorded value in measurement %d in batch %d, expected %s, got %s", j, i, expect.Emit(nkind), measurement.Number.Emit(nkind))
func TestBatchObserverInstruments(t *testing.T) {
mockSDK, meter := mockTest.NewMeter()
var obs1 metric.Int64ValueObserver
var obs2 metric.Float64ValueObserver
labels := []label.KeyValue{
label.String("A", "B"),
label.String("C", "D"),
cb := Must(meter).NewBatchObserver(
func(_ context.Context, result metric.BatchObserverResult) {
obs1 = cb.NewInt64ValueObserver("test.observer.int")
obs2 = cb.NewFloat64ValueObserver("test.observer.float")
require.Len(t, mockSDK.MeasurementBatches, 1)
impl1 := obs1.AsyncImpl().Implementation().(*mockTest.Async)
impl2 := obs2.AsyncImpl().Implementation().(*mockTest.Async)
require.NotNil(t, impl1)
require.NotNil(t, impl2)
got := mockSDK.MeasurementBatches[0]
require.Equal(t, labels, got.Labels)
require.Len(t, got.Measurements, 2)
m1 := got.Measurements[0]
require.Equal(t, impl1, m1.Instrument.Implementation().(*mockTest.Async))
require.Equal(t, 0, m1.Number.CompareNumber(metric.Int64NumberKind, number(t, metric.Int64NumberKind, 42)))
m2 := got.Measurements[1]
require.Equal(t, impl2, m2.Instrument.Implementation().(*mockTest.Async))
require.Equal(t, 0, m2.Number.CompareNumber(metric.Float64NumberKind, number(t, metric.Float64NumberKind, 42)))
func checkObserverBatch(t *testing.T, labels []label.KeyValue, mock *mockTest.MeterImpl, nkind metric.NumberKind, mkind metric.Kind, observer metric.AsyncImpl, expected float64) {
assert.Len(t, mock.MeasurementBatches, 1)
if len(mock.MeasurementBatches) < 1 {
o := observer.Implementation().(*mockTest.Async)
if !assert.NotNil(t, o) {
got := mock.MeasurementBatches[0]
assert.Equal(t, labels, got.Labels)
assert.Len(t, got.Measurements, 1)
if len(got.Measurements) < 1 {
measurement := got.Measurements[0]
require.Equal(t, mkind, measurement.Instrument.Descriptor().MetricKind())
assert.Equal(t, o, measurement.Instrument.Implementation().(*mockTest.Async))
ft := number(t, nkind, expected)
assert.Equal(t, 0, measurement.Number.CompareNumber(nkind, ft))
func number(t *testing.T, kind metric.NumberKind, value float64) metric.Number {
switch kind {
case metric.Int64NumberKind:
return metric.NewInt64Number(int64(value))
case metric.Float64NumberKind:
return metric.NewFloat64Number(value)
panic("invalid number kind")
type testWrappedMeter struct {
var _ metric.MeterImpl = testWrappedMeter{}
func (testWrappedMeter) RecordBatch(context.Context, []label.KeyValue, ...metric.Measurement) {
func (testWrappedMeter) NewSyncInstrument(_ metric.Descriptor) (metric.SyncImpl, error) {
return nil, nil
func (testWrappedMeter) NewAsyncInstrument(_ metric.Descriptor, _ metric.AsyncRunner) (metric.AsyncImpl, error) {
return nil, errors.New("Test wrap error")
func TestWrappedInstrumentError(t *testing.T) {
impl := &testWrappedMeter{}
meter := metric.WrapMeterImpl(impl, "test")
valuerecorder, err := meter.NewInt64ValueRecorder("test.valuerecorder")
require.Equal(t, err, metric.ErrSDKReturnedNilImpl)
require.NotNil(t, valuerecorder.SyncImpl())
observer, err := meter.NewInt64ValueObserver("test.observer", func(_ context.Context, result metric.Int64ObserverResult) {})
require.NotNil(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, observer.AsyncImpl())
func TestNilCallbackObserverNoop(t *testing.T) {
// Tests that a nil callback yields a no-op observer without error.
_, meter := mockTest.NewMeter()
observer := Must(meter).NewInt64ValueObserver("test.observer", nil)
_, ok := observer.AsyncImpl().(metric.NoopAsync)
require.True(t, ok)