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synced 2025-03-03 14:52:56 +02:00
* Rework proto generation The changes here are: - Fix the default goal (using "default" target is not doing it). - Bail out with a useful message if proto submodule is not checked out. - Replace the use of docker image with downloading the protoc binary and building the gogofast plugin ourselves. This gives us a greater control over the invocation of protoc. - Use rsync to copy the generated code, instead of pax. Pax did not work for me (it was complaining about the unknown -0 flag). The control over the protoc invocation will be useful later, when we will want to generate a code with data structures in one place and the collector code elsewhere. The collector code may or may not depend on gRPC, but data structures have no need for it. This split will happen when we move the gRPC code out of the OTLP exporter module into a submodule. Getting rid of docker has the upside that the generated files do not belong to root, so there is no hassle of changing the ownership of the files, and it is not requires to use sudo for the `clean` target. And not using docker is faster. The downside of this work is that it depends on more tools: rsync, unzip and wget. I can only hope that macOS users have those tools too, and that those tools are invoked the same. * Update protogen workflow
130 lines
4.8 KiB
Protocol Buffer
130 lines
4.8 KiB
Protocol Buffer
# -*- mode: makefile; -*-
# Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This Makefile.proto has rules to generate go code for otlp
# exporter. It does it by copying the proto files from
# `exporters/otlp/internal/opentelemetry-proto` (which is a
# submodule that needs to be checked out) into `gen/proto`, changing
# the go_package option to a valid string, generating the go files and
# finally copying the files into the module. The files are not
# generated in place, because protoc generates a too-deep directory
# structure.
# Currently, all the generated code is in
# `exporters/otlp/internal/opentelemetry-proto-gen`.
# Prereqs: wget (for downloading the zip file with protoc binary),
# unzip (for unpacking the archive), rsync (for copying back the
# generated files).
TOOLS_DIR := $(abspath ./.tools)
TOOLS_MOD_DIR := ./internal/tools
OTEL_PROTO_SUBMODULE := exporters/otlp/internal/opentelemetry-proto
SUBMODULE_PROTO_FILES := $(wildcard $(OTEL_PROTO_SUBMODULE)/opentelemetry/proto/*/$(PROTOBUF_VERSION)/*.proto) $(wildcard $(OTEL_PROTO_SUBMODULE)/opentelemetry/proto/collector/*/$(PROTOBUF_VERSION)/*.proto)
ifeq ($(strip $(SUBMODULE_PROTO_FILES)),)
$(error Submodule at $(OTEL_PROTO_SUBMODULE) is not checked out, use "git submodule update --init")
PROTOBUF_GEN_DIR := exporters/otlp/internal/opentelemetry-proto-gen
.DEFAULT_GOAL := protobuf
UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s)
UNAME_M := $(shell uname -m)
ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux)
PROTOC_OS := linux
else ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin)
PROTOC_OS := osx
PROTOC_ARCH := x86_64
PROTOC_ZIP_URL := https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases/download/v$(PROTOC_VERSION)/protoc-$(PROTOC_VERSION)-$(PROTOC_OS)-$(PROTOC_ARCH).zip
@rm -f "$(TOOLS_DIR)"/PROTOC_* && \
touch "$@"
# Depend on a versioned file (like PROTOC_3.14.0), so when version
# gets bumped, we will depend on a nonexistent file and thus download
# a newer version.
echo "Fetching protoc $(PROTOC_VERSION)" && \
rm -rf $(TOOLS_DIR)/protoc && \
wget -O $(TOOLS_DIR)/protoc.zip $(PROTOC_ZIP_URL) && \
unzip $(TOOLS_DIR)/protoc.zip -d $(TOOLS_DIR)/protoc-tmp && \
rm $(TOOLS_DIR)/protoc.zip && \
touch $(TOOLS_DIR)/protoc-tmp/bin/protoc && \
mv $(TOOLS_DIR)/protoc-tmp $(TOOLS_DIR)/protoc
$(TOOLS_DIR)/protoc-gen-gogofast: $(TOOLS_MOD_DIR)/go.mod $(TOOLS_MOD_DIR)/go.sum $(TOOLS_MOD_DIR)/tools.go
cd $(TOOLS_MOD_DIR) && \
go build -o $(TOOLS_DIR)/protoc-gen-gogofast github.com/gogo/protobuf/protoc-gen-gogofast && \
go mod tidy
# Return a sed expression for replacing the go_package option in proto
# file with a one that's valid for us.
# Example: $(call get-sed-expr,$(PROTOBUF_GEN_DIR))
define get-sed-expr
's,go_package = "github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-proto/gen/go,go_package = "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/$(1),'
.PHONY: protobuf
protobuf: protobuf-source gen-protobuf copy-protobufs
.PHONY: protobuf-source
protobuf-source: $(SOURCE_PROTO_FILES)
# This copies proto files from submodule into $(PROTO_SOURCE_DIR),
# thus satisfying the $(SOURCE_PROTO_FILES) prerequisite. The copies
# have their package name replaced by go.opentelemetry.io/otel.
@ \
mkdir -p $(@D); \
sed -e $(call get-sed-expr,$(PROTOBUF_GEN_DIR)) "$<" >"$@.tmp"; \
mv "$@.tmp" "$@"
.PHONY: gen-protobuf
gen-protobuf: $(SOURCE_PROTO_FILES) $(TOOLS_DIR)/protoc-gen-gogofast $(TOOLS_DIR)/protoc/bin/protoc
@ \
mkdir -p "$(PROTOBUF_TEMP_DIR)"; \
set -e; for f in $^; do \
if [[ "$${f}" == $(TOOLS_DIR)/* ]]; then continue; fi; \
echo "protoc $${f#"$(PROTO_SOURCE_DIR)/"}"; \
PATH="$(TOOLS_DIR):$${PATH}" $(TOOLS_DIR)/protoc/bin/protoc --proto_path="$(PROTO_SOURCE_DIR)" --gogofast_out="plugins=grpc:$(PROTOBUF_TEMP_DIR)" "$${f}"; \
.PHONY: copy-protobufs
@rsync -a $(PROTOBUF_TEMP_DIR)/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters .
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf $(GEN_TEMP_DIR)