mirror of https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go.git synced 2025-01-14 02:33:21 +02:00
Sam Xie 1b5834f96c
Enable all benchmarks in CI (#5644)
Part of #4537

Here is the recent benchmark result from the CI:

Though the results are pretty stable, they only run for very limited
benchmarks, which cannot reflect the stability when running more


This PR enables all benchmarks in CI so we can obtain accurate stability
results. I also removed the `timeout` flag for the benchmark test, as
some benchmarks contain a lot of sub-benchmarks, which will timeout
anyway if we have a 60-second timeout. (Go does not offer timeout for
single benchmark or test)
2024-07-30 00:49:57 -07:00

299 lines
9.1 KiB

# Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
TOOLS_MOD_DIR := ./internal/tools
ALL_DOCS := $(shell find . -name '*.md' -type f | sort)
ALL_GO_MOD_DIRS := $(shell find . -type f -name 'go.mod' -exec dirname {} \; | sort)
ALL_COVERAGE_MOD_DIRS := $(shell find . -type f -name 'go.mod' -exec dirname {} \; | grep -E -v '^./example|^$(TOOLS_MOD_DIR)' | sort)
GO = go
.DEFAULT_GOAL := precommit
.PHONY: precommit ci
precommit: generate license-check misspell go-mod-tidy golangci-lint-fix verify-readmes verify-mods test-default
ci: generate license-check lint vanity-import-check verify-readmes verify-mods build test-default check-clean-work-tree test-coverage
# Tools
TOOLS = $(CURDIR)/.tools
@mkdir -p $@
$(TOOLS)/%: $(TOOLS_MOD_DIR)/go.mod | $(TOOLS)
cd $(TOOLS_MOD_DIR) && \
$(GO) build -o $@ $(PACKAGE)
MULTIMOD = $(TOOLS)/multimod
$(TOOLS)/multimod: PACKAGE=go.opentelemetry.io/build-tools/multimod
SEMCONVGEN = $(TOOLS)/semconvgen
$(TOOLS)/semconvgen: PACKAGE=go.opentelemetry.io/build-tools/semconvgen
CROSSLINK = $(TOOLS)/crosslink
$(TOOLS)/crosslink: PACKAGE=go.opentelemetry.io/build-tools/crosslink
SEMCONVKIT = $(TOOLS)/semconvkit
$(TOOLS)/semconvkit: PACKAGE=go.opentelemetry.io/otel/$(TOOLS_MOD_DIR)/semconvkit
GOLANGCI_LINT = $(TOOLS)/golangci-lint
$(TOOLS)/golangci-lint: PACKAGE=github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint
MISSPELL = $(TOOLS)/misspell
$(TOOLS)/misspell: PACKAGE=github.com/client9/misspell/cmd/misspell
GOCOVMERGE = $(TOOLS)/gocovmerge
$(TOOLS)/gocovmerge: PACKAGE=github.com/wadey/gocovmerge
STRINGER = $(TOOLS)/stringer
$(TOOLS)/stringer: PACKAGE=golang.org/x/tools/cmd/stringer
PORTO = $(TOOLS)/porto
$(TOOLS)/porto: PACKAGE=github.com/jcchavezs/porto/cmd/porto
GOJQ = $(TOOLS)/gojq
$(TOOLS)/gojq: PACKAGE=github.com/itchyny/gojq/cmd/gojq
GOTMPL = $(TOOLS)/gotmpl
$(GOTMPL): PACKAGE=go.opentelemetry.io/build-tools/gotmpl
GORELEASE = $(TOOLS)/gorelease
$(GORELEASE): PACKAGE=golang.org/x/exp/cmd/gorelease
GOVULNCHECK = $(TOOLS)/govulncheck
$(TOOLS)/govulncheck: PACKAGE=golang.org/x/vuln/cmd/govulncheck
.PHONY: tools
# Virtualized python tools via docker
# The directory where the virtual environment is created.
VENVDIR := venv
# The directory where the python tools are installed.
# The pip executable in the virtual environment.
PIP := $(PYTOOLS)/pip
# The directory in the docker image where the current directory is mounted.
WORKDIR := /workdir
# The python image to use for the virtual environment.
PYTHONIMAGE := python:3.11.3-slim-bullseye
# Run the python image with the current directory mounted.
DOCKERPY := docker run --rm -v "$(CURDIR):$(WORKDIR)" -w $(WORKDIR) $(PYTHONIMAGE)
# Create a virtual environment for Python tools.
# The `--upgrade` flag is needed to ensure that the virtual environment is
# created with the latest pip version.
@$(DOCKERPY) bash -c "python3 -m venv $(VENVDIR) && $(PIP) install --upgrade pip"
# Install python packages into the virtual environment.
@$(DOCKERPY) $(PIP) install -r requirements.txt
CODESPELL = $(PYTOOLS)/codespell
# Generate
.PHONY: generate
generate: go-generate vanity-import-fix
.PHONY: go-generate
go-generate: $(OTEL_GO_MOD_DIRS:%=go-generate/%)
go-generate/%: DIR=$*
go-generate/%: $(STRINGER) $(GOTMPL)
@echo "$(GO) generate $(DIR)/..." \
&& cd $(DIR) \
&& PATH="$(TOOLS):$${PATH}" $(GO) generate ./...
.PHONY: vanity-import-fix
vanity-import-fix: $(PORTO)
@$(PORTO) --include-internal -w .
# Generate go.work file for local development.
.PHONY: go-work
go-work: $(CROSSLINK)
$(CROSSLINK) work --root=$(shell pwd)
# Build
.PHONY: build
build: $(OTEL_GO_MOD_DIRS:%=build/%) $(OTEL_GO_MOD_DIRS:%=build-tests/%)
build/%: DIR=$*
@echo "$(GO) build $(DIR)/..." \
&& cd $(DIR) \
&& $(GO) build ./...
build-tests/%: DIR=$*
@echo "$(GO) build tests $(DIR)/..." \
&& cd $(DIR) \
&& $(GO) list ./... \
| grep -v third_party \
| xargs $(GO) test -vet=off -run xxxxxMatchNothingxxxxx >/dev/null
# Tests
TEST_TARGETS := test-default test-bench test-short test-verbose test-race
test-default test-race: ARGS=-race
test-bench: ARGS=-run=xxxxxMatchNothingxxxxx -test.benchtime=1ms -bench=.
test-short: ARGS=-short
test-verbose: ARGS=-v -race
test: $(OTEL_GO_MOD_DIRS:%=test/%)
test/%: DIR=$*
@echo "$(GO) test -timeout $(TIMEOUT)s $(ARGS) $(DIR)/..." \
&& cd $(DIR) \
&& $(GO) list ./... \
| grep -v third_party \
| xargs $(GO) test -timeout $(TIMEOUT)s $(ARGS)
COVERAGE_PROFILE = coverage.out
.PHONY: test-coverage
test-coverage: $(GOCOVMERGE)
@set -e; \
printf "" > coverage.txt; \
for dir in $(ALL_COVERAGE_MOD_DIRS); do \
echo "$(GO) test -coverpkg=go.opentelemetry.io/otel/... -covermode=$(COVERAGE_MODE) -coverprofile="$(COVERAGE_PROFILE)" $${dir}/..."; \
(cd "$${dir}" && \
$(GO) list ./... \
| grep -v third_party \
| grep -v 'semconv/v.*' \
| xargs $(GO) test -coverpkg=./... -covermode=$(COVERAGE_MODE) -coverprofile="$(COVERAGE_PROFILE)" && \
$(GO) tool cover -html=coverage.out -o coverage.html); \
done; \
$(GOCOVMERGE) $$(find . -name coverage.out) > coverage.txt
.PHONY: benchmark
benchmark: $(OTEL_GO_MOD_DIRS:%=benchmark/%)
@echo "$(GO) test -run=xxxxxMatchNothingxxxxx -bench=. $*..." \
&& cd $* \
&& $(GO) list ./... \
| grep -v third_party \
| xargs $(GO) test -run=xxxxxMatchNothingxxxxx -bench=.
.PHONY: golangci-lint golangci-lint-fix
golangci-lint-fix: ARGS=--fix
golangci-lint-fix: golangci-lint
golangci-lint: $(OTEL_GO_MOD_DIRS:%=golangci-lint/%)
golangci-lint/%: DIR=$*
golangci-lint/%: $(GOLANGCI_LINT)
@echo 'golangci-lint $(if $(ARGS),$(ARGS) ,)$(DIR)' \
&& cd $(DIR) \
&& $(GOLANGCI_LINT) run --allow-serial-runners $(ARGS)
.PHONY: crosslink
crosslink: $(CROSSLINK)
@echo "Updating intra-repository dependencies in all go modules" \
&& $(CROSSLINK) --root=$(shell pwd) --prune
.PHONY: go-mod-tidy
go-mod-tidy: $(ALL_GO_MOD_DIRS:%=go-mod-tidy/%)
go-mod-tidy/%: DIR=$*
go-mod-tidy/%: crosslink
@echo "$(GO) mod tidy in $(DIR)" \
&& cd $(DIR) \
&& $(GO) mod tidy -compat=1.21
.PHONY: lint-modules
lint-modules: go-mod-tidy
.PHONY: lint
lint: misspell lint-modules golangci-lint govulncheck
.PHONY: vanity-import-check
vanity-import-check: $(PORTO)
@$(PORTO) --include-internal -l . || ( echo "(run: make vanity-import-fix)"; exit 1 )
.PHONY: misspell
misspell: $(MISSPELL)
.PHONY: govulncheck
govulncheck: $(OTEL_GO_MOD_DIRS:%=govulncheck/%)
govulncheck/%: DIR=$*
govulncheck/%: $(GOVULNCHECK)
@echo "govulncheck ./... in $(DIR)" \
&& cd $(DIR) \
&& $(GOVULNCHECK) ./...
.PHONY: codespell
codespell: $(CODESPELL)
.PHONY: license-check
@licRes=$$(for f in $$(find . -type f \( -iname '*.go' -o -iname '*.sh' \) ! -path '**/third_party/*' ! -path './.git/*' ) ; do \
awk '/Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors|generated|GENERATED/ && NR<=4 { found=1; next } END { if (!found) print FILENAME }' $$f; \
done); \
if [ -n "$${licRes}" ]; then \
echo "license header checking failed:"; echo "$${licRes}"; \
exit 1; \
.PHONY: check-clean-work-tree
@if ! git diff --quiet; then \
echo; \
echo 'Working tree is not clean, did you forget to run "make precommit"?'; \
echo; \
git status; \
exit 1; \
SEMCONVPKG ?= "semconv/"
.PHONY: semconv-generate
semconv-generate: $(SEMCONVGEN) $(SEMCONVKIT)
[ "$(TAG)" ] || ( echo "TAG unset: missing opentelemetry semantic-conventions tag"; exit 1 )
[ "$(OTEL_SEMCONV_REPO)" ] || ( echo "OTEL_SEMCONV_REPO unset: missing path to opentelemetry semantic-conventions repo"; exit 1 )
$(SEMCONVGEN) -i "$(OTEL_SEMCONV_REPO)/model/." --only=attribute_group -p conventionType=trace -f attribute_group.go -t "$(SEMCONVPKG)/template.j2" -s "$(TAG)"
$(SEMCONVGEN) -i "$(OTEL_SEMCONV_REPO)/model/." --only=metric -f metric.go -t "$(SEMCONVPKG)/metric_template.j2" -s "$(TAG)"
$(SEMCONVKIT) -output "$(SEMCONVPKG)/$(TAG)" -tag "$(TAG)"
.PHONY: gorelease
gorelease: $(OTEL_GO_MOD_DIRS:%=gorelease/%)
gorelease/%: DIR=$*
gorelease/%:| $(GORELEASE)
@echo "gorelease in $(DIR):" \
&& cd $(DIR) \
|| echo ""
.PHONY: verify-mods
verify-mods: $(MULTIMOD)
$(MULTIMOD) verify
.PHONY: prerelease
prerelease: verify-mods
@[ "${MODSET}" ] || ( echo ">> env var MODSET is not set"; exit 1 )
$(MULTIMOD) prerelease -m ${MODSET}
.PHONY: add-tags
add-tags: verify-mods
@[ "${MODSET}" ] || ( echo ">> env var MODSET is not set"; exit 1 )
$(MULTIMOD) tag -m ${MODSET} -c ${COMMIT}
.PHONY: lint-markdown
docker run -v "$(CURDIR):$(WORKDIR)" avtodev/markdown-lint:v1 -c $(WORKDIR)/.markdownlint.yaml $(WORKDIR)/**/*.md
.PHONY: verify-readmes