mirror of https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go.git synced 2025-03-03 14:52:56 +02:00
Nelson Ghezzi 484258eb36
OS description attribute detector (#1840)
* Added Linux-specific detector for the os.description attribute

* Generalized OS description detector with placeholder function for unimplemented OSes

* Extended osDescription function to *nix OSes based on golang.org/x/sys/unix

* Added WithOS resource configuration function to configure all of the OS resource attributes

* Implemented osDescription funtion for Windows OS

* Improved documentation header for *nix version of the osDescription function

* Added support for reading os-release file

* Added/updated documentation headers for *nix implementation of osDescription and related functions

* Changelog update

* Added support for reading macOS version information

* Mock approach to test OS description attribute

* Extracted common function getFirstAvailableFile to read the first available file from a list of candidates

* Upgraded golang.org/x/sys

* Changelog update

* Fixed wrong function name in documentation header for WithOSDescription

* Updated documentation header for platformOSDescription function

* Renamed restoreProcessAttributesProviders test helper function

The function restoreProcessAttributesProviders was renamed to simply
restoreAttributesProviders to better reflect its broader scope, which
not only applies to process attribute's providers.

* Fixed os_linux.go overriding build tags defined inside the file

The suffix on os_linux.go was overriding the build tags already defined
in that file. The file was renamed to os_release_unix.go, reflecting
the main function defined in the file.

For consistency, os_darwin.go was renamed to os_release_darwing.go, as
its primary purpose is to also define the osRelease function.

* Removed use of discontinued function resource.WithoutBuiltin

* Added PR number to changelog entries

* Updated go.sum files after run of make lint

* Linux implementation: ignore lines with an empty key

* Linux implementation: avoid unquoting strings less than two chars

* WIP: added tests for Linux support functions

* WIP: added tests for charsToString and getFirstAvailableFile functions

* Replaced os.CreateTemp with ioutil.TempFile as the former only exists in Go 1.16

* Added unameProvider type to decouple direct reference to unix.Uname function inside Uname()

* Added tests for Uname() function

* Replaced *os.File with io.Reader in parseOSReleaseFile to ease testing

* Added tests for parseOSReleaseFile function

* Darwin implementation: added tests for buildOSRelease function

* Replaced *os.File with io.Reader in parsePlistFile to ease testing

* Darwin implementation: added tests for parsePlistFile function

* Type in documentation header for Linux osRelease function

* Extracted logic for reading specific registry values into helper functions

* Added basic tests for Windows version of platformOSDescription and helper functions

* Manually formatted uint64 to strings to have an uniform interface for test assertions

* Asserts there's no error when opening registry key for testing

Co-authored-by: Robert Pająk <pellared@hotmail.com>

* Simplified subtests by using a single test with multiple asserts

* go.sum update after running make

* Fix typo

Co-authored-by: Tyler Yahn <MrAlias@users.noreply.github.com>

* WIP: added placeholder implementation of platformOSDescription for unsupported OSes

* Fixed typo on osRelease documentation header

Co-authored-by: Chris Bandy <bandy.chris@gmail.com>

* Fixed typo on test case name for ParsePlistFile tests

Co-authored-by: Chris Bandy <bandy.chris@gmail.com>

* Linter fix in changelog

* go.sum updates after running make

* Used strings.Replacer instead of multiple strings.ReplaceAll calls

* Optimized implementation of charsToString

* Safer temporary file deletion with t.TempDir()

* Used t.Cleanup() for safer mocking of runtime providers in OS resource tests

* Handled optionality of DisplayVersion registry key.

For example, CI machine runs on:
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (1809) [Version 10.0.17763.1999]

So, to not add an extra white space due to missing DisplayVersion,
this value is checked to be not empty, and only in such case a
trailing space is added for that component.

* Workaround to handle the case of DisplayVersion registry key not present

* Excluded unsupported GOOSes by negation of supported ones

* go.sum update after running make

Co-authored-by: Anthony Mirabella <a9@aneurysm9.com>
Co-authored-by: Robert Pająk <pellared@hotmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Tyler Yahn <MrAlias@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Chris Bandy <bandy.chris@gmail.com>
2021-07-08 13:35:27 -07:00

20 lines
1.7 KiB

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