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synced 2025-03-03 14:52:56 +02:00
Generated from a modified version of the v1.5.0 release of the specification using a modified version of the semconvgen tools. The specification contained capitalized IDs that caused errors from the semconvgen tool. These errors were manually resolved and the rest of the Go formatting tools were used to provide consistent code. Important to note, the Go semconvgen tooling includes new name capitalization rules for ReplicaSet, StatefulSet, and DaemonSet that mean code names are not backwards compatible. This is included in the changelog to help users perform the upgrade.
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940 lines
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// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Code generated from semantic convention specification. DO NOT EDIT.
package semconv // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.5.0"
import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute"
// A cloud environment (e.g. GCP, Azure, AWS)
const (
// Name of the cloud provider.
// Type: Enum
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
CloudProviderKey = attribute.Key("cloud.provider")
// The cloud account ID the resource is assigned to.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: '111111111111', 'opentelemetry'
CloudAccountIDKey = attribute.Key("cloud.account.id")
// The geographical region the resource is running. Refer to your provider's docs
// to see the available regions, for example [AWS
// regions](https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/global-infrastructure/regions_az/),
// [Azure regions](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/global-
// infrastructure/geographies/), or [Google Cloud
// regions](https://cloud.google.com/about/locations).
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'us-central1', 'us-east-1'
CloudRegionKey = attribute.Key("cloud.region")
// Cloud regions often have multiple, isolated locations known as zones to
// increase availability. Availability zone represents the zone where the resource
// is running.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'us-east-1c'
// Note: Availability zones are called "zones" on Google Cloud.
CloudAvailabilityZoneKey = attribute.Key("cloud.availability_zone")
// The cloud platform in use.
// Type: Enum
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Note: The prefix of the service SHOULD match the one specified in
// `cloud.provider`.
CloudPlatformKey = attribute.Key("cloud.platform")
var (
// Amazon Web Services
CloudProviderAWS = CloudProviderKey.String("aws")
// Microsoft Azure
CloudProviderAzure = CloudProviderKey.String("azure")
// Google Cloud Platform
CloudProviderGCP = CloudProviderKey.String("gcp")
var (
// AWS Elastic Compute Cloud
CloudPlatformAWSEC2 = CloudPlatformKey.String("aws_ec2")
// AWS Elastic Container Service
CloudPlatformAWSECS = CloudPlatformKey.String("aws_ecs")
// AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service
CloudPlatformAWSEKS = CloudPlatformKey.String("aws_eks")
// AWS Lambda
CloudPlatformAWSLambda = CloudPlatformKey.String("aws_lambda")
// AWS Elastic Beanstalk
CloudPlatformAWSElasticBeanstalk = CloudPlatformKey.String("aws_elastic_beanstalk")
// Azure Virtual Machines
CloudPlatformAzureVM = CloudPlatformKey.String("azure_vm")
// Azure Container Instances
CloudPlatformAzureContainerInstances = CloudPlatformKey.String("azure_container_instances")
// Azure Kubernetes Service
CloudPlatformAzureAKS = CloudPlatformKey.String("azure_aks")
// Azure Functions
CloudPlatformAzureFunctions = CloudPlatformKey.String("azure_functions")
// Azure App Service
CloudPlatformAzureAppService = CloudPlatformKey.String("azure_app_service")
// Google Cloud Compute Engine (GCE)
CloudPlatformGCPComputeEngine = CloudPlatformKey.String("gcp_compute_engine")
// Google Cloud Run
CloudPlatformGCPCloudRun = CloudPlatformKey.String("gcp_cloud_run")
// Google Cloud Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
CloudPlatformGCPKubernetesEngine = CloudPlatformKey.String("gcp_kubernetes_engine")
// Google Cloud Functions (GCF)
CloudPlatformGCPCloudFunctions = CloudPlatformKey.String("gcp_cloud_functions")
// Google Cloud App Engine (GAE)
CloudPlatformGCPAppEngine = CloudPlatformKey.String("gcp_app_engine")
// Resources used by AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS).
const (
// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an [ECS container instance](https://docs.aws.
// amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/ECS_instances.html).
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'arn:aws:ecs:us-
// west-1:123456789123:container/32624152-9086-4f0e-acae-1a75b14fe4d9'
AWSECSContainerARNKey = attribute.Key("aws.ecs.container.arn")
// The ARN of an [ECS cluster](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/develo
// perguide/clusters.html).
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:123456789123:cluster/my-cluster'
AWSECSClusterARNKey = attribute.Key("aws.ecs.cluster.arn")
// The [launch type](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/l
// aunch_types.html) for an ECS task.
// Type: Enum
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
AWSECSLaunchtypeKey = attribute.Key("aws.ecs.launchtype")
// The ARN of an [ECS task definition](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/lates
// t/developerguide/task_definitions.html).
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'arn:aws:ecs:us-
// west-1:123456789123:task/10838bed-421f-43ef-870a-f43feacbbb5b'
AWSECSTaskARNKey = attribute.Key("aws.ecs.task.arn")
// The task definition family this task definition is a member of.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'opentelemetry-family'
AWSECSTaskFamilyKey = attribute.Key("aws.ecs.task.family")
// The revision for this task definition.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: '8', '26'
AWSECSTaskRevisionKey = attribute.Key("aws.ecs.task.revision")
var (
// ec2
AWSECSLaunchtypeEC2 = AWSECSLaunchtypeKey.String("ec2")
// fargate
AWSECSLaunchtypeFargate = AWSECSLaunchtypeKey.String("fargate")
// Resources used by AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).
const (
// The ARN of an EKS cluster.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:123456789123:cluster/my-cluster'
AWSEKSClusterARNKey = attribute.Key("aws.eks.cluster.arn")
// Resources specific to Amazon Web Services.
const (
// The name(s) of the AWS log group(s) an application is writing to.
// Type: string[]
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: '/aws/lambda/my-function', 'opentelemetry-service'
// Note: Multiple log groups must be supported for cases like multi-container
// applications, where a single application has sidecar containers, and each write
// to their own log group.
AWSLogGroupNamesKey = attribute.Key("aws.log.group.names")
// The Amazon Resource Name(s) (ARN) of the AWS log group(s).
// Type: string[]
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'arn:aws:logs:us-west-1:123456789012:log-group:/aws/my/group:*'
// Note: See the [log group ARN format
// documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/logs/iam-
// access-control-overview-cwl.html#CWL_ARN_Format).
AWSLogGroupARNsKey = attribute.Key("aws.log.group.arns")
// The name(s) of the AWS log stream(s) an application is writing to.
// Type: string[]
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'logs/main/10838bed-421f-43ef-870a-f43feacbbb5b'
AWSLogStreamNamesKey = attribute.Key("aws.log.stream.names")
// The ARN(s) of the AWS log stream(s).
// Type: string[]
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'arn:aws:logs:us-west-1:123456789012:log-group:/aws/my/group:log-
// stream:logs/main/10838bed-421f-43ef-870a-f43feacbbb5b'
// Note: See the [log stream ARN format
// documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/logs/iam-
// access-control-overview-cwl.html#CWL_ARN_Format). One log group can contain
// several log streams, so these ARNs necessarily identify both a log group and a
// log stream.
AWSLogStreamARNsKey = attribute.Key("aws.log.stream.arns")
// A container instance.
const (
// Container name.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'opentelemetry-autoconf'
ContainerNameKey = attribute.Key("container.name")
// Container ID. Usually a UUID, as for example used to [identify Docker
// containers](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#container-
// identification). The UUID might be abbreviated.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'a3bf90e006b2'
ContainerIDKey = attribute.Key("container.id")
// The container runtime managing this container.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'docker', 'containerd', 'rkt'
ContainerRuntimeKey = attribute.Key("container.runtime")
// Name of the image the container was built on.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'gcr.io/opentelemetry/operator'
ContainerImageNameKey = attribute.Key("container.image.name")
// Container image tag.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: '0.1'
ContainerImageTagKey = attribute.Key("container.image.tag")
// The software deployment.
const (
// Name of the [deployment
// environment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deployment_environment) (aka
// deployment tier).
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'staging', 'production'
DeploymentEnvironmentKey = attribute.Key("deployment.environment")
// The device on which the process represented by this resource is running.
const (
// A unique identifier representing the device
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: '2ab2916d-a51f-4ac8-80ee-45ac31a28092'
// Note: The device identifier MUST only be defined using the values outlined
// below. This value is not an advertising identifier and MUST NOT be used as
// such. On iOS (Swift or Objective-C), this value MUST be equal to the [vendor id
// entifier](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uidevice/1620059-iden
// tifierforvendor). On Android (Java or Kotlin), this value MUST be equal to the
// Firebase Installation ID or a globally unique UUID which is persisted across
// sessions in your application. More information can be found
// [here](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/user-data-ids) on best
// practices and exact implementation details. Caution should be taken when
// storing personal data or anything which can identify a user. GDPR and data
// protection laws may apply, ensure you do your own due diligence.
DeviceIDKey = attribute.Key("device.id")
// The model identifier for the device
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'iPhone3,4', 'SM-G920F'
// Note: It's recommended this value represents a machine readable version of the
// model identifier rather than the market or consumer-friendly name of the
// device.
DeviceModelIdentifierKey = attribute.Key("device.model.identifier")
// The marketing name for the device model
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'iPhone 6s Plus', 'Samsung Galaxy S6'
// Note: It's recommended this value represents a human readable version of the
// device model rather than a machine readable alternative.
DeviceModelNameKey = attribute.Key("device.model.name")
// A serverless instance.
const (
// The name of the single function that this runtime instance executes.
// Type: string
// Required: Always
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'my-function'
// Note: This is the name of the function as configured/deployed on the FaaS
// platform and is usually different from the name of the callback function (which
// may be stored in the
// [`code.namespace`/`code.function`](../../trace/semantic_conventions/span-
// general.md#source-code-attributes) span attributes).
FaaSNameKey = attribute.Key("faas.name")
// The unique ID of the single function that this runtime instance executes.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:my-function'
// Note: Depending on the cloud provider, use:
// * **AWS Lambda:** The function
// [ARN](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-
// namespaces.html).
// Take care not to use the "invoked ARN" directly but replace any
// [alias suffix](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/configuration-
// aliases.html) with the resolved function version, as the same runtime instance
// may be invokable with multiple
// different aliases.
// * **GCP:** The [URI of the resource](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/full-
// resource-names)
// * **Azure:** The [Fully Qualified Resource ID](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
// us/rest/api/resources/resources/get-by-id).
// On some providers, it may not be possible to determine the full ID at startup,
// which is why this field cannot be made required. For example, on AWS the
// account ID
// part of the ARN is not available without calling another AWS API
// which may be deemed too slow for a short-running lambda function.
// As an alternative, consider setting `faas.id` as a span attribute instead.
FaaSIDKey = attribute.Key("faas.id")
// The immutable version of the function being executed.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: '26', 'pinkfroid-00002'
// Note: Depending on the cloud provider and platform, use:
// * **AWS Lambda:** The [function
// version](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/configuration-
// versions.html)
// (an integer represented as a decimal string).
// * **Google Cloud Run:** The
// [revision](https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/managing/revisions)
// (i.e., the function name plus the revision suffix).
// * **Google Cloud Functions:** The value of the
// [`K_REVISION` environment
// variable](https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/env-
// var#runtime_environment_variables_set_automatically).
// * **Azure Functions:** Not applicable. Do not set this attribute.
FaaSVersionKey = attribute.Key("faas.version")
// The execution environment ID as a string, that will be potentially reused for
// other invocations to the same function/function version.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: '2021/06/28/[$LATEST]2f399eb14537447da05ab2a2e39309de'
// Note: * **AWS Lambda:** Use the (full) log stream name.
FaaSInstanceKey = attribute.Key("faas.instance")
// The amount of memory available to the serverless function in MiB.
// Type: int
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 128
// Note: It's recommended to set this attribute since e.g. too little memory can
// easily stop a Java AWS Lambda function from working correctly. On AWS Lambda,
// the environment variable `AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_MEMORY_SIZE` provides this
// information.
FaaSMaxMemoryKey = attribute.Key("faas.max_memory")
// A host is defined as a general computing instance.
const (
// Unique host ID. For Cloud, this must be the instance_id assigned by the cloud
// provider.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'opentelemetry-test'
HostIDKey = attribute.Key("host.id")
// Name of the host. On Unix systems, it may contain what the hostname command
// returns, or the fully qualified hostname, or another name specified by the
// user.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'opentelemetry-test'
HostNameKey = attribute.Key("host.name")
// Type of host. For Cloud, this must be the machine type.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'n1-standard-1'
HostTypeKey = attribute.Key("host.type")
// The CPU architecture the host system is running on.
// Type: Enum
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
HostArchKey = attribute.Key("host.arch")
// Name of the VM image or OS install the host was instantiated from.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'infra-ami-eks-worker-node-7d4ec78312', 'CentOS-8-x86_64-1905'
HostImageNameKey = attribute.Key("host.image.name")
// VM image ID. For Cloud, this value is from the provider.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'ami-07b06b442921831e5'
HostImageIDKey = attribute.Key("host.image.id")
// The version string of the VM image as defined in [Version
// Attributes](README.md#version-attributes).
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: '0.1'
HostImageVersionKey = attribute.Key("host.image.version")
var (
// AMD64
HostArchAMD64 = HostArchKey.String("amd64")
// ARM32
HostArchARM32 = HostArchKey.String("arm32")
// ARM64
HostArchARM64 = HostArchKey.String("arm64")
// Itanium
HostArchIA64 = HostArchKey.String("ia64")
// 32-bit PowerPC
HostArchPPC32 = HostArchKey.String("ppc32")
// 64-bit PowerPC
HostArchPPC64 = HostArchKey.String("ppc64")
// 32-bit x86
HostArchX86 = HostArchKey.String("x86")
// A Kubernetes Cluster.
const (
// The name of the cluster.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'opentelemetry-cluster'
K8SClusterNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.cluster.name")
// A Kubernetes Node object.
const (
// The name of the Node.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'node-1'
K8SNodeNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.node.name")
// The UID of the Node.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: '1eb3a0c6-0477-4080-a9cb-0cb7db65c6a2'
K8SNodeUIDKey = attribute.Key("k8s.node.uid")
// A Kubernetes Namespace.
const (
// The name of the namespace that the pod is running in.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'default'
K8SNamespaceNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.namespace.name")
// A Kubernetes Pod object.
const (
// The UID of the Pod.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: '275ecb36-5aa8-4c2a-9c47-d8bb681b9aff'
K8SPodUIDKey = attribute.Key("k8s.pod.uid")
// The name of the Pod.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'opentelemetry-pod-autoconf'
K8SPodNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.pod.name")
// A container in a [PodTemplate](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/#pod-templates).
const (
// The name of the Container in a Pod template.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'redis'
K8SContainerNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.container.name")
// A Kubernetes ReplicaSet object.
const (
// The UID of the ReplicaSet.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: '275ecb36-5aa8-4c2a-9c47-d8bb681b9aff'
K8SReplicaSetUIDKey = attribute.Key("k8s.replicaset.uid")
// The name of the ReplicaSet.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'opentelemetry'
K8SReplicaSetNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.replicaset.name")
// A Kubernetes Deployment object.
const (
// The UID of the Deployment.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: '275ecb36-5aa8-4c2a-9c47-d8bb681b9aff'
K8SDeploymentUIDKey = attribute.Key("k8s.deployment.uid")
// The name of the Deployment.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'opentelemetry'
K8SDeploymentNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.deployment.name")
// A Kubernetes StatefulSet object.
const (
// The UID of the StatefulSet.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: '275ecb36-5aa8-4c2a-9c47-d8bb681b9aff'
K8SStatefulSetUIDKey = attribute.Key("k8s.statefulset.uid")
// The name of the StatefulSet.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'opentelemetry'
K8SStatefulSetNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.statefulset.name")
// A Kubernetes DaemonSet object.
const (
// The UID of the DaemonSet.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: '275ecb36-5aa8-4c2a-9c47-d8bb681b9aff'
K8SDaemonSetUIDKey = attribute.Key("k8s.daemonset.uid")
// The name of the DaemonSet.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'opentelemetry'
K8SDaemonSetNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.daemonset.name")
// A Kubernetes Job object.
const (
// The UID of the Job.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: '275ecb36-5aa8-4c2a-9c47-d8bb681b9aff'
K8SJobUIDKey = attribute.Key("k8s.job.uid")
// The name of the Job.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'opentelemetry'
K8SJobNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.job.name")
// A Kubernetes CronJob object.
const (
// The UID of the CronJob.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: '275ecb36-5aa8-4c2a-9c47-d8bb681b9aff'
K8SCronJobUIDKey = attribute.Key("k8s.cronjob.uid")
// The name of the CronJob.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'opentelemetry'
K8SCronJobNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.cronjob.name")
// The operating system (OS) on which the process represented by this resource is running.
const (
// The operating system type.
// Type: Enum
// Required: Always
// Stability: stable
OSTypeKey = attribute.Key("os.type")
// Human readable (not intended to be parsed) OS version information, like e.g.
// reported by `ver` or `lsb_release -a` commands.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18363.778]', 'Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS'
OSDescriptionKey = attribute.Key("os.description")
// Human readable operating system name.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'iOS', 'Android', 'Ubuntu'
OSNameKey = attribute.Key("os.name")
// The version string of the operating system as defined in [Version
// Attributes](../../resource/semantic_conventions/README.md#version-attributes).
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: '14.2.1', '18.04.1'
OSVersionKey = attribute.Key("os.version")
var (
// Microsoft Windows
OSTypeWindows = OSTypeKey.String("windows")
// Linux
OSTypeLinux = OSTypeKey.String("linux")
// Apple Darwin
OSTypeDarwin = OSTypeKey.String("darwin")
// FreeBSD
OSTypeFreeBSD = OSTypeKey.String("freebsd")
// NetBSD
OSTypeNetBSD = OSTypeKey.String("netbsd")
// OpenBSD
OSTypeOpenBSD = OSTypeKey.String("openbsd")
// DragonFly BSD
OSTypeDragonflyBSD = OSTypeKey.String("dragonflybsd")
// HP-UX (Hewlett Packard Unix)
OSTypeHPUX = OSTypeKey.String("hpux")
// AIX (Advanced Interactive eXecutive)
OSTypeAIX = OSTypeKey.String("aix")
// Oracle Solaris
OSTypeSolaris = OSTypeKey.String("solaris")
// IBM z/OS
OSTypeZOS = OSTypeKey.String("z_os")
// An operating system process.
const (
// Process identifier (PID).
// Type: int
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 1234
ProcessPIDKey = attribute.Key("process.pid")
// The name of the process executable. On Linux based systems, can be set to the
// `Name` in `proc/[pid]/status`. On Windows, can be set to the base name of
// `GetProcessImageFileNameW`.
// Type: string
// Required: See below
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'otelcol'
ProcessExecutableNameKey = attribute.Key("process.executable.name")
// The full path to the process executable. On Linux based systems, can be set to
// the target of `proc/[pid]/exe`. On Windows, can be set to the result of
// `GetProcessImageFileNameW`.
// Type: string
// Required: See below
// Stability: stable
// Examples: '/usr/bin/cmd/otelcol'
ProcessExecutablePathKey = attribute.Key("process.executable.path")
// The command used to launch the process (i.e. the command name). On Linux based
// systems, can be set to the zeroth string in `proc/[pid]/cmdline`. On Windows,
// can be set to the first parameter extracted from `GetCommandLineW`.
// Type: string
// Required: See below
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'cmd/otelcol'
ProcessCommandKey = attribute.Key("process.command")
// The full command used to launch the process as a single string representing the
// full command. On Windows, can be set to the result of `GetCommandLineW`. Do not
// set this if you have to assemble it just for monitoring; use
// `process.command_args` instead.
// Type: string
// Required: See below
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'C:\\cmd\\otecol --config="my directory\\config.yaml"'
ProcessCommandLineKey = attribute.Key("process.command_line")
// All the command arguments (including the command/executable itself) as received
// by the process. On Linux-based systems (and some other Unixoid systems
// supporting procfs), can be set according to the list of null-delimited strings
// extracted from `proc/[pid]/cmdline`. For libc-based executables, this would be
// the full argv vector passed to `main`.
// Type: string[]
// Required: See below
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'cmd/otecol', '--config=config.yaml'
ProcessCommandArgsKey = attribute.Key("process.command_args")
// The username of the user that owns the process.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'root'
ProcessOwnerKey = attribute.Key("process.owner")
// The single (language) runtime instance which is monitored.
const (
// The name of the runtime of this process. For compiled native binaries, this
// SHOULD be the name of the compiler.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'OpenJDK Runtime Environment'
ProcessRuntimeNameKey = attribute.Key("process.runtime.name")
// The version of the runtime of this process, as returned by the runtime without
// modification.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: '14.0.2'
ProcessRuntimeVersionKey = attribute.Key("process.runtime.version")
// An additional description about the runtime of the process, for example a
// specific vendor customization of the runtime environment.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'Eclipse OpenJ9 Eclipse OpenJ9 VM openj9-0.21.0'
ProcessRuntimeDescriptionKey = attribute.Key("process.runtime.description")
// A service instance.
const (
// Logical name of the service.
// Type: string
// Required: Always
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'shoppingcart'
// Note: MUST be the same for all instances of horizontally scaled services. If
// the value was not specified, SDKs MUST fallback to `unknown_service:`
// concatenated with [`process.executable.name`](process.md#process), e.g.
// `unknown_service:bash`. If `process.executable.name` is not available, the
// value MUST be set to `unknown_service`.
ServiceNameKey = attribute.Key("service.name")
// A namespace for `service.name`.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'Shop'
// Note: A string value having a meaning that helps to distinguish a group of
// services, for example the team name that owns a group of services.
// `service.name` is expected to be unique within the same namespace. If
// `service.namespace` is not specified in the Resource then `service.name` is
// expected to be unique for all services that have no explicit namespace defined
// (so the empty/unspecified namespace is simply one more valid namespace). Zero-
// length namespace string is assumed equal to unspecified namespace.
ServiceNamespaceKey = attribute.Key("service.namespace")
// The string ID of the service instance.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: '627cc493-f310-47de-96bd-71410b7dec09'
// Note: MUST be unique for each instance of the same
// `service.namespace,service.name` pair (in other words
// `service.namespace,service.name,service.instance.id` triplet MUST be globally
// unique). The ID helps to distinguish instances of the same service that exist
// at the same time (e.g. instances of a horizontally scaled service). It is
// preferable for the ID to be persistent and stay the same for the lifetime of
// the service instance, however it is acceptable that the ID is ephemeral and
// changes during important lifetime events for the service (e.g. service
// restarts). If the service has no inherent unique ID that can be used as the
// value of this attribute it is recommended to generate a random Version 1 or
// Version 4 RFC 4122 UUID (services aiming for reproducible UUIDs may also use
// Version 5, see RFC 4122 for more recommendations).
ServiceInstanceIDKey = attribute.Key("service.instance.id")
// The version string of the service API or implementation.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: '2.0.0'
ServiceVersionKey = attribute.Key("service.version")
// The telemetry SDK used to capture data recorded by the instrumentation libraries.
const (
// The name of the telemetry SDK as defined above.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'opentelemetry'
TelemetrySDKNameKey = attribute.Key("telemetry.sdk.name")
// The language of the telemetry SDK.
// Type: Enum
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
TelemetrySDKLanguageKey = attribute.Key("telemetry.sdk.language")
// The version string of the telemetry SDK.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: '1.2.3'
TelemetrySDKVersionKey = attribute.Key("telemetry.sdk.version")
// The version string of the auto instrumentation agent, if used.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: '1.2.3'
TelemetryAutoVersionKey = attribute.Key("telemetry.auto.version")
var (
// cpp
TelemetrySDKLanguageCPP = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("cpp")
// dotnet
TelemetrySDKLanguageDotnet = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("dotnet")
// erlang
TelemetrySDKLanguageErlang = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("erlang")
// go
TelemetrySDKLanguageGo = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("go")
// java
TelemetrySDKLanguageJava = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("java")
// nodejs
TelemetrySDKLanguageNodejs = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("nodejs")
// php
TelemetrySDKLanguagePHP = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("php")
// python
TelemetrySDKLanguagePython = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("python")
// ruby
TelemetrySDKLanguageRuby = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("ruby")
// webjs
TelemetrySDKLanguageWebjs = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("webjs")
// Resource describing the packaged software running the application code. Web engines are typically executed using process.runtime.
const (
// The name of the web engine.
// Type: string
// Required: Always
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'WildFly'
WebEngineNameKey = attribute.Key("webengine.name")
// The version of the web engine.
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: '21.0.0'
WebEngineVersionKey = attribute.Key("webengine.version")
// Additional description of the web engine (e.g. detailed version and edition
// information).
// Type: string
// Required: No
// Stability: stable
// Examples: 'WildFly Full 21.0.0.Final (WildFly Core 13.0.1.Final) - 2.2.2.Final'
WebEngineDescriptionKey = attribute.Key("webengine.description")