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// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package metric // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric"
import (
var (
schemaURL = "https://opentelemetry.io/schemas/1.0.0"
completeIP = Instrument{
Name: "foo",
Description: "foo desc",
Kind: InstrumentKindCounter,
Unit: "By",
Scope: instrumentation.Scope{
Name: "TestNewViewMatch",
Version: "v0.1.0",
SchemaURL: schemaURL,
func scope(name, ver, url string) instrumentation.Scope {
return instrumentation.Scope{Name: name, Version: ver, SchemaURL: url}
func testNewViewMatchName() func(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
criteria string
match []string
notMatch []string
name: "Exact",
criteria: "foo",
match: []string{"foo"},
notMatch: []string{"", "bar", "foobar", "barfoo", "ffooo"},
name: "Wildcard/*",
criteria: "*",
match: []string{"", "foo", "foobar", "barfoo", "barfoobaz"},
name: "Wildcard/Front?",
criteria: "?oo",
match: []string{"foo", "1oo"},
notMatch: []string{"", "bar", "foobar", "barfoo", "barfoobaz"},
name: "Wildcard/Back?",
criteria: "fo?",
match: []string{"foo", "fo1"},
notMatch: []string{"", "bar", "foobar", "barfoo", "barfoobaz"},
name: "Wildcard/Front*",
criteria: "*foo",
match: []string{"foo", "123foo", "barfoo"},
notMatch: []string{"", "bar", "foobar", "barfoobaz"},
name: "Wildcard/Back*",
criteria: "foo*",
match: []string{"foo", "foo1", "foobar"},
notMatch: []string{"", "bar", "barfoo", "barfoobaz"},
name: "Wildcard/FrontBack*",
criteria: "*foo*",
match: []string{"foo", "foo1", "1foo", "1foo1", "foobar", "barfoobaz"},
notMatch: []string{"", "bar"},
name: "Wildcard/Front**",
criteria: "**foo",
match: []string{"foo", "123foo", "barfoo", "afoo"},
notMatch: []string{"", "bar", "foobar", "barfoobaz"},
name: "Wildcard/Back**",
criteria: "foo**",
match: []string{"foo", "foo1", "fooa", "foobar"},
notMatch: []string{"", "bar", "barfoo", "barfoobaz"},
name: "Wildcard/Front*?",
criteria: "*?oo",
match: []string{"foo", "123foo", "barfoo", "afoo"},
notMatch: []string{"", "fo", "bar", "foobar", "barfoobaz"},
name: "Wildcard/Back*?",
criteria: "fo*?",
match: []string{"foo", "foo1", "fooa", "foobar"},
notMatch: []string{"", "bar", "barfoo", "barfoobaz"},
name: "Wildcard/Front?*",
criteria: "?*oo",
match: []string{"foo", "123foo", "barfoo", "afoo"},
notMatch: []string{"", "oo", "fo", "bar", "foobar", "barfoobaz"},
name: "Wildcard/Back?*",
criteria: "fo?*",
match: []string{"foo", "foo1", "fooa", "foobar"},
notMatch: []string{"", "fo", "bar", "barfoo", "barfoobaz"},
name: "Wildcard/Middle*",
criteria: "f*o",
match: []string{"fo", "foo", "fooo", "fo12baro"},
notMatch: []string{"", "bar", "barfoo", "barfoobaz"},
name: "Wildcard/Middle?",
criteria: "f?o",
match: []string{"foo", "f1o"},
notMatch: []string{"", "fo", "fooo", "fo12baro", "bar"},
name: "Wildcard/MetaCharacters",
criteria: "*.+()|[]{}^$-_?",
match: []string{"aa.+()|[]{}^$-_b", ".+()|[]{}^$-_b"},
notMatch: []string{"", "foo", ".+()|[]{}^$-_"},
return func(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range tests {
v := NewView(Instrument{Name: test.criteria}, Stream{})
t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
for _, n := range test.match {
_, matches := v(Instrument{Name: n})
assert.Truef(t, matches, "%s does not match %s", test.criteria, n)
for _, n := range test.notMatch {
_, matches := v(Instrument{Name: n})
assert.Falsef(t, matches, "%s matches %s", test.criteria, n)
func TestNewViewMatch(t *testing.T) {
// Avoid boilerplate for name match testing.
t.Run("Name", testNewViewMatchName())
tests := []struct {
name string
criteria Instrument
matches []Instrument
notMatches []Instrument
name: "Empty",
notMatches: []Instrument{{}, {Name: "foo"}, completeIP},
name: "Description",
criteria: Instrument{Description: "foo desc"},
matches: []Instrument{{Description: "foo desc"}, completeIP},
notMatches: []Instrument{{}, {Description: "foo"}, {Description: "desc"}},
name: "Kind",
criteria: Instrument{Kind: InstrumentKindCounter},
matches: []Instrument{{Kind: InstrumentKindCounter}, completeIP},
notMatches: []Instrument{
{Kind: InstrumentKindUpDownCounter},
{Kind: InstrumentKindHistogram},
{Kind: InstrumentKindObservableCounter},
{Kind: InstrumentKindObservableUpDownCounter},
{Kind: InstrumentKindObservableGauge},
name: "Unit",
criteria: Instrument{Unit: "By"},
matches: []Instrument{{Unit: "By"}, completeIP},
notMatches: []Instrument{
{Unit: "1"},
{Unit: "K"},
name: "ScopeName",
criteria: Instrument{Scope: scope("TestNewViewMatch", "", "")},
matches: []Instrument{
{Scope: scope("TestNewViewMatch", "", "")},
notMatches: []Instrument{
{Scope: scope("PrefixTestNewViewMatch", "", "")},
{Scope: scope("TestNewViewMatchSuffix", "", "")},
{Scope: scope("alt", "", "")},
name: "ScopeVersion",
criteria: Instrument{Scope: scope("", "v0.1.0", "")},
matches: []Instrument{
{Scope: scope("", "v0.1.0", "")},
notMatches: []Instrument{
{Scope: scope("", "v0.1.0-RC1", "")},
{Scope: scope("", "v0.1.1", "")},
name: "ScopeSchemaURL",
criteria: Instrument{Scope: scope("", "", schemaURL)},
matches: []Instrument{
{Scope: scope("", "", schemaURL)},
notMatches: []Instrument{
{Scope: scope("", "", schemaURL+"/path")},
{Scope: scope("", "", "https://go.dev")},
name: "Scope",
criteria: Instrument{Scope: scope("TestNewViewMatch", "v0.1.0", schemaURL)},
matches: []Instrument{
{Scope: scope("TestNewViewMatch", "v0.1.0", schemaURL)},
notMatches: []Instrument{
{Scope: scope("CompleteMisMatch", "v0.2.0", "https://go.dev")},
{Scope: scope("NameMisMatch", "v0.1.0", schemaURL)},
name: "Complete",
criteria: completeIP,
matches: []Instrument{completeIP},
notMatches: []Instrument{
{Name: "foo"},
Name: "Wrong Name",
Description: "foo desc",
Kind: InstrumentKindCounter,
Unit: "By",
Scope: scope("TestNewViewMatch", "v0.1.0", schemaURL),
Name: "foo",
Description: "Wrong Description",
Kind: InstrumentKindCounter,
Unit: "By",
Scope: scope("TestNewViewMatch", "v0.1.0", schemaURL),
Name: "foo",
Description: "foo desc",
Kind: InstrumentKindObservableUpDownCounter,
Unit: "By",
Scope: scope("TestNewViewMatch", "v0.1.0", schemaURL),
Name: "foo",
Description: "foo desc",
Kind: InstrumentKindCounter,
Unit: "1",
Scope: scope("TestNewViewMatch", "v0.1.0", schemaURL),
Name: "foo",
Description: "foo desc",
Kind: InstrumentKindCounter,
Unit: "By",
Scope: scope("Wrong Scope Name", "v0.1.0", schemaURL),
Name: "foo",
Description: "foo desc",
Kind: InstrumentKindCounter,
Unit: "By",
Scope: scope("TestNewViewMatch", "v1.4.3", schemaURL),
Name: "foo",
Description: "foo desc",
Kind: InstrumentKindCounter,
Unit: "By",
Scope: scope("TestNewViewMatch", "v0.1.0", "https://go.dev"),
for _, test := range tests {
v := NewView(test.criteria, Stream{})
t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
for _, instrument := range test.matches {
_, matches := v(instrument)
assert.Truef(t, matches, "view does not match %#v", instrument)
for _, instrument := range test.notMatches {
_, matches := v(instrument)
assert.Falsef(t, matches, "view matches %#v", instrument)
func TestNewViewReplace(t *testing.T) {
alt := "alternative value"
tests := []struct {
name string
mask Stream
want func(Instrument) Stream
name: "Nothing",
want: func(i Instrument) Stream {
return Stream{
Name: i.Name,
Description: i.Description,
Unit: i.Unit,
name: "Name",
mask: Stream{Name: alt},
want: func(i Instrument) Stream {
return Stream{
Name: alt,
Description: i.Description,
Unit: i.Unit,
name: "Description",
mask: Stream{Description: alt},
want: func(i Instrument) Stream {
return Stream{
Name: i.Name,
Description: alt,
Unit: i.Unit,
name: "Unit",
mask: Stream{Unit: "1"},
want: func(i Instrument) Stream {
return Stream{
Name: i.Name,
Description: i.Description,
Unit: "1",
name: "Aggregation",
mask: Stream{Aggregation: AggregationLastValue{}},
want: func(i Instrument) Stream {
return Stream{
Name: i.Name,
Description: i.Description,
Unit: i.Unit,
Aggregation: AggregationLastValue{},
name: "Complete",
mask: Stream{
Name: alt,
Description: alt,
Unit: "1",
Aggregation: AggregationLastValue{},
want: func(i Instrument) Stream {
return Stream{
Name: alt,
Description: alt,
Unit: "1",
Aggregation: AggregationLastValue{},
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
got, match := NewView(completeIP, test.mask)(completeIP)
require.True(t, match, "view did not match exact criteria")
assert.Equal(t, test.want(completeIP), got)
// Go does not allow for the comparison of function values, even their
// addresses. Therefore, the AttributeFilter field needs an alternative
// testing strategy.
t.Run("AttributeFilter", func(t *testing.T) {
allowed := attribute.String("key", "val")
filter := func(kv attribute.KeyValue) bool {
return kv == allowed
mask := Stream{AttributeFilter: filter}
got, match := NewView(completeIP, mask)(completeIP)
require.True(t, match, "view did not match exact criteria")
require.NotNil(t, got.AttributeFilter, "AttributeFilter not set")
assert.True(t, got.AttributeFilter(allowed), "wrong AttributeFilter")
other := attribute.String("key", "other val")
assert.False(t, got.AttributeFilter(other), "wrong AttributeFilter")
type badAgg struct {
e error
func (a badAgg) copy() Aggregation { return a }
func (a badAgg) err() error { return a.e }
func TestNewViewAggregationErrorLogged(t *testing.T) {
tLog := testr.NewWithOptions(t, testr.Options{Verbosity: 6})
l := &logCounter{LogSink: tLog.GetSink()}
agg := badAgg{e: assert.AnError}
mask := Stream{Aggregation: agg}
got, match := NewView(completeIP, mask)(completeIP)
require.True(t, match, "view did not match exact criteria")
assert.Nil(t, got.Aggregation, "erroring aggregation used")
assert.Equal(t, 1, l.ErrorN())
func TestNewViewEmptyViewErrorLogged(t *testing.T) {
var got string
otel.SetLogger(funcr.New(func(_, args string) {
got = args
}, funcr.Options{Verbosity: 6}))
_ = NewView(Instrument{}, Stream{})
assert.Contains(t, got, errEmptyView.Error())
func TestNewViewMultiInstMatchErrorLogged(t *testing.T) {
var got string
otel.SetLogger(funcr.New(func(_, args string) {
got = args
}, funcr.Options{Verbosity: 6}))
_ = NewView(Instrument{
Name: "*", // Wildcard match name (multiple instruments).
}, Stream{
Name: "non-empty",
assert.Contains(t, got, errMultiInst.Error())