mirror of https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go.git synced 2025-03-03 14:52:56 +02:00
Joshua MacDonald 0bb12d9b1b
New api/label package, common label set impl (#651)
* New label set API

* Checkpoint

* Remove label.Labels interface

* Fix trace

* Remove label storage

* Restore metric_test.go

* Tidy tests

* More comments

* More comments

* Same changes as 654

* Checkpoint

* Fix batch labels

* Avoid Resource.Attributes() where possible

* Update comments and restore order in resource.go

* From feedback

* From feedback

* Move iterator_test & feedback

* Strenghten the label.Set test

* Feedback on typos

* Fix the set test per @krnowak

* Nit
2020-04-23 12:10:58 -07:00

530 lines
15 KiB

// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package metric
import (
api "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/api/metric"
export "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/export/metric"
type (
// SDK implements the OpenTelemetry Meter API. The SDK is
// bound to a single export.Batcher in `New()`.
// The SDK supports a Collect() API to gather and export
// current data. Collect() should be arranged according to
// the batcher model. Push-based batchers will setup a
// timer to call Collect() periodically. Pull-based batchers
// will call Collect() when a pull request arrives.
SDK struct {
// current maps `mapkey` to *record.
current sync.Map
// asyncInstruments is a set of
// `*asyncInstrument` instances
asyncInstruments sync.Map
// currentEpoch is the current epoch number. It is
// incremented in `Collect()`.
currentEpoch int64
// batcher is the configured batcher+configuration.
batcher export.Batcher
// collectLock prevents simultaneous calls to Collect().
collectLock sync.Mutex
// errorHandler supports delivering errors to the user.
errorHandler ErrorHandler
// resource represents the entity producing telemetry.
resource *resource.Resource
// asyncSortSlice has a single purpose - as a temporary
// place for sorting during labels creation to avoid
// allocation. It is cleared after use.
asyncSortSlice label.Sortable
syncInstrument struct {
// mapkey uniquely describes a metric instrument in terms of
// its InstrumentID and the encoded form of its labels.
mapkey struct {
descriptor *metric.Descriptor
ordered label.Distinct
// record maintains the state of one metric instrument. Due
// the use of lock-free algorithms, there may be more than one
// `record` in existence at a time, although at most one can
// be referenced from the `SDK.current` map.
record struct {
// refMapped keeps track of refcounts and the mapping state to the
// SDK.current map.
refMapped refcountMapped
// updateCount is incremented on every Update.
updateCount int64
// collectedCount is set to updateCount on collection,
// supports checking for no updates during a round.
collectedCount int64
// storage is the stored label set for this record,
// except in cases where a label set is shared due to
// batch recording.
storage label.Set
// labels is the processed label set for this record.
// this may refer to the `storage` field in another
// record if this label set is shared resulting from
// `RecordBatch`.
labels *label.Set
// sortSlice has a single purpose - as a temporary
// place for sorting during labels creation to avoid
// allocation.
sortSlice label.Sortable
// inst is a pointer to the corresponding instrument.
inst *syncInstrument
// recorder implements the actual RecordOne() API,
// depending on the type of aggregation. If nil, the
// metric was disabled by the exporter.
recorder export.Aggregator
instrument struct {
meter *SDK
descriptor metric.Descriptor
asyncInstrument struct {
// recorders maps ordered labels to the pair of
// labelset and recorder
recorders map[label.Distinct]*labeledRecorder
callback func(func(core.Number, []core.KeyValue))
labeledRecorder struct {
observedEpoch int64
labels *label.Set
recorder export.Aggregator
ErrorHandler func(error)
var (
_ api.MeterImpl = &SDK{}
_ api.AsyncImpl = &asyncInstrument{}
_ api.SyncImpl = &syncInstrument{}
_ api.BoundSyncImpl = &record{}
func (inst *instrument) Descriptor() api.Descriptor {
return inst.descriptor
func (a *asyncInstrument) Implementation() interface{} {
return a
func (s *syncInstrument) Implementation() interface{} {
return s
func (a *asyncInstrument) observe(number core.Number, labels []core.KeyValue) {
if err := aggregator.RangeTest(number, &a.descriptor); err != nil {
recorder := a.getRecorder(labels)
if recorder == nil {
// The instrument is disabled according to the
// AggregationSelector.
if err := recorder.Update(context.Background(), number, &a.descriptor); err != nil {
func (a *asyncInstrument) getRecorder(kvs []core.KeyValue) export.Aggregator {
// We are in a single-threaded context. Note: this assumption
// could be violated if the user added concurrency within
// their callback.
labels := label.NewSetWithSortable(kvs, &a.meter.asyncSortSlice)
lrec, ok := a.recorders[labels.Equivalent()]
if ok {
if lrec.observedEpoch == a.meter.currentEpoch {
// last value wins for Observers, so if we see the same labels
// in the current epoch, we replace the old recorder
lrec.recorder = a.meter.batcher.AggregatorFor(&a.descriptor)
} else {
lrec.observedEpoch = a.meter.currentEpoch
a.recorders[labels.Equivalent()] = lrec
return lrec.recorder
rec := a.meter.batcher.AggregatorFor(&a.descriptor)
if a.recorders == nil {
a.recorders = make(map[label.Distinct]*labeledRecorder)
// This may store nil recorder in the map, thus disabling the
// asyncInstrument for the labelset for good. This is intentional,
// but will be revisited later.
a.recorders[labels.Equivalent()] = &labeledRecorder{
recorder: rec,
labels: &labels,
observedEpoch: a.meter.currentEpoch,
return rec
func (m *SDK) SetErrorHandler(f ErrorHandler) {
m.errorHandler = f
// acquireHandle gets or creates a `*record` corresponding to `kvs`,
// the input labels. The second argument `labels` is passed in to
// support re-use of the orderedLabels computed by a previous
// measurement in the same batch. This performs two allocations
// in the common case.
func (s *syncInstrument) acquireHandle(kvs []core.KeyValue, labelPtr *label.Set) *record {
var rec *record
var equiv label.Distinct
if labelPtr == nil {
// This memory allocation may not be used, but it's
// needed for the `sortSlice` field, to avoid an
// allocation while sorting.
rec = &record{}
rec.storage = label.NewSetWithSortable(kvs, &rec.sortSlice)
rec.labels = &rec.storage
equiv = rec.storage.Equivalent()
} else {
equiv = labelPtr.Equivalent()
// Create lookup key for sync.Map (one allocation, as this
// passes through an interface{})
mk := mapkey{
descriptor: &s.descriptor,
ordered: equiv,
if actual, ok := s.meter.current.Load(mk); ok {
// Existing record case.
existingRec := actual.(*record)
if existingRec.refMapped.ref() {
// At this moment it is guaranteed that the entry is in
// the map and will not be removed.
return existingRec
// This entry is no longer mapped, try to add a new entry.
if rec == nil {
rec = &record{}
rec.labels = labelPtr
rec.refMapped = refcountMapped{value: 2}
rec.inst = s
rec.recorder = s.meter.batcher.AggregatorFor(&s.descriptor)
for {
// Load/Store: there's a memory allocation to place `mk` into
// an interface here.
if actual, loaded := s.meter.current.LoadOrStore(mk, rec); loaded {
// Existing record case. Cannot change rec here because if fail
// will try to add rec again to avoid new allocations.
oldRec := actual.(*record)
if oldRec.refMapped.ref() {
// At this moment it is guaranteed that the entry is in
// the map and will not be removed.
return oldRec
// This loaded entry is marked as unmapped (so Collect will remove
// it from the map immediately), try again - this is a busy waiting
// strategy to wait until Collect() removes this entry from the map.
// This can be improved by having a list of "Unmapped" entries for
// one time only usages, OR we can make this a blocking path and use
// a Mutex that protects the delete operation (delete only if the old
// record is associated with the key).
// Let collector get work done to remove the entry from the map.
// The new entry was added to the map, good to go.
return rec
func (s *syncInstrument) Bind(kvs []core.KeyValue) api.BoundSyncImpl {
return s.acquireHandle(kvs, nil)
func (s *syncInstrument) RecordOne(ctx context.Context, number core.Number, kvs []core.KeyValue) {
h := s.acquireHandle(kvs, nil)
defer h.Unbind()
h.RecordOne(ctx, number)
// New constructs a new SDK for the given batcher. This SDK supports
// only a single batcher.
// The SDK does not start any background process to collect itself
// periodically, this responsbility lies with the batcher, typically,
// depending on the type of export. For example, a pull-based
// batcher will call Collect() when it receives a request to scrape
// current metric values. A push-based batcher should configure its
// own periodic collection.
func New(batcher export.Batcher, opts ...Option) *SDK {
c := &Config{ErrorHandler: DefaultErrorHandler}
for _, opt := range opts {
return &SDK{
batcher: batcher,
errorHandler: c.ErrorHandler,
resource: c.Resource,
func DefaultErrorHandler(err error) {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Metrics SDK error:", err)
func (m *SDK) NewSyncInstrument(descriptor api.Descriptor) (api.SyncImpl, error) {
return &syncInstrument{
instrument: instrument{
descriptor: descriptor,
meter: m,
}, nil
func (m *SDK) NewAsyncInstrument(descriptor api.Descriptor, callback func(func(core.Number, []core.KeyValue))) (api.AsyncImpl, error) {
a := &asyncInstrument{
instrument: instrument{
descriptor: descriptor,
meter: m,
callback: callback,
m.asyncInstruments.Store(a, nil)
return a, nil
// Collect traverses the list of active records and observers and
// exports data for each active instrument. Collect() may not be
// called concurrently.
// During the collection pass, the export.Batcher will receive
// one Export() call per current aggregation.
// Returns the number of records that were checkpointed.
func (m *SDK) Collect(ctx context.Context) int {
defer m.collectLock.Unlock()
checkpointed := m.collectRecords(ctx)
checkpointed += m.collectAsync(ctx)
return checkpointed
func (m *SDK) collectRecords(ctx context.Context) int {
checkpointed := 0
m.current.Range(func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
// Note: always continue to iterate over the entire
// map by returning `true` in this function.
inuse := value.(*record)
mods := atomic.LoadInt64(&inuse.updateCount)
coll := inuse.collectedCount
if mods != coll {
// Updates happened in this interval,
// checkpoint and continue.
checkpointed += m.checkpointRecord(ctx, inuse)
inuse.collectedCount = mods
return true
// Having no updates since last collection, try to unmap:
if unmapped := inuse.refMapped.tryUnmap(); !unmapped {
// The record is referenced by a binding, continue.
return true
// If any other goroutines are now trying to re-insert this
// entry in the map, they are busy calling Gosched() awaiting
// this deletion:
// There's a potential race between `LoadInt64` and
// `tryUnmap` in this function. Since this is the
// last we'll see of this record, checkpoint
mods = atomic.LoadInt64(&inuse.updateCount)
if mods != coll {
checkpointed += m.checkpointRecord(ctx, inuse)
return true
return checkpointed
func (m *SDK) collectAsync(ctx context.Context) int {
checkpointed := 0
m.asyncInstruments.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
a := key.(*asyncInstrument)
checkpointed += m.checkpointAsync(ctx, a)
return true
return checkpointed
func (m *SDK) checkpointRecord(ctx context.Context, r *record) int {
return m.checkpoint(ctx, &r.inst.descriptor, r.recorder, r.labels)
func (m *SDK) checkpointAsync(ctx context.Context, a *asyncInstrument) int {
if len(a.recorders) == 0 {
return 0
checkpointed := 0
for encodedLabels, lrec := range a.recorders {
lrec := lrec
epochDiff := m.currentEpoch - lrec.observedEpoch
if epochDiff == 0 {
checkpointed += m.checkpoint(ctx, &a.descriptor, lrec.recorder, lrec.labels)
} else if epochDiff > 1 {
// This is second collection cycle with no
// observations for this labelset. Remove the
// recorder.
delete(a.recorders, encodedLabels)
if len(a.recorders) == 0 {
a.recorders = nil
return checkpointed
func (m *SDK) checkpoint(ctx context.Context, descriptor *metric.Descriptor, recorder export.Aggregator, labels *label.Set) int {
if recorder == nil {
return 0
recorder.Checkpoint(ctx, descriptor)
exportRecord := export.NewRecord(descriptor, labels, recorder)
err := m.batcher.Process(ctx, exportRecord)
if err != nil {
return 1
// Resource returns the Resource this SDK was created with describing the
// entity for which it creates instruments for.
// Resource means that the SDK implements the Resourcer interface and
// therefore all metric instruments it creates will inherit its
// Resource by default unless explicitly overwritten.
func (m *SDK) Resource() *resource.Resource {
return m.resource
// RecordBatch enters a batch of metric events.
func (m *SDK) RecordBatch(ctx context.Context, kvs []core.KeyValue, measurements ...api.Measurement) {
// Labels will be computed the first time acquireHandle is
// called. Subsequent calls to acquireHandle will re-use the
// previously computed value instead of recomputing the
// ordered labels.
var labelsPtr *label.Set
for i, meas := range measurements {
s := meas.SyncImpl().(*syncInstrument)
h := s.acquireHandle(kvs, labelsPtr)
// Re-use labels for the next measurement.
if i == 0 {
labelsPtr = h.labels
defer h.Unbind()
h.RecordOne(ctx, meas.Number())
func (r *record) RecordOne(ctx context.Context, number core.Number) {
if r.recorder == nil {
// The instrument is disabled according to the AggregationSelector.
if err := aggregator.RangeTest(number, &r.inst.descriptor); err != nil {
if err := r.recorder.Update(ctx, number, &r.inst.descriptor); err != nil {
// Record was modified, inform the Collect() that things need
// to be collected while the record is still mapped.
atomic.AddInt64(&r.updateCount, 1)
func (r *record) Unbind() {
func (r *record) mapkey() mapkey {
return mapkey{
descriptor: &r.inst.descriptor,
ordered: r.labels.Equivalent(),