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// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package array // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric/aggregator/array"
import (
export "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/export/metric"
type (
// Aggregator aggregates events that form a distribution, keeping
// an array with the exact set of values.
Aggregator struct {
lock sync.Mutex
sum metric.Number
points points
points []metric.Number
var _ export.Aggregator = &Aggregator{}
var _ aggregation.MinMaxSumCount = &Aggregator{}
var _ aggregation.Distribution = &Aggregator{}
var _ aggregation.Points = &Aggregator{}
// New returns a new array aggregator, which aggregates recorded
// measurements by storing them in an array. This type uses a mutex
// for Update() and SynchronizedMove() concurrency.
func New(cnt int) []Aggregator {
return make([]Aggregator, cnt)
// Aggregation returns an interface for reading the state of this aggregator.
func (c *Aggregator) Aggregation() aggregation.Aggregation {
return c
// Kind returns aggregation.ExactKind.
func (c *Aggregator) Kind() aggregation.Kind {
return aggregation.ExactKind
// Sum returns the sum of values in the checkpoint.
func (c *Aggregator) Sum() (metric.Number, error) {
return c.sum, nil
// Count returns the number of values in the checkpoint.
func (c *Aggregator) Count() (int64, error) {
return int64(len(c.points)), nil
// Max returns the maximum value in the checkpoint.
func (c *Aggregator) Max() (metric.Number, error) {
return c.points.Quantile(1)
// Min returns the mininum value in the checkpoint.
func (c *Aggregator) Min() (metric.Number, error) {
return c.points.Quantile(0)
// Quantile returns the estimated quantile of data in the checkpoint.
// It is an error if `q` is less than 0 or greated than 1.
func (c *Aggregator) Quantile(q float64) (metric.Number, error) {
return c.points.Quantile(q)
// Points returns access to the raw data set.
func (c *Aggregator) Points() ([]metric.Number, error) {
return c.points, nil
// SynchronizedMove saves the current state to oa and resets the current state to
// the empty set, taking a lock to prevent concurrent Update() calls.
func (c *Aggregator) SynchronizedMove(oa export.Aggregator, desc *metric.Descriptor) error {
o, _ := oa.(*Aggregator)
if o == nil {
return aggregator.NewInconsistentAggregatorError(c, oa)
o.points, c.points = c.points, nil
o.sum, c.sum = c.sum, 0
// TODO: This sort should be done lazily, only when quantiles
// are requested. The SDK specification says you can use this
// aggregator to simply list values in the order they were
// received as an alternative to requesting quantile information.
return nil
// Update adds the recorded measurement to the current data set.
// Update takes a lock to prevent concurrent Update() and SynchronizedMove()
// calls.
func (c *Aggregator) Update(_ context.Context, number metric.Number, desc *metric.Descriptor) error {
c.points = append(c.points, number)
c.sum.AddNumber(desc.NumberKind(), number)
return nil
// Merge combines two data sets into one.
func (c *Aggregator) Merge(oa export.Aggregator, desc *metric.Descriptor) error {
o, _ := oa.(*Aggregator)
if o == nil {
return aggregator.NewInconsistentAggregatorError(c, oa)
// Note: Current assumption is that `o` was checkpointed,
// therefore is already sorted. See the TODO above, since
// this is an open question.
c.sum.AddNumber(desc.NumberKind(), o.sum)
c.points = combine(c.points, o.points, desc.NumberKind())
return nil
func (c *Aggregator) sort(kind metric.NumberKind) {
switch kind {
case metric.Float64NumberKind:
case metric.Int64NumberKind:
// NOTE: This can't happen because the SDK doesn't
// support uint64-kind metric instruments.
panic("Impossible case")
func combine(a, b points, kind metric.NumberKind) points {
result := make(points, 0, len(a)+len(b))
for len(a) != 0 && len(b) != 0 {
if a[0].CompareNumber(kind, b[0]) < 0 {
result = append(result, a[0])
a = a[1:]
} else {
result = append(result, b[0])
b = b[1:]
result = append(result, a...)
result = append(result, b...)
return result
func (p *points) Len() int {
return len(*p)
func (p *points) Less(i, j int) bool {
// Note this is specialized for int64, because float64 is
// handled by `sort.Float64s` and uint64 numbers never appear
// in this data.
return int64((*p)[i]) < int64((*p)[j])
func (p *points) Swap(i, j int) {
(*p)[i], (*p)[j] = (*p)[j], (*p)[i]
// Quantile returns the least X such that Pr(x<X)>=q, where X is an
// element of the data set. This uses the "Nearest-Rank" definition
// of a quantile.
func (p *points) Quantile(q float64) (metric.Number, error) {
if len(*p) == 0 {
return 0, aggregation.ErrNoData
if q < 0 || q > 1 {
return 0, aggregation.ErrInvalidQuantile
if q == 0 || len(*p) == 1 {
return (*p)[0], nil
} else if q == 1 {
return (*p)[len(*p)-1], nil
position := float64(len(*p)-1) * q
ceil := int(math.Ceil(position))
return (*p)[ceil], nil