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// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package log // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/log"
import (
// attributesInlineCount is the number of attributes that are efficiently
// stored in an array within a Record. This value is borrowed from slog which
// performed a quantitative survey of log library use and found this value to
// cover 95% of all use-cases (https://go.dev/blog/slog#performance).
const attributesInlineCount = 5
// Record is a log record emitted by the Logger.
type Record struct {
// Do not embed the log.Record. Attributes need to be overwrite-able and
// deep-copying needs to be possible.
timestamp time.Time
observedTimestamp time.Time
severity log.Severity
severityText string
body log.Value
// The fields below are for optimizing the implementation of Attributes and
// AddAttributes. This design is borrowed from the slog Record type:
// https://cs.opensource.google/go/go/+/refs/tags/go1.22.0:src/log/slog/record.go;l=20
// Allocation optimization: an inline array sized to hold
// the majority of log calls (based on examination of open-source
// code). It holds the start of the list of attributes.
front [attributesInlineCount]log.KeyValue
// The number of attributes in front.
nFront int
// The list of attributes except for those in front.
// Invariants:
// - len(back) > 0 if nFront == len(front)
// - Unused array elements are zero-ed. Used to detect mistakes.
back []log.KeyValue
traceID trace.TraceID
spanID trace.SpanID
traceFlags trace.TraceFlags
// resource represents the entity that collected the log.
resource *resource.Resource
// scope is the Scope that the Logger was created with.
scope *instrumentation.Scope
attributeValueLengthLimit int
attributeCountLimit int
// Timestamp returns the time when the log record occurred.
func (r *Record) Timestamp() time.Time {
return r.timestamp
// SetTimestamp sets the time when the log record occurred.
func (r *Record) SetTimestamp(t time.Time) {
r.timestamp = t
// ObservedTimestamp returns the time when the log record was observed.
func (r *Record) ObservedTimestamp() time.Time {
return r.observedTimestamp
// SetObservedTimestamp sets the time when the log record was observed.
func (r *Record) SetObservedTimestamp(t time.Time) {
r.observedTimestamp = t
// Severity returns the severity of the log record.
func (r *Record) Severity() log.Severity {
return r.severity
// SetSeverity sets the severity level of the log record.
func (r *Record) SetSeverity(level log.Severity) {
r.severity = level
// SeverityText returns severity (also known as log level) text. This is the
// original string representation of the severity as it is known at the source.
func (r *Record) SeverityText() string {
return r.severityText
// SetSeverityText sets severity (also known as log level) text. This is the
// original string representation of the severity as it is known at the source.
func (r *Record) SetSeverityText(text string) {
r.severityText = text
// Body returns the body of the log record.
func (r *Record) Body() log.Value {
return r.body
// SetBody sets the body of the log record.
func (r *Record) SetBody(v log.Value) {
r.body = v
// WalkAttributes walks all attributes the log record holds by calling f for
// each on each [log.KeyValue] in the [Record]. Iteration stops if f returns false.
func (r *Record) WalkAttributes(f func(log.KeyValue) bool) {
for i := 0; i < r.nFront; i++ {
if !f(r.front[i]) {
for _, a := range r.back {
if !f(a) {
// AddAttributes adds attributes to the log record.
func (r *Record) AddAttributes(attrs ...log.KeyValue) {
var i int
for i = 0; i < len(attrs) && r.nFront < len(r.front); i++ {
a := attrs[i]
r.front[r.nFront] = a
r.back = slices.Grow(r.back, len(attrs[i:]))
r.back = append(r.back, attrs[i:]...)
// SetAttributes sets (and overrides) attributes to the log record.
func (r *Record) SetAttributes(attrs ...log.KeyValue) {
r.nFront = 0
var i int
for i = 0; i < len(attrs) && r.nFront < len(r.front); i++ {
a := attrs[i]
r.front[r.nFront] = a
r.back = slices.Clone(attrs[i:])
// AttributesLen returns the number of attributes in the log record.
func (r *Record) AttributesLen() int {
return r.nFront + len(r.back)
// TraceID returns the trace ID or empty array.
func (r *Record) TraceID() trace.TraceID {
return r.traceID
// SetTraceID sets the trace ID.
func (r *Record) SetTraceID(id trace.TraceID) {
r.traceID = id
// SpanID returns the span ID or empty array.
func (r *Record) SpanID() trace.SpanID {
return r.spanID
// SetSpanID sets the span ID.
func (r *Record) SetSpanID(id trace.SpanID) {
r.spanID = id
// TraceFlags returns the trace flags.
func (r *Record) TraceFlags() trace.TraceFlags {
return r.traceFlags
// SetTraceFlags sets the trace flags.
func (r *Record) SetTraceFlags(flags trace.TraceFlags) {
r.traceFlags = flags
// Resource returns the entity that collected the log.
func (r *Record) Resource() resource.Resource {
if r.resource == nil {
return *resource.Empty()
return *r.resource
// InstrumentationScope returns the scope that the Logger was created with.
func (r *Record) InstrumentationScope() instrumentation.Scope {
if r.scope == nil {
return instrumentation.Scope{}
return *r.scope
// AttributeValueLengthLimit is the maximum allowed attribute value length.
// This limit only applies to string and string slice attribute values.
// Any string longer than this value should be truncated to this length.
// Negative value means no limit should be applied.
func (r *Record) AttributeValueLengthLimit() int {
return r.attributeValueLengthLimit
// AttributeCountLimit is the maximum allowed log record attribute count. Any
// attribute added to a log record once this limit is reached should be dropped.
// Zero means no attributes should be recorded.
// Negative value means no limit should be applied.
func (r *Record) AttributeCountLimit() int {
return r.attributeCountLimit
// Clone returns a copy of the record with no shared state. The original record
// and the clone can both be modified without interfering with each other.
func (r *Record) Clone() Record {
res := *r
res.back = slices.Clone(r.back)
return res