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synced 2025-02-05 13:15:41 +02:00
```go type interInst struct { x int } type inter interface { } var sink []inter func BenchmarkX(b *testing.B) { sink = make([]inter, b.N) for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { sink[i] = &interInst{} } clear(sink) sink = sink[:0] runtime.GC() var ms runtime.MemStats runtime.ReadMemStats(&ms) b.Log(b.N, ms.Frees) // Frees is the cumulative count of heap objects freed. } ``` ``` clear: ioz_test.go:35: 1 589 ioz_test.go:35: 100 711 ioz_test.go:35: 10000 10729 ioz_test.go:35: 1000000 1010750 <-- 1m+ freed ioz_test.go:35: 16076874 17087643 ioz_test.go:35: 19514749 36602412 ``` ``` no clear: ioz_test.go:35: 1 585 ioz_test.go:35: 100 606 ioz_test.go:35: 10000 725 ioz_test.go:35: 1000000 10745 <-- some "overhead" objects freed, not the slice. ioz_test.go:35: 16391445 1010765 ioz_test.go:35: 21765238 17402230 ``` This is documented at https://go.dev/wiki/SliceTricks: > NOTE If the type of the element is a pointer or a struct with pointer fields, which need to be garbage collected, the above implementations of Cut and Delete have a potential memory leak problem: some elements with values are still referenced by slice a’s underlying array, just not “visible” in the slice. Because the “deleted” value is referenced in the underlying array, the deleted value is still “reachable” during GC, even though the value cannot be referenced by your code. If the underlying array is long-lived, this represents a leak. Followed by examples of how zeroing out the slice elements solves the problem. This PR does the same.