2022-07-07 00:19:05 +03:00
package apis
import (
// BindUserApi registers the user api endpoints and the corresponding handlers.
func BindUserApi(app core.App, rg *echo.Group) {
api := userApi{app: app}
subGroup := rg.Group("/users", ActivityLogger(app))
subGroup.GET("/auth-methods", api.authMethods)
subGroup.POST("/auth-via-oauth2", api.oauth2Auth, RequireGuestOnly())
subGroup.POST("/auth-via-email", api.emailAuth, RequireGuestOnly())
subGroup.POST("/request-password-reset", api.requestPasswordReset)
subGroup.POST("/confirm-password-reset", api.confirmPasswordReset)
subGroup.POST("/request-verification", api.requestVerification)
subGroup.POST("/confirm-verification", api.confirmVerification)
subGroup.POST("/request-email-change", api.requestEmailChange, RequireUserAuth())
subGroup.POST("/confirm-email-change", api.confirmEmailChange)
subGroup.POST("/refresh", api.refresh, RequireUserAuth())
// crud
subGroup.GET("", api.list, RequireAdminAuth())
subGroup.POST("", api.create)
subGroup.GET("/:id", api.view, RequireAdminOrOwnerAuth("id"))
subGroup.PATCH("/:id", api.update, RequireAdminAuth())
subGroup.DELETE("/:id", api.delete, RequireAdminOrOwnerAuth("id"))
type userApi struct {
app core.App
func (api *userApi) authResponse(c echo.Context, user *models.User, meta any) error {
token, tokenErr := tokens.NewUserAuthToken(api.app, user)
if tokenErr != nil {
return rest.NewBadRequestError("Failed to create auth token.", tokenErr)
event := &core.UserAuthEvent{
HttpContext: c,
User: user,
Token: token,
Meta: meta,
return api.app.OnUserAuthRequest().Trigger(event, func(e *core.UserAuthEvent) error {
result := map[string]any{
"token": e.Token,
"user": e.User,
if e.Meta != nil {
result["meta"] = e.Meta
return e.HttpContext.JSON(http.StatusOK, result)
func (api *userApi) refresh(c echo.Context) error {
user, _ := c.Get(ContextUserKey).(*models.User)
if user == nil {
return rest.NewNotFoundError("Missing auth user context.", nil)
return api.authResponse(c, user, nil)
type providerInfo struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
State string `json:"state"`
CodeVerifier string `json:"codeVerifier"`
CodeChallenge string `json:"codeChallenge"`
CodeChallengeMethod string `json:"codeChallengeMethod"`
AuthUrl string `json:"authUrl"`
func (api *userApi) authMethods(c echo.Context) error {
result := struct {
EmailPassword bool `json:"emailPassword"`
AuthProviders []providerInfo `json:"authProviders"`
EmailPassword: true,
AuthProviders: []providerInfo{},
settings := api.app.Settings()
result.EmailPassword = settings.EmailAuth.Enabled
nameConfigMap := settings.NamedAuthProviderConfigs()
for name, config := range nameConfigMap {
if !config.Enabled {
provider, err := auth.NewProviderByName(name)
if err != nil {
if api.app.IsDebug() {
// skip provider
if err := config.SetupProvider(provider); err != nil {
if api.app.IsDebug() {
// skip provider
state := security.RandomString(30)
codeVerifier := security.RandomString(30)
codeChallenge := security.S256Challenge(codeVerifier)
codeChallengeMethod := "S256"
result.AuthProviders = append(result.AuthProviders, providerInfo{
Name: name,
State: state,
CodeVerifier: codeVerifier,
CodeChallenge: codeChallenge,
CodeChallengeMethod: codeChallengeMethod,
AuthUrl: provider.BuildAuthUrl(
oauth2.SetAuthURLParam("code_challenge", codeChallenge),
oauth2.SetAuthURLParam("code_challenge_method", codeChallengeMethod),
) + "&redirect_uri=", // empty redirect_uri so that users can append their url
return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, result)
func (api *userApi) oauth2Auth(c echo.Context) error {
form := forms.NewUserOauth2Login(api.app)
if readErr := c.Bind(form); readErr != nil {
2022-08-20 07:57:17 +03:00
return rest.NewBadRequestError("An error occurred while loading the submitted data.", readErr)
2022-07-07 00:19:05 +03:00
user, authData, submitErr := form.Submit()
if submitErr != nil {
2022-07-09 00:53:10 +03:00
return rest.NewBadRequestError("Failed to authenticate.", submitErr)
2022-07-07 00:19:05 +03:00
return api.authResponse(c, user, authData)
func (api *userApi) emailAuth(c echo.Context) error {
if !api.app.Settings().EmailAuth.Enabled {
return rest.NewBadRequestError("Email/Password authentication is not enabled.", nil)
form := forms.NewUserEmailLogin(api.app)
if readErr := c.Bind(form); readErr != nil {
2022-08-20 07:57:17 +03:00
return rest.NewBadRequestError("An error occurred while loading the submitted data.", readErr)
2022-07-07 00:19:05 +03:00
user, submitErr := form.Submit()
if submitErr != nil {
return rest.NewBadRequestError("Failed to authenticate.", submitErr)
return api.authResponse(c, user, nil)
func (api *userApi) requestPasswordReset(c echo.Context) error {
form := forms.NewUserPasswordResetRequest(api.app)
if err := c.Bind(form); err != nil {
2022-08-20 07:57:17 +03:00
return rest.NewBadRequestError("An error occurred while loading the submitted data.", err)
2022-07-07 00:19:05 +03:00
if err := form.Validate(); err != nil {
2022-07-09 22:17:41 +08:00
return rest.NewBadRequestError("An error occurred while validating the form.", err)
2022-07-07 00:19:05 +03:00
// run in background because we don't need to show
// the result to the user (prevents users enumeration)
routine.FireAndForget(func() {
if err := form.Submit(); err != nil && api.app.IsDebug() {
return c.NoContent(http.StatusNoContent)
func (api *userApi) confirmPasswordReset(c echo.Context) error {
form := forms.NewUserPasswordResetConfirm(api.app)
if readErr := c.Bind(form); readErr != nil {
2022-08-20 07:57:17 +03:00
return rest.NewBadRequestError("An error occurred while loading the submitted data.", readErr)
2022-07-07 00:19:05 +03:00
user, submitErr := form.Submit()
if submitErr != nil {
return rest.NewBadRequestError("Failed to set new password.", submitErr)
return api.authResponse(c, user, nil)
func (api *userApi) requestEmailChange(c echo.Context) error {
loggedUser, _ := c.Get(ContextUserKey).(*models.User)
if loggedUser == nil {
return rest.NewUnauthorizedError("The request requires valid authorized user.", nil)
form := forms.NewUserEmailChangeRequest(api.app, loggedUser)
if err := c.Bind(form); err != nil {
2022-08-20 07:57:17 +03:00
return rest.NewBadRequestError("An error occurred while loading the submitted data.", err)
2022-07-07 00:19:05 +03:00
if err := form.Submit(); err != nil {
return rest.NewBadRequestError("Failed to request email change.", err)
return c.NoContent(http.StatusNoContent)
func (api *userApi) confirmEmailChange(c echo.Context) error {
form := forms.NewUserEmailChangeConfirm(api.app)
if readErr := c.Bind(form); readErr != nil {
2022-08-20 07:57:17 +03:00
return rest.NewBadRequestError("An error occurred while loading the submitted data.", readErr)
2022-07-07 00:19:05 +03:00
user, submitErr := form.Submit()
if submitErr != nil {
return rest.NewBadRequestError("Failed to confirm email change.", submitErr)
return api.authResponse(c, user, nil)
func (api *userApi) requestVerification(c echo.Context) error {
form := forms.NewUserVerificationRequest(api.app)
if err := c.Bind(form); err != nil {
2022-08-20 07:57:17 +03:00
return rest.NewBadRequestError("An error occurred while loading the submitted data.", err)
2022-07-07 00:19:05 +03:00
if err := form.Validate(); err != nil {
2022-07-09 22:17:41 +08:00
return rest.NewBadRequestError("An error occurred while validating the form.", err)
2022-07-07 00:19:05 +03:00
// run in background because we don't need to show
// the result to the user (prevents users enumeration)
routine.FireAndForget(func() {
if err := form.Submit(); err != nil && api.app.IsDebug() {
return c.NoContent(http.StatusNoContent)
func (api *userApi) confirmVerification(c echo.Context) error {
form := forms.NewUserVerificationConfirm(api.app)
if readErr := c.Bind(form); readErr != nil {
2022-08-20 07:57:17 +03:00
return rest.NewBadRequestError("An error occurred while loading the submitted data.", readErr)
2022-07-07 00:19:05 +03:00
user, submitErr := form.Submit()
if submitErr != nil {
2022-07-09 22:17:41 +08:00
return rest.NewBadRequestError("An error occurred while submitting the form.", submitErr)
2022-07-07 00:19:05 +03:00
return api.authResponse(c, user, nil)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
func (api *userApi) list(c echo.Context) error {
fieldResolver := search.NewSimpleFieldResolver(
"id", "created", "updated", "email", "verified",
users := []*models.User{}
result, searchErr := search.NewProvider(fieldResolver).
ParseAndExec(c.QueryString(), &users)
if searchErr != nil {
return rest.NewBadRequestError("", searchErr)
// eager load user profiles (if any)
if err := api.app.Dao().LoadProfiles(users); err != nil {
return rest.NewBadRequestError("", err)
event := &core.UsersListEvent{
HttpContext: c,
Users: users,
Result: result,
return api.app.OnUsersListRequest().Trigger(event, func(e *core.UsersListEvent) error {
return e.HttpContext.JSON(http.StatusOK, e.Result)
func (api *userApi) view(c echo.Context) error {
id := c.PathParam("id")
if id == "" {
return rest.NewNotFoundError("", nil)
user, err := api.app.Dao().FindUserById(id)
if err != nil || user == nil {
return rest.NewNotFoundError("", err)
event := &core.UserViewEvent{
HttpContext: c,
User: user,
return api.app.OnUserViewRequest().Trigger(event, func(e *core.UserViewEvent) error {
return e.HttpContext.JSON(http.StatusOK, e.User)
func (api *userApi) create(c echo.Context) error {
if !api.app.Settings().EmailAuth.Enabled {
return rest.NewBadRequestError("Email/Password authentication is not enabled.", nil)
user := &models.User{}
form := forms.NewUserUpsert(api.app, user)
// load request
if err := c.Bind(form); err != nil {
2022-07-12 13:42:06 +03:00
return rest.NewBadRequestError("Failed to load the submitted data due to invalid formatting.", err)
2022-07-07 00:19:05 +03:00
event := &core.UserCreateEvent{
HttpContext: c,
User: user,
2022-07-12 13:42:06 +03:00
// create the user
submitErr := form.Submit(func(next forms.InterceptorNextFunc) forms.InterceptorNextFunc {
return func() error {
return api.app.OnUserBeforeCreateRequest().Trigger(event, func(e *core.UserCreateEvent) error {
if err := next(); err != nil {
return rest.NewBadRequestError("Failed to create user.", err)
2022-07-07 00:19:05 +03:00
2022-07-12 13:42:06 +03:00
return e.HttpContext.JSON(http.StatusOK, e.User)
2022-07-07 00:19:05 +03:00
2022-07-12 13:42:06 +03:00
if submitErr == nil {
2022-07-07 00:19:05 +03:00
2022-07-12 13:42:06 +03:00
return submitErr
2022-07-07 00:19:05 +03:00
func (api *userApi) update(c echo.Context) error {
id := c.PathParam("id")
if id == "" {
return rest.NewNotFoundError("", nil)
user, err := api.app.Dao().FindUserById(id)
if err != nil || user == nil {
return rest.NewNotFoundError("", err)
form := forms.NewUserUpsert(api.app, user)
// load request
if err := c.Bind(form); err != nil {
2022-07-12 13:42:06 +03:00
return rest.NewBadRequestError("Failed to load the submitted data due to invalid formatting.", err)
2022-07-07 00:19:05 +03:00
event := &core.UserUpdateEvent{
HttpContext: c,
User: user,
2022-07-12 13:42:06 +03:00
// update the user
submitErr := form.Submit(func(next forms.InterceptorNextFunc) forms.InterceptorNextFunc {
return func() error {
return api.app.OnUserBeforeUpdateRequest().Trigger(event, func(e *core.UserUpdateEvent) error {
if err := next(); err != nil {
return rest.NewBadRequestError("Failed to update user.", err)
2022-07-07 00:19:05 +03:00
2022-07-12 13:42:06 +03:00
return e.HttpContext.JSON(http.StatusOK, e.User)
2022-07-07 00:19:05 +03:00
2022-07-12 13:42:06 +03:00
if submitErr == nil {
2022-07-07 00:19:05 +03:00
2022-07-12 13:42:06 +03:00
return submitErr
2022-07-07 00:19:05 +03:00
func (api *userApi) delete(c echo.Context) error {
id := c.PathParam("id")
if id == "" {
return rest.NewNotFoundError("", nil)
user, err := api.app.Dao().FindUserById(id)
if err != nil || user == nil {
return rest.NewNotFoundError("", err)
event := &core.UserDeleteEvent{
HttpContext: c,
User: user,
handlerErr := api.app.OnUserBeforeDeleteRequest().Trigger(event, func(e *core.UserDeleteEvent) error {
// delete the user model
if err := api.app.Dao().DeleteUser(e.User); err != nil {
return rest.NewBadRequestError("Failed to delete user. Make sure that the user is not part of a required relation reference.", err)
return e.HttpContext.NoContent(http.StatusNoContent)
if handlerErr == nil {
return handlerErr