2023-01-29 18:53:39 +02:00
import { S as ze , i as Ue , s as je , N as Ve , e as a , w as k , b as p , c as ae , f as b , g as c , h as o , m as ne , x as re , O as qe , P as xe , k as Je , Q as Ke , n as Qe , t as U , a as j , o as d , d as ie , R as Ie , C as He , p as We , r as x , u as Ge } from "./index-3f718b6a.js" ; import { S as Xe } from "./SdkTabs-6df03cad.js" ; function Ee ( r , l , s ) { const n = r . slice ( ) ; return n [ 5 ] = l [ s ] , n } function Fe ( r , l , s ) { const n = r . slice ( ) ; return n [ 5 ] = l [ s ] , n } function Le ( r , l ) { let s , n = l [ 5 ] . code + "" , m , _ , i , f ; function v ( ) { return l [ 4 ] ( l [ 5 ] ) } return { key : r , first : null , c ( ) { s = a ( "button" ) , m = k ( n ) , _ = p ( ) , b ( s , "class" , "tab-item" ) , x ( s , "active" , l [ 1 ] === l [ 5 ] . code ) , this . first = s } , m ( g , w ) { c ( g , s , w ) , o ( s , m ) , o ( s , _ ) , i || ( f = Ge ( s , "click" , v ) , i = ! 0 ) } , p ( g , w ) { l = g , w & 4 && n !== ( n = l [ 5 ] . code + "" ) && re ( m , n ) , w & 6 && x ( s , "active" , l [ 1 ] === l [ 5 ] . code ) } , d ( g ) { g && d ( s ) , i = ! 1 , f ( ) } } } function Ne ( r , l ) { let s , n , m , _ ; return n = new Ve ( { props : { content : l [ 5 ] . body } } ) , { key : r , first : null , c ( ) { s = a ( "div" ) , ae ( n . $$ . fragment ) , m = p ( ) , b ( s , "class" , "tab-item" ) , x ( s , "active" , l [ 1 ] === l [ 5 ] . code ) , this . first = s } , m ( i , f ) { c ( i , s , f ) , ne ( n , s , null ) , o ( s , m ) , _ = ! 0 } , p ( i , f ) { l = i ; const v = { } ; f & 4 && ( v . content = l [ 5 ] . body ) , n . $set ( v ) , ( ! _ || f & 6 ) && x ( s , "active" , l [ 1 ] === l [ 5 ] . code ) } , i ( i ) { _ || ( U ( n . $$ . fragment , i ) , _ = ! 0 ) } , o ( i ) { j ( n . $$ . fragment , i ) , _ = ! 1 } , d ( i ) { i && d ( s ) , ie ( n ) } } } function Ye ( r ) { var Be , Me ; let l , s , n = r [ 0 ] . name + "" , m , _ , i , f , v , g , w , B , J , S , F , ce , L , M , de , K , N = r [ 0 ] . name + "" , Q , ue , pe , V , I , D , W , T , G , fe , X , C , Y , he , Z , be , h , me , P , _e , ke , ve , ee , ge , te , ye , Se , $e , oe , we , le , O , se , R , q , $ = [ ] , Te = new Map , Ce , H , y = [ ] , Re = new Map , A ; g = new Xe ( { props : { js : `
2022-11-13 00:38:18 +02:00
import PocketBase from 'pocketbase' ;
const pb = new PocketBase ( '${r[3]}' ) ;
2023-01-23 21:57:35 +02:00
const authData = await pb . collection ( '${(Be=r[0])==null?void 0:Be.name}' ) . authRefresh ( ) ;
2022-11-13 00:38:18 +02:00
// after the above you can also access the refreshed auth data from the authStore
console . log ( pb . authStore . isValid ) ;
console . log ( pb . authStore . token ) ;
console . log ( pb . authStore . model . id ) ;
` ,dart: `
import 'package:pocketbase/pocketbase.dart' ;
final pb = PocketBase ( '${r[3]}' ) ;
2023-01-23 21:57:35 +02:00
final authData = await pb . collection ( '${(Me=r[0])==null?void 0:Me.name}' ) . authRefresh ( ) ;
2022-11-13 00:38:18 +02:00
// after the above you can also access the refreshed auth data from the authStore
print ( pb . authStore . isValid ) ;
print ( pb . authStore . token ) ;
print ( pb . authStore . model . id ) ;
2023-01-23 21:57:35 +02:00
` }}),P=new Ve({props:{content:"?expand=relField1,relField2.subRelField"}});let z=r[2];const Pe=e=>e[5].code;for(let e=0;e<z.length;e+=1){let t=Fe(r,z,e),u=Pe(t);Te.set(u, $ [e]=Le(u,t))}let E=r[2];const Ae=e=>e[5].code;for(let e=0;e<E.length;e+=1){let t=Ee(r,E,e),u=Ae(t);Re.set(u,y[e]=Ne(u,t))}return{c(){l=a("h3"),s=k("Auth refresh ("),m=k(n),_=k(")"),i=p(),f=a("div"),f.innerHTML= ` < p > Returns a new auth response ( token and record data ) for an
2022-11-13 00:38:18 +02:00
< strong > already authenticated record < / s t r o n g > . < / p >
< p > < em > This method is usually called by users on page / screen reload to ensure that the previously stored
2023-01-23 21:57:35 +02:00
data in < code > pb . authStore < / c o d e > i s s t i l l v a l i d a n d u p - t o - d a t e . < / e m > < / p > ` , v = p ( ) , a e ( g . $ $ . f r a g m e n t ) , w = p ( ) , B = a ( " h 6 " ) , B . t e x t C o n t e n t = " A P I d e t a i l s " , J = p ( ) , S = a ( " d i v " ) , F = a ( " s t r o n g " ) , F . t e x t C o n t e n t = " P O S T " , c e = p ( ) , L = a ( " d i v " ) , M = a ( " p " ) , d e = k ( " / a p i / c o l l e c t i o n s / " ) , K = a ( " s t r o n g " ) , Q = k ( N ) , u e = k ( " / a u t h - r e f r e s h " ) , p e = p ( ) , V = a ( " p " ) , V . i n n e r H T M L = " R e q u i r e s r e c o r d < c o d e > A u t h o r i z a t i o n : T O K E N < / c o d e > h e a d e r " , I = p ( ) , D = a ( " d i v " ) , D . t e x t C o n t e n t = " Q u e r y p a r a m e t e r s " , W = p ( ) , T = a ( " t a b l e " ) , G = a ( " t h e a d " ) , G . i n n e r H T M L = ` < t r > < t h > P a r a m < / t h >
2022-11-13 00:38:18 +02:00
< th > Type < / t h >
< th width = "60%" > Description < / t h > < / t r > ` , f e = p ( ) , X = a ( " t b o d y " ) , C = a ( " t r " ) , Y = a ( " t d " ) , Y . t e x t C o n t e n t = " e x p a n d " , h e = p ( ) , Z = a ( " t d " ) , Z . i n n e r H T M L = ' < s p a n c l a s s = " l a b e l " > S t r i n g < / s p a n > ' , b e = p ( ) , h = a ( " t d " ) , m e = k ( ` A u t o e x p a n d r e c o r d r e l a t i o n s . E x . :
2023-01-23 21:57:35 +02:00
` ),ae(P. $ $ .fragment),_e=k( `
2022-11-13 00:38:18 +02:00
Supports up to 6 - levels depth nested relations expansion . ` ),ke=a("br"),ve=k( `
The expanded relations will be appended to the record under the
` ),ee=a("code"),ee.textContent="expand",ge=k(" property (eg. "),te=a("code"),te.textContent='"expand": {"relField1": {...}, ...}',ye=k( ` ) .
` ),Se=a("br"), $ e=k( `
2023-01-23 21:57:35 +02:00
Only the relations to which the request user has permissions to ` ),oe=a("strong"),oe.textContent="view",we=k(" will be expanded."),le=p(),O=a("div"),O.textContent="Responses",se=p(),R=a("div"),q=a("div");for(let e=0;e< $ .length;e+=1) $ [e].c();Ce=p(),H=a("div");for(let e=0;e<y.length;e+=1)y[e].c();b(l,"class","m-b-sm"),b(f,"class","content txt-lg m-b-sm"),b(B,"class","m-b-xs"),b(F,"class","label label-primary"),b(L,"class","content"),b(V,"class","txt-hint txt-sm txt-right"),b(S,"class","alert alert-success"),b(D,"class","section-title"),b(T,"class","table-compact table-border m-b-base"),b(O,"class","section-title"),b(q,"class","tabs-header compact left"),b(H,"class","tabs-content"),b(R,"class","tabs")},m(e,t){c(e,l,t),o(l,s),o(l,m),o(l,_),c(e,i,t),c(e,f,t),c(e,v,t),ne(g,e,t),c(e,w,t),c(e,B,t),c(e,J,t),c(e,S,t),o(S,F),o(S,ce),o(S,L),o(L,M),o(M,de),o(M,K),o(K,Q),o(M,ue),o(S,pe),o(S,V),c(e,I,t),c(e,D,t),c(e,W,t),c(e,T,t),o(T,G),o(T,fe),o(T,X),o(X,C),o(C,Y),o(C,he),o(C,Z),o(C,be),o(C,h),o(h,me),ne(P,h,null),o(h,_e),o(h,ke),o(h,ve),o(h,ee),o(h,ge),o(h,te),o(h,ye),o(h,Se),o(h, $ e),o(h,oe),o(h,we),c(e,le,t),c(e,O,t),c(e,se,t),c(e,R,t),o(R,q);for(let u=0;u< $ .length;u+=1) $ [u].m(q,null);o(R,Ce),o(R,H);for(let u=0;u<y.length;u+=1)y[u].m(H,null);A=!0},p(e,[t]){var De,Oe;(!A||t&1)&&n!==(n=e[0].name+"")&&re(m,n);const u={};t&9&&(u.js= `
2022-11-13 00:38:18 +02:00
import PocketBase from 'pocketbase' ;
const pb = new PocketBase ( '${e[3]}' ) ;
const authData = await pb . collection ( '${(De=e[0])==null?void 0:De.name}' ) . authRefresh ( ) ;
// after the above you can also access the refreshed auth data from the authStore
console . log ( pb . authStore . isValid ) ;
console . log ( pb . authStore . token ) ;
console . log ( pb . authStore . model . id ) ;
` ),t&9&&(u.dart= `
import 'package:pocketbase/pocketbase.dart' ;
final pb = PocketBase ( '${e[3]}' ) ;
final authData = await pb . collection ( '${(Oe=e[0])==null?void 0:Oe.name}' ) . authRefresh ( ) ;
// after the above you can also access the refreshed auth data from the authStore
print ( pb . authStore . isValid ) ;
print ( pb . authStore . token ) ;
print ( pb . authStore . model . id ) ;
2023-01-23 21:57:35 +02:00
` ),g. $ set(u),(!A||t&1)&&N!==(N=e[0].name+"")&&re(Q,N),t&6&&(z=e[2], $ =qe( $ ,t,Pe,1,e,z,Te,q,xe,Le,null,Fe)),t&6&&(E=e[2],Je(),y=qe(y,t,Ae,1,e,E,Re,H,Ke,Ne,null,Ee),Qe())},i(e){if(!A){U(g. $ $ .fragment,e),U(P. $ $ .fragment,e);for(let t=0;t<E.length;t+=1)U(y[t]);A=!0}},o(e){j(g. $ $ .fragment,e),j(P. $ $ .fragment,e);for(let t=0;t<y.length;t+=1)j(y[t]);A=!1},d(e){e&&d(l),e&&d(i),e&&d(f),e&&d(v),ie(g,e),e&&d(w),e&&d(B),e&&d(J),e&&d(S),e&&d(I),e&&d(D),e&&d(W),e&&d(T),ie(P),e&&d(le),e&&d(O),e&&d(se),e&&d(R);for(let t=0;t< $ .length;t+=1) $ [t].d();for(let t=0;t<y.length;t+=1)y[t].d()}}}function Ze(r,l,s){let n,{collection:m=new Ie}=l,_=200,i=[];const f=v=>s(1,_=v.code);return r. $ $ set=v=>{"collection"in v&&s(0,m=v.collection)},r. $ $ .update=()=>{r. $ $ .dirty&1&&s(2,i=[{code:200,body:JSON.stringify({token:"JWT_TOKEN",record:He.dummyCollectionRecord(m)},null,2)},{code:401,body: `
2022-11-13 00:38:18 +02:00
"code" : 401 ,
"message" : "The request requires valid record authorization token to be set." ,
"data" : { }
` },{code:403,body: `
"code" : 403 ,
"message" : "The authorized record model is not allowed to perform this action." ,
"data" : { }
` },{code:404,body: `
"code" : 404 ,
"message" : "Missing auth record context." ,
"data" : { }
2022-11-18 13:32:32 +02:00
` }])},s(3,n=He.getApiExampleUrl(We.baseUrl)),[m,_,i,n,f]}class ot extends ze{constructor(l){super(),Ue(this,l,Ze,Ye,je,{collection:0})}}export{ot as default};