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2024-09-29 19:23:19 +03:00
package core
import (
validation "github.com/go-ozzo/ozzo-validation/v4"
const (
paramsTable = "_params"
paramsKeySettings = "settings"
systemHookIdSettings = "__pbSettingsSystemHook__"
func (app *BaseApp) registerSettingsHooks() {
saveFunc := func(me *ModelEvent) error {
if err := me.Next(); err != nil {
return err
if me.Model.PK() == paramsKeySettings {
// auto reload the app settings because we don't know whether
// the Settings model is the app one or a different one
return errors.Join(
return nil
Id: systemHookIdSettings,
Func: saveFunc,
Priority: -999,
Id: systemHookIdSettings,
Func: saveFunc,
Priority: -999,
Id: systemHookIdSettings,
Func: func(me *ModelEvent) error {
if me.Model.PK() == paramsKeySettings {
return errors.New("the app params settings cannot be deleted")
return me.Next()
Priority: -999,
Id: systemHookIdSettings,
Func: func(e *CollectionEvent) error {
oldCollection, err := e.App.FindCachedCollectionByNameOrId(e.Collection.Id)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve old cached collection: %w", err)
err = e.Next()
if err != nil {
return err
// update existing rate limit rules on collection rename
if oldCollection.Name != e.Collection.Name {
var hasChange bool
rules := e.App.Settings().RateLimits.Rules
for i := 0; i < len(rules); i++ {
if strings.HasPrefix(rules[i].Label, oldCollection.Name+":") {
rules[i].Label = strings.Replace(rules[i].Label, oldCollection.Name+":", e.Collection.Name+":", 1)
hasChange = true
if hasChange {
e.App.Settings().RateLimits.Rules = rules
err = e.App.Save(e.App.Settings())
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
Priority: 99,
var (
_ Model = (*Settings)(nil)
_ PostValidator = (*Settings)(nil)
_ DBExporter = (*Settings)(nil)
type settings struct {
SMTP SMTPConfig `form:"smtp" json:"smtp"`
Backups BackupsConfig `form:"backups" json:"backups"`
S3 S3Config `form:"s3" json:"s3"`
Meta MetaConfig `form:"meta" json:"meta"`
Logs LogsConfig `form:"logs" json:"logs"`
Batch BatchConfig `form:"batch" json:"batch"`
RateLimits RateLimitsConfig `form:"rateLimits" json:"rateLimits"`
TrustedProxy TrustedProxyConfig `form:"trustedProxy" json:"trustedProxy"`
// Settings defines the PocketBase app settings.
type Settings struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
isNew bool
func newDefaultSettings() *Settings {
return &Settings{
isNew: true,
settings: settings{
Meta: MetaConfig{
AppName: "Acme",
AppURL: "http://localhost:8090",
HideControls: false,
SenderName: "Support",
SenderAddress: "support@example.com",
Logs: LogsConfig{
MaxDays: 5,
LogIP: true,
Enabled: false,
Host: "smtp.example.com",
Port: 587,
Username: "",
Password: "",
TLS: false,
Backups: BackupsConfig{
CronMaxKeep: 3,
Batch: BatchConfig{
Enabled: false,
MaxRequests: 50,
Timeout: 3,
RateLimits: RateLimitsConfig{
Enabled: false, // @todo once tested enough enable by default for new installations
Rules: []RateLimitRule{
{Label: "*:auth", MaxRequests: 2, Duration: 3},
{Label: "*:create", MaxRequests: 20, Duration: 5},
{Label: "/api/batch", MaxRequests: 3, Duration: 1},
{Label: "/api/", MaxRequests: 300, Duration: 10},
// TableName implements [Model.TableName] interface method.
func (s *Settings) TableName() string {
return paramsTable
// PK implements [Model.LastSavedPK] interface method.
func (s *Settings) LastSavedPK() any {
return paramsKeySettings
// PK implements [Model.PK] interface method.
func (s *Settings) PK() any {
return paramsKeySettings
// IsNew implements [Model.IsNew] interface method.
func (s *Settings) IsNew() bool {
defer s.mu.RUnlock()
return s.isNew
// MarkAsNew implements [Model.MarkAsNew] interface method.
func (s *Settings) MarkAsNew() {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
s.isNew = true
// MarkAsNew implements [Model.MarkAsNotNew] interface method.
func (s *Settings) MarkAsNotNew() {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
s.isNew = false
// PostScan implements [Model.PostScan] interface method.
func (s *Settings) PostScan() error {
return nil
// String returns a serialized string representation of the current settings.
func (s *Settings) String() string {
defer s.mu.RUnlock()
raw, _ := json.Marshal(s)
return string(raw)
// DBExport prepares and exports the current settings for db persistence.
func (s *Settings) DBExport(app App) (map[string]any, error) {
defer s.mu.RUnlock()
now := types.NowDateTime()
result := map[string]any{
"id": s.PK(),
if s.IsNew() {
result["created"] = now
result["updated"] = now
encoded, err := json.Marshal(s.settings)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
encryptionKey := os.Getenv(app.EncryptionEnv())
if encryptionKey != "" {
encryptVal, encryptErr := security.Encrypt(encoded, encryptionKey)
if encryptErr != nil {
return nil, encryptErr
result["value"] = encryptVal
} else {
result["value"] = encoded
return result, nil
// PostValidate implements the [PostValidator] interface and defines
// the Settings model validations.
func (s *Settings) PostValidate(ctx context.Context, app App) error {
defer s.mu.RUnlock()
return validation.ValidateStructWithContext(ctx, s,
// Merge merges the "other" settings into the current one.
func (s *Settings) Merge(other *Settings) error {
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
raw, err := json.Marshal(other.settings)
if err != nil {
return err
defer s.mu.Unlock()
return json.Unmarshal(raw, &s)
// Clone creates a new deep copy of the current settings.
func (s *Settings) Clone() (*Settings, error) {
clone := &Settings{
isNew: s.isNew,
if err := clone.Merge(s); err != nil {
return nil, err
return clone, nil
// MarshalJSON implements the [json.Marshaler] interface.
// Note that sensitive fields (S3 secret, SMTP password, etc.) are excluded.
func (s *Settings) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
copy := s.settings
sensitiveFields := []*string{
// mask all sensitive fields
for _, v := range sensitiveFields {
if v != nil && *v != "" {
*v = ""
return json.Marshal(copy)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
type SMTPConfig struct {
Enabled bool `form:"enabled" json:"enabled"`
Port int `form:"port" json:"port"`
Host string `form:"host" json:"host"`
Username string `form:"username" json:"username"`
Password string `form:"password" json:"password,omitempty"`
// SMTP AUTH - PLAIN (default) or LOGIN
AuthMethod string `form:"authMethod" json:"authMethod"`
// Whether to enforce TLS encryption for the mail server connection.
// When set to false StartTLS command is send, leaving the server
// to decide whether to upgrade the connection or not.
TLS bool `form:"tls" json:"tls"`
// LocalName is optional domain name or IP address used for the
// EHLO/HELO exchange (if not explicitly set, defaults to "localhost").
// This is required only by some SMTP servers, such as Gmail SMTP-relay.
LocalName string `form:"localName" json:"localName"`
// Validate makes SMTPConfig validatable by implementing [validation.Validatable] interface.
func (c SMTPConfig) Validate() error {
return validation.ValidateStruct(&c,
validation.When(c.Enabled, validation.Required),
validation.When(c.Enabled, validation.Required),
// don't require it for backward compatibility
// (fallback internally to PLAIN)
// validation.When(c.Enabled, validation.Required),
validation.In(mailer.SMTPAuthLogin, mailer.SMTPAuthPlain),
validation.Field(&c.LocalName, is.Host),
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
type S3Config struct {
Enabled bool `form:"enabled" json:"enabled"`
Bucket string `form:"bucket" json:"bucket"`
Region string `form:"region" json:"region"`
Endpoint string `form:"endpoint" json:"endpoint"`
AccessKey string `form:"accessKey" json:"accessKey"`
Secret string `form:"secret" json:"secret,omitempty"`
ForcePathStyle bool `form:"forcePathStyle" json:"forcePathStyle"`
// Validate makes S3Config validatable by implementing [validation.Validatable] interface.
func (c S3Config) Validate() error {
return validation.ValidateStruct(&c,
validation.Field(&c.Endpoint, is.URL, validation.When(c.Enabled, validation.Required)),
validation.Field(&c.Bucket, validation.When(c.Enabled, validation.Required)),
validation.Field(&c.Region, validation.When(c.Enabled, validation.Required)),
validation.Field(&c.AccessKey, validation.When(c.Enabled, validation.Required)),
validation.Field(&c.Secret, validation.When(c.Enabled, validation.Required)),
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
type BatchConfig struct {
Enabled bool `form:"enabled" json:"enabled"`
// MaxRequests is the maximum allowed batch request to execute.
MaxRequests int `form:"maxRequests" json:"maxRequests"`
// Timeout is the the max duration in seconds to wait before cancelling the batch transaction.
Timeout int64 `form:"timeout" json:"timeout"`
// MaxBodySize is the maximum allowed batch request body size in bytes.
// If not set, fallbacks to max ~128MB.
MaxBodySize int64 `form:"maxBodySize" json:"maxBodySize"`
// Validate makes BatchConfig validatable by implementing [validation.Validatable] interface.
func (c BatchConfig) Validate() error {
return validation.ValidateStruct(&c,
validation.Field(&c.MaxRequests, validation.When(c.Enabled, validation.Required), validation.Min(0)),
validation.Field(&c.Timeout, validation.When(c.Enabled, validation.Required), validation.Min(0)),
validation.Field(&c.MaxBodySize, validation.Min(0)),
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
type BackupsConfig struct {
// Cron is a cron expression to schedule auto backups, eg. "* * * * *".
// Leave it empty to disable the auto backups functionality.
Cron string `form:"cron" json:"cron"`
// CronMaxKeep is the the max number of cron generated backups to
// keep before removing older entries.
// This field works only when the cron config has valid cron expression.
CronMaxKeep int `form:"cronMaxKeep" json:"cronMaxKeep"`
// S3 is an optional S3 storage config specifying where to store the app backups.
S3 S3Config `form:"s3" json:"s3"`
// Validate makes BackupsConfig validatable by implementing [validation.Validatable] interface.
func (c BackupsConfig) Validate() error {
return validation.ValidateStruct(&c,
validation.Field(&c.Cron, validation.By(checkCronExpression)),
validation.When(c.Cron != "", validation.Required),
func checkCronExpression(value any) error {
v, _ := value.(string)
if v == "" {
return nil // nothing to check
_, err := cron.NewSchedule(v)
if err != nil {
return validation.NewError("validation_invalid_cron", err.Error())
return nil
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
type MetaConfig struct {
AppName string `form:"appName" json:"appName"`
AppURL string `form:"appURL" json:"appURL"`
SenderName string `form:"senderName" json:"senderName"`
SenderAddress string `form:"senderAddress" json:"senderAddress"`
HideControls bool `form:"hideControls" json:"hideControls"`
// Validate makes MetaConfig validatable by implementing [validation.Validatable] interface.
func (c MetaConfig) Validate() error {
return validation.ValidateStruct(&c,
validation.Field(&c.AppName, validation.Required, validation.Length(1, 255)),
validation.Field(&c.AppURL, validation.Required, is.URL),
validation.Field(&c.SenderName, validation.Required, validation.Length(1, 255)),
validation.Field(&c.SenderAddress, is.EmailFormat, validation.Required),
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
type LogsConfig struct {
MaxDays int `form:"maxDays" json:"maxDays"`
MinLevel int `form:"minLevel" json:"minLevel"`
LogIP bool `form:"logIP" json:"logIP"`
LogAuthId bool `form:"logAuthId" json:"logAuthId"`
// Validate makes LogsConfig validatable by implementing [validation.Validatable] interface.
func (c LogsConfig) Validate() error {
return validation.ValidateStruct(&c,
validation.Field(&c.MaxDays, validation.Min(0)),
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
type TrustedProxyConfig struct {
// Headers is a list of explicit trusted header(s) to check.
Headers []string `form:"headers" json:"headers"`
// UseLeftmostIP specifies to use the left-mostish IP from the trusted headers.
// Note that this could be insecure when used with X-Forward-For header
// because some proxies like AWS ELB allow users to prepend their own header value
// before appending the trusted ones.
UseLeftmostIP bool `form:"useLeftmostIP" json:"useLeftmostIP"`
// MarshalJSON implements the [json.Marshaler] interface.
func (c TrustedProxyConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
type alias TrustedProxyConfig
// serialize as empty array
if c.Headers == nil {
c.Headers = []string{}
return json.Marshal(alias(c))
// Validate makes RateLimitRule validatable by implementing [validation.Validatable] interface.
func (c TrustedProxyConfig) Validate() error {
return nil
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
type RateLimitsConfig struct {
Rules []RateLimitRule `form:"rules" json:"rules"`
Enabled bool `form:"enabled" json:"enabled"`
// FindRateLimitRule returns the first matching rule based on the provided labels.
func (c *RateLimitsConfig) FindRateLimitRule(searchLabels []string) (RateLimitRule, bool) {
var prefixRules []int
for i, label := range searchLabels {
// check for direct match
for j := range c.Rules {
if label == c.Rules[j].Label {
return c.Rules[j], true
if i == 0 && strings.HasSuffix(c.Rules[j].Label, "/") {
prefixRules = append(prefixRules, j)
// check for prefix match
if len(prefixRules) > 0 {
for j := range prefixRules {
if strings.HasPrefix(label+"/", c.Rules[prefixRules[j]].Label) {
return c.Rules[prefixRules[j]], true
return RateLimitRule{}, false
// MarshalJSON implements the [json.Marshaler] interface.
func (c RateLimitsConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
type alias RateLimitsConfig
// serialize as empty array
if c.Rules == nil {
c.Rules = []RateLimitRule{}
return json.Marshal(alias(c))
// Validate makes RateLimitsConfig validatable by implementing [validation.Validatable] interface.
func (c RateLimitsConfig) Validate() error {
return validation.ValidateStruct(&c,
validation.When(c.Enabled, validation.Required),
func checkUniqueRuleLabel(value any) error {
rules, ok := value.([]RateLimitRule)
if !ok {
return validators.ErrUnsupportedValueType
labels := make(map[string]struct{}, len(rules))
for i, rule := range rules {
_, ok := labels[rule.Label]
if ok {
return validation.Errors{
strconv.Itoa(i): validation.Errors{
"label": validation.NewError("validation_duplicated_rate_limit_tag", "Rate limit tag with label "+rule.Label+" already exists.").
SetParams(map[string]any{"label": rule.Label}),
} else {
labels[rule.Label] = struct{}{}
return nil
var rateLimitRuleLabelRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\w+\ \/[\w\/-]*|\/[\w\/-]*|^\w+\:\w+|\*\:\w+|\w+)$`)
type RateLimitRule struct {
// Label is the identifier of the current rule.
// It could be a tag, complete path or path prerefix (when ends with `/`).
// Example supported labels:
// - test_a (plain text "tag")
// - users:create
// - *:create
// - /
// - /api
// - POST /api/collections/
Label string `form:"label" json:"label"`
// MaxRequests is the max allowed number of requests per Duration.
MaxRequests int `form:"maxRequests" json:"maxRequests"`
// Duration specifies the interval (in seconds) per which to reset
// the counted/accumulated rate limiter tokens.
Duration int64 `form:"duration" json:"duration"`
// Validate makes RateLimitRule validatable by implementing [validation.Validatable] interface.
func (c RateLimitRule) Validate() error {
return validation.ValidateStruct(&c,
validation.Field(&c.Label, validation.Required, validation.Match(rateLimitRuleLabelRegex)),
validation.Field(&c.MaxRequests, validation.Required, validation.Min(1)),
validation.Field(&c.Duration, validation.Required, validation.Min(1)),
// DurationTime returns the tag's Duration as [time.Duration].
func (c RateLimitRule) DurationTime() time.Duration {
return time.Duration(c.Duration) * time.Second