mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 23:05:20 +02:00
[#6337] added support for case-insensitive password auth
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
- Upgraded to `golang-jwt/jwt/v5`.
- Added JSVM `new Timezone(name)` binding for constructing `time.Location` value ([#6219](https://github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase/discussions/6219)).
- Added support for case-insensitive password auth based on the related UNIQUE index field collation ([#6337](https://github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase/discussions/6337)).
- Soft-deprecated `Record.GetUploadedFiles` in favor of `Record.GetUnsavedFiles` to minimize the ambiguities what the method do ([#6269](https://github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase/discussions/6269)).
(@todo update docs to reflect the `:unsaved` getter change)
@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
- Replaced archived `github.com/AlecAivazis/survey` dependency with a simpler `osutils.YesNoPrompt(message, fallback)` helper.
- Added JSVM `new Timezone(name)` binding for constructing `time.Location` value ([#6219](https://github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase/discussions/6219)).
- Added `inflector.Camelize(str)` and `inflector.Singularize(str)` helper methods.
- Other minor improvements (_replaced all `bool` exists db scans with `int` for broader drivers compatibility, use the non-transactional app instance during realtime records delete access checks to ensure that cascade deleted records with API rules relying on the parent will be resolved, updated UI dependencies, etc._)
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
validation "github.com/go-ozzo/ozzo-validation/v4"
@ -194,10 +195,20 @@ func (form *recordOAuth2LoginForm) checkProviderName(value any) error {
func oldCanAssignUsername(txApp core.App, collection *core.Collection, username string) bool {
// ensure that username is unique
checkUnique := dbutils.HasSingleColumnUniqueIndex(collection.OAuth2.MappedFields.Username, collection.Indexes)
if checkUnique {
if _, err := txApp.FindFirstRecordByData(collection, collection.OAuth2.MappedFields.Username, username); err == nil {
return false // already exist
index, hasUniqueue := dbutils.FindSingleColumnUniqueIndex(collection.Indexes, collection.OAuth2.MappedFields.Username)
if hasUniqueue {
var expr dbx.Expression
if strings.EqualFold(index.Columns[0].Collate, "nocase") {
// case-insensitive search
expr = dbx.NewExp("username = {:username} COLLATE NOCASE", dbx.Params{"username": username})
} else {
expr = dbx.HashExp{"username": username}
var exists int
_ = txApp.RecordQuery(collection).Select("(1)").AndWhere(expr).Limit(1).Row(&exists)
if exists > 0 {
return false
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import (
@ -1210,7 +1211,7 @@ func TestRecordAuthWithOAuth2(t *testing.T) {
Name: "creating user (with mapped OAuth2 fields and avatarURL->non-file field)",
Name: "creating user (with mapped OAuth2 fields, case-sensitive username and avatarURL->non-file field)",
Method: http.MethodPost,
URL: "/api/collections/users/auth-with-oauth2",
Body: strings.NewReader(`{
@ -1230,7 +1231,7 @@ func TestRecordAuthWithOAuth2(t *testing.T) {
AuthUser: &auth.AuthUser{
Id: "oauth2_id",
Email: "oauth2@example.com",
Username: "oauth2_username",
Username: "tESt2_username", // wouldn't match with existing because the related field index is case-sensitive
Name: "oauth2_name",
AvatarURL: server.URL + "/oauth2_avatar.png",
@ -1258,7 +1259,7 @@ func TestRecordAuthWithOAuth2(t *testing.T) {
ExpectedContent: []string{
@ -1294,7 +1295,7 @@ func TestRecordAuthWithOAuth2(t *testing.T) {
Name: "creating user (with mapped OAuth2 fields and duplicated username)",
Name: "creating user (with mapped OAuth2 fields and duplicated case-insensitive username)",
Method: http.MethodPost,
URL: "/api/collections/users/auth-with-oauth2",
Body: strings.NewReader(`{
@ -1314,13 +1315,21 @@ func TestRecordAuthWithOAuth2(t *testing.T) {
AuthUser: &auth.AuthUser{
Id: "oauth2_id",
Email: "oauth2@example.com",
Username: "test2_username",
Username: "tESt2_username",
Name: "oauth2_name",
Token: &oauth2.Token{AccessToken: "abc"},
// make the username index case-insensitive to ensure that case-insensitive match is used
index, ok := dbutils.FindSingleColumnUniqueIndex(usersCol.Indexes, "username")
if ok {
index.Columns[0].Collate = "nocase"
usersCol.Indexes = append(usersCol.Indexes, index.Build())
// add the test provider in the collection
usersCol.MFA.Enabled = false
usersCol.OAuth2.Enabled = true
@ -3,10 +3,14 @@ package apis
import (
validation "github.com/go-ozzo/ozzo-validation/v4"
@ -32,12 +36,12 @@ func recordAuthWithPassword(e *core.RequestEvent) error {
var foundErr error
if form.IdentityField != "" {
foundRecord, foundErr = e.App.FindFirstRecordByData(collection.Id, form.IdentityField, form.Identity)
foundRecord, foundErr = findRecordByIdentityField(e.App, collection, form.IdentityField, form.Identity)
} else {
// prioritize email lookup
isEmail := is.EmailFormat.Validate(form.Identity) == nil
if isEmail && list.ExistInSlice(core.FieldNameEmail, collection.PasswordAuth.IdentityFields) {
foundRecord, foundErr = e.App.FindAuthRecordByEmail(collection.Id, form.Identity)
foundRecord, foundErr = findRecordByIdentityField(e.App, collection, core.FieldNameEmail, form.Identity)
// search by the other identity fields
@ -47,7 +51,7 @@ func recordAuthWithPassword(e *core.RequestEvent) error {
continue // no need to search by the email field if it is not an email
foundRecord, foundErr = e.App.FindFirstRecordByData(collection.Id, name, form.Identity)
foundRecord, foundErr = findRecordByIdentityField(e.App, collection, name, form.Identity)
if foundErr == nil {
@ -95,3 +99,31 @@ func (form *authWithPasswordForm) validate(collection *core.Collection) error {
validation.Field(&form.IdentityField, validation.In(list.ToInterfaceSlice(collection.PasswordAuth.IdentityFields)...)),
func findRecordByIdentityField(app core.App, collection *core.Collection, field string, value any) (*core.Record, error) {
if !slices.Contains(collection.PasswordAuth.IdentityFields, field) {
return nil, errors.New("invalid identity field " + field)
index, ok := dbutils.FindSingleColumnUniqueIndex(collection.Indexes, field)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("missing " + field + " unique index constraint")
var expr dbx.Expression
if strings.EqualFold(index.Columns[0].Collate, "nocase") {
// case-insensitive search
expr = dbx.NewExp("[["+field+"]] = {:identity} COLLATE NOCASE", dbx.Params{"identity": value})
} else {
expr = dbx.HashExp{field: value}
record := &core.Record{}
err := app.RecordQuery(collection).AndWhere(expr).Limit(1).One(record)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return record, nil
@ -8,11 +8,38 @@ import (
func TestRecordAuthWithPassword(t *testing.T) {
updateIdentityIndex := func(collectionIdOrName string, fieldCollateMap map[string]string) func(t testing.TB, app *tests.TestApp, e *core.ServeEvent) {
return func(t testing.TB, app *tests.TestApp, e *core.ServeEvent) {
collection, err := app.FindCollectionByNameOrId("clients")
if err != nil {
for column, collate := range fieldCollateMap {
index, ok := dbutils.FindSingleColumnUniqueIndex(collection.Indexes, column)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Missing unique identityField index for column %q", column)
index.Columns[0].Collate = collate
collection.Indexes = append(collection.Indexes, index.Build())
err = app.Save(collection)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to update identityField index: %v", err)
scenarios := []tests.ApiScenario{
Name: "disabled password auth",
@ -164,6 +191,22 @@ func TestRecordAuthWithPassword(t *testing.T) {
"OnMailerRecordAuthAlertSend": 1,
Name: "unknown explicit identityField",
Method: http.MethodPost,
URL: "/api/collections/clients/auth-with-password",
Body: strings.NewReader(`{
"identityField": "created",
ExpectedStatus: 400,
ExpectedContent: []string{
ExpectedEvents: map[string]int{"*": 0},
Name: "valid identity field and valid password with mismatched explicit identityField",
Method: http.MethodPost,
@ -440,6 +483,141 @@ func TestRecordAuthWithPassword(t *testing.T) {
// case sensitivity checks
// -----------------------------------------------------------
Name: "with explicit identityField (case-sensitive)",
Method: http.MethodPost,
URL: "/api/collections/clients/auth-with-password",
Body: strings.NewReader(`{
"identityField": "username",
BeforeTestFunc: updateIdentityIndex("clients", map[string]string{"username": ""}),
ExpectedStatus: 400,
ExpectedContent: []string{`"data":{}`},
ExpectedEvents: map[string]int{
"*": 0,
"OnRecordAuthWithPasswordRequest": 1,
Name: "with explicit identityField (case-insensitive)",
Method: http.MethodPost,
URL: "/api/collections/clients/auth-with-password",
Body: strings.NewReader(`{
"identityField": "username",
BeforeTestFunc: updateIdentityIndex("clients", map[string]string{"username": "nocase"}),
ExpectedStatus: 200,
ExpectedContent: []string{
NotExpectedContent: []string{
// hidden fields
ExpectedEvents: map[string]int{
"*": 0,
"OnRecordAuthWithPasswordRequest": 1,
"OnRecordAuthRequest": 1,
"OnRecordEnrich": 1,
// authOrigin track
"OnModelCreate": 1,
"OnModelCreateExecute": 1,
"OnModelAfterCreateSuccess": 1,
"OnModelValidate": 1,
"OnRecordCreate": 1,
"OnRecordCreateExecute": 1,
"OnRecordAfterCreateSuccess": 1,
"OnRecordValidate": 1,
"OnMailerSend": 1,
"OnMailerRecordAuthAlertSend": 1,
Name: "without explicit identityField and non-email field (case-insensitive)",
Method: http.MethodPost,
URL: "/api/collections/clients/auth-with-password",
Body: strings.NewReader(`{
BeforeTestFunc: updateIdentityIndex("clients", map[string]string{"username": "nocase"}),
ExpectedStatus: 200,
ExpectedContent: []string{
NotExpectedContent: []string{
// hidden fields
ExpectedEvents: map[string]int{
"*": 0,
"OnRecordAuthWithPasswordRequest": 1,
"OnRecordAuthRequest": 1,
"OnRecordEnrich": 1,
// authOrigin track
"OnModelCreate": 1,
"OnModelCreateExecute": 1,
"OnModelAfterCreateSuccess": 1,
"OnModelValidate": 1,
"OnRecordCreate": 1,
"OnRecordCreateExecute": 1,
"OnRecordAfterCreateSuccess": 1,
"OnRecordValidate": 1,
"OnMailerSend": 1,
"OnMailerRecordAuthAlertSend": 1,
Name: "without explicit identityField and email field (case-insensitive)",
Method: http.MethodPost,
URL: "/api/collections/clients/auth-with-password",
Body: strings.NewReader(`{
BeforeTestFunc: updateIdentityIndex("clients", map[string]string{"email": "nocase"}),
ExpectedStatus: 200,
ExpectedContent: []string{
NotExpectedContent: []string{
// hidden fields
ExpectedEvents: map[string]int{
"*": 0,
"OnRecordAuthWithPasswordRequest": 1,
"OnRecordAuthRequest": 1,
"OnRecordEnrich": 1,
// authOrigin track
"OnModelCreate": 1,
"OnModelCreateExecute": 1,
"OnModelAfterCreateSuccess": 1,
"OnModelValidate": 1,
"OnRecordCreate": 1,
"OnRecordCreateExecute": 1,
"OnRecordAfterCreateSuccess": 1,
"OnRecordValidate": 1,
"OnMailerSend": 1,
"OnMailerRecordAuthAlertSend": 1,
// rate limit checks
// -----------------------------------------------------------
@ -989,7 +989,7 @@ func (c *Collection) initTokenKeyField() {
// ensure that there is a unique index for the field
if !dbutils.HasSingleColumnUniqueIndex(FieldNameTokenKey, c.Indexes) {
if _, ok := dbutils.FindSingleColumnUniqueIndex(c.Indexes, FieldNameTokenKey); !ok {
c.Indexes = append(c.Indexes, fmt.Sprintf(
"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `%s` ON `%s` (`%s`)",
@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@ func (c *Collection) initEmailField() {
// ensure that there is a unique index for the email field
if !dbutils.HasSingleColumnUniqueIndex(FieldNameEmail, c.Indexes) {
if _, ok := dbutils.FindSingleColumnUniqueIndex(c.Indexes, FieldNameEmail); !ok {
c.Indexes = append(c.Indexes, fmt.Sprintf(
"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `%s` ON `%s` (`%s`) WHERE `%s` != ''",
@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ func (cv *collectionValidator) checkFieldsForUniqueIndex(value any) error {
SetParams(map[string]any{"fieldName": name})
if !dbutils.HasSingleColumnUniqueIndex(name, cv.new.Indexes) {
if _, ok := dbutils.FindSingleColumnUniqueIndex(cv.new.Indexes, name); !ok {
return validation.NewError("validation_missing_unique_constraint", "The field {{.fieldName}} doesn't have a UNIQUE constraint.").
SetParams(map[string]any{"fieldName": name})
@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ func (cv *collectionValidator) checkIndexes(value any) error {
if cv.new.IsAuth() {
requiredNames := []string{FieldNameTokenKey, FieldNameEmail}
for _, name := range requiredNames {
if !dbutils.HasSingleColumnUniqueIndex(name, indexes) {
if _, ok := dbutils.FindSingleColumnUniqueIndex(indexes, name); !ok {
return validation.NewError(
`Missing required unique index for field "{{.fieldName}}".`,
@ -505,7 +505,8 @@ func (r *runner) processActiveProps() (*search.ResolverResult, error) {
isBackRelMultiple := backRelField.IsMultiple()
if !isBackRelMultiple {
// additionally check if the rel field has a single column unique index
isBackRelMultiple = !dbutils.HasSingleColumnUniqueIndex(backRelField.Name, backCollection.Indexes)
_, hasUniqueIndex := dbutils.FindSingleColumnUniqueIndex(backCollection.Indexes, backRelField.Name)
isBackRelMultiple = !hasUniqueIndex
if !isBackRelMultiple {
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
@ -527,20 +528,34 @@ func (app *BaseApp) FindAuthRecordByToken(token string, validTypes ...string) (*
// FindAuthRecordByEmail finds the auth record associated with the provided email.
// The email check would be case-insensitive if the related collection
// email unique index has COLLATE NOCASE specified for the email column.
// Returns an error if it is not an auth collection or the record is not found.
func (app *BaseApp) FindAuthRecordByEmail(collectionModelOrIdentifier any, email string) (*Record, error) {
collection, err := getCollectionByModelOrIdentifier(app, collectionModelOrIdentifier)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch auth collection: %w", err)
if !collection.IsAuth() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%q is not an auth collection", collection.Name)
record := &Record{}
var expr dbx.Expression
index, ok := dbutils.FindSingleColumnUniqueIndex(collection.Indexes, FieldNameEmail)
if ok && strings.EqualFold(index.Columns[0].Collate, "nocase") {
// case-insensitive search
expr = dbx.NewExp("[["+FieldNameEmail+"]] = {:email} COLLATE NOCASE", dbx.Params{"email": email})
} else {
expr = dbx.HashExp{FieldNameEmail: email}
err = app.RecordQuery(collection).
AndWhere(dbx.HashExp{FieldNameEmail: email}).
if err != nil {
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ func (app *BaseApp) expandRecords(records []*Record, expandPath string, fetchFun
MaxSelect: 2147483647,
CollectionId: indirectRel.Id,
if dbutils.HasSingleColumnUniqueIndex(indirectRelField.GetName(), indirectRel.Indexes) {
if _, ok := dbutils.FindSingleColumnUniqueIndex(indirectRel.Indexes, indirectRelField.GetName()); ok {
relField.MaxSelect = 1
relCollection = indirectRel
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import (
@ -966,23 +967,46 @@ func TestFindAuthRecordByToken(t *testing.T) {
func TestFindAuthRecordByEmail(t *testing.T) {
app, _ := tests.NewTestApp()
defer app.Cleanup()
scenarios := []struct {
collectionIdOrName string
email string
nocaseIndex bool
expectError bool
{"missing", "test@example.com", true},
{"demo2", "test@example.com", true},
{"users", "missing@example.com", true},
{"users", "test@example.com", false},
{"clients", "test2@example.com", false},
{"missing", "test@example.com", false, true},
{"demo2", "test@example.com", false, true},
{"users", "missing@example.com", false, true},
{"users", "test@example.com", false, false},
{"clients", "test2@example.com", false, false},
// case-insensitive tests
{"clients", "TeSt2@example.com", false, true},
{"clients", "TeSt2@example.com", true, false},
for _, s := range scenarios {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", s.collectionIdOrName, s.email), func(t *testing.T) {
app, _ := tests.NewTestApp()
defer app.Cleanup()
collection, _ := app.FindCollectionByNameOrId(s.collectionIdOrName)
if collection != nil {
emailIndex, ok := dbutils.FindSingleColumnUniqueIndex(collection.Indexes, core.FieldNameEmail)
if ok {
if s.nocaseIndex {
emailIndex.Columns[0].Collate = "nocase"
} else {
emailIndex.Columns[0].Collate = ""
collection.Indexes = append(collection.Indexes, emailIndex.Build())
err := app.Save(collection)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to update email index: %v", err)
record, err := app.FindAuthRecordByEmail(s.collectionIdOrName, s.email)
hasErr := err != nil
@ -994,7 +1018,7 @@ func TestFindAuthRecordByEmail(t *testing.T) {
if record.Email() != s.email {
if !strings.EqualFold(record.Email(), s.email) {
t.Fatalf("Expected record with email %s, got %s", s.email, record.Email())
@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ type IndexColumn struct {
// Index represents a single parsed SQL CREATE INDEX expression.
type Index struct {
Unique bool `json:"unique"`
Optional bool `json:"optional"`
SchemaName string `json:"schemaName"`
IndexName string `json:"indexName"`
TableName string `json:"tableName"`
Columns []IndexColumn `json:"columns"`
Where string `json:"where"`
Columns []IndexColumn `json:"columns"`
Unique bool `json:"unique"`
Optional bool `json:"optional"`
// IsValid checks if the current Index contains the minimum required fields to be considered valid.
@ -193,15 +193,25 @@ func ParseIndex(createIndexExpr string) Index {
return result
// HasColumnUniqueIndex loosely checks whether the specified column has
// a single column unique index (WHERE statements are ignored).
func HasSingleColumnUniqueIndex(column string, indexes []string) bool {
// FindSingleColumnUniqueIndex returns the first matching single column unique index.
func FindSingleColumnUniqueIndex(indexes []string, column string) (Index, bool) {
var index Index
for _, idx := range indexes {
parsed := ParseIndex(idx)
if parsed.Unique && len(parsed.Columns) == 1 && strings.EqualFold(parsed.Columns[0].Name, column) {
return true
index := ParseIndex(idx)
if index.Unique && len(index.Columns) == 1 && strings.EqualFold(index.Columns[0].Name, column) {
return index, true
return false
return index, false
// Deprecated: Use `_, ok := FindSingleColumnUniqueIndex(indexes, column)` instead.
// HasColumnUniqueIndex loosely checks whether the specified column has
// a single column unique index (WHERE statements are ignored).
func HasSingleColumnUniqueIndex(column string, indexes []string) bool {
_, ok := FindSingleColumnUniqueIndex(indexes, column)
return ok
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
@ -312,3 +313,93 @@ func TestHasSingleColumnUniqueIndex(t *testing.T) {
func TestFindSingleColumnUniqueIndex(t *testing.T) {
scenarios := []struct {
name string
column string
indexes []string
expected bool
"empty indexes",
"empty column",
"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `index1` ON `example` (`test`)",
"mismatched column",
"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `index1` ON `example` (`test2`)",
"non unique index",
"CREATE INDEX `index1` ON `example` (`test`)",
"matching columnd and unique index",
"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `index1` ON `example` (`test`)",
"multiple columns",
"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `index1` ON `example` (`test`, `test2`)",
"multiple indexes",
"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `index1` ON `example` (`test`, `test2`)",
"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `index2` ON `example` (`test`)",
"partial unique index",
"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `index` ON `example` (`test`) where test != ''",
for _, s := range scenarios {
t.Run(s.name, func(t *testing.T) {
index, exists := dbutils.FindSingleColumnUniqueIndex(s.indexes, s.column)
if exists != s.expected {
t.Fatalf("Expected exists %v got %v", s.expected, exists)
if !exists && len(index.Columns) > 0 {
t.Fatal("Expected index.Columns to be empty")
if exists && !strings.EqualFold(index.Columns[0].Name, s.column) {
t.Fatalf("Expected to find column %q in %v", s.column, index)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user