mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 13:47:47 +02:00
refactored automigrate to be more granular
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
func NewBaseVM(app core.App) *goja.Runtime {
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ func NewBaseVM(app core.App) *goja.Runtime {
@ -66,6 +68,21 @@ func adminConstructor(vm *goja.Runtime) {
func schemaConstructor(vm *goja.Runtime) {
vm.Set("Schema", func(call goja.ConstructorCall) *goja.Object {
instance := &schema.Schema{}
instanceValue := vm.ToValue(instance).(*goja.Object)
return instanceValue
vm.Set("SchemaField", func(call goja.ConstructorCall) *goja.Object {
instance := &schema.SchemaField{}
instanceValue := vm.ToValue(instance).(*goja.Object)
return instanceValue
func daoConstructor(vm *goja.Runtime) {
vm.Set("Dao", func(call goja.ConstructorCall) *goja.Object {
db, ok := call.Argument(0).Export().(dbx.Builder)
@ -1,16 +1,14 @@
package migratecmd
import (
m "github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase/migrations"
@ -19,34 +17,34 @@ import (
const migrationsTable = "_migrations"
const automigrateSuffix = "_automigrate"
const collectionsCacheKey = "_automigrate_collections"
// onCollectionChange handles the automigration snapshot generation on
// collection change event (create/update/delete).
func (p *plugin) onCollectionChange() func(*core.ModelEvent) error {
func (p *plugin) afterCollectionChange() func(*core.ModelEvent) error {
return func(e *core.ModelEvent) error {
if e.Model.TableName() != "_collections" {
return nil // not a collection
collections := []*models.Collection{}
if err := p.app.Dao().CollectionQuery().OrderBy("created ASC").All(&collections); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch collections list: %v", err)
if len(collections) == 0 {
return errors.New("missing collections to automigrate")
oldCollections, err := p.getCachedCollections()
if err != nil {
return err
oldFiles, err := p.getAllMigrationNames()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch migration files list: %v", err)
old, _ := oldCollections[e.Model.GetId()]
new, err := p.app.Dao().FindCollectionByNameOrId(e.Model.GetId())
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return err
var template string
var templateErr error
if p.options.TemplateLang == TemplateLangJS {
template, templateErr = p.jsSnapshotTemplate(collections)
template, templateErr = p.jsDiffTemplate(new, old)
} else {
template, templateErr = p.goSnapshotTemplate(collections)
template, templateErr = p.goDiffTemplate(new, old)
if templateErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve template: %v", templateErr)
@ -64,31 +62,40 @@ func (p *plugin) onCollectionChange() func(*core.ModelEvent) error {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to save automigrate file: %v", err)
// remove the old untracked automigrate file
// (only if the last one was automigrate!)
if len(oldFiles) > 0 && strings.HasSuffix(oldFiles[len(oldFiles)-1], automigrateSuffix+"."+p.options.TemplateLang) {
olfName := oldFiles[len(oldFiles)-1]
oldPath := filepath.Join(p.options.Dir, olfName)
isUntracked := exec.Command(p.options.GitPath, "ls-files", "--error-unmatch", oldPath).Run() != nil
if isUntracked {
// delete the old automigrate from the db if it was already applied
_, err := p.app.Dao().DB().Delete(migrationsTable, dbx.HashExp{"file": olfName}).Execute()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to delete last applied automigrate from the migration db: %v", err)
// delete the old automigrate file from the filesystem
if err := os.Remove(oldPath); err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to delete last automigrates from the filesystem: %v", err)
return nil
func (p *plugin) refreshCachedCollections() error {
var collections []*models.Collection
if err := p.app.Dao().CollectionQuery().All(&collections); err != nil {
return err
mapped := map[string]*models.Collection{}
for _, c := range collections {
mapped[c.Id] = c
p.app.Cache().Set(collectionsCacheKey, mapped)
return nil
func (p *plugin) getCachedCollections() (map[string]*models.Collection, error) {
if !p.app.Cache().Has(collectionsCacheKey) {
if err := p.refreshCachedCollections(); err != nil {
return nil, err
result, _ := p.app.Cache().Get(collectionsCacheKey).(map[string]*models.Collection)
return result, nil
// getAllMigrationNames return sorted slice with both applied and new
// local migration file names.
func (p *plugin) getAllMigrationNames() ([]string, error) {
@ -81,12 +81,17 @@ func Register(app core.App, rootCmd *cobra.Command, options *Options) error {
// watch for collection changes
if p.options.Automigrate {
p.app.OnAfterBootstrap().Add(func(e *core.BootstrapEvent) error {
return nil
if _, err := exec.LookPath(p.options.GitPath); err != nil {
color.Yellow("WARNING: Automigrate cannot be enabled because %s is not installed or accessible.", p.options.GitPath)
} else {
@ -171,9 +176,9 @@ func (p *plugin) migrateCreateHandler(template string, args []string) error {
if template == "" {
var templateErr error
if p.options.TemplateLang == TemplateLangJS {
template, templateErr = p.jsCreateTemplate()
template, templateErr = p.jsBlankTemplate()
} else {
template, templateErr = p.goCreateTemplate()
template, templateErr = p.goBlankTemplate()
if templateErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to resolve create template: %v\n", templateErr)
@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
package migratecmd
import (
@ -17,7 +21,7 @@ const (
// JavaScript templates
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
func (p *plugin) jsCreateTemplate() (string, error) {
func (p *plugin) jsBlankTemplate() (string, error) {
const template = `migrate((db) => {
// add up queries...
}, (db) => {
@ -48,11 +52,230 @@ func (p *plugin) jsSnapshotTemplate(collections []*models.Collection) (string, e
return fmt.Sprintf(template, string(jsonData)), nil
func (p *plugin) jsCreateTemplate(collection *models.Collection) (string, error) {
jsonData, err := json.MarshalIndent(collection, " ", " ")
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to serialize collections list: %v", err)
const template = `migrate((db) => {
const collection = unmarshal(%s, new Collection());
return Dao(db).saveCollection(collection);
}, (db) => {
const dao = new Dao(db);
const collection = dao.findCollectionByNameOrId(%q);
return dao.deleteCollection(collection);
return fmt.Sprintf(template, string(jsonData), collection.Id), nil
func (p *plugin) jsDeleteTemplate(collection *models.Collection) (string, error) {
jsonData, err := json.MarshalIndent(collection, " ", " ")
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to serialize collections list: %v", err)
const template = `migrate((db) => {
const dao = new Dao(db);
const collection = dao.findCollectionByNameOrId(%q);
return dao.deleteCollection(collection);
}, (db) => {
const collection = unmarshal(%s, new Collection());
return Dao(db).saveCollection(collection);
return fmt.Sprintf(template, collection.Id, string(jsonData)), nil
func (p *plugin) jsDiffTemplate(new *models.Collection, old *models.Collection) (string, error) {
if new == nil && old == nil {
return "", errors.New("the diff template require at least one of the collection to be non-nil")
if new == nil {
return p.jsDeleteTemplate(old)
if old == nil {
return p.jsCreateTemplate(new)
upParts := []string{}
downParts := []string{}
varName := "collection"
if old.Name != new.Name {
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.name = %q", varName, new.Name))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.name = %q", varName, old.Name))
if old.Type != new.Type {
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.type = %q", varName, new.Type))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.type = %q", varName, old.Type))
if old.System != new.System {
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.system = %t", varName, new.System))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.system = %t", varName, old.System))
// ---
// note: strconv.Quote is used because %q converts the rule operators in unicode char codes
// ---
if old.ListRule != new.ListRule {
if old.ListRule != nil && new.ListRule == nil {
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.listRule = null", varName))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.listRule = %s", varName, strconv.Quote(*old.ListRule)))
} else if old.ListRule == nil && new.ListRule != nil || *old.ListRule != *new.ListRule {
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.listRule = %s", varName, strconv.Quote(*new.ListRule)))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.listRule = null", varName))
if old.ViewRule != new.ViewRule {
if old.ViewRule != nil && new.ViewRule == nil {
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.viewRule = null", varName))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.viewRule = %s", varName, strconv.Quote(*old.ViewRule)))
} else if old.ViewRule == nil && new.ViewRule != nil || *old.ViewRule != *new.ViewRule {
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.viewRule = %s", varName, strconv.Quote(*new.ViewRule)))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.viewRule = null", varName))
if old.CreateRule != new.CreateRule {
if old.CreateRule != nil && new.CreateRule == nil {
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.createRule = null", varName))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.createRule = %s", varName, strconv.Quote(*old.CreateRule)))
} else if old.CreateRule == nil && new.CreateRule != nil || *old.CreateRule != *new.CreateRule {
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.createRule = %s", varName, strconv.Quote(*new.CreateRule)))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.createRule = null", varName))
if old.UpdateRule != new.UpdateRule {
if old.UpdateRule != nil && new.UpdateRule == nil {
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.updateRule = null", varName))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.updateRule = %s", varName, strconv.Quote(*old.UpdateRule)))
} else if old.UpdateRule == nil && new.UpdateRule != nil || *old.UpdateRule != *new.UpdateRule {
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.updateRule = %s", varName, strconv.Quote(*new.UpdateRule)))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.updateRule = null", varName))
if old.DeleteRule != new.DeleteRule {
if old.DeleteRule != nil && new.DeleteRule == nil {
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.deleteRule = null", varName))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.deleteRule = %s", varName, strconv.Quote(*old.DeleteRule)))
} else if old.DeleteRule == nil && new.DeleteRule != nil || *old.DeleteRule != *new.DeleteRule {
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.deleteRule = %s", varName, strconv.Quote(*new.DeleteRule)))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.deleteRule = null", varName))
// Options
rawNewOptions, err := json.MarshalIndent(new.Options, " ", " ")
if err != nil {
return "", err
rawOldOptions, err := json.MarshalIndent(old.Options, " ", " ")
if err != nil {
return "", err
if !bytes.Equal(rawNewOptions, rawOldOptions) {
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.options = %s", varName, rawNewOptions))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.options = %s", varName, rawOldOptions))
// Schema
// ---
// deleted fields
for _, oldField := range old.Schema.Fields() {
if new.Schema.GetFieldById(oldField.Id) != nil {
continue // exist
rawOldField, err := json.MarshalIndent(oldField, " ", " ")
if err != nil {
return "", err
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.schema.removeField(%q)", varName, oldField.Id))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.schema.addField(unmarshal(%s, new SchemaField()))", varName, rawOldField))
// created fields
for _, newField := range new.Schema.Fields() {
if old.Schema.GetFieldById(newField.Id) != nil {
continue // exist
rawNewField, err := json.MarshalIndent(newField, " ", " ")
if err != nil {
return "", err
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.schema.addField(unmarshal(%s, new SchemaField()))", varName, rawNewField))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.schema.removeField(%q)", varName, newField.Id))
// modified fields
for _, newField := range new.Schema.Fields() {
oldField := old.Schema.GetFieldById(newField.Id)
if oldField == nil {
rawNewField, err := json.MarshalIndent(newField, " ", " ")
if err != nil {
return "", err
rawOldField, err := json.MarshalIndent(oldField, " ", " ")
if err != nil {
return "", err
if bytes.Equal(rawNewField, rawOldField) {
continue // no change
upParts = append(upParts, "// upsert")
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.schema.addField(unmarshal(%s, new SchemaField()))", varName, rawNewField))
downParts = append(downParts, "// upsert")
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.schema.addField(unmarshal(%s, new SchemaField()))", varName, rawOldField))
// ---
up := strings.Join(upParts, "\n ")
down := strings.Join(downParts, "\n ")
const template = `migrate((db) => {
const dao = new Dao(db)
const collection = dao.findCollectionByNameOrId(%q)
return dao.saveCollection(collection)
}, (db) => {
const dao = new Dao(db)
const collection = dao.findCollectionByNameOrId(%q)
return dao.saveCollection(collection)
return fmt.Sprintf(template, old.Id, up, new.Id, down), nil
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Go templates
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
func (p *plugin) goCreateTemplate() (string, error) {
func (p *plugin) goBlankTemplate() (string, error) {
const template = `package %s
import (
@ -89,8 +312,8 @@ import (
m "github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase/migrations"
m "github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase/migrations"
func init() {
@ -110,3 +333,357 @@ func init() {
return fmt.Sprintf(template, filepath.Base(p.options.Dir), string(jsonData)), nil
func (p *plugin) goCreateTemplate(collection *models.Collection) (string, error) {
jsonData, err := json.MarshalIndent(collection, "\t", "\t\t")
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to serialize collections list: %v", err)
const template = `package %s
import (
m "github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase/migrations"
func init() {
m.Register(func(db dbx.Builder) error {
jsonData := ` + "`%s`" + `
collection := *models.Collection{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonData), &collection); err != nil {
return err
return daos.New(db).SaveCollection(collection)
}, func(db dbx.Builder) error {
dao := daos.New(db);
collection, err := dao.FindCollectionByNameOrId(%q)
if err != nil {
return err
return dao.DeleteCollection(collection)
return fmt.Sprintf(
), nil
func (p *plugin) goDeleteTemplate(collection *models.Collection) (string, error) {
jsonData, err := json.MarshalIndent(collection, "\t", "\t\t")
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to serialize collections list: %v", err)
const template = `package %s
import (
m "github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase/migrations"
func init() {
m.Register(func(db dbx.Builder) error {
dao := daos.New(db);
collection, err := dao.FindCollectionByNameOrId(%q)
if err != nil {
return err
return dao.DeleteCollection(collection)
}, func(db dbx.Builder) error {
jsonData := ` + "`%s`" + `
collection := *models.Collection{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonData), &collection); err != nil {
return err
return daos.New(db).SaveCollection(collection)
return fmt.Sprintf(
), nil
func (p *plugin) goDiffTemplate(new *models.Collection, old *models.Collection) (string, error) {
if new == nil && old == nil {
return "", errors.New("the diff template require at least one of the collection to be non-nil")
if new == nil {
return p.goDeleteTemplate(old)
if old == nil {
return p.goCreateTemplate(new)
upParts := []string{}
downParts := []string{}
varName := "collection"
var importSchema bool
var importTypes bool
if old.Name != new.Name {
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.Name = %q\n", varName, new.Name))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.Name = %q\n", varName, old.Name))
if old.Type != new.Type {
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.Type = %q\n", varName, new.Type))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.Type = %q\n", varName, old.Type))
if old.System != new.System {
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.System = %t\n", varName, new.System))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.System = %t\n", varName, old.System))
// ---
// note: strconv.Quote is used because %q converts the rule operators in unicode char codes
// ---
if old.ListRule != new.ListRule {
if old.ListRule != nil && new.ListRule == nil {
importTypes = true
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.ListRule = nil\n", varName))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.ListRule = types.Pointer(%s)\n", varName, strconv.Quote(*old.ListRule)))
} else if old.ListRule == nil && new.ListRule != nil || *old.ListRule != *new.ListRule {
importTypes = true
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.ListRule = types.Pointer(%s)\n", varName, strconv.Quote(*new.ListRule)))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.ListRule = nil\n", varName))
if old.ViewRule != new.ViewRule {
if old.ViewRule != nil && new.ViewRule == nil {
importTypes = true
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.ViewRule = nil\n", varName))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.ViewRule = types.Pointer(%s)\n", varName, strconv.Quote(*old.ViewRule)))
} else if old.ViewRule == nil && new.ViewRule != nil || *old.ViewRule != *new.ViewRule {
importTypes = true
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.ViewRule = types.Pointer(%s)\n", varName, strconv.Quote(*new.ViewRule)))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.ViewRule = nil\n", varName))
if old.CreateRule != new.CreateRule {
if old.CreateRule != nil && new.CreateRule == nil {
importTypes = true
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.CreateRule = nil\n", varName))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.CreateRule = types.Pointer(%s)\n", varName, strconv.Quote(*old.CreateRule)))
} else if old.CreateRule == nil && new.CreateRule != nil || *old.CreateRule != *new.CreateRule {
importTypes = true
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.CreateRule = types.Pointer(%s)\n", varName, strconv.Quote(*new.CreateRule)))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.CreateRule = nil\n", varName))
if old.UpdateRule != new.UpdateRule {
if old.UpdateRule != nil && new.UpdateRule == nil {
importTypes = true
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.UpdateRule = nil\n", varName))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.UpdateRule = types.Pointer(%s)\n", varName, strconv.Quote(*old.UpdateRule)))
} else if old.UpdateRule == nil && new.UpdateRule != nil || *old.UpdateRule != *new.UpdateRule {
importTypes = true
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.UpdateRule = types.Pointer(%s)\n", varName, strconv.Quote(*new.UpdateRule)))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.UpdateRule = nil\n", varName))
if old.DeleteRule != new.DeleteRule {
if old.DeleteRule != nil && new.DeleteRule == nil {
importTypes = true
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.DeleteRule = nil\n", varName))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.DeleteRule = types.Pointer(%s)\n", varName, strconv.Quote(*old.DeleteRule)))
} else if old.DeleteRule == nil && new.DeleteRule != nil || *old.DeleteRule != *new.DeleteRule {
importTypes = true
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.DeleteRule = types.Pointer(%s)\n", varName, strconv.Quote(*new.DeleteRule)))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.DeleteRule = nil\n", varName))
// Options
rawNewOptions, err := json.MarshalIndent(new.Options, "\t\t", "\t")
if err != nil {
return "", err
rawOldOptions, err := json.MarshalIndent(old.Options, "\t\t", "\t")
if err != nil {
return "", err
if !bytes.Equal(rawNewOptions, rawOldOptions) {
upParts = append(upParts, "options := map[string]any{}")
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("json.Unmarshal([]byte(`%s`), &options)", rawNewOptions))
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.SetOptions(options)\n", varName))
// ---
downParts = append(downParts, "options := map[string]any{}")
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("json.Unmarshal([]byte(`%s`), &options)", rawOldOptions))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.SetOptions(options)\n", varName))
// Schema
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// deleted fields
for _, oldField := range old.Schema.Fields() {
if new.Schema.GetFieldById(oldField.Id) != nil {
continue // exist
rawOldField, err := json.MarshalIndent(oldField, "\t\t", "\t")
if err != nil {
return "", err
importSchema = true
fieldVar := fmt.Sprintf("del_%s", oldField.Name)
upParts = append(upParts, "// remove")
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.Schema.RemoveField(%q)\n", varName, oldField.Id))
downParts = append(downParts, "// add")
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s := &schema.SchemaField{}", fieldVar))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("json.Unmarshal([]byte(`%s`), %s)", rawOldField, fieldVar))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.Schema.AddField(%s)\n", varName, fieldVar))
// created fields
for _, newField := range new.Schema.Fields() {
if old.Schema.GetFieldById(newField.Id) != nil {
continue // exist
rawNewField, err := json.MarshalIndent(newField, "\t\t", "\t")
if err != nil {
return "", err
importSchema = true
fieldVar := fmt.Sprintf("new_%s", newField.Name)
upParts = append(upParts, "// add")
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s := &schema.SchemaField{}", fieldVar))
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("json.Unmarshal([]byte(`%s`), %s)", rawNewField, fieldVar))
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.Schema.AddField(%s)\n", varName, fieldVar))
downParts = append(downParts, "// remove")
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.Schema.RemoveField(%q)\n", varName, newField.Id))
// modified fields
for _, newField := range new.Schema.Fields() {
oldField := old.Schema.GetFieldById(newField.Id)
if oldField == nil {
rawNewField, err := json.MarshalIndent(newField, "\t\t", "\t")
if err != nil {
return "", err
rawOldField, err := json.MarshalIndent(oldField, "\t\t", "\t")
if err != nil {
return "", err
if bytes.Equal(rawNewField, rawOldField) {
continue // no change
importSchema = true
fieldVar := fmt.Sprintf("edit_%s", newField.Name)
upParts = append(upParts, "// upsert")
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s := &schema.SchemaField{}", fieldVar))
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("json.Unmarshal([]byte(`%s`), %s)", rawNewField, fieldVar))
upParts = append(upParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.Schema.AddField(%s)\n", varName, fieldVar))
downParts = append(downParts, "// upsert")
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s := &schema.SchemaField{}", fieldVar))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("json.Unmarshal([]byte(`%s`), %s)", rawOldField, fieldVar))
downParts = append(downParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s.Schema.AddField(%s)\n", varName, fieldVar))
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
up := strings.Join(upParts, "\n\t\t")
down := strings.Join(downParts, "\n\t\t")
const template = `package %s
import (
m "github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase/migrations"%s
func init() {
m.Register(func(db dbx.Builder) error {
dao := daos.New(db);
collection, err := dao.FindCollectionByNameOrId(%q)
if err != nil {
return err
return dao.SaveCollection(collection)
}, func(db dbx.Builder) error {
dao := daos.New(db);
collection, err := dao.FindCollectionByNameOrId(%q)
if err != nil {
return err
return dao.SaveCollection(collection)
var optImports string
if importSchema {
optImports += "\n\t\"github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase/models/schema\""
if importTypes {
optImports += "\n\t\"github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase/tools/types\""
return fmt.Sprintf(
old.Id, strings.TrimSpace(up),
new.Id, strings.TrimSpace(down),
), nil
Reference in New Issue
Block a user