diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod
index 0bf5d2a8..31b4b5d8 100644
--- a/go.mod
+++ b/go.mod
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ require (
 	golang.org/x/crypto v0.11.0
 	golang.org/x/net v0.12.0
 	golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.10.0
+	golang.org/x/sync v0.3.0
 	modernc.org/sqlite v1.23.1
diff --git a/plugins/jsvm/internal/types/generated/types.d.ts b/plugins/jsvm/internal/types/generated/types.d.ts
index 1bc7958d..5b8bdc03 100644
--- a/plugins/jsvm/internal/types/generated/types.d.ts
+++ b/plugins/jsvm/internal/types/generated/types.d.ts
@@ -874,20 +874,292 @@ declare function migrate(
 type _TygojaDict = { [key:string | number | symbol]: any; }
 type _TygojaAny = any
- * Package validation provides configurable and extensible rules for validating data of various types.
- */
-namespace ozzo_validation {
+namespace security {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ import crand = rand
+ interface s256Challenge {
+  /**
+   * S256Challenge creates base64 encoded sha256 challenge string derived from code.
+   * The padding of the result base64 string is stripped per [RFC 7636].
+   * 
+   * [RFC 7636]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7636#section-4.2
+   */
+  (code: string): string
+ }
+ interface encrypt {
+  /**
+   * Encrypt encrypts data with key (must be valid 32 char aes key).
+   */
+  (data: string, key: string): string
+ }
+ interface decrypt {
+  /**
+   * Decrypt decrypts encrypted text with key (must be valid 32 chars aes key).
+   */
+  (cipherText: string, key: string): string
+ }
+ interface parseUnverifiedJWT {
+  /**
+   * ParseUnverifiedJWT parses JWT token and returns its claims
+   * but DOES NOT verify the signature.
+   * 
+   * It verifies only the exp, iat and nbf claims.
+   */
+  (token: string): jwt.MapClaims
+ }
+ interface parseJWT {
+  /**
+   * ParseJWT verifies and parses JWT token and returns its claims.
+   */
+  (token: string, verificationKey: string): jwt.MapClaims
+ }
+ interface newJWT {
+  /**
+   * NewJWT generates and returns new HS256 signed JWT token.
+   */
+  (payload: jwt.MapClaims, signingKey: string, secondsDuration: number): string
+ }
+ interface newToken {
+  /**
+   * Deprecated:
+   * Consider replacing with NewJWT().
+   * 
+   * NewToken is a legacy alias for NewJWT that generates a HS256 signed JWT token.
+   */
+  (payload: jwt.MapClaims, signingKey: string, secondsDuration: number): string
+ }
+ // @ts-ignore
+ import cryptoRand = rand
+ // @ts-ignore
+ import mathRand = rand
+ interface randomString {
+  /**
+   * RandomString generates a cryptographically random string with the specified length.
+   * 
+   * The generated string matches [A-Za-z0-9]+ and it's transparent to URL-encoding.
+   */
+  (length: number): string
+ }
+ interface randomStringWithAlphabet {
+  /**
+   * RandomStringWithAlphabet generates a cryptographically random string
+   * with the specified length and characters set.
+   * 
+   * It panics if for some reason rand.Int returns a non-nil error.
+   */
+  (length: number, alphabet: string): string
+ }
+ interface pseudorandomString {
+  /**
+   * PseudorandomString generates a pseudorandom string with the specified length.
+   * 
+   * The generated string matches [A-Za-z0-9]+ and it's transparent to URL-encoding.
+   * 
+   * For a cryptographically random string (but a little bit slower) use RandomString instead.
+   */
+  (length: number): string
+ }
+ interface pseudorandomStringWithAlphabet {
+  /**
+   * PseudorandomStringWithAlphabet generates a pseudorandom string
+   * with the specified length and characters set.
+   * 
+   * For a cryptographically random (but a little bit slower) use RandomStringWithAlphabet instead.
+   */
+  (length: number, alphabet: string): string
+ }
+namespace filesystem {
-  * Error interface represents an validation error
+  * FileReader defines an interface for a file resource reader.
- interface Error {
-  error(): string
-  code(): string
-  message(): string
-  setMessage(_arg0: string): Error
-  params(): _TygojaDict
-  setParams(_arg0: _TygojaDict): Error
+ interface FileReader {
+  open(): io.ReadSeekCloser
+ }
+ /**
+  * File defines a single file [io.ReadSeekCloser] resource.
+  * 
+  * The file could be from a local path, multipipart/formdata header, etc.
+  */
+ interface File {
+  name: string
+  originalName: string
+  size: number
+  reader: FileReader
+ }
+ interface newFileFromPath {
+  /**
+   * NewFileFromPath creates a new File instance from the provided local file path.
+   */
+  (path: string): (File | undefined)
+ }
+ interface newFileFromBytes {
+  /**
+   * NewFileFromBytes creates a new File instance from the provided byte slice.
+   */
+  (b: string, name: string): (File | undefined)
+ }
+ interface newFileFromMultipart {
+  /**
+   * NewFileFromMultipart creates a new File instace from the provided multipart header.
+   */
+  (mh: multipart.FileHeader): (File | undefined)
+ }
+ /**
+  * MultipartReader defines a FileReader from [multipart.FileHeader].
+  */
+ interface MultipartReader {
+  header?: multipart.FileHeader
+ }
+ interface MultipartReader {
+  /**
+   * Open implements the [filesystem.FileReader] interface.
+   */
+  open(): io.ReadSeekCloser
+ }
+ /**
+  * PathReader defines a FileReader from a local file path.
+  */
+ interface PathReader {
+  path: string
+ }
+ interface PathReader {
+  /**
+   * Open implements the [filesystem.FileReader] interface.
+   */
+  open(): io.ReadSeekCloser
+ }
+ /**
+  * BytesReader defines a FileReader from bytes content.
+  */
+ interface BytesReader {
+  bytes: string
+ }
+ interface BytesReader {
+  /**
+   * Open implements the [filesystem.FileReader] interface.
+   */
+  open(): io.ReadSeekCloser
+ }
+ type _subFxgVq = bytes.Reader
+ interface bytesReadSeekCloser extends _subFxgVq {
+ }
+ interface bytesReadSeekCloser {
+  /**
+   * Close implements the [io.ReadSeekCloser] interface.
+   */
+  close(): void
+ }
+ interface System {
+ }
+ interface newS3 {
+  /**
+   * NewS3 initializes an S3 filesystem instance.
+   * 
+   * NB! Make sure to call `Close()` after you are done working with it.
+   */
+  (bucketName: string, region: string, endpoint: string, accessKey: string, secretKey: string, s3ForcePathStyle: boolean): (System | undefined)
+ }
+ interface newLocal {
+  /**
+   * NewLocal initializes a new local filesystem instance.
+   * 
+   * NB! Make sure to call `Close()` after you are done working with it.
+   */
+  (dirPath: string): (System | undefined)
+ }
+ interface System {
+  /**
+   * SetContext assigns the specified context to the current filesystem.
+   */
+  setContext(ctx: context.Context): void
+ }
+ interface System {
+  /**
+   * Close releases any resources used for the related filesystem.
+   */
+  close(): void
+ }
+ interface System {
+  /**
+   * Exists checks if file with fileKey path exists or not.
+   */
+  exists(fileKey: string): boolean
+ }
+ interface System {
+  /**
+   * Attributes returns the attributes for the file with fileKey path.
+   */
+  attributes(fileKey: string): (blob.Attributes | undefined)
+ }
+ interface System {
+  /**
+   * GetFile returns a file content reader for the given fileKey.
+   * 
+   * NB! Make sure to call `Close()` after you are done working with it.
+   */
+  getFile(fileKey: string): (blob.Reader | undefined)
+ }
+ interface System {
+  /**
+   * List returns a flat list with info for all files under the specified prefix.
+   */
+  list(prefix: string): Array<(blob.ListObject | undefined)>
+ }
+ interface System {
+  /**
+   * Upload writes content into the fileKey location.
+   */
+  upload(content: string, fileKey: string): void
+ }
+ interface System {
+  /**
+   * UploadFile uploads the provided multipart file to the fileKey location.
+   */
+  uploadFile(file: File, fileKey: string): void
+ }
+ interface System {
+  /**
+   * UploadMultipart uploads the provided multipart file to the fileKey location.
+   */
+  uploadMultipart(fh: multipart.FileHeader, fileKey: string): void
+ }
+ interface System {
+  /**
+   * Delete deletes stored file at fileKey location.
+   */
+  delete(fileKey: string): void
+ }
+ interface System {
+  /**
+   * DeletePrefix deletes everything starting with the specified prefix.
+   */
+  deletePrefix(prefix: string): Array<Error>
+ }
+ interface System {
+  /**
+   * Serve serves the file at fileKey location to an HTTP response.
+   * 
+   * If the `download` query parameter is used the file will be always served for
+   * download no matter of its type (aka. with "Content-Disposition: attachment").
+   */
+  serve(res: http.ResponseWriter, req: http.Request, fileKey: string, name: string): void
+ }
+ interface System {
+  /**
+   * CreateThumb creates a new thumb image for the file at originalKey location.
+   * The new thumb file is stored at thumbKey location.
+   * 
+   * thumbSize is in the format:
+   * - 0xH  (eg. 0x100)    - resize to H height preserving the aspect ratio
+   * - Wx0  (eg. 300x0)    - resize to W width preserving the aspect ratio
+   * - WxH  (eg. 300x100)  - resize and crop to WxH viewbox (from center)
+   * - WxHt (eg. 300x100t) - resize and crop to WxH viewbox (from top)
+   * - WxHb (eg. 300x100b) - resize and crop to WxH viewbox (from bottom)
+   * - WxHf (eg. 300x100f) - fit inside a WxH viewbox (without cropping)
+   */
+  createThumb(originalKey: string, thumbKey: string): void
@@ -1226,14 +1498,14 @@ namespace dbx {
   * MssqlBuilder is the builder for SQL Server databases.
- type _subkdSxo = BaseBuilder
- interface MssqlBuilder extends _subkdSxo {
+ type _subIyvJX = BaseBuilder
+ interface MssqlBuilder extends _subIyvJX {
   * MssqlQueryBuilder is the query builder for SQL Server databases.
- type _subecIan = BaseQueryBuilder
- interface MssqlQueryBuilder extends _subecIan {
+ type _subeTnPU = BaseQueryBuilder
+ interface MssqlQueryBuilder extends _subeTnPU {
  interface newMssqlBuilder {
@@ -1304,8 +1576,8 @@ namespace dbx {
   * MysqlBuilder is the builder for MySQL databases.
- type _suboVrza = BaseBuilder
- interface MysqlBuilder extends _suboVrza {
+ type _subEKFMM = BaseBuilder
+ interface MysqlBuilder extends _subEKFMM {
  interface newMysqlBuilder {
@@ -1380,14 +1652,14 @@ namespace dbx {
   * OciBuilder is the builder for Oracle databases.
- type _subueOxX = BaseBuilder
- interface OciBuilder extends _subueOxX {
+ type _subykazj = BaseBuilder
+ interface OciBuilder extends _subykazj {
   * OciQueryBuilder is the query builder for Oracle databases.
- type _subKDwab = BaseQueryBuilder
- interface OciQueryBuilder extends _subKDwab {
+ type _subaYfNx = BaseQueryBuilder
+ interface OciQueryBuilder extends _subaYfNx {
  interface newOciBuilder {
@@ -1450,8 +1722,8 @@ namespace dbx {
   * PgsqlBuilder is the builder for PostgreSQL databases.
- type _subkShHb = BaseBuilder
- interface PgsqlBuilder extends _subkShHb {
+ type _subwPFGV = BaseBuilder
+ interface PgsqlBuilder extends _subwPFGV {
  interface newPgsqlBuilder {
@@ -1518,8 +1790,8 @@ namespace dbx {
   * SqliteBuilder is the builder for SQLite databases.
- type _subgqpyP = BaseBuilder
- interface SqliteBuilder extends _subgqpyP {
+ type _subYRYyh = BaseBuilder
+ interface SqliteBuilder extends _subYRYyh {
  interface newSqliteBuilder {
@@ -1618,8 +1890,8 @@ namespace dbx {
   * StandardBuilder is the builder that is used by DB for an unknown driver.
- type _subOHWmL = BaseBuilder
- interface StandardBuilder extends _subOHWmL {
+ type _subVUxmj = BaseBuilder
+ interface StandardBuilder extends _subVUxmj {
  interface newStandardBuilder {
@@ -1685,8 +1957,8 @@ namespace dbx {
   * DB enhances sql.DB by providing a set of DB-agnostic query building methods.
   * DB allows easier query building and population of data into Go variables.
- type _subtlJPz = Builder
- interface DB extends _subtlJPz {
+ type _subyYqXH = Builder
+ interface DB extends _subyYqXH {
    * FieldMapper maps struct fields to DB columns. Defaults to DefaultFieldMapFunc.
@@ -2484,8 +2756,8 @@ namespace dbx {
   * Rows enhances sql.Rows by providing additional data query methods.
   * Rows can be obtained by calling Query.Rows(). It is mainly used to populate data row by row.
- type _subzQJfr = sql.Rows
- interface Rows extends _subzQJfr {
+ type _subjvDLd = sql.Rows
+ interface Rows extends _subjvDLd {
  interface Rows {
@@ -2842,8 +3114,8 @@ namespace dbx {
   }): string }
  interface structInfo {
- type _subDgmtt = structInfo
- interface structValue extends _subDgmtt {
+ type _subIdlNx = structInfo
+ interface structValue extends _subIdlNx {
  interface fieldInfo {
@@ -2881,8 +3153,8 @@ namespace dbx {
   * Tx enhances sql.Tx with additional querying methods.
- type _subYRKhR = Builder
- interface Tx extends _subYRKhR {
+ type _subGGVKV = Builder
+ interface Tx extends _subGGVKV {
  interface Tx {
@@ -2898,292 +3170,20 @@ namespace dbx {
-namespace security {
- // @ts-ignore
- import crand = rand
- interface s256Challenge {
-  /**
-   * S256Challenge creates base64 encoded sha256 challenge string derived from code.
-   * The padding of the result base64 string is stripped per [RFC 7636].
-   * 
-   * [RFC 7636]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7636#section-4.2
-   */
-  (code: string): string
- }
- interface encrypt {
-  /**
-   * Encrypt encrypts data with key (must be valid 32 char aes key).
-   */
-  (data: string, key: string): string
- }
- interface decrypt {
-  /**
-   * Decrypt decrypts encrypted text with key (must be valid 32 chars aes key).
-   */
-  (cipherText: string, key: string): string
- }
- interface parseUnverifiedJWT {
-  /**
-   * ParseUnverifiedJWT parses JWT token and returns its claims
-   * but DOES NOT verify the signature.
-   * 
-   * It verifies only the exp, iat and nbf claims.
-   */
-  (token: string): jwt.MapClaims
- }
- interface parseJWT {
-  /**
-   * ParseJWT verifies and parses JWT token and returns its claims.
-   */
-  (token: string, verificationKey: string): jwt.MapClaims
- }
- interface newJWT {
-  /**
-   * NewJWT generates and returns new HS256 signed JWT token.
-   */
-  (payload: jwt.MapClaims, signingKey: string, secondsDuration: number): string
- }
- interface newToken {
-  /**
-   * Deprecated:
-   * Consider replacing with NewJWT().
-   * 
-   * NewToken is a legacy alias for NewJWT that generates a HS256 signed JWT token.
-   */
-  (payload: jwt.MapClaims, signingKey: string, secondsDuration: number): string
- }
- // @ts-ignore
- import cryptoRand = rand
- // @ts-ignore
- import mathRand = rand
- interface randomString {
-  /**
-   * RandomString generates a cryptographically random string with the specified length.
-   * 
-   * The generated string matches [A-Za-z0-9]+ and it's transparent to URL-encoding.
-   */
-  (length: number): string
- }
- interface randomStringWithAlphabet {
-  /**
-   * RandomStringWithAlphabet generates a cryptographically random string
-   * with the specified length and characters set.
-   * 
-   * It panics if for some reason rand.Int returns a non-nil error.
-   */
-  (length: number, alphabet: string): string
- }
- interface pseudorandomString {
-  /**
-   * PseudorandomString generates a pseudorandom string with the specified length.
-   * 
-   * The generated string matches [A-Za-z0-9]+ and it's transparent to URL-encoding.
-   * 
-   * For a cryptographically random string (but a little bit slower) use RandomString instead.
-   */
-  (length: number): string
- }
- interface pseudorandomStringWithAlphabet {
-  /**
-   * PseudorandomStringWithAlphabet generates a pseudorandom string
-   * with the specified length and characters set.
-   * 
-   * For a cryptographically random (but a little bit slower) use RandomStringWithAlphabet instead.
-   */
-  (length: number, alphabet: string): string
- }
-namespace filesystem {
+ * Package validation provides configurable and extensible rules for validating data of various types.
+ */
+namespace ozzo_validation {
-  * FileReader defines an interface for a file resource reader.
+  * Error interface represents an validation error
- interface FileReader {
-  open(): io.ReadSeekCloser
- }
- /**
-  * File defines a single file [io.ReadSeekCloser] resource.
-  * 
-  * The file could be from a local path, multipipart/formdata header, etc.
-  */
- interface File {
-  name: string
-  originalName: string
-  size: number
-  reader: FileReader
- }
- interface newFileFromPath {
-  /**
-   * NewFileFromPath creates a new File instance from the provided local file path.
-   */
-  (path: string): (File | undefined)
- }
- interface newFileFromBytes {
-  /**
-   * NewFileFromBytes creates a new File instance from the provided byte slice.
-   */
-  (b: string, name: string): (File | undefined)
- }
- interface newFileFromMultipart {
-  /**
-   * NewFileFromMultipart creates a new File instace from the provided multipart header.
-   */
-  (mh: multipart.FileHeader): (File | undefined)
- }
- /**
-  * MultipartReader defines a FileReader from [multipart.FileHeader].
-  */
- interface MultipartReader {
-  header?: multipart.FileHeader
- }
- interface MultipartReader {
-  /**
-   * Open implements the [filesystem.FileReader] interface.
-   */
-  open(): io.ReadSeekCloser
- }
- /**
-  * PathReader defines a FileReader from a local file path.
-  */
- interface PathReader {
-  path: string
- }
- interface PathReader {
-  /**
-   * Open implements the [filesystem.FileReader] interface.
-   */
-  open(): io.ReadSeekCloser
- }
- /**
-  * BytesReader defines a FileReader from bytes content.
-  */
- interface BytesReader {
-  bytes: string
- }
- interface BytesReader {
-  /**
-   * Open implements the [filesystem.FileReader] interface.
-   */
-  open(): io.ReadSeekCloser
- }
- type _subcRZMp = bytes.Reader
- interface bytesReadSeekCloser extends _subcRZMp {
- }
- interface bytesReadSeekCloser {
-  /**
-   * Close implements the [io.ReadSeekCloser] interface.
-   */
-  close(): void
- }
- interface System {
- }
- interface newS3 {
-  /**
-   * NewS3 initializes an S3 filesystem instance.
-   * 
-   * NB! Make sure to call `Close()` after you are done working with it.
-   */
-  (bucketName: string, region: string, endpoint: string, accessKey: string, secretKey: string, s3ForcePathStyle: boolean): (System | undefined)
- }
- interface newLocal {
-  /**
-   * NewLocal initializes a new local filesystem instance.
-   * 
-   * NB! Make sure to call `Close()` after you are done working with it.
-   */
-  (dirPath: string): (System | undefined)
- }
- interface System {
-  /**
-   * SetContext assigns the specified context to the current filesystem.
-   */
-  setContext(ctx: context.Context): void
- }
- interface System {
-  /**
-   * Close releases any resources used for the related filesystem.
-   */
-  close(): void
- }
- interface System {
-  /**
-   * Exists checks if file with fileKey path exists or not.
-   */
-  exists(fileKey: string): boolean
- }
- interface System {
-  /**
-   * Attributes returns the attributes for the file with fileKey path.
-   */
-  attributes(fileKey: string): (blob.Attributes | undefined)
- }
- interface System {
-  /**
-   * GetFile returns a file content reader for the given fileKey.
-   * 
-   * NB! Make sure to call `Close()` after you are done working with it.
-   */
-  getFile(fileKey: string): (blob.Reader | undefined)
- }
- interface System {
-  /**
-   * List returns a flat list with info for all files under the specified prefix.
-   */
-  list(prefix: string): Array<(blob.ListObject | undefined)>
- }
- interface System {
-  /**
-   * Upload writes content into the fileKey location.
-   */
-  upload(content: string, fileKey: string): void
- }
- interface System {
-  /**
-   * UploadFile uploads the provided multipart file to the fileKey location.
-   */
-  uploadFile(file: File, fileKey: string): void
- }
- interface System {
-  /**
-   * UploadMultipart uploads the provided multipart file to the fileKey location.
-   */
-  uploadMultipart(fh: multipart.FileHeader, fileKey: string): void
- }
- interface System {
-  /**
-   * Delete deletes stored file at fileKey location.
-   */
-  delete(fileKey: string): void
- }
- interface System {
-  /**
-   * DeletePrefix deletes everything starting with the specified prefix.
-   */
-  deletePrefix(prefix: string): Array<Error>
- }
- interface System {
-  /**
-   * Serve serves the file at fileKey location to an HTTP response.
-   * 
-   * If the `download` query parameter is used the file will be always served for
-   * download no matter of its type (aka. with "Content-Disposition: attachment").
-   */
-  serve(res: http.ResponseWriter, req: http.Request, fileKey: string, name: string): void
- }
- interface System {
-  /**
-   * CreateThumb creates a new thumb image for the file at originalKey location.
-   * The new thumb file is stored at thumbKey location.
-   * 
-   * thumbSize is in the format:
-   * - 0xH  (eg. 0x100)    - resize to H height preserving the aspect ratio
-   * - Wx0  (eg. 300x0)    - resize to W width preserving the aspect ratio
-   * - WxH  (eg. 300x100)  - resize and crop to WxH viewbox (from center)
-   * - WxHt (eg. 300x100t) - resize and crop to WxH viewbox (from top)
-   * - WxHb (eg. 300x100b) - resize and crop to WxH viewbox (from bottom)
-   * - WxHf (eg. 300x100f) - fit inside a WxH viewbox (without cropping)
-   */
-  createThumb(originalKey: string, thumbKey: string): void
+ interface Error {
+  error(): string
+  code(): string
+  message(): string
+  setMessage(_arg0: string): Error
+  params(): _TygojaDict
+  setParams(_arg0: _TygojaDict): Error
@@ -4125,8 +4125,8 @@ namespace forms {
   * SettingsUpsert is a [settings.Settings] upsert (create/update) form.
- type _subUBtfT = settings.Settings
- interface SettingsUpsert extends _subUBtfT {
+ type _subNMRgV = settings.Settings
+ interface SettingsUpsert extends _subNMRgV {
  interface newSettingsUpsert {
@@ -4522,8 +4522,8 @@ namespace pocketbase {
   * appWrapper serves as a private core.App instance wrapper.
- type _subhhaEi = core.App
- interface appWrapper extends _subhhaEi {
+ type _subyGiyC = core.App
+ interface appWrapper extends _subyGiyC {
   * PocketBase defines a PocketBase app launcher.
@@ -4531,8 +4531,8 @@ namespace pocketbase {
   * It implements [core.App] via embedding and all of the app interface methods
   * could be accessed directly through the instance (eg. PocketBase.DataDir()).
- type _suboKUrN = appWrapper
- interface PocketBase extends _suboKUrN {
+ type _subAhjFj = appWrapper
+ interface PocketBase extends _subAhjFj {
    * RootCmd is the main console command
@@ -4604,111 +4604,6 @@ namespace pocketbase {
- * Package io provides basic interfaces to I/O primitives.
- * Its primary job is to wrap existing implementations of such primitives,
- * such as those in package os, into shared public interfaces that
- * abstract the functionality, plus some other related primitives.
- * 
- * Because these interfaces and primitives wrap lower-level operations with
- * various implementations, unless otherwise informed clients should not
- * assume they are safe for parallel execution.
- */
-namespace io {
- /**
-  * ReadSeekCloser is the interface that groups the basic Read, Seek and Close
-  * methods.
-  */
- interface ReadSeekCloser {
- }
- * Package bytes implements functions for the manipulation of byte slices.
- * It is analogous to the facilities of the strings package.
- */
-namespace bytes {
- /**
-  * A Reader implements the io.Reader, io.ReaderAt, io.WriterTo, io.Seeker,
-  * io.ByteScanner, and io.RuneScanner interfaces by reading from
-  * a byte slice.
-  * Unlike a Buffer, a Reader is read-only and supports seeking.
-  * The zero value for Reader operates like a Reader of an empty slice.
-  */
- interface Reader {
- }
- interface Reader {
-  /**
-   * Len returns the number of bytes of the unread portion of the
-   * slice.
-   */
-  len(): number
- }
- interface Reader {
-  /**
-   * Size returns the original length of the underlying byte slice.
-   * Size is the number of bytes available for reading via ReadAt.
-   * The returned value is always the same and is not affected by calls
-   * to any other method.
-   */
-  size(): number
- }
- interface Reader {
-  /**
-   * Read implements the io.Reader interface.
-   */
-  read(b: string): number
- }
- interface Reader {
-  /**
-   * ReadAt implements the io.ReaderAt interface.
-   */
-  readAt(b: string, off: number): number
- }
- interface Reader {
-  /**
-   * ReadByte implements the io.ByteReader interface.
-   */
-  readByte(): string
- }
- interface Reader {
-  /**
-   * UnreadByte complements ReadByte in implementing the io.ByteScanner interface.
-   */
-  unreadByte(): void
- }
- interface Reader {
-  /**
-   * ReadRune implements the io.RuneReader interface.
-   */
-  readRune(): [string, number]
- }
- interface Reader {
-  /**
-   * UnreadRune complements ReadRune in implementing the io.RuneScanner interface.
-   */
-  unreadRune(): void
- }
- interface Reader {
-  /**
-   * Seek implements the io.Seeker interface.
-   */
-  seek(offset: number, whence: number): number
- }
- interface Reader {
-  /**
-   * WriteTo implements the io.WriterTo interface.
-   */
-  writeTo(w: io.Writer): number
- }
- interface Reader {
-  /**
-   * Reset resets the Reader to be reading from b.
-   */
-  reset(b: string): void
- }
  * Package time provides functionality for measuring and displaying time.
@@ -4855,35 +4750,6 @@ namespace time {
- * Package fs defines basic interfaces to a file system.
- * A file system can be provided by the host operating system
- * but also by other packages.
- */
-namespace fs {
- /**
-  * An FS provides access to a hierarchical file system.
-  * 
-  * The FS interface is the minimum implementation required of the file system.
-  * A file system may implement additional interfaces,
-  * such as ReadFileFS, to provide additional or optimized functionality.
-  */
- interface FS {
-  /**
-   * Open opens the named file.
-   * 
-   * When Open returns an error, it should be of type *PathError
-   * with the Op field set to "open", the Path field set to name,
-   * and the Err field describing the problem.
-   * 
-   * Open should reject attempts to open names that do not satisfy
-   * ValidPath(name), returning a *PathError with Err set to
-   * ErrInvalid or ErrNotExist.
-   */
-  open(name: string): File
- }
  * Package context defines the Context type, which carries deadlines,
  * cancellation signals, and other request-scoped values across API boundaries
@@ -5041,59 +4907,770 @@ namespace context {
- * Package jwt is a Go implementation of JSON Web Tokens: http://self-issued.info/docs/draft-jones-json-web-token.html
+ * Package io provides basic interfaces to I/O primitives.
+ * Its primary job is to wrap existing implementations of such primitives,
+ * such as those in package os, into shared public interfaces that
+ * abstract the functionality, plus some other related primitives.
- * See README.md for more info.
+ * Because these interfaces and primitives wrap lower-level operations with
+ * various implementations, unless otherwise informed clients should not
+ * assume they are safe for parallel execution.
-namespace jwt {
+namespace io {
-  * MapClaims is a claims type that uses the map[string]interface{} for JSON decoding.
-  * This is the default claims type if you don't supply one
+  * ReadSeekCloser is the interface that groups the basic Read, Seek and Close
+  * methods.
- interface MapClaims extends _TygojaDict{}
- interface MapClaims {
-  /**
-   * VerifyAudience Compares the aud claim against cmp.
-   * If required is false, this method will return true if the value matches or is unset
-   */
-  verifyAudience(cmp: string, req: boolean): boolean
+ interface ReadSeekCloser {
- interface MapClaims {
+ * Package fs defines basic interfaces to a file system.
+ * A file system can be provided by the host operating system
+ * but also by other packages.
+ */
+namespace fs {
+ /**
+  * An FS provides access to a hierarchical file system.
+  * 
+  * The FS interface is the minimum implementation required of the file system.
+  * A file system may implement additional interfaces,
+  * such as ReadFileFS, to provide additional or optimized functionality.
+  */
+ interface FS {
-   * VerifyExpiresAt compares the exp claim against cmp (cmp <= exp).
-   * If req is false, it will return true, if exp is unset.
+   * Open opens the named file.
+   * 
+   * When Open returns an error, it should be of type *PathError
+   * with the Op field set to "open", the Path field set to name,
+   * and the Err field describing the problem.
+   * 
+   * Open should reject attempts to open names that do not satisfy
+   * ValidPath(name), returning a *PathError with Err set to
+   * ErrInvalid or ErrNotExist.
-  verifyExpiresAt(cmp: number, req: boolean): boolean
+  open(name: string): File
- interface MapClaims {
+ * Package sql provides a generic interface around SQL (or SQL-like)
+ * databases.
+ * 
+ * The sql package must be used in conjunction with a database driver.
+ * See https://golang.org/s/sqldrivers for a list of drivers.
+ * 
+ * Drivers that do not support context cancellation will not return until
+ * after the query is completed.
+ * 
+ * For usage examples, see the wiki page at
+ * https://golang.org/s/sqlwiki.
+ */
+namespace sql {
+ /**
+  * TxOptions holds the transaction options to be used in DB.BeginTx.
+  */
+ interface TxOptions {
-   * VerifyIssuedAt compares the exp claim against cmp (cmp >= iat).
-   * If req is false, it will return true, if iat is unset.
+   * Isolation is the transaction isolation level.
+   * If zero, the driver or database's default level is used.
-  verifyIssuedAt(cmp: number, req: boolean): boolean
+  isolation: IsolationLevel
+  readOnly: boolean
- interface MapClaims {
-  /**
-   * VerifyNotBefore compares the nbf claim against cmp (cmp >= nbf).
-   * If req is false, it will return true, if nbf is unset.
-   */
-  verifyNotBefore(cmp: number, req: boolean): boolean
+ /**
+  * DB is a database handle representing a pool of zero or more
+  * underlying connections. It's safe for concurrent use by multiple
+  * goroutines.
+  * 
+  * The sql package creates and frees connections automatically; it
+  * also maintains a free pool of idle connections. If the database has
+  * a concept of per-connection state, such state can be reliably observed
+  * within a transaction (Tx) or connection (Conn). Once DB.Begin is called, the
+  * returned Tx is bound to a single connection. Once Commit or
+  * Rollback is called on the transaction, that transaction's
+  * connection is returned to DB's idle connection pool. The pool size
+  * can be controlled with SetMaxIdleConns.
+  */
+ interface DB {
- interface MapClaims {
+ interface DB {
-   * VerifyIssuer compares the iss claim against cmp.
-   * If required is false, this method will return true if the value matches or is unset
+   * PingContext verifies a connection to the database is still alive,
+   * establishing a connection if necessary.
-  verifyIssuer(cmp: string, req: boolean): boolean
+  pingContext(ctx: context.Context): void
- interface MapClaims {
+ interface DB {
-   * Valid validates time based claims "exp, iat, nbf".
-   * There is no accounting for clock skew.
-   * As well, if any of the above claims are not in the token, it will still
-   * be considered a valid claim.
+   * Ping verifies a connection to the database is still alive,
+   * establishing a connection if necessary.
+   * 
+   * Ping uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
+   * PingContext.
-  valid(): void
+  ping(): void
+ }
+ interface DB {
+  /**
+   * Close closes the database and prevents new queries from starting.
+   * Close then waits for all queries that have started processing on the server
+   * to finish.
+   * 
+   * It is rare to Close a DB, as the DB handle is meant to be
+   * long-lived and shared between many goroutines.
+   */
+  close(): void
+ }
+ interface DB {
+  /**
+   * SetMaxIdleConns sets the maximum number of connections in the idle
+   * connection pool.
+   * 
+   * If MaxOpenConns is greater than 0 but less than the new MaxIdleConns,
+   * then the new MaxIdleConns will be reduced to match the MaxOpenConns limit.
+   * 
+   * If n <= 0, no idle connections are retained.
+   * 
+   * The default max idle connections is currently 2. This may change in
+   * a future release.
+   */
+  setMaxIdleConns(n: number): void
+ }
+ interface DB {
+  /**
+   * SetMaxOpenConns sets the maximum number of open connections to the database.
+   * 
+   * If MaxIdleConns is greater than 0 and the new MaxOpenConns is less than
+   * MaxIdleConns, then MaxIdleConns will be reduced to match the new
+   * MaxOpenConns limit.
+   * 
+   * If n <= 0, then there is no limit on the number of open connections.
+   * The default is 0 (unlimited).
+   */
+  setMaxOpenConns(n: number): void
+ }
+ interface DB {
+  /**
+   * SetConnMaxLifetime sets the maximum amount of time a connection may be reused.
+   * 
+   * Expired connections may be closed lazily before reuse.
+   * 
+   * If d <= 0, connections are not closed due to a connection's age.
+   */
+  setConnMaxLifetime(d: time.Duration): void
+ }
+ interface DB {
+  /**
+   * SetConnMaxIdleTime sets the maximum amount of time a connection may be idle.
+   * 
+   * Expired connections may be closed lazily before reuse.
+   * 
+   * If d <= 0, connections are not closed due to a connection's idle time.
+   */
+  setConnMaxIdleTime(d: time.Duration): void
+ }
+ interface DB {
+  /**
+   * Stats returns database statistics.
+   */
+  stats(): DBStats
+ }
+ interface DB {
+  /**
+   * PrepareContext creates a prepared statement for later queries or executions.
+   * Multiple queries or executions may be run concurrently from the
+   * returned statement.
+   * The caller must call the statement's Close method
+   * when the statement is no longer needed.
+   * 
+   * The provided context is used for the preparation of the statement, not for the
+   * execution of the statement.
+   */
+  prepareContext(ctx: context.Context, query: string): (Stmt | undefined)
+ }
+ interface DB {
+  /**
+   * Prepare creates a prepared statement for later queries or executions.
+   * Multiple queries or executions may be run concurrently from the
+   * returned statement.
+   * The caller must call the statement's Close method
+   * when the statement is no longer needed.
+   * 
+   * Prepare uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
+   * PrepareContext.
+   */
+  prepare(query: string): (Stmt | undefined)
+ }
+ interface DB {
+  /**
+   * ExecContext executes a query without returning any rows.
+   * The args are for any placeholder parameters in the query.
+   */
+  execContext(ctx: context.Context, query: string, ...args: any[]): Result
+ }
+ interface DB {
+  /**
+   * Exec executes a query without returning any rows.
+   * The args are for any placeholder parameters in the query.
+   * 
+   * Exec uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
+   * ExecContext.
+   */
+  exec(query: string, ...args: any[]): Result
+ }
+ interface DB {
+  /**
+   * QueryContext executes a query that returns rows, typically a SELECT.
+   * The args are for any placeholder parameters in the query.
+   */
+  queryContext(ctx: context.Context, query: string, ...args: any[]): (Rows | undefined)
+ }
+ interface DB {
+  /**
+   * Query executes a query that returns rows, typically a SELECT.
+   * The args are for any placeholder parameters in the query.
+   * 
+   * Query uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
+   * QueryContext.
+   */
+  query(query: string, ...args: any[]): (Rows | undefined)
+ }
+ interface DB {
+  /**
+   * QueryRowContext executes a query that is expected to return at most one row.
+   * QueryRowContext always returns a non-nil value. Errors are deferred until
+   * Row's Scan method is called.
+   * If the query selects no rows, the *Row's Scan will return ErrNoRows.
+   * Otherwise, the *Row's Scan scans the first selected row and discards
+   * the rest.
+   */
+  queryRowContext(ctx: context.Context, query: string, ...args: any[]): (Row | undefined)
+ }
+ interface DB {
+  /**
+   * QueryRow executes a query that is expected to return at most one row.
+   * QueryRow always returns a non-nil value. Errors are deferred until
+   * Row's Scan method is called.
+   * If the query selects no rows, the *Row's Scan will return ErrNoRows.
+   * Otherwise, the *Row's Scan scans the first selected row and discards
+   * the rest.
+   * 
+   * QueryRow uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
+   * QueryRowContext.
+   */
+  queryRow(query: string, ...args: any[]): (Row | undefined)
+ }
+ interface DB {
+  /**
+   * BeginTx starts a transaction.
+   * 
+   * The provided context is used until the transaction is committed or rolled back.
+   * If the context is canceled, the sql package will roll back
+   * the transaction. Tx.Commit will return an error if the context provided to
+   * BeginTx is canceled.
+   * 
+   * The provided TxOptions is optional and may be nil if defaults should be used.
+   * If a non-default isolation level is used that the driver doesn't support,
+   * an error will be returned.
+   */
+  beginTx(ctx: context.Context, opts: TxOptions): (Tx | undefined)
+ }
+ interface DB {
+  /**
+   * Begin starts a transaction. The default isolation level is dependent on
+   * the driver.
+   * 
+   * Begin uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
+   * BeginTx.
+   */
+  begin(): (Tx | undefined)
+ }
+ interface DB {
+  /**
+   * Driver returns the database's underlying driver.
+   */
+  driver(): driver.Driver
+ }
+ interface DB {
+  /**
+   * Conn returns a single connection by either opening a new connection
+   * or returning an existing connection from the connection pool. Conn will
+   * block until either a connection is returned or ctx is canceled.
+   * Queries run on the same Conn will be run in the same database session.
+   * 
+   * Every Conn must be returned to the database pool after use by
+   * calling Conn.Close.
+   */
+  conn(ctx: context.Context): (Conn | undefined)
+ }
+ /**
+  * Tx is an in-progress database transaction.
+  * 
+  * A transaction must end with a call to Commit or Rollback.
+  * 
+  * After a call to Commit or Rollback, all operations on the
+  * transaction fail with ErrTxDone.
+  * 
+  * The statements prepared for a transaction by calling
+  * the transaction's Prepare or Stmt methods are closed
+  * by the call to Commit or Rollback.
+  */
+ interface Tx {
+ }
+ interface Tx {
+  /**
+   * Commit commits the transaction.
+   */
+  commit(): void
+ }
+ interface Tx {
+  /**
+   * Rollback aborts the transaction.
+   */
+  rollback(): void
+ }
+ interface Tx {
+  /**
+   * PrepareContext creates a prepared statement for use within a transaction.
+   * 
+   * The returned statement operates within the transaction and will be closed
+   * when the transaction has been committed or rolled back.
+   * 
+   * To use an existing prepared statement on this transaction, see Tx.Stmt.
+   * 
+   * The provided context will be used for the preparation of the context, not
+   * for the execution of the returned statement. The returned statement
+   * will run in the transaction context.
+   */
+  prepareContext(ctx: context.Context, query: string): (Stmt | undefined)
+ }
+ interface Tx {
+  /**
+   * Prepare creates a prepared statement for use within a transaction.
+   * 
+   * The returned statement operates within the transaction and will be closed
+   * when the transaction has been committed or rolled back.
+   * 
+   * To use an existing prepared statement on this transaction, see Tx.Stmt.
+   * 
+   * Prepare uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
+   * PrepareContext.
+   */
+  prepare(query: string): (Stmt | undefined)
+ }
+ interface Tx {
+  /**
+   * StmtContext returns a transaction-specific prepared statement from
+   * an existing statement.
+   * 
+   * Example:
+   *  updateMoney, err := db.Prepare("UPDATE balance SET money=money+? WHERE id=?")
+   *  ...
+   *  tx, err := db.Begin()
+   *  ...
+   *  res, err := tx.StmtContext(ctx, updateMoney).Exec(123.45, 98293203)
+   * 
+   * The provided context is used for the preparation of the statement, not for the
+   * execution of the statement.
+   * 
+   * The returned statement operates within the transaction and will be closed
+   * when the transaction has been committed or rolled back.
+   */
+  stmtContext(ctx: context.Context, stmt: Stmt): (Stmt | undefined)
+ }
+ interface Tx {
+  /**
+   * Stmt returns a transaction-specific prepared statement from
+   * an existing statement.
+   * 
+   * Example:
+   *  updateMoney, err := db.Prepare("UPDATE balance SET money=money+? WHERE id=?")
+   *  ...
+   *  tx, err := db.Begin()
+   *  ...
+   *  res, err := tx.Stmt(updateMoney).Exec(123.45, 98293203)
+   * 
+   * The returned statement operates within the transaction and will be closed
+   * when the transaction has been committed or rolled back.
+   * 
+   * Stmt uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
+   * StmtContext.
+   */
+  stmt(stmt: Stmt): (Stmt | undefined)
+ }
+ interface Tx {
+  /**
+   * ExecContext executes a query that doesn't return rows.
+   * For example: an INSERT and UPDATE.
+   */
+  execContext(ctx: context.Context, query: string, ...args: any[]): Result
+ }
+ interface Tx {
+  /**
+   * Exec executes a query that doesn't return rows.
+   * For example: an INSERT and UPDATE.
+   * 
+   * Exec uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
+   * ExecContext.
+   */
+  exec(query: string, ...args: any[]): Result
+ }
+ interface Tx {
+  /**
+   * QueryContext executes a query that returns rows, typically a SELECT.
+   */
+  queryContext(ctx: context.Context, query: string, ...args: any[]): (Rows | undefined)
+ }
+ interface Tx {
+  /**
+   * Query executes a query that returns rows, typically a SELECT.
+   * 
+   * Query uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
+   * QueryContext.
+   */
+  query(query: string, ...args: any[]): (Rows | undefined)
+ }
+ interface Tx {
+  /**
+   * QueryRowContext executes a query that is expected to return at most one row.
+   * QueryRowContext always returns a non-nil value. Errors are deferred until
+   * Row's Scan method is called.
+   * If the query selects no rows, the *Row's Scan will return ErrNoRows.
+   * Otherwise, the *Row's Scan scans the first selected row and discards
+   * the rest.
+   */
+  queryRowContext(ctx: context.Context, query: string, ...args: any[]): (Row | undefined)
+ }
+ interface Tx {
+  /**
+   * QueryRow executes a query that is expected to return at most one row.
+   * QueryRow always returns a non-nil value. Errors are deferred until
+   * Row's Scan method is called.
+   * If the query selects no rows, the *Row's Scan will return ErrNoRows.
+   * Otherwise, the *Row's Scan scans the first selected row and discards
+   * the rest.
+   * 
+   * QueryRow uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
+   * QueryRowContext.
+   */
+  queryRow(query: string, ...args: any[]): (Row | undefined)
+ }
+ /**
+  * Stmt is a prepared statement.
+  * A Stmt is safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
+  * 
+  * If a Stmt is prepared on a Tx or Conn, it will be bound to a single
+  * underlying connection forever. If the Tx or Conn closes, the Stmt will
+  * become unusable and all operations will return an error.
+  * If a Stmt is prepared on a DB, it will remain usable for the lifetime of the
+  * DB. When the Stmt needs to execute on a new underlying connection, it will
+  * prepare itself on the new connection automatically.
+  */
+ interface Stmt {
+ }
+ interface Stmt {
+  /**
+   * ExecContext executes a prepared statement with the given arguments and
+   * returns a Result summarizing the effect of the statement.
+   */
+  execContext(ctx: context.Context, ...args: any[]): Result
+ }
+ interface Stmt {
+  /**
+   * Exec executes a prepared statement with the given arguments and
+   * returns a Result summarizing the effect of the statement.
+   * 
+   * Exec uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
+   * ExecContext.
+   */
+  exec(...args: any[]): Result
+ }
+ interface Stmt {
+  /**
+   * QueryContext executes a prepared query statement with the given arguments
+   * and returns the query results as a *Rows.
+   */
+  queryContext(ctx: context.Context, ...args: any[]): (Rows | undefined)
+ }
+ interface Stmt {
+  /**
+   * Query executes a prepared query statement with the given arguments
+   * and returns the query results as a *Rows.
+   * 
+   * Query uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
+   * QueryContext.
+   */
+  query(...args: any[]): (Rows | undefined)
+ }
+ interface Stmt {
+  /**
+   * QueryRowContext executes a prepared query statement with the given arguments.
+   * If an error occurs during the execution of the statement, that error will
+   * be returned by a call to Scan on the returned *Row, which is always non-nil.
+   * If the query selects no rows, the *Row's Scan will return ErrNoRows.
+   * Otherwise, the *Row's Scan scans the first selected row and discards
+   * the rest.
+   */
+  queryRowContext(ctx: context.Context, ...args: any[]): (Row | undefined)
+ }
+ interface Stmt {
+  /**
+   * QueryRow executes a prepared query statement with the given arguments.
+   * If an error occurs during the execution of the statement, that error will
+   * be returned by a call to Scan on the returned *Row, which is always non-nil.
+   * If the query selects no rows, the *Row's Scan will return ErrNoRows.
+   * Otherwise, the *Row's Scan scans the first selected row and discards
+   * the rest.
+   * 
+   * Example usage:
+   * 
+   *  var name string
+   *  err := nameByUseridStmt.QueryRow(id).Scan(&name)
+   * 
+   * QueryRow uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
+   * QueryRowContext.
+   */
+  queryRow(...args: any[]): (Row | undefined)
+ }
+ interface Stmt {
+  /**
+   * Close closes the statement.
+   */
+  close(): void
+ }
+ /**
+  * Rows is the result of a query. Its cursor starts before the first row
+  * of the result set. Use Next to advance from row to row.
+  */
+ interface Rows {
+ }
+ interface Rows {
+  /**
+   * Next prepares the next result row for reading with the Scan method. It
+   * returns true on success, or false if there is no next result row or an error
+   * happened while preparing it. Err should be consulted to distinguish between
+   * the two cases.
+   * 
+   * Every call to Scan, even the first one, must be preceded by a call to Next.
+   */
+  next(): boolean
+ }
+ interface Rows {
+  /**
+   * NextResultSet prepares the next result set for reading. It reports whether
+   * there is further result sets, or false if there is no further result set
+   * or if there is an error advancing to it. The Err method should be consulted
+   * to distinguish between the two cases.
+   * 
+   * After calling NextResultSet, the Next method should always be called before
+   * scanning. If there are further result sets they may not have rows in the result
+   * set.
+   */
+  nextResultSet(): boolean
+ }
+ interface Rows {
+  /**
+   * Err returns the error, if any, that was encountered during iteration.
+   * Err may be called after an explicit or implicit Close.
+   */
+  err(): void
+ }
+ interface Rows {
+  /**
+   * Columns returns the column names.
+   * Columns returns an error if the rows are closed.
+   */
+  columns(): Array<string>
+ }
+ interface Rows {
+  /**
+   * ColumnTypes returns column information such as column type, length,
+   * and nullable. Some information may not be available from some drivers.
+   */
+  columnTypes(): Array<(ColumnType | undefined)>
+ }
+ interface Rows {
+  /**
+   * Scan copies the columns in the current row into the values pointed
+   * at by dest. The number of values in dest must be the same as the
+   * number of columns in Rows.
+   * 
+   * Scan converts columns read from the database into the following
+   * common Go types and special types provided by the sql package:
+   * 
+   * ```
+   *    *string
+   *    *[]byte
+   *    *int, *int8, *int16, *int32, *int64
+   *    *uint, *uint8, *uint16, *uint32, *uint64
+   *    *bool
+   *    *float32, *float64
+   *    *interface{}
+   *    *RawBytes
+   *    *Rows (cursor value)
+   *    any type implementing Scanner (see Scanner docs)
+   * ```
+   * 
+   * In the most simple case, if the type of the value from the source
+   * column is an integer, bool or string type T and dest is of type *T,
+   * Scan simply assigns the value through the pointer.
+   * 
+   * Scan also converts between string and numeric types, as long as no
+   * information would be lost. While Scan stringifies all numbers
+   * scanned from numeric database columns into *string, scans into
+   * numeric types are checked for overflow. For example, a float64 with
+   * value 300 or a string with value "300" can scan into a uint16, but
+   * not into a uint8, though float64(255) or "255" can scan into a
+   * uint8. One exception is that scans of some float64 numbers to
+   * strings may lose information when stringifying. In general, scan
+   * floating point columns into *float64.
+   * 
+   * If a dest argument has type *[]byte, Scan saves in that argument a
+   * copy of the corresponding data. The copy is owned by the caller and
+   * can be modified and held indefinitely. The copy can be avoided by
+   * using an argument of type *RawBytes instead; see the documentation
+   * for RawBytes for restrictions on its use.
+   * 
+   * If an argument has type *interface{}, Scan copies the value
+   * provided by the underlying driver without conversion. When scanning
+   * from a source value of type []byte to *interface{}, a copy of the
+   * slice is made and the caller owns the result.
+   * 
+   * Source values of type time.Time may be scanned into values of type
+   * *time.Time, *interface{}, *string, or *[]byte. When converting to
+   * the latter two, time.RFC3339Nano is used.
+   * 
+   * Source values of type bool may be scanned into types *bool,
+   * *interface{}, *string, *[]byte, or *RawBytes.
+   * 
+   * For scanning into *bool, the source may be true, false, 1, 0, or
+   * string inputs parseable by strconv.ParseBool.
+   * 
+   * Scan can also convert a cursor returned from a query, such as
+   * "select cursor(select * from my_table) from dual", into a
+   * *Rows value that can itself be scanned from. The parent
+   * select query will close any cursor *Rows if the parent *Rows is closed.
+   * 
+   * If any of the first arguments implementing Scanner returns an error,
+   * that error will be wrapped in the returned error
+   */
+  scan(...dest: any[]): void
+ }
+ interface Rows {
+  /**
+   * Close closes the Rows, preventing further enumeration. If Next is called
+   * and returns false and there are no further result sets,
+   * the Rows are closed automatically and it will suffice to check the
+   * result of Err. Close is idempotent and does not affect the result of Err.
+   */
+  close(): void
+ }
+ /**
+  * A Result summarizes an executed SQL command.
+  */
+ interface Result {
+  /**
+   * LastInsertId returns the integer generated by the database
+   * in response to a command. Typically this will be from an
+   * "auto increment" column when inserting a new row. Not all
+   * databases support this feature, and the syntax of such
+   * statements varies.
+   */
+  lastInsertId(): number
+  /**
+   * RowsAffected returns the number of rows affected by an
+   * update, insert, or delete. Not every database or database
+   * driver may support this.
+   */
+  rowsAffected(): number
+ }
+ * Package bytes implements functions for the manipulation of byte slices.
+ * It is analogous to the facilities of the strings package.
+ */
+namespace bytes {
+ /**
+  * A Reader implements the io.Reader, io.ReaderAt, io.WriterTo, io.Seeker,
+  * io.ByteScanner, and io.RuneScanner interfaces by reading from
+  * a byte slice.
+  * Unlike a Buffer, a Reader is read-only and supports seeking.
+  * The zero value for Reader operates like a Reader of an empty slice.
+  */
+ interface Reader {
+ }
+ interface Reader {
+  /**
+   * Len returns the number of bytes of the unread portion of the
+   * slice.
+   */
+  len(): number
+ }
+ interface Reader {
+  /**
+   * Size returns the original length of the underlying byte slice.
+   * Size is the number of bytes available for reading via ReadAt.
+   * The returned value is always the same and is not affected by calls
+   * to any other method.
+   */
+  size(): number
+ }
+ interface Reader {
+  /**
+   * Read implements the io.Reader interface.
+   */
+  read(b: string): number
+ }
+ interface Reader {
+  /**
+   * ReadAt implements the io.ReaderAt interface.
+   */
+  readAt(b: string, off: number): number
+ }
+ interface Reader {
+  /**
+   * ReadByte implements the io.ByteReader interface.
+   */
+  readByte(): string
+ }
+ interface Reader {
+  /**
+   * UnreadByte complements ReadByte in implementing the io.ByteScanner interface.
+   */
+  unreadByte(): void
+ }
+ interface Reader {
+  /**
+   * ReadRune implements the io.RuneReader interface.
+   */
+  readRune(): [string, number]
+ }
+ interface Reader {
+  /**
+   * UnreadRune complements ReadRune in implementing the io.RuneScanner interface.
+   */
+  unreadRune(): void
+ }
+ interface Reader {
+  /**
+   * Seek implements the io.Seeker interface.
+   */
+  seek(offset: number, whence: number): number
+ }
+ interface Reader {
+  /**
+   * WriteTo implements the io.WriterTo interface.
+   */
+  writeTo(w: io.Writer): number
+ }
+ interface Reader {
+  /**
+   * Reset resets the Reader to be reading from b.
+   */
+  reset(b: string): void
@@ -6017,115 +6594,6 @@ namespace http {
-namespace auth {
- /**
-  * AuthUser defines a standardized oauth2 user data structure.
-  */
- interface AuthUser {
-  id: string
-  name: string
-  username: string
-  email: string
-  avatarUrl: string
-  rawUser: _TygojaDict
-  accessToken: string
-  refreshToken: string
- }
- /**
-  * Provider defines a common interface for an OAuth2 client.
-  */
- interface Provider {
-  /**
-   * Scopes returns the context associated with the provider (if any).
-   */
-  context(): context.Context
-  /**
-   * SetContext assigns the specified context to the current provider.
-   */
-  setContext(ctx: context.Context): void
-  /**
-   * Scopes returns the provider access permissions that will be requested.
-   */
-  scopes(): Array<string>
-  /**
-   * SetScopes sets the provider access permissions that will be requested later.
-   */
-  setScopes(scopes: Array<string>): void
-  /**
-   * ClientId returns the provider client's app ID.
-   */
-  clientId(): string
-  /**
-   * SetClientId sets the provider client's ID.
-   */
-  setClientId(clientId: string): void
-  /**
-   * ClientSecret returns the provider client's app secret.
-   */
-  clientSecret(): string
-  /**
-   * SetClientSecret sets the provider client's app secret.
-   */
-  setClientSecret(secret: string): void
-  /**
-   * RedirectUrl returns the end address to redirect the user
-   * going through the OAuth flow.
-   */
-  redirectUrl(): string
-  /**
-   * SetRedirectUrl sets the provider's RedirectUrl.
-   */
-  setRedirectUrl(url: string): void
-  /**
-   * AuthUrl returns the provider's authorization service url.
-   */
-  authUrl(): string
-  /**
-   * SetAuthUrl sets the provider's AuthUrl.
-   */
-  setAuthUrl(url: string): void
-  /**
-   * TokenUrl returns the provider's token exchange service url.
-   */
-  tokenUrl(): string
-  /**
-   * SetTokenUrl sets the provider's TokenUrl.
-   */
-  setTokenUrl(url: string): void
-  /**
-   * UserApiUrl returns the provider's user info api url.
-   */
-  userApiUrl(): string
-  /**
-   * SetUserApiUrl sets the provider's UserApiUrl.
-   */
-  setUserApiUrl(url: string): void
-  /**
-   * Client returns an http client using the provided token.
-   */
-  client(token: oauth2.Token): (http.Client | undefined)
-  /**
-   * BuildAuthUrl returns a URL to the provider's consent page
-   * that asks for permissions for the required scopes explicitly.
-   */
-  buildAuthUrl(state: string, ...opts: oauth2.AuthCodeOption[]): string
-  /**
-   * FetchToken converts an authorization code to token.
-   */
-  fetchToken(code: string, ...opts: oauth2.AuthCodeOption[]): (oauth2.Token | undefined)
-  /**
-   * FetchRawUserData requests and marshalizes into `result` the
-   * the OAuth user api response.
-   */
-  fetchRawUserData(token: oauth2.Token): string
-  /**
-   * FetchAuthUser is similar to FetchRawUserData, but normalizes and
-   * marshalizes the user api response into a standardized AuthUser struct.
-   */
-  fetchAuthUser(token: oauth2.Token): (AuthUser | undefined)
- }
  * Package echo implements high performance, minimalist Go web framework.
@@ -6680,6 +7148,63 @@ namespace echo {
+ * Package jwt is a Go implementation of JSON Web Tokens: http://self-issued.info/docs/draft-jones-json-web-token.html
+ * 
+ * See README.md for more info.
+ */
+namespace jwt {
+ /**
+  * MapClaims is a claims type that uses the map[string]interface{} for JSON decoding.
+  * This is the default claims type if you don't supply one
+  */
+ interface MapClaims extends _TygojaDict{}
+ interface MapClaims {
+  /**
+   * VerifyAudience Compares the aud claim against cmp.
+   * If required is false, this method will return true if the value matches or is unset
+   */
+  verifyAudience(cmp: string, req: boolean): boolean
+ }
+ interface MapClaims {
+  /**
+   * VerifyExpiresAt compares the exp claim against cmp (cmp <= exp).
+   * If req is false, it will return true, if exp is unset.
+   */
+  verifyExpiresAt(cmp: number, req: boolean): boolean
+ }
+ interface MapClaims {
+  /**
+   * VerifyIssuedAt compares the exp claim against cmp (cmp >= iat).
+   * If req is false, it will return true, if iat is unset.
+   */
+  verifyIssuedAt(cmp: number, req: boolean): boolean
+ }
+ interface MapClaims {
+  /**
+   * VerifyNotBefore compares the nbf claim against cmp (cmp >= nbf).
+   * If req is false, it will return true, if nbf is unset.
+   */
+  verifyNotBefore(cmp: number, req: boolean): boolean
+ }
+ interface MapClaims {
+  /**
+   * VerifyIssuer compares the iss claim against cmp.
+   * If required is false, this method will return true if the value matches or is unset
+   */
+  verifyIssuer(cmp: string, req: boolean): boolean
+ }
+ interface MapClaims {
+  /**
+   * Valid validates time based claims "exp, iat, nbf".
+   * There is no accounting for clock skew.
+   * As well, if any of the above claims are not in the token, it will still
+   * be considered a valid claim.
+   */
+  valid(): void
+ }
  * Package blob provides an easy and portable way to interact with blobs
  * within a storage location. Subpackages contain driver implementations of
@@ -6908,640 +7433,6 @@ namespace blob {
- * Package sql provides a generic interface around SQL (or SQL-like)
- * databases.
- * 
- * The sql package must be used in conjunction with a database driver.
- * See https://golang.org/s/sqldrivers for a list of drivers.
- * 
- * Drivers that do not support context cancellation will not return until
- * after the query is completed.
- * 
- * For usage examples, see the wiki page at
- * https://golang.org/s/sqlwiki.
- */
-namespace sql {
- /**
-  * TxOptions holds the transaction options to be used in DB.BeginTx.
-  */
- interface TxOptions {
-  /**
-   * Isolation is the transaction isolation level.
-   * If zero, the driver or database's default level is used.
-   */
-  isolation: IsolationLevel
-  readOnly: boolean
- }
- /**
-  * DB is a database handle representing a pool of zero or more
-  * underlying connections. It's safe for concurrent use by multiple
-  * goroutines.
-  * 
-  * The sql package creates and frees connections automatically; it
-  * also maintains a free pool of idle connections. If the database has
-  * a concept of per-connection state, such state can be reliably observed
-  * within a transaction (Tx) or connection (Conn). Once DB.Begin is called, the
-  * returned Tx is bound to a single connection. Once Commit or
-  * Rollback is called on the transaction, that transaction's
-  * connection is returned to DB's idle connection pool. The pool size
-  * can be controlled with SetMaxIdleConns.
-  */
- interface DB {
- }
- interface DB {
-  /**
-   * PingContext verifies a connection to the database is still alive,
-   * establishing a connection if necessary.
-   */
-  pingContext(ctx: context.Context): void
- }
- interface DB {
-  /**
-   * Ping verifies a connection to the database is still alive,
-   * establishing a connection if necessary.
-   * 
-   * Ping uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
-   * PingContext.
-   */
-  ping(): void
- }
- interface DB {
-  /**
-   * Close closes the database and prevents new queries from starting.
-   * Close then waits for all queries that have started processing on the server
-   * to finish.
-   * 
-   * It is rare to Close a DB, as the DB handle is meant to be
-   * long-lived and shared between many goroutines.
-   */
-  close(): void
- }
- interface DB {
-  /**
-   * SetMaxIdleConns sets the maximum number of connections in the idle
-   * connection pool.
-   * 
-   * If MaxOpenConns is greater than 0 but less than the new MaxIdleConns,
-   * then the new MaxIdleConns will be reduced to match the MaxOpenConns limit.
-   * 
-   * If n <= 0, no idle connections are retained.
-   * 
-   * The default max idle connections is currently 2. This may change in
-   * a future release.
-   */
-  setMaxIdleConns(n: number): void
- }
- interface DB {
-  /**
-   * SetMaxOpenConns sets the maximum number of open connections to the database.
-   * 
-   * If MaxIdleConns is greater than 0 and the new MaxOpenConns is less than
-   * MaxIdleConns, then MaxIdleConns will be reduced to match the new
-   * MaxOpenConns limit.
-   * 
-   * If n <= 0, then there is no limit on the number of open connections.
-   * The default is 0 (unlimited).
-   */
-  setMaxOpenConns(n: number): void
- }
- interface DB {
-  /**
-   * SetConnMaxLifetime sets the maximum amount of time a connection may be reused.
-   * 
-   * Expired connections may be closed lazily before reuse.
-   * 
-   * If d <= 0, connections are not closed due to a connection's age.
-   */
-  setConnMaxLifetime(d: time.Duration): void
- }
- interface DB {
-  /**
-   * SetConnMaxIdleTime sets the maximum amount of time a connection may be idle.
-   * 
-   * Expired connections may be closed lazily before reuse.
-   * 
-   * If d <= 0, connections are not closed due to a connection's idle time.
-   */
-  setConnMaxIdleTime(d: time.Duration): void
- }
- interface DB {
-  /**
-   * Stats returns database statistics.
-   */
-  stats(): DBStats
- }
- interface DB {
-  /**
-   * PrepareContext creates a prepared statement for later queries or executions.
-   * Multiple queries or executions may be run concurrently from the
-   * returned statement.
-   * The caller must call the statement's Close method
-   * when the statement is no longer needed.
-   * 
-   * The provided context is used for the preparation of the statement, not for the
-   * execution of the statement.
-   */
-  prepareContext(ctx: context.Context, query: string): (Stmt | undefined)
- }
- interface DB {
-  /**
-   * Prepare creates a prepared statement for later queries or executions.
-   * Multiple queries or executions may be run concurrently from the
-   * returned statement.
-   * The caller must call the statement's Close method
-   * when the statement is no longer needed.
-   * 
-   * Prepare uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
-   * PrepareContext.
-   */
-  prepare(query: string): (Stmt | undefined)
- }
- interface DB {
-  /**
-   * ExecContext executes a query without returning any rows.
-   * The args are for any placeholder parameters in the query.
-   */
-  execContext(ctx: context.Context, query: string, ...args: any[]): Result
- }
- interface DB {
-  /**
-   * Exec executes a query without returning any rows.
-   * The args are for any placeholder parameters in the query.
-   * 
-   * Exec uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
-   * ExecContext.
-   */
-  exec(query: string, ...args: any[]): Result
- }
- interface DB {
-  /**
-   * QueryContext executes a query that returns rows, typically a SELECT.
-   * The args are for any placeholder parameters in the query.
-   */
-  queryContext(ctx: context.Context, query: string, ...args: any[]): (Rows | undefined)
- }
- interface DB {
-  /**
-   * Query executes a query that returns rows, typically a SELECT.
-   * The args are for any placeholder parameters in the query.
-   * 
-   * Query uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
-   * QueryContext.
-   */
-  query(query: string, ...args: any[]): (Rows | undefined)
- }
- interface DB {
-  /**
-   * QueryRowContext executes a query that is expected to return at most one row.
-   * QueryRowContext always returns a non-nil value. Errors are deferred until
-   * Row's Scan method is called.
-   * If the query selects no rows, the *Row's Scan will return ErrNoRows.
-   * Otherwise, the *Row's Scan scans the first selected row and discards
-   * the rest.
-   */
-  queryRowContext(ctx: context.Context, query: string, ...args: any[]): (Row | undefined)
- }
- interface DB {
-  /**
-   * QueryRow executes a query that is expected to return at most one row.
-   * QueryRow always returns a non-nil value. Errors are deferred until
-   * Row's Scan method is called.
-   * If the query selects no rows, the *Row's Scan will return ErrNoRows.
-   * Otherwise, the *Row's Scan scans the first selected row and discards
-   * the rest.
-   * 
-   * QueryRow uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
-   * QueryRowContext.
-   */
-  queryRow(query: string, ...args: any[]): (Row | undefined)
- }
- interface DB {
-  /**
-   * BeginTx starts a transaction.
-   * 
-   * The provided context is used until the transaction is committed or rolled back.
-   * If the context is canceled, the sql package will roll back
-   * the transaction. Tx.Commit will return an error if the context provided to
-   * BeginTx is canceled.
-   * 
-   * The provided TxOptions is optional and may be nil if defaults should be used.
-   * If a non-default isolation level is used that the driver doesn't support,
-   * an error will be returned.
-   */
-  beginTx(ctx: context.Context, opts: TxOptions): (Tx | undefined)
- }
- interface DB {
-  /**
-   * Begin starts a transaction. The default isolation level is dependent on
-   * the driver.
-   * 
-   * Begin uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
-   * BeginTx.
-   */
-  begin(): (Tx | undefined)
- }
- interface DB {
-  /**
-   * Driver returns the database's underlying driver.
-   */
-  driver(): driver.Driver
- }
- interface DB {
-  /**
-   * Conn returns a single connection by either opening a new connection
-   * or returning an existing connection from the connection pool. Conn will
-   * block until either a connection is returned or ctx is canceled.
-   * Queries run on the same Conn will be run in the same database session.
-   * 
-   * Every Conn must be returned to the database pool after use by
-   * calling Conn.Close.
-   */
-  conn(ctx: context.Context): (Conn | undefined)
- }
- /**
-  * Tx is an in-progress database transaction.
-  * 
-  * A transaction must end with a call to Commit or Rollback.
-  * 
-  * After a call to Commit or Rollback, all operations on the
-  * transaction fail with ErrTxDone.
-  * 
-  * The statements prepared for a transaction by calling
-  * the transaction's Prepare or Stmt methods are closed
-  * by the call to Commit or Rollback.
-  */
- interface Tx {
- }
- interface Tx {
-  /**
-   * Commit commits the transaction.
-   */
-  commit(): void
- }
- interface Tx {
-  /**
-   * Rollback aborts the transaction.
-   */
-  rollback(): void
- }
- interface Tx {
-  /**
-   * PrepareContext creates a prepared statement for use within a transaction.
-   * 
-   * The returned statement operates within the transaction and will be closed
-   * when the transaction has been committed or rolled back.
-   * 
-   * To use an existing prepared statement on this transaction, see Tx.Stmt.
-   * 
-   * The provided context will be used for the preparation of the context, not
-   * for the execution of the returned statement. The returned statement
-   * will run in the transaction context.
-   */
-  prepareContext(ctx: context.Context, query: string): (Stmt | undefined)
- }
- interface Tx {
-  /**
-   * Prepare creates a prepared statement for use within a transaction.
-   * 
-   * The returned statement operates within the transaction and will be closed
-   * when the transaction has been committed or rolled back.
-   * 
-   * To use an existing prepared statement on this transaction, see Tx.Stmt.
-   * 
-   * Prepare uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
-   * PrepareContext.
-   */
-  prepare(query: string): (Stmt | undefined)
- }
- interface Tx {
-  /**
-   * StmtContext returns a transaction-specific prepared statement from
-   * an existing statement.
-   * 
-   * Example:
-   *  updateMoney, err := db.Prepare("UPDATE balance SET money=money+? WHERE id=?")
-   *  ...
-   *  tx, err := db.Begin()
-   *  ...
-   *  res, err := tx.StmtContext(ctx, updateMoney).Exec(123.45, 98293203)
-   * 
-   * The provided context is used for the preparation of the statement, not for the
-   * execution of the statement.
-   * 
-   * The returned statement operates within the transaction and will be closed
-   * when the transaction has been committed or rolled back.
-   */
-  stmtContext(ctx: context.Context, stmt: Stmt): (Stmt | undefined)
- }
- interface Tx {
-  /**
-   * Stmt returns a transaction-specific prepared statement from
-   * an existing statement.
-   * 
-   * Example:
-   *  updateMoney, err := db.Prepare("UPDATE balance SET money=money+? WHERE id=?")
-   *  ...
-   *  tx, err := db.Begin()
-   *  ...
-   *  res, err := tx.Stmt(updateMoney).Exec(123.45, 98293203)
-   * 
-   * The returned statement operates within the transaction and will be closed
-   * when the transaction has been committed or rolled back.
-   * 
-   * Stmt uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
-   * StmtContext.
-   */
-  stmt(stmt: Stmt): (Stmt | undefined)
- }
- interface Tx {
-  /**
-   * ExecContext executes a query that doesn't return rows.
-   * For example: an INSERT and UPDATE.
-   */
-  execContext(ctx: context.Context, query: string, ...args: any[]): Result
- }
- interface Tx {
-  /**
-   * Exec executes a query that doesn't return rows.
-   * For example: an INSERT and UPDATE.
-   * 
-   * Exec uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
-   * ExecContext.
-   */
-  exec(query: string, ...args: any[]): Result
- }
- interface Tx {
-  /**
-   * QueryContext executes a query that returns rows, typically a SELECT.
-   */
-  queryContext(ctx: context.Context, query: string, ...args: any[]): (Rows | undefined)
- }
- interface Tx {
-  /**
-   * Query executes a query that returns rows, typically a SELECT.
-   * 
-   * Query uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
-   * QueryContext.
-   */
-  query(query: string, ...args: any[]): (Rows | undefined)
- }
- interface Tx {
-  /**
-   * QueryRowContext executes a query that is expected to return at most one row.
-   * QueryRowContext always returns a non-nil value. Errors are deferred until
-   * Row's Scan method is called.
-   * If the query selects no rows, the *Row's Scan will return ErrNoRows.
-   * Otherwise, the *Row's Scan scans the first selected row and discards
-   * the rest.
-   */
-  queryRowContext(ctx: context.Context, query: string, ...args: any[]): (Row | undefined)
- }
- interface Tx {
-  /**
-   * QueryRow executes a query that is expected to return at most one row.
-   * QueryRow always returns a non-nil value. Errors are deferred until
-   * Row's Scan method is called.
-   * If the query selects no rows, the *Row's Scan will return ErrNoRows.
-   * Otherwise, the *Row's Scan scans the first selected row and discards
-   * the rest.
-   * 
-   * QueryRow uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
-   * QueryRowContext.
-   */
-  queryRow(query: string, ...args: any[]): (Row | undefined)
- }
- /**
-  * Stmt is a prepared statement.
-  * A Stmt is safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
-  * 
-  * If a Stmt is prepared on a Tx or Conn, it will be bound to a single
-  * underlying connection forever. If the Tx or Conn closes, the Stmt will
-  * become unusable and all operations will return an error.
-  * If a Stmt is prepared on a DB, it will remain usable for the lifetime of the
-  * DB. When the Stmt needs to execute on a new underlying connection, it will
-  * prepare itself on the new connection automatically.
-  */
- interface Stmt {
- }
- interface Stmt {
-  /**
-   * ExecContext executes a prepared statement with the given arguments and
-   * returns a Result summarizing the effect of the statement.
-   */
-  execContext(ctx: context.Context, ...args: any[]): Result
- }
- interface Stmt {
-  /**
-   * Exec executes a prepared statement with the given arguments and
-   * returns a Result summarizing the effect of the statement.
-   * 
-   * Exec uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
-   * ExecContext.
-   */
-  exec(...args: any[]): Result
- }
- interface Stmt {
-  /**
-   * QueryContext executes a prepared query statement with the given arguments
-   * and returns the query results as a *Rows.
-   */
-  queryContext(ctx: context.Context, ...args: any[]): (Rows | undefined)
- }
- interface Stmt {
-  /**
-   * Query executes a prepared query statement with the given arguments
-   * and returns the query results as a *Rows.
-   * 
-   * Query uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
-   * QueryContext.
-   */
-  query(...args: any[]): (Rows | undefined)
- }
- interface Stmt {
-  /**
-   * QueryRowContext executes a prepared query statement with the given arguments.
-   * If an error occurs during the execution of the statement, that error will
-   * be returned by a call to Scan on the returned *Row, which is always non-nil.
-   * If the query selects no rows, the *Row's Scan will return ErrNoRows.
-   * Otherwise, the *Row's Scan scans the first selected row and discards
-   * the rest.
-   */
-  queryRowContext(ctx: context.Context, ...args: any[]): (Row | undefined)
- }
- interface Stmt {
-  /**
-   * QueryRow executes a prepared query statement with the given arguments.
-   * If an error occurs during the execution of the statement, that error will
-   * be returned by a call to Scan on the returned *Row, which is always non-nil.
-   * If the query selects no rows, the *Row's Scan will return ErrNoRows.
-   * Otherwise, the *Row's Scan scans the first selected row and discards
-   * the rest.
-   * 
-   * Example usage:
-   * 
-   *  var name string
-   *  err := nameByUseridStmt.QueryRow(id).Scan(&name)
-   * 
-   * QueryRow uses context.Background internally; to specify the context, use
-   * QueryRowContext.
-   */
-  queryRow(...args: any[]): (Row | undefined)
- }
- interface Stmt {
-  /**
-   * Close closes the statement.
-   */
-  close(): void
- }
- /**
-  * Rows is the result of a query. Its cursor starts before the first row
-  * of the result set. Use Next to advance from row to row.
-  */
- interface Rows {
- }
- interface Rows {
-  /**
-   * Next prepares the next result row for reading with the Scan method. It
-   * returns true on success, or false if there is no next result row or an error
-   * happened while preparing it. Err should be consulted to distinguish between
-   * the two cases.
-   * 
-   * Every call to Scan, even the first one, must be preceded by a call to Next.
-   */
-  next(): boolean
- }
- interface Rows {
-  /**
-   * NextResultSet prepares the next result set for reading. It reports whether
-   * there is further result sets, or false if there is no further result set
-   * or if there is an error advancing to it. The Err method should be consulted
-   * to distinguish between the two cases.
-   * 
-   * After calling NextResultSet, the Next method should always be called before
-   * scanning. If there are further result sets they may not have rows in the result
-   * set.
-   */
-  nextResultSet(): boolean
- }
- interface Rows {
-  /**
-   * Err returns the error, if any, that was encountered during iteration.
-   * Err may be called after an explicit or implicit Close.
-   */
-  err(): void
- }
- interface Rows {
-  /**
-   * Columns returns the column names.
-   * Columns returns an error if the rows are closed.
-   */
-  columns(): Array<string>
- }
- interface Rows {
-  /**
-   * ColumnTypes returns column information such as column type, length,
-   * and nullable. Some information may not be available from some drivers.
-   */
-  columnTypes(): Array<(ColumnType | undefined)>
- }
- interface Rows {
-  /**
-   * Scan copies the columns in the current row into the values pointed
-   * at by dest. The number of values in dest must be the same as the
-   * number of columns in Rows.
-   * 
-   * Scan converts columns read from the database into the following
-   * common Go types and special types provided by the sql package:
-   * 
-   * ```
-   *    *string
-   *    *[]byte
-   *    *int, *int8, *int16, *int32, *int64
-   *    *uint, *uint8, *uint16, *uint32, *uint64
-   *    *bool
-   *    *float32, *float64
-   *    *interface{}
-   *    *RawBytes
-   *    *Rows (cursor value)
-   *    any type implementing Scanner (see Scanner docs)
-   * ```
-   * 
-   * In the most simple case, if the type of the value from the source
-   * column is an integer, bool or string type T and dest is of type *T,
-   * Scan simply assigns the value through the pointer.
-   * 
-   * Scan also converts between string and numeric types, as long as no
-   * information would be lost. While Scan stringifies all numbers
-   * scanned from numeric database columns into *string, scans into
-   * numeric types are checked for overflow. For example, a float64 with
-   * value 300 or a string with value "300" can scan into a uint16, but
-   * not into a uint8, though float64(255) or "255" can scan into a
-   * uint8. One exception is that scans of some float64 numbers to
-   * strings may lose information when stringifying. In general, scan
-   * floating point columns into *float64.
-   * 
-   * If a dest argument has type *[]byte, Scan saves in that argument a
-   * copy of the corresponding data. The copy is owned by the caller and
-   * can be modified and held indefinitely. The copy can be avoided by
-   * using an argument of type *RawBytes instead; see the documentation
-   * for RawBytes for restrictions on its use.
-   * 
-   * If an argument has type *interface{}, Scan copies the value
-   * provided by the underlying driver without conversion. When scanning
-   * from a source value of type []byte to *interface{}, a copy of the
-   * slice is made and the caller owns the result.
-   * 
-   * Source values of type time.Time may be scanned into values of type
-   * *time.Time, *interface{}, *string, or *[]byte. When converting to
-   * the latter two, time.RFC3339Nano is used.
-   * 
-   * Source values of type bool may be scanned into types *bool,
-   * *interface{}, *string, *[]byte, or *RawBytes.
-   * 
-   * For scanning into *bool, the source may be true, false, 1, 0, or
-   * string inputs parseable by strconv.ParseBool.
-   * 
-   * Scan can also convert a cursor returned from a query, such as
-   * "select cursor(select * from my_table) from dual", into a
-   * *Rows value that can itself be scanned from. The parent
-   * select query will close any cursor *Rows if the parent *Rows is closed.
-   * 
-   * If any of the first arguments implementing Scanner returns an error,
-   * that error will be wrapped in the returned error
-   */
-  scan(...dest: any[]): void
- }
- interface Rows {
-  /**
-   * Close closes the Rows, preventing further enumeration. If Next is called
-   * and returns false and there are no further result sets,
-   * the Rows are closed automatically and it will suffice to check the
-   * result of Err. Close is idempotent and does not affect the result of Err.
-   */
-  close(): void
- }
- /**
-  * A Result summarizes an executed SQL command.
-  */
- interface Result {
-  /**
-   * LastInsertId returns the integer generated by the database
-   * in response to a command. Typically this will be from an
-   * "auto increment" column when inserting a new row. Not all
-   * databases support this feature, and the syntax of such
-   * statements varies.
-   */
-  lastInsertId(): number
-  /**
-   * RowsAffected returns the number of rows affected by an
-   * update, insert, or delete. Not every database or database
-   * driver may support this.
-   */
-  rowsAffected(): number
- }
  * Package types implements some commonly used db serializable types
  * like datetime, json, etc.
@@ -7613,116 +7504,6 @@ namespace types {
-namespace settings {
- // @ts-ignore
- import validation = ozzo_validation
- /**
-  * Settings defines common app configuration options.
-  */
- interface Settings {
-  meta: MetaConfig
-  logs: LogsConfig
-  smtp: SmtpConfig
-  s3: S3Config
-  backups: BackupsConfig
-  adminAuthToken: TokenConfig
-  adminPasswordResetToken: TokenConfig
-  adminFileToken: TokenConfig
-  recordAuthToken: TokenConfig
-  recordPasswordResetToken: TokenConfig
-  recordEmailChangeToken: TokenConfig
-  recordVerificationToken: TokenConfig
-  recordFileToken: TokenConfig
-  /**
-   * Deprecated: Will be removed in v0.9+
-   */
-  emailAuth: EmailAuthConfig
-  googleAuth: AuthProviderConfig
-  facebookAuth: AuthProviderConfig
-  githubAuth: AuthProviderConfig
-  gitlabAuth: AuthProviderConfig
-  discordAuth: AuthProviderConfig
-  twitterAuth: AuthProviderConfig
-  microsoftAuth: AuthProviderConfig
-  spotifyAuth: AuthProviderConfig
-  kakaoAuth: AuthProviderConfig
-  twitchAuth: AuthProviderConfig
-  stravaAuth: AuthProviderConfig
-  giteeAuth: AuthProviderConfig
-  livechatAuth: AuthProviderConfig
-  giteaAuth: AuthProviderConfig
-  oidcAuth: AuthProviderConfig
-  oidc2Auth: AuthProviderConfig
-  oidc3Auth: AuthProviderConfig
-  appleAuth: AuthProviderConfig
-  instagramAuth: AuthProviderConfig
-  vkAuth: AuthProviderConfig
-  yandexAuth: AuthProviderConfig
- }
- interface Settings {
-  /**
-   * Validate makes Settings validatable by implementing [validation.Validatable] interface.
-   */
-  validate(): void
- }
- interface Settings {
-  /**
-   * Merge merges `other` settings into the current one.
-   */
-  merge(other: Settings): void
- }
- interface Settings {
-  /**
-   * Clone creates a new deep copy of the current settings.
-   */
-  clone(): (Settings | undefined)
- }
- interface Settings {
-  /**
-   * RedactClone creates a new deep copy of the current settings,
-   * while replacing the secret values with `******`.
-   */
-  redactClone(): (Settings | undefined)
- }
- interface Settings {
-  /**
-   * NamedAuthProviderConfigs returns a map with all registered OAuth2
-   * provider configurations (indexed by their name identifier).
-   */
-  namedAuthProviderConfigs(): _TygojaDict
- }
-namespace migrate {
- /**
-  * MigrationsList defines a list with migration definitions
-  */
- interface MigrationsList {
- }
- interface MigrationsList {
-  /**
-   * Item returns a single migration from the list by its index.
-   */
-  item(index: number): (Migration | undefined)
- }
- interface MigrationsList {
-  /**
-   * Items returns the internal migrations list slice.
-   */
-  items(): Array<(Migration | undefined)>
- }
- interface MigrationsList {
-  /**
-   * Register adds new migration definition to the list.
-   * 
-   * If `optFilename` is not provided, it will try to get the name from its .go file.
-   * 
-   * The list will be sorted automatically based on the migrations file name.
-   */
-  register(up: (db: dbx.Builder) => void, down: (db: dbx.Builder) => void, ...optFilename: string[]): void
- }
  * Package schema implements custom Schema and SchemaField datatypes
  * for handling the Collection schema definitions.
@@ -7833,8 +7614,8 @@ namespace schema {
  * Package models implements all PocketBase DB models and DTOs.
 namespace models {
- type _subyDIdo = BaseModel
- interface Admin extends _subyDIdo {
+ type _subLrLQM = BaseModel
+ interface Admin extends _subLrLQM {
   avatar: number
   email: string
   tokenKey: string
@@ -7869,8 +7650,8 @@ namespace models {
  // @ts-ignore
  import validation = ozzo_validation
- type _subRiCQv = BaseModel
- interface Collection extends _subRiCQv {
+ type _subgUvDe = BaseModel
+ interface Collection extends _subgUvDe {
   name: string
   type: string
   system: boolean
@@ -7963,8 +7744,8 @@ namespace models {
   setOptions(typedOptions: any): void
- type _subFLVQG = BaseModel
- interface ExternalAuth extends _subFLVQG {
+ type _subjXWqu = BaseModel
+ interface ExternalAuth extends _subjXWqu {
   collectionId: string
   recordId: string
   provider: string
@@ -7973,8 +7754,8 @@ namespace models {
  interface ExternalAuth {
   tableName(): string
- type _subprLxA = BaseModel
- interface Record extends _subprLxA {
+ type _subjCdil = BaseModel
+ interface Record extends _subjCdil {
  interface Record {
@@ -8371,1040 +8152,192 @@ namespace models {
- * Package cobra is a commander providing a simple interface to create powerful modern CLI interfaces.
- * In addition to providing an interface, Cobra simultaneously provides a controller to organize your application code.
- */
-namespace cobra {
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * GenBashCompletion generates bash completion file and writes to the passed writer.
-   */
-  genBashCompletion(w: io.Writer): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * GenBashCompletionFile generates bash completion file.
-   */
-  genBashCompletionFile(filename: string): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * GenBashCompletionFileV2 generates Bash completion version 2.
-   */
-  genBashCompletionFileV2(filename: string, includeDesc: boolean): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * GenBashCompletionV2 generates Bash completion file version 2
-   * and writes it to the passed writer.
-   */
-  genBashCompletionV2(w: io.Writer, includeDesc: boolean): void
- }
- // @ts-ignore
- import flag = pflag
+namespace auth {
-  * Command is just that, a command for your application.
-  * E.g.  'go run ...' - 'run' is the command. Cobra requires
-  * you to define the usage and description as part of your command
-  * definition to ensure usability.
+  * AuthUser defines a standardized oauth2 user data structure.
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * Use is the one-line usage message.
-   * Recommended syntax is as follows:
-   * ```
-   *   [ ] identifies an optional argument. Arguments that are not enclosed in brackets are required.
-   *   ... indicates that you can specify multiple values for the previous argument.
-   *   |   indicates mutually exclusive information. You can use the argument to the left of the separator or the
-   *       argument to the right of the separator. You cannot use both arguments in a single use of the command.
-   *   { } delimits a set of mutually exclusive arguments when one of the arguments is required. If the arguments are
-   *       optional, they are enclosed in brackets ([ ]).
-   * ```
-   * Example: add [-F file | -D dir]... [-f format] profile
-   */
-  use: string
-  /**
-   * Aliases is an array of aliases that can be used instead of the first word in Use.
-   */
-  aliases: Array<string>
-  /**
-   * SuggestFor is an array of command names for which this command will be suggested -
-   * similar to aliases but only suggests.
-   */
-  suggestFor: Array<string>
-  /**
-   * Short is the short description shown in the 'help' output.
-   */
-  short: string
-  /**
-   * The group id under which this subcommand is grouped in the 'help' output of its parent.
-   */
-  groupID: string
-  /**
-   * Long is the long message shown in the 'help <this-command>' output.
-   */
-  long: string
-  /**
-   * Example is examples of how to use the command.
-   */
-  example: string
-  /**
-   * ValidArgs is list of all valid non-flag arguments that are accepted in shell completions
-   */
-  validArgs: Array<string>
-  /**
-   * ValidArgsFunction is an optional function that provides valid non-flag arguments for shell completion.
-   * It is a dynamic version of using ValidArgs.
-   * Only one of ValidArgs and ValidArgsFunction can be used for a command.
-   */
-  validArgsFunction: (cmd: Command, args: Array<string>, toComplete: string) => [Array<string>, ShellCompDirective]
-  /**
-   * Expected arguments
-   */
-  args: PositionalArgs
-  /**
-   * ArgAliases is List of aliases for ValidArgs.
-   * These are not suggested to the user in the shell completion,
-   * but accepted if entered manually.
-   */
-  argAliases: Array<string>
-  /**
-   * BashCompletionFunction is custom bash functions used by the legacy bash autocompletion generator.
-   * For portability with other shells, it is recommended to instead use ValidArgsFunction
-   */
-  bashCompletionFunction: string
-  /**
-   * Deprecated defines, if this command is deprecated and should print this string when used.
-   */
-  deprecated: string
-  /**
-   * Annotations are key/value pairs that can be used by applications to identify or
-   * group commands.
-   */
-  annotations: _TygojaDict
-  /**
-   * Version defines the version for this command. If this value is non-empty and the command does not
-   * define a "version" flag, a "version" boolean flag will be added to the command and, if specified,
-   * will print content of the "Version" variable. A shorthand "v" flag will also be added if the
-   * command does not define one.
-   */
-  version: string
-  /**
-   * The *Run functions are executed in the following order:
-   * ```
-   *   * PersistentPreRun()
-   *   * PreRun()
-   *   * Run()
-   *   * PostRun()
-   *   * PersistentPostRun()
-   * ```
-   * All functions get the same args, the arguments after the command name.
-   * 
-   * PersistentPreRun: children of this command will inherit and execute.
-   */
-  persistentPreRun: (cmd: Command, args: Array<string>) => void
-  /**
-   * PersistentPreRunE: PersistentPreRun but returns an error.
-   */
-  persistentPreRunE: (cmd: Command, args: Array<string>) => void
-  /**
-   * PreRun: children of this command will not inherit.
-   */
-  preRun: (cmd: Command, args: Array<string>) => void
-  /**
-   * PreRunE: PreRun but returns an error.
-   */
-  preRunE: (cmd: Command, args: Array<string>) => void
-  /**
-   * Run: Typically the actual work function. Most commands will only implement this.
-   */
-  run: (cmd: Command, args: Array<string>) => void
-  /**
-   * RunE: Run but returns an error.
-   */
-  runE: (cmd: Command, args: Array<string>) => void
-  /**
-   * PostRun: run after the Run command.
-   */
-  postRun: (cmd: Command, args: Array<string>) => void
-  /**
-   * PostRunE: PostRun but returns an error.
-   */
-  postRunE: (cmd: Command, args: Array<string>) => void
-  /**
-   * PersistentPostRun: children of this command will inherit and execute after PostRun.
-   */
-  persistentPostRun: (cmd: Command, args: Array<string>) => void
-  /**
-   * PersistentPostRunE: PersistentPostRun but returns an error.
-   */
-  persistentPostRunE: (cmd: Command, args: Array<string>) => void
-  /**
-   * FParseErrWhitelist flag parse errors to be ignored
-   */
-  fParseErrWhitelist: FParseErrWhitelist
-  /**
-   * CompletionOptions is a set of options to control the handling of shell completion
-   */
-  completionOptions: CompletionOptions
-  /**
-   * TraverseChildren parses flags on all parents before executing child command.
-   */
-  traverseChildren: boolean
-  /**
-   * Hidden defines, if this command is hidden and should NOT show up in the list of available commands.
-   */
-  hidden: boolean
-  /**
-   * SilenceErrors is an option to quiet errors down stream.
-   */
-  silenceErrors: boolean
-  /**
-   * SilenceUsage is an option to silence usage when an error occurs.
-   */
-  silenceUsage: boolean
-  /**
-   * DisableFlagParsing disables the flag parsing.
-   * If this is true all flags will be passed to the command as arguments.
-   */
-  disableFlagParsing: boolean
-  /**
-   * DisableAutoGenTag defines, if gen tag ("Auto generated by spf13/cobra...")
-   * will be printed by generating docs for this command.
-   */
-  disableAutoGenTag: boolean
-  /**
-   * DisableFlagsInUseLine will disable the addition of [flags] to the usage
-   * line of a command when printing help or generating docs
-   */
-  disableFlagsInUseLine: boolean
-  /**
-   * DisableSuggestions disables the suggestions based on Levenshtein distance
-   * that go along with 'unknown command' messages.
-   */
-  disableSuggestions: boolean
-  /**
-   * SuggestionsMinimumDistance defines minimum levenshtein distance to display suggestions.
-   * Must be > 0.
-   */
-  suggestionsMinimumDistance: number
+ interface AuthUser {
+  id: string
+  name: string
+  username: string
+  email: string
+  avatarUrl: string
+  rawUser: _TygojaDict
+  accessToken: string
+  refreshToken: string
- interface Command {
+ /**
+  * Provider defines a common interface for an OAuth2 client.
+  */
+ interface Provider {
-   * Context returns underlying command context. If command was executed
-   * with ExecuteContext or the context was set with SetContext, the
-   * previously set context will be returned. Otherwise, nil is returned.
-   * 
-   * Notice that a call to Execute and ExecuteC will replace a nil context of
-   * a command with a context.Background, so a background context will be
-   * returned by Context after one of these functions has been called.
+   * Scopes returns the context associated with the provider (if any).
   context(): context.Context
- }
- interface Command {
-   * SetContext sets context for the command. This context will be overwritten by
-   * Command.ExecuteContext or Command.ExecuteContextC.
+   * SetContext assigns the specified context to the current provider.
   setContext(ctx: context.Context): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * SetArgs sets arguments for the command. It is set to os.Args[1:] by default, if desired, can be overridden
-   * particularly useful when testing.
-   */
-  setArgs(a: Array<string>): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * SetOutput sets the destination for usage and error messages.
-   * If output is nil, os.Stderr is used.
-   * Deprecated: Use SetOut and/or SetErr instead
-   */
-  setOutput(output: io.Writer): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * SetOut sets the destination for usage messages.
-   * If newOut is nil, os.Stdout is used.
-   */
-  setOut(newOut: io.Writer): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * SetErr sets the destination for error messages.
-   * If newErr is nil, os.Stderr is used.
-   */
-  setErr(newErr: io.Writer): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * SetIn sets the source for input data
-   * If newIn is nil, os.Stdin is used.
-   */
-  setIn(newIn: io.Reader): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * SetUsageFunc sets usage function. Usage can be defined by application.
-   */
-  setUsageFunc(f: (_arg0: Command) => void): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * SetUsageTemplate sets usage template. Can be defined by Application.
-   */
-  setUsageTemplate(s: string): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * SetFlagErrorFunc sets a function to generate an error when flag parsing
-   * fails.
-   */
-  setFlagErrorFunc(f: (_arg0: Command, _arg1: Error) => void): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * SetHelpFunc sets help function. Can be defined by Application.
-   */
-  setHelpFunc(f: (_arg0: Command, _arg1: Array<string>) => void): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * SetHelpCommand sets help command.
-   */
-  setHelpCommand(cmd: Command): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * SetHelpCommandGroupID sets the group id of the help command.
-   */
-  setHelpCommandGroupID(groupID: string): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * SetCompletionCommandGroupID sets the group id of the completion command.
-   */
-  setCompletionCommandGroupID(groupID: string): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * SetHelpTemplate sets help template to be used. Application can use it to set custom template.
-   */
-  setHelpTemplate(s: string): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * SetVersionTemplate sets version template to be used. Application can use it to set custom template.
-   */
-  setVersionTemplate(s: string): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * SetGlobalNormalizationFunc sets a normalization function to all flag sets and also to child commands.
-   * The user should not have a cyclic dependency on commands.
-   */
-  setGlobalNormalizationFunc(n: (f: flag.FlagSet, name: string) => flag.NormalizedName): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * OutOrStdout returns output to stdout.
-   */
-  outOrStdout(): io.Writer
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * OutOrStderr returns output to stderr
-   */
-  outOrStderr(): io.Writer
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * ErrOrStderr returns output to stderr
-   */
-  errOrStderr(): io.Writer
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * InOrStdin returns input to stdin
-   */
-  inOrStdin(): io.Reader
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * UsageFunc returns either the function set by SetUsageFunc for this command
-   * or a parent, or it returns a default usage function.
-   */
-  usageFunc(): (_arg0: Command) => void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * Usage puts out the usage for the command.
-   * Used when a user provides invalid input.
-   * Can be defined by user by overriding UsageFunc.
-   */
-  usage(): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * HelpFunc returns either the function set by SetHelpFunc for this command
-   * or a parent, or it returns a function with default help behavior.
-   */
-  helpFunc(): (_arg0: Command, _arg1: Array<string>) => void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * Help puts out the help for the command.
-   * Used when a user calls help [command].
-   * Can be defined by user by overriding HelpFunc.
-   */
-  help(): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * UsageString returns usage string.
-   */
-  usageString(): string
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * FlagErrorFunc returns either the function set by SetFlagErrorFunc for this
-   * command or a parent, or it returns a function which returns the original
-   * error.
-   */
-  flagErrorFunc(): (_arg0: Command, _arg1: Error) => void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * UsagePadding return padding for the usage.
-   */
-  usagePadding(): number
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * CommandPathPadding return padding for the command path.
-   */
-  commandPathPadding(): number
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * NamePadding returns padding for the name.
-   */
-  namePadding(): number
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * UsageTemplate returns usage template for the command.
-   */
-  usageTemplate(): string
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * HelpTemplate return help template for the command.
-   */
-  helpTemplate(): string
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * VersionTemplate return version template for the command.
-   */
-  versionTemplate(): string
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * Find the target command given the args and command tree
-   * Meant to be run on the highest node. Only searches down.
-   */
-  find(args: Array<string>): [(Command | undefined), Array<string>]
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * Traverse the command tree to find the command, and parse args for
-   * each parent.
-   */
-  traverse(args: Array<string>): [(Command | undefined), Array<string>]
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * SuggestionsFor provides suggestions for the typedName.
-   */
-  suggestionsFor(typedName: string): Array<string>
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * VisitParents visits all parents of the command and invokes fn on each parent.
-   */
-  visitParents(fn: (_arg0: Command) => void): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * Root finds root command.
-   */
-  root(): (Command | undefined)
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * ArgsLenAtDash will return the length of c.Flags().Args at the moment
-   * when a -- was found during args parsing.
-   */
-  argsLenAtDash(): number
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * ExecuteContext is the same as Execute(), but sets the ctx on the command.
-   * Retrieve ctx by calling cmd.Context() inside your *Run lifecycle or ValidArgs
-   * functions.
-   */
-  executeContext(ctx: context.Context): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * Execute uses the args (os.Args[1:] by default)
-   * and run through the command tree finding appropriate matches
-   * for commands and then corresponding flags.
-   */
-  execute(): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * ExecuteContextC is the same as ExecuteC(), but sets the ctx on the command.
-   * Retrieve ctx by calling cmd.Context() inside your *Run lifecycle or ValidArgs
-   * functions.
-   */
-  executeContextC(ctx: context.Context): (Command | undefined)
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * ExecuteC executes the command.
-   */
-  executeC(): (Command | undefined)
- }
- interface Command {
-  validateArgs(args: Array<string>): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * ValidateRequiredFlags validates all required flags are present and returns an error otherwise
-   */
-  validateRequiredFlags(): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * InitDefaultHelpFlag adds default help flag to c.
-   * It is called automatically by executing the c or by calling help and usage.
-   * If c already has help flag, it will do nothing.
-   */
-  initDefaultHelpFlag(): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * InitDefaultVersionFlag adds default version flag to c.
-   * It is called automatically by executing the c.
-   * If c already has a version flag, it will do nothing.
-   * If c.Version is empty, it will do nothing.
-   */
-  initDefaultVersionFlag(): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * InitDefaultHelpCmd adds default help command to c.
-   * It is called automatically by executing the c or by calling help and usage.
-   * If c already has help command or c has no subcommands, it will do nothing.
-   */
-  initDefaultHelpCmd(): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * ResetCommands delete parent, subcommand and help command from c.
-   */
-  resetCommands(): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * Commands returns a sorted slice of child commands.
-   */
-  commands(): Array<(Command | undefined)>
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * AddCommand adds one or more commands to this parent command.
-   */
-  addCommand(...cmds: (Command | undefined)[]): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * Groups returns a slice of child command groups.
-   */
-  groups(): Array<(Group | undefined)>
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * AllChildCommandsHaveGroup returns if all subcommands are assigned to a group
-   */
-  allChildCommandsHaveGroup(): boolean
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * ContainsGroup return if groupID exists in the list of command groups.
-   */
-  containsGroup(groupID: string): boolean
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * AddGroup adds one or more command groups to this parent command.
-   */
-  addGroup(...groups: (Group | undefined)[]): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * RemoveCommand removes one or more commands from a parent command.
-   */
-  removeCommand(...cmds: (Command | undefined)[]): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * Print is a convenience method to Print to the defined output, fallback to Stderr if not set.
-   */
-  print(...i: {
-   }[]): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * Println is a convenience method to Println to the defined output, fallback to Stderr if not set.
-   */
-  println(...i: {
-   }[]): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * Printf is a convenience method to Printf to the defined output, fallback to Stderr if not set.
-   */
-  printf(format: string, ...i: {
-   }[]): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * PrintErr is a convenience method to Print to the defined Err output, fallback to Stderr if not set.
-   */
-  printErr(...i: {
-   }[]): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * PrintErrln is a convenience method to Println to the defined Err output, fallback to Stderr if not set.
-   */
-  printErrln(...i: {
-   }[]): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * PrintErrf is a convenience method to Printf to the defined Err output, fallback to Stderr if not set.
-   */
-  printErrf(format: string, ...i: {
-   }[]): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * CommandPath returns the full path to this command.
-   */
-  commandPath(): string
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * UseLine puts out the full usage for a given command (including parents).
-   */
-  useLine(): string
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * DebugFlags used to determine which flags have been assigned to which commands
-   * and which persist.
-   */
-  debugFlags(): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * Name returns the command's name: the first word in the use line.
-   */
-  name(): string
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * HasAlias determines if a given string is an alias of the command.
-   */
-  hasAlias(s: string): boolean
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * CalledAs returns the command name or alias that was used to invoke
-   * this command or an empty string if the command has not been called.
-   */
-  calledAs(): string
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * NameAndAliases returns a list of the command name and all aliases
-   */
-  nameAndAliases(): string
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * HasExample determines if the command has example.
-   */
-  hasExample(): boolean
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * Runnable determines if the command is itself runnable.
-   */
-  runnable(): boolean
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * HasSubCommands determines if the command has children commands.
-   */
-  hasSubCommands(): boolean
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * IsAvailableCommand determines if a command is available as a non-help command
-   * (this includes all non deprecated/hidden commands).
-   */
-  isAvailableCommand(): boolean
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * IsAdditionalHelpTopicCommand determines if a command is an additional
-   * help topic command; additional help topic command is determined by the
-   * fact that it is NOT runnable/hidden/deprecated, and has no sub commands that
-   * are runnable/hidden/deprecated.
-   * Concrete example: https://github.com/spf13/cobra/issues/393#issuecomment-282741924.
-   */
-  isAdditionalHelpTopicCommand(): boolean
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * HasHelpSubCommands determines if a command has any available 'help' sub commands
-   * that need to be shown in the usage/help default template under 'additional help
-   * topics'.
-   */
-  hasHelpSubCommands(): boolean
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * HasAvailableSubCommands determines if a command has available sub commands that
-   * need to be shown in the usage/help default template under 'available commands'.
-   */
-  hasAvailableSubCommands(): boolean
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * HasParent determines if the command is a child command.
-   */
-  hasParent(): boolean
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * GlobalNormalizationFunc returns the global normalization function or nil if it doesn't exist.
-   */
-  globalNormalizationFunc(): (f: flag.FlagSet, name: string) => flag.NormalizedName
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * Flags returns the complete FlagSet that applies
-   * to this command (local and persistent declared here and by all parents).
-   */
-  flags(): (flag.FlagSet | undefined)
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * LocalNonPersistentFlags are flags specific to this command which will NOT persist to subcommands.
-   */
-  localNonPersistentFlags(): (flag.FlagSet | undefined)
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * LocalFlags returns the local FlagSet specifically set in the current command.
-   */
-  localFlags(): (flag.FlagSet | undefined)
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * InheritedFlags returns all flags which were inherited from parent commands.
-   */
-  inheritedFlags(): (flag.FlagSet | undefined)
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * NonInheritedFlags returns all flags which were not inherited from parent commands.
-   */
-  nonInheritedFlags(): (flag.FlagSet | undefined)
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * PersistentFlags returns the persistent FlagSet specifically set in the current command.
-   */
-  persistentFlags(): (flag.FlagSet | undefined)
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * ResetFlags deletes all flags from command.
-   */
-  resetFlags(): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * HasFlags checks if the command contains any flags (local plus persistent from the entire structure).
-   */
-  hasFlags(): boolean
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * HasPersistentFlags checks if the command contains persistent flags.
-   */
-  hasPersistentFlags(): boolean
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * HasLocalFlags checks if the command has flags specifically declared locally.
-   */
-  hasLocalFlags(): boolean
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * HasInheritedFlags checks if the command has flags inherited from its parent command.
-   */
-  hasInheritedFlags(): boolean
- }
- interface Command {
-   * HasAvailableFlags checks if the command contains any flags (local plus persistent from the entire
-   * structure) which are not hidden or deprecated.
+   * Scopes returns the provider access permissions that will be requested.
-  hasAvailableFlags(): boolean
- }
- interface Command {
+  scopes(): Array<string>
-   * HasAvailablePersistentFlags checks if the command contains persistent flags which are not hidden or deprecated.
+   * SetScopes sets the provider access permissions that will be requested later.
-  hasAvailablePersistentFlags(): boolean
- }
- interface Command {
+  setScopes(scopes: Array<string>): void
-   * HasAvailableLocalFlags checks if the command has flags specifically declared locally which are not hidden
-   * or deprecated.
+   * ClientId returns the provider client's app ID.
-  hasAvailableLocalFlags(): boolean
- }
- interface Command {
+  clientId(): string
-   * HasAvailableInheritedFlags checks if the command has flags inherited from its parent command which are
-   * not hidden or deprecated.
+   * SetClientId sets the provider client's ID.
-  hasAvailableInheritedFlags(): boolean
- }
- interface Command {
+  setClientId(clientId: string): void
-   * Flag climbs up the command tree looking for matching flag.
+   * ClientSecret returns the provider client's app secret.
-  flag(name: string): (flag.Flag | undefined)
- }
- interface Command {
+  clientSecret(): string
-   * ParseFlags parses persistent flag tree and local flags.
+   * SetClientSecret sets the provider client's app secret.
-  parseFlags(args: Array<string>): void
- }
- interface Command {
+  setClientSecret(secret: string): void
-   * Parent returns a commands parent command.
+   * RedirectUrl returns the end address to redirect the user
+   * going through the OAuth flow.
-  parent(): (Command | undefined)
- }
- interface Command {
+  redirectUrl(): string
-   * RegisterFlagCompletionFunc should be called to register a function to provide completion for a flag.
+   * SetRedirectUrl sets the provider's RedirectUrl.
-  registerFlagCompletionFunc(flagName: string, f: (cmd: Command, args: Array<string>, toComplete: string) => [Array<string>, ShellCompDirective]): void
- }
- interface Command {
+  setRedirectUrl(url: string): void
-   * InitDefaultCompletionCmd adds a default 'completion' command to c.
-   * This function will do nothing if any of the following is true:
-   * 1- the feature has been explicitly disabled by the program,
-   * 2- c has no subcommands (to avoid creating one),
-   * 3- c already has a 'completion' command provided by the program.
+   * AuthUrl returns the provider's authorization service url.
-  initDefaultCompletionCmd(): void
- }
- interface Command {
+  authUrl(): string
-   * GenFishCompletion generates fish completion file and writes to the passed writer.
+   * SetAuthUrl sets the provider's AuthUrl.
-  genFishCompletion(w: io.Writer, includeDesc: boolean): void
- }
- interface Command {
+  setAuthUrl(url: string): void
-   * GenFishCompletionFile generates fish completion file.
+   * TokenUrl returns the provider's token exchange service url.
-  genFishCompletionFile(filename: string, includeDesc: boolean): void
- }
- interface Command {
+  tokenUrl(): string
-   * MarkFlagsRequiredTogether marks the given flags with annotations so that Cobra errors
-   * if the command is invoked with a subset (but not all) of the given flags.
+   * SetTokenUrl sets the provider's TokenUrl.
-  markFlagsRequiredTogether(...flagNames: string[]): void
- }
- interface Command {
+  setTokenUrl(url: string): void
-   * MarkFlagsMutuallyExclusive marks the given flags with annotations so that Cobra errors
-   * if the command is invoked with more than one flag from the given set of flags.
+   * UserApiUrl returns the provider's user info api url.
-  markFlagsMutuallyExclusive(...flagNames: string[]): void
- }
- interface Command {
+  userApiUrl(): string
-   * ValidateFlagGroups validates the mutuallyExclusive/requiredAsGroup logic and returns the
-   * first error encountered.
+   * SetUserApiUrl sets the provider's UserApiUrl.
-  validateFlagGroups(): void
- }
- interface Command {
+  setUserApiUrl(url: string): void
-   * GenPowerShellCompletionFile generates powershell completion file without descriptions.
+   * Client returns an http client using the provided token.
-  genPowerShellCompletionFile(filename: string): void
- }
- interface Command {
+  client(token: oauth2.Token): (http.Client | undefined)
-   * GenPowerShellCompletion generates powershell completion file without descriptions
-   * and writes it to the passed writer.
+   * BuildAuthUrl returns a URL to the provider's consent page
+   * that asks for permissions for the required scopes explicitly.
-  genPowerShellCompletion(w: io.Writer): void
- }
- interface Command {
+  buildAuthUrl(state: string, ...opts: oauth2.AuthCodeOption[]): string
-   * GenPowerShellCompletionFileWithDesc generates powershell completion file with descriptions.
+   * FetchToken converts an authorization code to token.
-  genPowerShellCompletionFileWithDesc(filename: string): void
- }
- interface Command {
+  fetchToken(code: string, ...opts: oauth2.AuthCodeOption[]): (oauth2.Token | undefined)
-   * GenPowerShellCompletionWithDesc generates powershell completion file with descriptions
-   * and writes it to the passed writer.
+   * FetchRawUserData requests and marshalizes into `result` the
+   * the OAuth user api response.
-  genPowerShellCompletionWithDesc(w: io.Writer): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * MarkFlagRequired instructs the various shell completion implementations to
-   * prioritize the named flag when performing completion,
-   * and causes your command to report an error if invoked without the flag.
-   */
-  markFlagRequired(name: string): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * MarkPersistentFlagRequired instructs the various shell completion implementations to
-   * prioritize the named persistent flag when performing completion,
-   * and causes your command to report an error if invoked without the flag.
-   */
-  markPersistentFlagRequired(name: string): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * MarkFlagFilename instructs the various shell completion implementations to
-   * limit completions for the named flag to the specified file extensions.
-   */
-  markFlagFilename(name: string, ...extensions: string[]): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * MarkFlagCustom adds the BashCompCustom annotation to the named flag, if it exists.
-   * The bash completion script will call the bash function f for the flag.
-   * 
-   * This will only work for bash completion.
-   * It is recommended to instead use c.RegisterFlagCompletionFunc(...) which allows
-   * to register a Go function which will work across all shells.
-   */
-  markFlagCustom(name: string, f: string): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * MarkPersistentFlagFilename instructs the various shell completion
-   * implementations to limit completions for the named persistent flag to the
-   * specified file extensions.
-   */
-  markPersistentFlagFilename(name: string, ...extensions: string[]): void
- }
- interface Command {
-  /**
-   * MarkFlagDirname instructs the various shell completion implementations to
-   * limit completions for the named flag to directory names.
-   */
-  markFlagDirname(name: string): void
- }
- interface Command {
+  fetchRawUserData(token: oauth2.Token): string
-   * MarkPersistentFlagDirname instructs the various shell completion
-   * implementations to limit completions for the named persistent flag to
-   * directory names.
+   * FetchAuthUser is similar to FetchRawUserData, but normalizes and
+   * marshalizes the user api response into a standardized AuthUser struct.
-  markPersistentFlagDirname(name: string): void
+  fetchAuthUser(token: oauth2.Token): (AuthUser | undefined)
- interface Command {
+namespace settings {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ import validation = ozzo_validation
+ /**
+  * Settings defines common app configuration options.
+  */
+ interface Settings {
+  meta: MetaConfig
+  logs: LogsConfig
+  smtp: SmtpConfig
+  s3: S3Config
+  backups: BackupsConfig
+  adminAuthToken: TokenConfig
+  adminPasswordResetToken: TokenConfig
+  adminFileToken: TokenConfig
+  recordAuthToken: TokenConfig
+  recordPasswordResetToken: TokenConfig
+  recordEmailChangeToken: TokenConfig
+  recordVerificationToken: TokenConfig
+  recordFileToken: TokenConfig
-   * GenZshCompletionFile generates zsh completion file including descriptions.
+   * Deprecated: Will be removed in v0.9+
-  genZshCompletionFile(filename: string): void
+  emailAuth: EmailAuthConfig
+  googleAuth: AuthProviderConfig
+  facebookAuth: AuthProviderConfig
+  githubAuth: AuthProviderConfig
+  gitlabAuth: AuthProviderConfig
+  discordAuth: AuthProviderConfig
+  twitterAuth: AuthProviderConfig
+  microsoftAuth: AuthProviderConfig
+  spotifyAuth: AuthProviderConfig
+  kakaoAuth: AuthProviderConfig
+  twitchAuth: AuthProviderConfig
+  stravaAuth: AuthProviderConfig
+  giteeAuth: AuthProviderConfig
+  livechatAuth: AuthProviderConfig
+  giteaAuth: AuthProviderConfig
+  oidcAuth: AuthProviderConfig
+  oidc2Auth: AuthProviderConfig
+  oidc3Auth: AuthProviderConfig
+  appleAuth: AuthProviderConfig
+  instagramAuth: AuthProviderConfig
+  vkAuth: AuthProviderConfig
+  yandexAuth: AuthProviderConfig
- interface Command {
+ interface Settings {
-   * GenZshCompletion generates zsh completion file including descriptions
-   * and writes it to the passed writer.
+   * Validate makes Settings validatable by implementing [validation.Validatable] interface.
-  genZshCompletion(w: io.Writer): void
+  validate(): void
- interface Command {
+ interface Settings {
-   * GenZshCompletionFileNoDesc generates zsh completion file without descriptions.
+   * Merge merges `other` settings into the current one.
-  genZshCompletionFileNoDesc(filename: string): void
+  merge(other: Settings): void
- interface Command {
+ interface Settings {
-   * GenZshCompletionNoDesc generates zsh completion file without descriptions
-   * and writes it to the passed writer.
+   * Clone creates a new deep copy of the current settings.
-  genZshCompletionNoDesc(w: io.Writer): void
+  clone(): (Settings | undefined)
- interface Command {
+ interface Settings {
-   * MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentFile only worked for zsh and its behavior was
-   * not consistent with Bash completion. It has therefore been disabled.
-   * Instead, when no other completion is specified, file completion is done by
-   * default for every argument. One can disable file completion on a per-argument
-   * basis by using ValidArgsFunction and ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp.
-   * To achieve file extension filtering, one can use ValidArgsFunction and
-   * ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt.
-   * 
-   * Deprecated
+   * RedactClone creates a new deep copy of the current settings,
+   * while replacing the secret values with `******`.
-  markZshCompPositionalArgumentFile(argPosition: number, ...patterns: string[]): void
+  redactClone(): (Settings | undefined)
- interface Command {
+ interface Settings {
-   * MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentWords only worked for zsh. It has therefore
-   * been disabled.
-   * To achieve the same behavior across all shells, one can use
-   * ValidArgs (for the first argument only) or ValidArgsFunction for
-   * any argument (can include the first one also).
-   * 
-   * Deprecated
+   * NamedAuthProviderConfigs returns a map with all registered OAuth2
+   * provider configurations (indexed by their name identifier).
-  markZshCompPositionalArgumentWords(argPosition: number, ...words: string[]): void
+  namedAuthProviderConfigs(): _TygojaDict
@@ -10925,6 +9858,1138 @@ namespace core {
+ * Package cobra is a commander providing a simple interface to create powerful modern CLI interfaces.
+ * In addition to providing an interface, Cobra simultaneously provides a controller to organize your application code.
+ */
+namespace cobra {
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * GenBashCompletion generates bash completion file and writes to the passed writer.
+   */
+  genBashCompletion(w: io.Writer): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * GenBashCompletionFile generates bash completion file.
+   */
+  genBashCompletionFile(filename: string): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * GenBashCompletionFileV2 generates Bash completion version 2.
+   */
+  genBashCompletionFileV2(filename: string, includeDesc: boolean): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * GenBashCompletionV2 generates Bash completion file version 2
+   * and writes it to the passed writer.
+   */
+  genBashCompletionV2(w: io.Writer, includeDesc: boolean): void
+ }
+ // @ts-ignore
+ import flag = pflag
+ /**
+  * Command is just that, a command for your application.
+  * E.g.  'go run ...' - 'run' is the command. Cobra requires
+  * you to define the usage and description as part of your command
+  * definition to ensure usability.
+  */
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * Use is the one-line usage message.
+   * Recommended syntax is as follows:
+   * ```
+   *   [ ] identifies an optional argument. Arguments that are not enclosed in brackets are required.
+   *   ... indicates that you can specify multiple values for the previous argument.
+   *   |   indicates mutually exclusive information. You can use the argument to the left of the separator or the
+   *       argument to the right of the separator. You cannot use both arguments in a single use of the command.
+   *   { } delimits a set of mutually exclusive arguments when one of the arguments is required. If the arguments are
+   *       optional, they are enclosed in brackets ([ ]).
+   * ```
+   * Example: add [-F file | -D dir]... [-f format] profile
+   */
+  use: string
+  /**
+   * Aliases is an array of aliases that can be used instead of the first word in Use.
+   */
+  aliases: Array<string>
+  /**
+   * SuggestFor is an array of command names for which this command will be suggested -
+   * similar to aliases but only suggests.
+   */
+  suggestFor: Array<string>
+  /**
+   * Short is the short description shown in the 'help' output.
+   */
+  short: string
+  /**
+   * The group id under which this subcommand is grouped in the 'help' output of its parent.
+   */
+  groupID: string
+  /**
+   * Long is the long message shown in the 'help <this-command>' output.
+   */
+  long: string
+  /**
+   * Example is examples of how to use the command.
+   */
+  example: string
+  /**
+   * ValidArgs is list of all valid non-flag arguments that are accepted in shell completions
+   */
+  validArgs: Array<string>
+  /**
+   * ValidArgsFunction is an optional function that provides valid non-flag arguments for shell completion.
+   * It is a dynamic version of using ValidArgs.
+   * Only one of ValidArgs and ValidArgsFunction can be used for a command.
+   */
+  validArgsFunction: (cmd: Command, args: Array<string>, toComplete: string) => [Array<string>, ShellCompDirective]
+  /**
+   * Expected arguments
+   */
+  args: PositionalArgs
+  /**
+   * ArgAliases is List of aliases for ValidArgs.
+   * These are not suggested to the user in the shell completion,
+   * but accepted if entered manually.
+   */
+  argAliases: Array<string>
+  /**
+   * BashCompletionFunction is custom bash functions used by the legacy bash autocompletion generator.
+   * For portability with other shells, it is recommended to instead use ValidArgsFunction
+   */
+  bashCompletionFunction: string
+  /**
+   * Deprecated defines, if this command is deprecated and should print this string when used.
+   */
+  deprecated: string
+  /**
+   * Annotations are key/value pairs that can be used by applications to identify or
+   * group commands.
+   */
+  annotations: _TygojaDict
+  /**
+   * Version defines the version for this command. If this value is non-empty and the command does not
+   * define a "version" flag, a "version" boolean flag will be added to the command and, if specified,
+   * will print content of the "Version" variable. A shorthand "v" flag will also be added if the
+   * command does not define one.
+   */
+  version: string
+  /**
+   * The *Run functions are executed in the following order:
+   * ```
+   *   * PersistentPreRun()
+   *   * PreRun()
+   *   * Run()
+   *   * PostRun()
+   *   * PersistentPostRun()
+   * ```
+   * All functions get the same args, the arguments after the command name.
+   * 
+   * PersistentPreRun: children of this command will inherit and execute.
+   */
+  persistentPreRun: (cmd: Command, args: Array<string>) => void
+  /**
+   * PersistentPreRunE: PersistentPreRun but returns an error.
+   */
+  persistentPreRunE: (cmd: Command, args: Array<string>) => void
+  /**
+   * PreRun: children of this command will not inherit.
+   */
+  preRun: (cmd: Command, args: Array<string>) => void
+  /**
+   * PreRunE: PreRun but returns an error.
+   */
+  preRunE: (cmd: Command, args: Array<string>) => void
+  /**
+   * Run: Typically the actual work function. Most commands will only implement this.
+   */
+  run: (cmd: Command, args: Array<string>) => void
+  /**
+   * RunE: Run but returns an error.
+   */
+  runE: (cmd: Command, args: Array<string>) => void
+  /**
+   * PostRun: run after the Run command.
+   */
+  postRun: (cmd: Command, args: Array<string>) => void
+  /**
+   * PostRunE: PostRun but returns an error.
+   */
+  postRunE: (cmd: Command, args: Array<string>) => void
+  /**
+   * PersistentPostRun: children of this command will inherit and execute after PostRun.
+   */
+  persistentPostRun: (cmd: Command, args: Array<string>) => void
+  /**
+   * PersistentPostRunE: PersistentPostRun but returns an error.
+   */
+  persistentPostRunE: (cmd: Command, args: Array<string>) => void
+  /**
+   * FParseErrWhitelist flag parse errors to be ignored
+   */
+  fParseErrWhitelist: FParseErrWhitelist
+  /**
+   * CompletionOptions is a set of options to control the handling of shell completion
+   */
+  completionOptions: CompletionOptions
+  /**
+   * TraverseChildren parses flags on all parents before executing child command.
+   */
+  traverseChildren: boolean
+  /**
+   * Hidden defines, if this command is hidden and should NOT show up in the list of available commands.
+   */
+  hidden: boolean
+  /**
+   * SilenceErrors is an option to quiet errors down stream.
+   */
+  silenceErrors: boolean
+  /**
+   * SilenceUsage is an option to silence usage when an error occurs.
+   */
+  silenceUsage: boolean
+  /**
+   * DisableFlagParsing disables the flag parsing.
+   * If this is true all flags will be passed to the command as arguments.
+   */
+  disableFlagParsing: boolean
+  /**
+   * DisableAutoGenTag defines, if gen tag ("Auto generated by spf13/cobra...")
+   * will be printed by generating docs for this command.
+   */
+  disableAutoGenTag: boolean
+  /**
+   * DisableFlagsInUseLine will disable the addition of [flags] to the usage
+   * line of a command when printing help or generating docs
+   */
+  disableFlagsInUseLine: boolean
+  /**
+   * DisableSuggestions disables the suggestions based on Levenshtein distance
+   * that go along with 'unknown command' messages.
+   */
+  disableSuggestions: boolean
+  /**
+   * SuggestionsMinimumDistance defines minimum levenshtein distance to display suggestions.
+   * Must be > 0.
+   */
+  suggestionsMinimumDistance: number
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * Context returns underlying command context. If command was executed
+   * with ExecuteContext or the context was set with SetContext, the
+   * previously set context will be returned. Otherwise, nil is returned.
+   * 
+   * Notice that a call to Execute and ExecuteC will replace a nil context of
+   * a command with a context.Background, so a background context will be
+   * returned by Context after one of these functions has been called.
+   */
+  context(): context.Context
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * SetContext sets context for the command. This context will be overwritten by
+   * Command.ExecuteContext or Command.ExecuteContextC.
+   */
+  setContext(ctx: context.Context): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * SetArgs sets arguments for the command. It is set to os.Args[1:] by default, if desired, can be overridden
+   * particularly useful when testing.
+   */
+  setArgs(a: Array<string>): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * SetOutput sets the destination for usage and error messages.
+   * If output is nil, os.Stderr is used.
+   * Deprecated: Use SetOut and/or SetErr instead
+   */
+  setOutput(output: io.Writer): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * SetOut sets the destination for usage messages.
+   * If newOut is nil, os.Stdout is used.
+   */
+  setOut(newOut: io.Writer): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * SetErr sets the destination for error messages.
+   * If newErr is nil, os.Stderr is used.
+   */
+  setErr(newErr: io.Writer): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * SetIn sets the source for input data
+   * If newIn is nil, os.Stdin is used.
+   */
+  setIn(newIn: io.Reader): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * SetUsageFunc sets usage function. Usage can be defined by application.
+   */
+  setUsageFunc(f: (_arg0: Command) => void): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * SetUsageTemplate sets usage template. Can be defined by Application.
+   */
+  setUsageTemplate(s: string): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * SetFlagErrorFunc sets a function to generate an error when flag parsing
+   * fails.
+   */
+  setFlagErrorFunc(f: (_arg0: Command, _arg1: Error) => void): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * SetHelpFunc sets help function. Can be defined by Application.
+   */
+  setHelpFunc(f: (_arg0: Command, _arg1: Array<string>) => void): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * SetHelpCommand sets help command.
+   */
+  setHelpCommand(cmd: Command): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * SetHelpCommandGroupID sets the group id of the help command.
+   */
+  setHelpCommandGroupID(groupID: string): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * SetCompletionCommandGroupID sets the group id of the completion command.
+   */
+  setCompletionCommandGroupID(groupID: string): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * SetHelpTemplate sets help template to be used. Application can use it to set custom template.
+   */
+  setHelpTemplate(s: string): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * SetVersionTemplate sets version template to be used. Application can use it to set custom template.
+   */
+  setVersionTemplate(s: string): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * SetGlobalNormalizationFunc sets a normalization function to all flag sets and also to child commands.
+   * The user should not have a cyclic dependency on commands.
+   */
+  setGlobalNormalizationFunc(n: (f: flag.FlagSet, name: string) => flag.NormalizedName): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * OutOrStdout returns output to stdout.
+   */
+  outOrStdout(): io.Writer
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * OutOrStderr returns output to stderr
+   */
+  outOrStderr(): io.Writer
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * ErrOrStderr returns output to stderr
+   */
+  errOrStderr(): io.Writer
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * InOrStdin returns input to stdin
+   */
+  inOrStdin(): io.Reader
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * UsageFunc returns either the function set by SetUsageFunc for this command
+   * or a parent, or it returns a default usage function.
+   */
+  usageFunc(): (_arg0: Command) => void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * Usage puts out the usage for the command.
+   * Used when a user provides invalid input.
+   * Can be defined by user by overriding UsageFunc.
+   */
+  usage(): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * HelpFunc returns either the function set by SetHelpFunc for this command
+   * or a parent, or it returns a function with default help behavior.
+   */
+  helpFunc(): (_arg0: Command, _arg1: Array<string>) => void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * Help puts out the help for the command.
+   * Used when a user calls help [command].
+   * Can be defined by user by overriding HelpFunc.
+   */
+  help(): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * UsageString returns usage string.
+   */
+  usageString(): string
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * FlagErrorFunc returns either the function set by SetFlagErrorFunc for this
+   * command or a parent, or it returns a function which returns the original
+   * error.
+   */
+  flagErrorFunc(): (_arg0: Command, _arg1: Error) => void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * UsagePadding return padding for the usage.
+   */
+  usagePadding(): number
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * CommandPathPadding return padding for the command path.
+   */
+  commandPathPadding(): number
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * NamePadding returns padding for the name.
+   */
+  namePadding(): number
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * UsageTemplate returns usage template for the command.
+   */
+  usageTemplate(): string
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * HelpTemplate return help template for the command.
+   */
+  helpTemplate(): string
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * VersionTemplate return version template for the command.
+   */
+  versionTemplate(): string
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * Find the target command given the args and command tree
+   * Meant to be run on the highest node. Only searches down.
+   */
+  find(args: Array<string>): [(Command | undefined), Array<string>]
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * Traverse the command tree to find the command, and parse args for
+   * each parent.
+   */
+  traverse(args: Array<string>): [(Command | undefined), Array<string>]
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * SuggestionsFor provides suggestions for the typedName.
+   */
+  suggestionsFor(typedName: string): Array<string>
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * VisitParents visits all parents of the command and invokes fn on each parent.
+   */
+  visitParents(fn: (_arg0: Command) => void): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * Root finds root command.
+   */
+  root(): (Command | undefined)
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * ArgsLenAtDash will return the length of c.Flags().Args at the moment
+   * when a -- was found during args parsing.
+   */
+  argsLenAtDash(): number
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * ExecuteContext is the same as Execute(), but sets the ctx on the command.
+   * Retrieve ctx by calling cmd.Context() inside your *Run lifecycle or ValidArgs
+   * functions.
+   */
+  executeContext(ctx: context.Context): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * Execute uses the args (os.Args[1:] by default)
+   * and run through the command tree finding appropriate matches
+   * for commands and then corresponding flags.
+   */
+  execute(): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * ExecuteContextC is the same as ExecuteC(), but sets the ctx on the command.
+   * Retrieve ctx by calling cmd.Context() inside your *Run lifecycle or ValidArgs
+   * functions.
+   */
+  executeContextC(ctx: context.Context): (Command | undefined)
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * ExecuteC executes the command.
+   */
+  executeC(): (Command | undefined)
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  validateArgs(args: Array<string>): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * ValidateRequiredFlags validates all required flags are present and returns an error otherwise
+   */
+  validateRequiredFlags(): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * InitDefaultHelpFlag adds default help flag to c.
+   * It is called automatically by executing the c or by calling help and usage.
+   * If c already has help flag, it will do nothing.
+   */
+  initDefaultHelpFlag(): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * InitDefaultVersionFlag adds default version flag to c.
+   * It is called automatically by executing the c.
+   * If c already has a version flag, it will do nothing.
+   * If c.Version is empty, it will do nothing.
+   */
+  initDefaultVersionFlag(): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * InitDefaultHelpCmd adds default help command to c.
+   * It is called automatically by executing the c or by calling help and usage.
+   * If c already has help command or c has no subcommands, it will do nothing.
+   */
+  initDefaultHelpCmd(): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * ResetCommands delete parent, subcommand and help command from c.
+   */
+  resetCommands(): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * Commands returns a sorted slice of child commands.
+   */
+  commands(): Array<(Command | undefined)>
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * AddCommand adds one or more commands to this parent command.
+   */
+  addCommand(...cmds: (Command | undefined)[]): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * Groups returns a slice of child command groups.
+   */
+  groups(): Array<(Group | undefined)>
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * AllChildCommandsHaveGroup returns if all subcommands are assigned to a group
+   */
+  allChildCommandsHaveGroup(): boolean
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * ContainsGroup return if groupID exists in the list of command groups.
+   */
+  containsGroup(groupID: string): boolean
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * AddGroup adds one or more command groups to this parent command.
+   */
+  addGroup(...groups: (Group | undefined)[]): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * RemoveCommand removes one or more commands from a parent command.
+   */
+  removeCommand(...cmds: (Command | undefined)[]): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * Print is a convenience method to Print to the defined output, fallback to Stderr if not set.
+   */
+  print(...i: {
+   }[]): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * Println is a convenience method to Println to the defined output, fallback to Stderr if not set.
+   */
+  println(...i: {
+   }[]): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * Printf is a convenience method to Printf to the defined output, fallback to Stderr if not set.
+   */
+  printf(format: string, ...i: {
+   }[]): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * PrintErr is a convenience method to Print to the defined Err output, fallback to Stderr if not set.
+   */
+  printErr(...i: {
+   }[]): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * PrintErrln is a convenience method to Println to the defined Err output, fallback to Stderr if not set.
+   */
+  printErrln(...i: {
+   }[]): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * PrintErrf is a convenience method to Printf to the defined Err output, fallback to Stderr if not set.
+   */
+  printErrf(format: string, ...i: {
+   }[]): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * CommandPath returns the full path to this command.
+   */
+  commandPath(): string
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * UseLine puts out the full usage for a given command (including parents).
+   */
+  useLine(): string
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * DebugFlags used to determine which flags have been assigned to which commands
+   * and which persist.
+   */
+  debugFlags(): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * Name returns the command's name: the first word in the use line.
+   */
+  name(): string
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * HasAlias determines if a given string is an alias of the command.
+   */
+  hasAlias(s: string): boolean
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * CalledAs returns the command name or alias that was used to invoke
+   * this command or an empty string if the command has not been called.
+   */
+  calledAs(): string
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * NameAndAliases returns a list of the command name and all aliases
+   */
+  nameAndAliases(): string
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * HasExample determines if the command has example.
+   */
+  hasExample(): boolean
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * Runnable determines if the command is itself runnable.
+   */
+  runnable(): boolean
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * HasSubCommands determines if the command has children commands.
+   */
+  hasSubCommands(): boolean
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * IsAvailableCommand determines if a command is available as a non-help command
+   * (this includes all non deprecated/hidden commands).
+   */
+  isAvailableCommand(): boolean
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * IsAdditionalHelpTopicCommand determines if a command is an additional
+   * help topic command; additional help topic command is determined by the
+   * fact that it is NOT runnable/hidden/deprecated, and has no sub commands that
+   * are runnable/hidden/deprecated.
+   * Concrete example: https://github.com/spf13/cobra/issues/393#issuecomment-282741924.
+   */
+  isAdditionalHelpTopicCommand(): boolean
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * HasHelpSubCommands determines if a command has any available 'help' sub commands
+   * that need to be shown in the usage/help default template under 'additional help
+   * topics'.
+   */
+  hasHelpSubCommands(): boolean
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * HasAvailableSubCommands determines if a command has available sub commands that
+   * need to be shown in the usage/help default template under 'available commands'.
+   */
+  hasAvailableSubCommands(): boolean
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * HasParent determines if the command is a child command.
+   */
+  hasParent(): boolean
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * GlobalNormalizationFunc returns the global normalization function or nil if it doesn't exist.
+   */
+  globalNormalizationFunc(): (f: flag.FlagSet, name: string) => flag.NormalizedName
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * Flags returns the complete FlagSet that applies
+   * to this command (local and persistent declared here and by all parents).
+   */
+  flags(): (flag.FlagSet | undefined)
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * LocalNonPersistentFlags are flags specific to this command which will NOT persist to subcommands.
+   */
+  localNonPersistentFlags(): (flag.FlagSet | undefined)
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * LocalFlags returns the local FlagSet specifically set in the current command.
+   */
+  localFlags(): (flag.FlagSet | undefined)
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * InheritedFlags returns all flags which were inherited from parent commands.
+   */
+  inheritedFlags(): (flag.FlagSet | undefined)
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * NonInheritedFlags returns all flags which were not inherited from parent commands.
+   */
+  nonInheritedFlags(): (flag.FlagSet | undefined)
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * PersistentFlags returns the persistent FlagSet specifically set in the current command.
+   */
+  persistentFlags(): (flag.FlagSet | undefined)
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * ResetFlags deletes all flags from command.
+   */
+  resetFlags(): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * HasFlags checks if the command contains any flags (local plus persistent from the entire structure).
+   */
+  hasFlags(): boolean
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * HasPersistentFlags checks if the command contains persistent flags.
+   */
+  hasPersistentFlags(): boolean
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * HasLocalFlags checks if the command has flags specifically declared locally.
+   */
+  hasLocalFlags(): boolean
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * HasInheritedFlags checks if the command has flags inherited from its parent command.
+   */
+  hasInheritedFlags(): boolean
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * HasAvailableFlags checks if the command contains any flags (local plus persistent from the entire
+   * structure) which are not hidden or deprecated.
+   */
+  hasAvailableFlags(): boolean
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * HasAvailablePersistentFlags checks if the command contains persistent flags which are not hidden or deprecated.
+   */
+  hasAvailablePersistentFlags(): boolean
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * HasAvailableLocalFlags checks if the command has flags specifically declared locally which are not hidden
+   * or deprecated.
+   */
+  hasAvailableLocalFlags(): boolean
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * HasAvailableInheritedFlags checks if the command has flags inherited from its parent command which are
+   * not hidden or deprecated.
+   */
+  hasAvailableInheritedFlags(): boolean
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * Flag climbs up the command tree looking for matching flag.
+   */
+  flag(name: string): (flag.Flag | undefined)
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * ParseFlags parses persistent flag tree and local flags.
+   */
+  parseFlags(args: Array<string>): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * Parent returns a commands parent command.
+   */
+  parent(): (Command | undefined)
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * RegisterFlagCompletionFunc should be called to register a function to provide completion for a flag.
+   */
+  registerFlagCompletionFunc(flagName: string, f: (cmd: Command, args: Array<string>, toComplete: string) => [Array<string>, ShellCompDirective]): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * InitDefaultCompletionCmd adds a default 'completion' command to c.
+   * This function will do nothing if any of the following is true:
+   * 1- the feature has been explicitly disabled by the program,
+   * 2- c has no subcommands (to avoid creating one),
+   * 3- c already has a 'completion' command provided by the program.
+   */
+  initDefaultCompletionCmd(): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * GenFishCompletion generates fish completion file and writes to the passed writer.
+   */
+  genFishCompletion(w: io.Writer, includeDesc: boolean): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * GenFishCompletionFile generates fish completion file.
+   */
+  genFishCompletionFile(filename: string, includeDesc: boolean): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * MarkFlagsRequiredTogether marks the given flags with annotations so that Cobra errors
+   * if the command is invoked with a subset (but not all) of the given flags.
+   */
+  markFlagsRequiredTogether(...flagNames: string[]): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * MarkFlagsMutuallyExclusive marks the given flags with annotations so that Cobra errors
+   * if the command is invoked with more than one flag from the given set of flags.
+   */
+  markFlagsMutuallyExclusive(...flagNames: string[]): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * ValidateFlagGroups validates the mutuallyExclusive/requiredAsGroup logic and returns the
+   * first error encountered.
+   */
+  validateFlagGroups(): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * GenPowerShellCompletionFile generates powershell completion file without descriptions.
+   */
+  genPowerShellCompletionFile(filename: string): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * GenPowerShellCompletion generates powershell completion file without descriptions
+   * and writes it to the passed writer.
+   */
+  genPowerShellCompletion(w: io.Writer): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * GenPowerShellCompletionFileWithDesc generates powershell completion file with descriptions.
+   */
+  genPowerShellCompletionFileWithDesc(filename: string): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * GenPowerShellCompletionWithDesc generates powershell completion file with descriptions
+   * and writes it to the passed writer.
+   */
+  genPowerShellCompletionWithDesc(w: io.Writer): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * MarkFlagRequired instructs the various shell completion implementations to
+   * prioritize the named flag when performing completion,
+   * and causes your command to report an error if invoked without the flag.
+   */
+  markFlagRequired(name: string): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * MarkPersistentFlagRequired instructs the various shell completion implementations to
+   * prioritize the named persistent flag when performing completion,
+   * and causes your command to report an error if invoked without the flag.
+   */
+  markPersistentFlagRequired(name: string): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * MarkFlagFilename instructs the various shell completion implementations to
+   * limit completions for the named flag to the specified file extensions.
+   */
+  markFlagFilename(name: string, ...extensions: string[]): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * MarkFlagCustom adds the BashCompCustom annotation to the named flag, if it exists.
+   * The bash completion script will call the bash function f for the flag.
+   * 
+   * This will only work for bash completion.
+   * It is recommended to instead use c.RegisterFlagCompletionFunc(...) which allows
+   * to register a Go function which will work across all shells.
+   */
+  markFlagCustom(name: string, f: string): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * MarkPersistentFlagFilename instructs the various shell completion
+   * implementations to limit completions for the named persistent flag to the
+   * specified file extensions.
+   */
+  markPersistentFlagFilename(name: string, ...extensions: string[]): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * MarkFlagDirname instructs the various shell completion implementations to
+   * limit completions for the named flag to directory names.
+   */
+  markFlagDirname(name: string): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * MarkPersistentFlagDirname instructs the various shell completion
+   * implementations to limit completions for the named persistent flag to
+   * directory names.
+   */
+  markPersistentFlagDirname(name: string): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * GenZshCompletionFile generates zsh completion file including descriptions.
+   */
+  genZshCompletionFile(filename: string): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * GenZshCompletion generates zsh completion file including descriptions
+   * and writes it to the passed writer.
+   */
+  genZshCompletion(w: io.Writer): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * GenZshCompletionFileNoDesc generates zsh completion file without descriptions.
+   */
+  genZshCompletionFileNoDesc(filename: string): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * GenZshCompletionNoDesc generates zsh completion file without descriptions
+   * and writes it to the passed writer.
+   */
+  genZshCompletionNoDesc(w: io.Writer): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentFile only worked for zsh and its behavior was
+   * not consistent with Bash completion. It has therefore been disabled.
+   * Instead, when no other completion is specified, file completion is done by
+   * default for every argument. One can disable file completion on a per-argument
+   * basis by using ValidArgsFunction and ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp.
+   * To achieve file extension filtering, one can use ValidArgsFunction and
+   * ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt.
+   * 
+   * Deprecated
+   */
+  markZshCompPositionalArgumentFile(argPosition: number, ...patterns: string[]): void
+ }
+ interface Command {
+  /**
+   * MarkZshCompPositionalArgumentWords only worked for zsh. It has therefore
+   * been disabled.
+   * To achieve the same behavior across all shells, one can use
+   * ValidArgs (for the first argument only) or ValidArgsFunction for
+   * any argument (can include the first one also).
+   * 
+   * Deprecated
+   */
+  markZshCompPositionalArgumentWords(argPosition: number, ...words: string[]): void
+ }
+namespace migrate {
+ /**
+  * MigrationsList defines a list with migration definitions
+  */
+ interface MigrationsList {
+ }
+ interface MigrationsList {
+  /**
+   * Item returns a single migration from the list by its index.
+   */
+  item(index: number): (Migration | undefined)
+ }
+ interface MigrationsList {
+  /**
+   * Items returns the internal migrations list slice.
+   */
+  items(): Array<(Migration | undefined)>
+ }
+ interface MigrationsList {
+  /**
+   * Register adds new migration definition to the list.
+   * 
+   * If `optFilename` is not provided, it will try to get the name from its .go file.
+   * 
+   * The list will be sorted automatically based on the migrations file name.
+   */
+  register(up: (db: dbx.Builder) => void, down: (db: dbx.Builder) => void, ...optFilename: string[]): void
+ }
+ * Package io provides basic interfaces to I/O primitives.
+ * Its primary job is to wrap existing implementations of such primitives,
+ * such as those in package os, into shared public interfaces that
+ * abstract the functionality, plus some other related primitives.
+ * 
+ * Because these interfaces and primitives wrap lower-level operations with
+ * various implementations, unless otherwise informed clients should not
+ * assume they are safe for parallel execution.
+ */
+namespace io {
+ /**
+  * Reader is the interface that wraps the basic Read method.
+  * 
+  * Read reads up to len(p) bytes into p. It returns the number of bytes
+  * read (0 <= n <= len(p)) and any error encountered. Even if Read
+  * returns n < len(p), it may use all of p as scratch space during the call.
+  * If some data is available but not len(p) bytes, Read conventionally
+  * returns what is available instead of waiting for more.
+  * 
+  * When Read encounters an error or end-of-file condition after
+  * successfully reading n > 0 bytes, it returns the number of
+  * bytes read. It may return the (non-nil) error from the same call
+  * or return the error (and n == 0) from a subsequent call.
+  * An instance of this general case is that a Reader returning
+  * a non-zero number of bytes at the end of the input stream may
+  * return either err == EOF or err == nil. The next Read should
+  * return 0, EOF.
+  * 
+  * Callers should always process the n > 0 bytes returned before
+  * considering the error err. Doing so correctly handles I/O errors
+  * that happen after reading some bytes and also both of the
+  * allowed EOF behaviors.
+  * 
+  * Implementations of Read are discouraged from returning a
+  * zero byte count with a nil error, except when len(p) == 0.
+  * Callers should treat a return of 0 and nil as indicating that
+  * nothing happened; in particular it does not indicate EOF.
+  * 
+  * Implementations must not retain p.
+  */
+ interface Reader {
+  read(p: string): number
+ }
+ /**
+  * Writer is the interface that wraps the basic Write method.
+  * 
+  * Write writes len(p) bytes from p to the underlying data stream.
+  * It returns the number of bytes written from p (0 <= n <= len(p))
+  * and any error encountered that caused the write to stop early.
+  * Write must return a non-nil error if it returns n < len(p).
+  * Write must not modify the slice data, even temporarily.
+  * 
+  * Implementations must not retain p.
+  */
+ interface Writer {
+  write(p: string): number
+ }
+ /**
+  * ReadCloser is the interface that groups the basic Read and Close methods.
+  */
+ interface ReadCloser {
+ }
  * Package time provides functionality for measuring and displaying time.
@@ -11385,6 +11450,154 @@ namespace time {
+ * Package fs defines basic interfaces to a file system.
+ * A file system can be provided by the host operating system
+ * but also by other packages.
+ */
+namespace fs {
+ /**
+  * A File provides access to a single file.
+  * The File interface is the minimum implementation required of the file.
+  * Directory files should also implement ReadDirFile.
+  * A file may implement io.ReaderAt or io.Seeker as optimizations.
+  */
+ interface File {
+  stat(): FileInfo
+  read(_arg0: string): number
+  close(): void
+ }
+ * Package log implements a simple logging package. It defines a type, Logger,
+ * with methods for formatting output. It also has a predefined 'standard'
+ * Logger accessible through helper functions Print[f|ln], Fatal[f|ln], and
+ * Panic[f|ln], which are easier to use than creating a Logger manually.
+ * That logger writes to standard error and prints the date and time
+ * of each logged message.
+ * Every log message is output on a separate line: if the message being
+ * printed does not end in a newline, the logger will add one.
+ * The Fatal functions call os.Exit(1) after writing the log message.
+ * The Panic functions call panic after writing the log message.
+ */
+namespace log {
+ /**
+  * A Logger represents an active logging object that generates lines of
+  * output to an io.Writer. Each logging operation makes a single call to
+  * the Writer's Write method. A Logger can be used simultaneously from
+  * multiple goroutines; it guarantees to serialize access to the Writer.
+  */
+ interface Logger {
+ }
+ interface Logger {
+  /**
+   * SetOutput sets the output destination for the logger.
+   */
+  setOutput(w: io.Writer): void
+ }
+ interface Logger {
+  /**
+   * Output writes the output for a logging event. The string s contains
+   * the text to print after the prefix specified by the flags of the
+   * Logger. A newline is appended if the last character of s is not
+   * already a newline. Calldepth is used to recover the PC and is
+   * provided for generality, although at the moment on all pre-defined
+   * paths it will be 2.
+   */
+  output(calldepth: number, s: string): void
+ }
+ interface Logger {
+  /**
+   * Printf calls l.Output to print to the logger.
+   * Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Printf.
+   */
+  printf(format: string, ...v: any[]): void
+ }
+ interface Logger {
+  /**
+   * Print calls l.Output to print to the logger.
+   * Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Print.
+   */
+  print(...v: any[]): void
+ }
+ interface Logger {
+  /**
+   * Println calls l.Output to print to the logger.
+   * Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Println.
+   */
+  println(...v: any[]): void
+ }
+ interface Logger {
+  /**
+   * Fatal is equivalent to l.Print() followed by a call to os.Exit(1).
+   */
+  fatal(...v: any[]): void
+ }
+ interface Logger {
+  /**
+   * Fatalf is equivalent to l.Printf() followed by a call to os.Exit(1).
+   */
+  fatalf(format: string, ...v: any[]): void
+ }
+ interface Logger {
+  /**
+   * Fatalln is equivalent to l.Println() followed by a call to os.Exit(1).
+   */
+  fatalln(...v: any[]): void
+ }
+ interface Logger {
+  /**
+   * Panic is equivalent to l.Print() followed by a call to panic().
+   */
+  panic(...v: any[]): void
+ }
+ interface Logger {
+  /**
+   * Panicf is equivalent to l.Printf() followed by a call to panic().
+   */
+  panicf(format: string, ...v: any[]): void
+ }
+ interface Logger {
+  /**
+   * Panicln is equivalent to l.Println() followed by a call to panic().
+   */
+  panicln(...v: any[]): void
+ }
+ interface Logger {
+  /**
+   * Flags returns the output flags for the logger.
+   * The flag bits are Ldate, Ltime, and so on.
+   */
+  flags(): number
+ }
+ interface Logger {
+  /**
+   * SetFlags sets the output flags for the logger.
+   * The flag bits are Ldate, Ltime, and so on.
+   */
+  setFlags(flag: number): void
+ }
+ interface Logger {
+  /**
+   * Prefix returns the output prefix for the logger.
+   */
+  prefix(): string
+ }
+ interface Logger {
+  /**
+   * SetPrefix sets the output prefix for the logger.
+   */
+  setPrefix(prefix: string): void
+ }
+ interface Logger {
+  /**
+   * Writer returns the output destination for the logger.
+   */
+  writer(): io.Writer
+ }
  * Package context defines the Context type, which carries deadlines,
  * cancellation signals, and other request-scoped values across API boundaries
@@ -11435,90 +11648,6 @@ namespace time {
 namespace context {
- * Package io provides basic interfaces to I/O primitives.
- * Its primary job is to wrap existing implementations of such primitives,
- * such as those in package os, into shared public interfaces that
- * abstract the functionality, plus some other related primitives.
- * 
- * Because these interfaces and primitives wrap lower-level operations with
- * various implementations, unless otherwise informed clients should not
- * assume they are safe for parallel execution.
- */
-namespace io {
- /**
-  * Reader is the interface that wraps the basic Read method.
-  * 
-  * Read reads up to len(p) bytes into p. It returns the number of bytes
-  * read (0 <= n <= len(p)) and any error encountered. Even if Read
-  * returns n < len(p), it may use all of p as scratch space during the call.
-  * If some data is available but not len(p) bytes, Read conventionally
-  * returns what is available instead of waiting for more.
-  * 
-  * When Read encounters an error or end-of-file condition after
-  * successfully reading n > 0 bytes, it returns the number of
-  * bytes read. It may return the (non-nil) error from the same call
-  * or return the error (and n == 0) from a subsequent call.
-  * An instance of this general case is that a Reader returning
-  * a non-zero number of bytes at the end of the input stream may
-  * return either err == EOF or err == nil. The next Read should
-  * return 0, EOF.
-  * 
-  * Callers should always process the n > 0 bytes returned before
-  * considering the error err. Doing so correctly handles I/O errors
-  * that happen after reading some bytes and also both of the
-  * allowed EOF behaviors.
-  * 
-  * Implementations of Read are discouraged from returning a
-  * zero byte count with a nil error, except when len(p) == 0.
-  * Callers should treat a return of 0 and nil as indicating that
-  * nothing happened; in particular it does not indicate EOF.
-  * 
-  * Implementations must not retain p.
-  */
- interface Reader {
-  read(p: string): number
- }
- /**
-  * Writer is the interface that wraps the basic Write method.
-  * 
-  * Write writes len(p) bytes from p to the underlying data stream.
-  * It returns the number of bytes written from p (0 <= n <= len(p))
-  * and any error encountered that caused the write to stop early.
-  * Write must return a non-nil error if it returns n < len(p).
-  * Write must not modify the slice data, even temporarily.
-  * 
-  * Implementations must not retain p.
-  */
- interface Writer {
-  write(p: string): number
- }
- /**
-  * ReadCloser is the interface that groups the basic Read and Close methods.
-  */
- interface ReadCloser {
- }
- * Package fs defines basic interfaces to a file system.
- * A file system can be provided by the host operating system
- * but also by other packages.
- */
-namespace fs {
- /**
-  * A File provides access to a single file.
-  * The File interface is the minimum implementation required of the file.
-  * Directory files should also implement ReadDirFile.
-  * A file may implement io.ReaderAt or io.Seeker as optimizations.
-  */
- interface File {
-  stat(): FileInfo
-  read(_arg0: string): number
-  close(): void
- }
  * Package driver defines interfaces to be implemented by database
  * drivers as used by package sql.
@@ -11600,218 +11729,174 @@ namespace driver {
- * Package sql provides a generic interface around SQL (or SQL-like)
- * databases.
+ * Package net provides a portable interface for network I/O, including
+ * TCP/IP, UDP, domain name resolution, and Unix domain sockets.
- * The sql package must be used in conjunction with a database driver.
- * See https://golang.org/s/sqldrivers for a list of drivers.
+ * Although the package provides access to low-level networking
+ * primitives, most clients will need only the basic interface provided
+ * by the Dial, Listen, and Accept functions and the associated
+ * Conn and Listener interfaces. The crypto/tls package uses
+ * the same interfaces and similar Dial and Listen functions.
- * Drivers that do not support context cancellation will not return until
- * after the query is completed.
+ * The Dial function connects to a server:
- * For usage examples, see the wiki page at
- * https://golang.org/s/sqlwiki.
+ * ```
+ * 	conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", "golang.org:80")
+ * 	if err != nil {
+ * 		// handle error
+ * 	}
+ * 	fmt.Fprintf(conn, "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n")
+ * 	status, err := bufio.NewReader(conn).ReadString('\n')
+ * 	// ...
+ * ```
+ * 
+ * The Listen function creates servers:
+ * 
+ * ```
+ * 	ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":8080")
+ * 	if err != nil {
+ * 		// handle error
+ * 	}
+ * 	for {
+ * 		conn, err := ln.Accept()
+ * 		if err != nil {
+ * 			// handle error
+ * 		}
+ * 		go handleConnection(conn)
+ * 	}
+ * ```
+ * 
+ * Name Resolution
+ * 
+ * The method for resolving domain names, whether indirectly with functions like Dial
+ * or directly with functions like LookupHost and LookupAddr, varies by operating system.
+ * 
+ * On Unix systems, the resolver has two options for resolving names.
+ * It can use a pure Go resolver that sends DNS requests directly to the servers
+ * listed in /etc/resolv.conf, or it can use a cgo-based resolver that calls C
+ * library routines such as getaddrinfo and getnameinfo.
+ * 
+ * By default the pure Go resolver is used, because a blocked DNS request consumes
+ * only a goroutine, while a blocked C call consumes an operating system thread.
+ * When cgo is available, the cgo-based resolver is used instead under a variety of
+ * conditions: on systems that do not let programs make direct DNS requests (OS X),
+ * when the LOCALDOMAIN environment variable is present (even if empty),
+ * when the RES_OPTIONS or HOSTALIASES environment variable is non-empty,
+ * when the ASR_CONFIG environment variable is non-empty (OpenBSD only),
+ * when /etc/resolv.conf or /etc/nsswitch.conf specify the use of features that the
+ * Go resolver does not implement, and when the name being looked up ends in .local
+ * or is an mDNS name.
+ * 
+ * The resolver decision can be overridden by setting the netdns value of the
+ * GODEBUG environment variable (see package runtime) to go or cgo, as in:
+ * 
+ * ```
+ * 	export GODEBUG=netdns=go    # force pure Go resolver
+ * 	export GODEBUG=netdns=cgo   # force cgo resolver
+ * ```
+ * 
+ * The decision can also be forced while building the Go source tree
+ * by setting the netgo or netcgo build tag.
+ * 
+ * A numeric netdns setting, as in GODEBUG=netdns=1, causes the resolver
+ * to print debugging information about its decisions.
+ * To force a particular resolver while also printing debugging information,
+ * join the two settings by a plus sign, as in GODEBUG=netdns=go+1.
+ * 
+ * On Plan 9, the resolver always accesses /net/cs and /net/dns.
+ * 
+ * On Windows, the resolver always uses C library functions, such as GetAddrInfo and DnsQuery.
-namespace sql {
+namespace net {
-  * IsolationLevel is the transaction isolation level used in TxOptions.
-  */
- interface IsolationLevel extends Number{}
- interface IsolationLevel {
-  /**
-   * String returns the name of the transaction isolation level.
-   */
-  string(): string
- }
- /**
-  * DBStats contains database statistics.
-  */
- interface DBStats {
-  maxOpenConnections: number // Maximum number of open connections to the database.
-  /**
-   * Pool Status
-   */
-  openConnections: number // The number of established connections both in use and idle.
-  inUse: number // The number of connections currently in use.
-  idle: number // The number of idle connections.
-  /**
-   * Counters
-   */
-  waitCount: number // The total number of connections waited for.
-  waitDuration: time.Duration // The total time blocked waiting for a new connection.
-  maxIdleClosed: number // The total number of connections closed due to SetMaxIdleConns.
-  maxIdleTimeClosed: number // The total number of connections closed due to SetConnMaxIdleTime.
-  maxLifetimeClosed: number // The total number of connections closed due to SetConnMaxLifetime.
- }
- /**
-  * Conn represents a single database connection rather than a pool of database
-  * connections. Prefer running queries from DB unless there is a specific
-  * need for a continuous single database connection.
+  * Conn is a generic stream-oriented network connection.
-  * A Conn must call Close to return the connection to the database pool
-  * and may do so concurrently with a running query.
-  * 
-  * After a call to Close, all operations on the
-  * connection fail with ErrConnDone.
+  * Multiple goroutines may invoke methods on a Conn simultaneously.
- interface Conn {
- }
  interface Conn {
-   * PingContext verifies the connection to the database is still alive.
+   * Read reads data from the connection.
+   * Read can be made to time out and return an error after a fixed
+   * time limit; see SetDeadline and SetReadDeadline.
-  pingContext(ctx: context.Context): void
- }
- interface Conn {
+  read(b: string): number
-   * ExecContext executes a query without returning any rows.
-   * The args are for any placeholder parameters in the query.
+   * Write writes data to the connection.
+   * Write can be made to time out and return an error after a fixed
+   * time limit; see SetDeadline and SetWriteDeadline.
-  execContext(ctx: context.Context, query: string, ...args: any[]): Result
- }
- interface Conn {
+  write(b: string): number
-   * QueryContext executes a query that returns rows, typically a SELECT.
-   * The args are for any placeholder parameters in the query.
-   */
-  queryContext(ctx: context.Context, query: string, ...args: any[]): (Rows | undefined)
- }
- interface Conn {
-  /**
-   * QueryRowContext executes a query that is expected to return at most one row.
-   * QueryRowContext always returns a non-nil value. Errors are deferred until
-   * Row's Scan method is called.
-   * If the query selects no rows, the *Row's Scan will return ErrNoRows.
-   * Otherwise, the *Row's Scan scans the first selected row and discards
-   * the rest.
-   */
-  queryRowContext(ctx: context.Context, query: string, ...args: any[]): (Row | undefined)
- }
- interface Conn {
-  /**
-   * PrepareContext creates a prepared statement for later queries or executions.
-   * Multiple queries or executions may be run concurrently from the
-   * returned statement.
-   * The caller must call the statement's Close method
-   * when the statement is no longer needed.
-   * 
-   * The provided context is used for the preparation of the statement, not for the
-   * execution of the statement.
-   */
-  prepareContext(ctx: context.Context, query: string): (Stmt | undefined)
- }
- interface Conn {
-  /**
-   * Raw executes f exposing the underlying driver connection for the
-   * duration of f. The driverConn must not be used outside of f.
-   * 
-   * Once f returns and err is not driver.ErrBadConn, the Conn will continue to be usable
-   * until Conn.Close is called.
-   */
-  raw(f: (driverConn: any) => void): void
- }
- interface Conn {
-  /**
-   * BeginTx starts a transaction.
-   * 
-   * The provided context is used until the transaction is committed or rolled back.
-   * If the context is canceled, the sql package will roll back
-   * the transaction. Tx.Commit will return an error if the context provided to
-   * BeginTx is canceled.
-   * 
-   * The provided TxOptions is optional and may be nil if defaults should be used.
-   * If a non-default isolation level is used that the driver doesn't support,
-   * an error will be returned.
-   */
-  beginTx(ctx: context.Context, opts: TxOptions): (Tx | undefined)
- }
- interface Conn {
-  /**
-   * Close returns the connection to the connection pool.
-   * All operations after a Close will return with ErrConnDone.
-   * Close is safe to call concurrently with other operations and will
-   * block until all other operations finish. It may be useful to first
-   * cancel any used context and then call close directly after.
+   * Close closes the connection.
+   * Any blocked Read or Write operations will be unblocked and return errors.
   close(): void
+  /**
+   * LocalAddr returns the local network address, if known.
+   */
+  localAddr(): Addr
+  /**
+   * RemoteAddr returns the remote network address, if known.
+   */
+  remoteAddr(): Addr
+  /**
+   * SetDeadline sets the read and write deadlines associated
+   * with the connection. It is equivalent to calling both
+   * SetReadDeadline and SetWriteDeadline.
+   * 
+   * A deadline is an absolute time after which I/O operations
+   * fail instead of blocking. The deadline applies to all future
+   * and pending I/O, not just the immediately following call to
+   * Read or Write. After a deadline has been exceeded, the
+   * connection can be refreshed by setting a deadline in the future.
+   * 
+   * If the deadline is exceeded a call to Read or Write or to other
+   * I/O methods will return an error that wraps os.ErrDeadlineExceeded.
+   * This can be tested using errors.Is(err, os.ErrDeadlineExceeded).
+   * The error's Timeout method will return true, but note that there
+   * are other possible errors for which the Timeout method will
+   * return true even if the deadline has not been exceeded.
+   * 
+   * An idle timeout can be implemented by repeatedly extending
+   * the deadline after successful Read or Write calls.
+   * 
+   * A zero value for t means I/O operations will not time out.
+   */
+  setDeadline(t: time.Time): void
+  /**
+   * SetReadDeadline sets the deadline for future Read calls
+   * and any currently-blocked Read call.
+   * A zero value for t means Read will not time out.
+   */
+  setReadDeadline(t: time.Time): void
+  /**
+   * SetWriteDeadline sets the deadline for future Write calls
+   * and any currently-blocked Write call.
+   * Even if write times out, it may return n > 0, indicating that
+   * some of the data was successfully written.
+   * A zero value for t means Write will not time out.
+   */
+  setWriteDeadline(t: time.Time): void
-  * ColumnType contains the name and type of a column.
+  * A Listener is a generic network listener for stream-oriented protocols.
+  * 
+  * Multiple goroutines may invoke methods on a Listener simultaneously.
- interface ColumnType {
- }
- interface ColumnType {
+ interface Listener {
-   * Name returns the name or alias of the column.
+   * Accept waits for and returns the next connection to the listener.
-  name(): string
- }
- interface ColumnType {
+  accept(): Conn
-   * Length returns the column type length for variable length column types such
-   * as text and binary field types. If the type length is unbounded the value will
-   * be math.MaxInt64 (any database limits will still apply).
-   * If the column type is not variable length, such as an int, or if not supported
-   * by the driver ok is false.
+   * Close closes the listener.
+   * Any blocked Accept operations will be unblocked and return errors.
-  length(): [number, boolean]
- }
- interface ColumnType {
+  close(): void
-   * DecimalSize returns the scale and precision of a decimal type.
-   * If not applicable or if not supported ok is false.
+   * Addr returns the listener's network address.
-  decimalSize(): [number, boolean]
- }
- interface ColumnType {
-  /**
-   * ScanType returns a Go type suitable for scanning into using Rows.Scan.
-   * If a driver does not support this property ScanType will return
-   * the type of an empty interface.
-   */
-  scanType(): reflect.Type
- }
- interface ColumnType {
-  /**
-   * Nullable reports whether the column may be null.
-   * If a driver does not support this property ok will be false.
-   */
-  nullable(): boolean
- }
- interface ColumnType {
-  /**
-   * DatabaseTypeName returns the database system name of the column type. If an empty
-   * string is returned, then the driver type name is not supported.
-   * Consult your driver documentation for a list of driver data types. Length specifiers
-   * are not included.
-   * Common type names include "VARCHAR", "TEXT", "NVARCHAR", "DECIMAL", "BOOL",
-   * "INT", and "BIGINT".
-   */
-  databaseTypeName(): string
- }
- /**
-  * Row is the result of calling QueryRow to select a single row.
-  */
- interface Row {
- }
- interface Row {
-  /**
-   * Scan copies the columns from the matched row into the values
-   * pointed at by dest. See the documentation on Rows.Scan for details.
-   * If more than one row matches the query,
-   * Scan uses the first row and discards the rest. If no row matches
-   * the query, Scan returns ErrNoRows.
-   */
-  scan(...dest: any[]): void
- }
- interface Row {
-  /**
-   * Err provides a way for wrapping packages to check for
-   * query errors without calling Scan.
-   * Err returns the error, if any, that was encountered while running the query.
-   * If this error is not nil, this error will also be returned from Scan.
-   */
-  err(): void
+  addr(): Addr
@@ -12034,186 +12119,6 @@ namespace url {
-namespace migrate {
- interface Migration {
-  file: string
-  up: (db: dbx.Builder) => void
-  down: (db: dbx.Builder) => void
- }
- * Package net provides a portable interface for network I/O, including
- * TCP/IP, UDP, domain name resolution, and Unix domain sockets.
- * 
- * Although the package provides access to low-level networking
- * primitives, most clients will need only the basic interface provided
- * by the Dial, Listen, and Accept functions and the associated
- * Conn and Listener interfaces. The crypto/tls package uses
- * the same interfaces and similar Dial and Listen functions.
- * 
- * The Dial function connects to a server:
- * 
- * ```
- * 	conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", "golang.org:80")
- * 	if err != nil {
- * 		// handle error
- * 	}
- * 	fmt.Fprintf(conn, "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n")
- * 	status, err := bufio.NewReader(conn).ReadString('\n')
- * 	// ...
- * ```
- * 
- * The Listen function creates servers:
- * 
- * ```
- * 	ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":8080")
- * 	if err != nil {
- * 		// handle error
- * 	}
- * 	for {
- * 		conn, err := ln.Accept()
- * 		if err != nil {
- * 			// handle error
- * 		}
- * 		go handleConnection(conn)
- * 	}
- * ```
- * 
- * Name Resolution
- * 
- * The method for resolving domain names, whether indirectly with functions like Dial
- * or directly with functions like LookupHost and LookupAddr, varies by operating system.
- * 
- * On Unix systems, the resolver has two options for resolving names.
- * It can use a pure Go resolver that sends DNS requests directly to the servers
- * listed in /etc/resolv.conf, or it can use a cgo-based resolver that calls C
- * library routines such as getaddrinfo and getnameinfo.
- * 
- * By default the pure Go resolver is used, because a blocked DNS request consumes
- * only a goroutine, while a blocked C call consumes an operating system thread.
- * When cgo is available, the cgo-based resolver is used instead under a variety of
- * conditions: on systems that do not let programs make direct DNS requests (OS X),
- * when the LOCALDOMAIN environment variable is present (even if empty),
- * when the RES_OPTIONS or HOSTALIASES environment variable is non-empty,
- * when the ASR_CONFIG environment variable is non-empty (OpenBSD only),
- * when /etc/resolv.conf or /etc/nsswitch.conf specify the use of features that the
- * Go resolver does not implement, and when the name being looked up ends in .local
- * or is an mDNS name.
- * 
- * The resolver decision can be overridden by setting the netdns value of the
- * GODEBUG environment variable (see package runtime) to go or cgo, as in:
- * 
- * ```
- * 	export GODEBUG=netdns=go    # force pure Go resolver
- * 	export GODEBUG=netdns=cgo   # force cgo resolver
- * ```
- * 
- * The decision can also be forced while building the Go source tree
- * by setting the netgo or netcgo build tag.
- * 
- * A numeric netdns setting, as in GODEBUG=netdns=1, causes the resolver
- * to print debugging information about its decisions.
- * To force a particular resolver while also printing debugging information,
- * join the two settings by a plus sign, as in GODEBUG=netdns=go+1.
- * 
- * On Plan 9, the resolver always accesses /net/cs and /net/dns.
- * 
- * On Windows, the resolver always uses C library functions, such as GetAddrInfo and DnsQuery.
- */
-namespace net {
- /**
-  * Conn is a generic stream-oriented network connection.
-  * 
-  * Multiple goroutines may invoke methods on a Conn simultaneously.
-  */
- interface Conn {
-  /**
-   * Read reads data from the connection.
-   * Read can be made to time out and return an error after a fixed
-   * time limit; see SetDeadline and SetReadDeadline.
-   */
-  read(b: string): number
-  /**
-   * Write writes data to the connection.
-   * Write can be made to time out and return an error after a fixed
-   * time limit; see SetDeadline and SetWriteDeadline.
-   */
-  write(b: string): number
-  /**
-   * Close closes the connection.
-   * Any blocked Read or Write operations will be unblocked and return errors.
-   */
-  close(): void
-  /**
-   * LocalAddr returns the local network address, if known.
-   */
-  localAddr(): Addr
-  /**
-   * RemoteAddr returns the remote network address, if known.
-   */
-  remoteAddr(): Addr
-  /**
-   * SetDeadline sets the read and write deadlines associated
-   * with the connection. It is equivalent to calling both
-   * SetReadDeadline and SetWriteDeadline.
-   * 
-   * A deadline is an absolute time after which I/O operations
-   * fail instead of blocking. The deadline applies to all future
-   * and pending I/O, not just the immediately following call to
-   * Read or Write. After a deadline has been exceeded, the
-   * connection can be refreshed by setting a deadline in the future.
-   * 
-   * If the deadline is exceeded a call to Read or Write or to other
-   * I/O methods will return an error that wraps os.ErrDeadlineExceeded.
-   * This can be tested using errors.Is(err, os.ErrDeadlineExceeded).
-   * The error's Timeout method will return true, but note that there
-   * are other possible errors for which the Timeout method will
-   * return true even if the deadline has not been exceeded.
-   * 
-   * An idle timeout can be implemented by repeatedly extending
-   * the deadline after successful Read or Write calls.
-   * 
-   * A zero value for t means I/O operations will not time out.
-   */
-  setDeadline(t: time.Time): void
-  /**
-   * SetReadDeadline sets the deadline for future Read calls
-   * and any currently-blocked Read call.
-   * A zero value for t means Read will not time out.
-   */
-  setReadDeadline(t: time.Time): void
-  /**
-   * SetWriteDeadline sets the deadline for future Write calls
-   * and any currently-blocked Write call.
-   * Even if write times out, it may return n > 0, indicating that
-   * some of the data was successfully written.
-   * A zero value for t means Write will not time out.
-   */
-  setWriteDeadline(t: time.Time): void
- }
- /**
-  * A Listener is a generic network listener for stream-oriented protocols.
-  * 
-  * Multiple goroutines may invoke methods on a Listener simultaneously.
-  */
- interface Listener {
-  /**
-   * Accept waits for and returns the next connection to the listener.
-   */
-  accept(): Conn
-  /**
-   * Close closes the listener.
-   * Any blocked Accept operations will be unblocked and return errors.
-   */
-  close(): void
-  /**
-   * Addr returns the listener's network address.
-   */
-  addr(): Addr
- }
  * Package tls partially implements TLS 1.2, as specified in RFC 5246,
  * and TLS 1.3, as specified in RFC 8446.
@@ -12587,135 +12492,6 @@ namespace tls {
- * Package log implements a simple logging package. It defines a type, Logger,
- * with methods for formatting output. It also has a predefined 'standard'
- * Logger accessible through helper functions Print[f|ln], Fatal[f|ln], and
- * Panic[f|ln], which are easier to use than creating a Logger manually.
- * That logger writes to standard error and prints the date and time
- * of each logged message.
- * Every log message is output on a separate line: if the message being
- * printed does not end in a newline, the logger will add one.
- * The Fatal functions call os.Exit(1) after writing the log message.
- * The Panic functions call panic after writing the log message.
- */
-namespace log {
- /**
-  * A Logger represents an active logging object that generates lines of
-  * output to an io.Writer. Each logging operation makes a single call to
-  * the Writer's Write method. A Logger can be used simultaneously from
-  * multiple goroutines; it guarantees to serialize access to the Writer.
-  */
- interface Logger {
- }
- interface Logger {
-  /**
-   * SetOutput sets the output destination for the logger.
-   */
-  setOutput(w: io.Writer): void
- }
- interface Logger {
-  /**
-   * Output writes the output for a logging event. The string s contains
-   * the text to print after the prefix specified by the flags of the
-   * Logger. A newline is appended if the last character of s is not
-   * already a newline. Calldepth is used to recover the PC and is
-   * provided for generality, although at the moment on all pre-defined
-   * paths it will be 2.
-   */
-  output(calldepth: number, s: string): void
- }
- interface Logger {
-  /**
-   * Printf calls l.Output to print to the logger.
-   * Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Printf.
-   */
-  printf(format: string, ...v: any[]): void
- }
- interface Logger {
-  /**
-   * Print calls l.Output to print to the logger.
-   * Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Print.
-   */
-  print(...v: any[]): void
- }
- interface Logger {
-  /**
-   * Println calls l.Output to print to the logger.
-   * Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Println.
-   */
-  println(...v: any[]): void
- }
- interface Logger {
-  /**
-   * Fatal is equivalent to l.Print() followed by a call to os.Exit(1).
-   */
-  fatal(...v: any[]): void
- }
- interface Logger {
-  /**
-   * Fatalf is equivalent to l.Printf() followed by a call to os.Exit(1).
-   */
-  fatalf(format: string, ...v: any[]): void
- }
- interface Logger {
-  /**
-   * Fatalln is equivalent to l.Println() followed by a call to os.Exit(1).
-   */
-  fatalln(...v: any[]): void
- }
- interface Logger {
-  /**
-   * Panic is equivalent to l.Print() followed by a call to panic().
-   */
-  panic(...v: any[]): void
- }
- interface Logger {
-  /**
-   * Panicf is equivalent to l.Printf() followed by a call to panic().
-   */
-  panicf(format: string, ...v: any[]): void
- }
- interface Logger {
-  /**
-   * Panicln is equivalent to l.Println() followed by a call to panic().
-   */
-  panicln(...v: any[]): void
- }
- interface Logger {
-  /**
-   * Flags returns the output flags for the logger.
-   * The flag bits are Ldate, Ltime, and so on.
-   */
-  flags(): number
- }
- interface Logger {
-  /**
-   * SetFlags sets the output flags for the logger.
-   * The flag bits are Ldate, Ltime, and so on.
-   */
-  setFlags(flag: number): void
- }
- interface Logger {
-  /**
-   * Prefix returns the output prefix for the logger.
-   */
-  prefix(): string
- }
- interface Logger {
-  /**
-   * SetPrefix sets the output prefix for the logger.
-   */
-  setPrefix(prefix: string): void
- }
- interface Logger {
-  /**
-   * Writer returns the output destination for the logger.
-   */
-  writer(): io.Writer
- }
  * Package textproto implements generic support for text-based request/response
  * protocols in the style of HTTP, NNTP, and SMTP.
@@ -13506,503 +13282,6 @@ namespace http {
- * Package echo implements high performance, minimalist Go web framework.
- * 
- * Example:
- * 
- * ```
- *   package main
- * 
- * 	import (
- * 		"github.com/labstack/echo/v5"
- * 		"github.com/labstack/echo/v5/middleware"
- * 		"log"
- * 		"net/http"
- * 	)
- * 
- *   // Handler
- *   func hello(c echo.Context) error {
- *     return c.String(http.StatusOK, "Hello, World!")
- *   }
- * 
- *   func main() {
- *     // Echo instance
- *     e := echo.New()
- * 
- *     // Middleware
- *     e.Use(middleware.Logger())
- *     e.Use(middleware.Recover())
- * 
- *     // Routes
- *     e.GET("/", hello)
- * 
- *     // Start server
- *     if err := e.Start(":8080"); err != http.ErrServerClosed {
- * 		  log.Fatal(err)
- * 	  }
- *   }
- * ```
- * 
- * Learn more at https://echo.labstack.com
- */
-namespace echo {
- /**
-  * Binder is the interface that wraps the Bind method.
-  */
- interface Binder {
-  bind(c: Context, i: {
-  }): void
- }
- /**
-  * ServableContext is interface that Echo context implementation must implement to be usable in middleware/handlers and
-  * be able to be routed by Router.
-  */
- interface ServableContext {
-  /**
-   * Reset resets the context after request completes. It must be called along
-   * with `Echo#AcquireContext()` and `Echo#ReleaseContext()`.
-   * See `Echo#ServeHTTP()`
-   */
-  reset(r: http.Request, w: http.ResponseWriter): void
- }
- // @ts-ignore
- import stdContext = context
- /**
-  * JSONSerializer is the interface that encodes and decodes JSON to and from interfaces.
-  */
- interface JSONSerializer {
-  serialize(c: Context, i: {
-  }, indent: string): void
-  deserialize(c: Context, i: {
-  }): void
- }
- /**
-  * HTTPErrorHandler is a centralized HTTP error handler.
-  */
- interface HTTPErrorHandler {(c: Context, err: Error): void }
- /**
-  * Validator is the interface that wraps the Validate function.
-  */
- interface Validator {
-  validate(i: {
-  }): void
- }
- /**
-  * Renderer is the interface that wraps the Render function.
-  */
- interface Renderer {
-  render(_arg0: io.Writer, _arg1: string, _arg2: {
-  }, _arg3: Context): void
- }
- /**
-  * Group is a set of sub-routes for a specified route. It can be used for inner
-  * routes that share a common middleware or functionality that should be separate
-  * from the parent echo instance while still inheriting from it.
-  */
- interface Group {
- }
- interface Group {
-  /**
-   * Use implements `Echo#Use()` for sub-routes within the Group.
-   * Group middlewares are not executed on request when there is no matching route found.
-   */
-  use(...middleware: MiddlewareFunc[]): void
- }
- interface Group {
-  /**
-   * CONNECT implements `Echo#CONNECT()` for sub-routes within the Group. Panics on error.
-   */
-  connect(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): RouteInfo
- }
- interface Group {
-  /**
-   * DELETE implements `Echo#DELETE()` for sub-routes within the Group. Panics on error.
-   */
-  delete(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): RouteInfo
- }
- interface Group {
-  /**
-   * GET implements `Echo#GET()` for sub-routes within the Group. Panics on error.
-   */
-  get(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): RouteInfo
- }
- interface Group {
-  /**
-   * HEAD implements `Echo#HEAD()` for sub-routes within the Group. Panics on error.
-   */
-  head(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): RouteInfo
- }
- interface Group {
-  /**
-   * OPTIONS implements `Echo#OPTIONS()` for sub-routes within the Group. Panics on error.
-   */
-  options(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): RouteInfo
- }
- interface Group {
-  /**
-   * PATCH implements `Echo#PATCH()` for sub-routes within the Group. Panics on error.
-   */
-  patch(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): RouteInfo
- }
- interface Group {
-  /**
-   * POST implements `Echo#POST()` for sub-routes within the Group. Panics on error.
-   */
-  post(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): RouteInfo
- }
- interface Group {
-  /**
-   * PUT implements `Echo#PUT()` for sub-routes within the Group. Panics on error.
-   */
-  put(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): RouteInfo
- }
- interface Group {
-  /**
-   * TRACE implements `Echo#TRACE()` for sub-routes within the Group. Panics on error.
-   */
-  trace(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): RouteInfo
- }
- interface Group {
-  /**
-   * Any implements `Echo#Any()` for sub-routes within the Group. Panics on error.
-   */
-  any(path: string, handler: HandlerFunc, ...middleware: MiddlewareFunc[]): Routes
- }
- interface Group {
-  /**
-   * Match implements `Echo#Match()` for sub-routes within the Group. Panics on error.
-   */
-  match(methods: Array<string>, path: string, handler: HandlerFunc, ...middleware: MiddlewareFunc[]): Routes
- }
- interface Group {
-  /**
-   * Group creates a new sub-group with prefix and optional sub-group-level middleware.
-   * Important! Group middlewares are only executed in case there was exact route match and not
-   * for 404 (not found) or 405 (method not allowed) cases. If this kind of behaviour is needed then add
-   * a catch-all route `/*` for the group which handler returns always 404
-   */
-  group(prefix: string, ...middleware: MiddlewareFunc[]): (Group | undefined)
- }
- interface Group {
-  /**
-   * Static implements `Echo#Static()` for sub-routes within the Group.
-   */
-  static(pathPrefix: string): RouteInfo
- }
- interface Group {
-  /**
-   * StaticFS implements `Echo#StaticFS()` for sub-routes within the Group.
-   * 
-   * When dealing with `embed.FS` use `fs := echo.MustSubFS(fs, "rootDirectory") to create sub fs which uses necessary
-   * prefix for directory path. This is necessary as `//go:embed assets/images` embeds files with paths
-   * including `assets/images` as their prefix.
-   */
-  staticFS(pathPrefix: string, filesystem: fs.FS): RouteInfo
- }
- interface Group {
-  /**
-   * FileFS implements `Echo#FileFS()` for sub-routes within the Group.
-   */
-  fileFS(path: string, filesystem: fs.FS, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): RouteInfo
- }
- interface Group {
-  /**
-   * File implements `Echo#File()` for sub-routes within the Group. Panics on error.
-   */
-  file(path: string, ...middleware: MiddlewareFunc[]): RouteInfo
- }
- interface Group {
-  /**
-   * RouteNotFound implements `Echo#RouteNotFound()` for sub-routes within the Group.
-   * 
-   * Example: `g.RouteNotFound("/*", func(c echo.Context) error { return c.NoContent(http.StatusNotFound) })`
-   */
-  routeNotFound(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): RouteInfo
- }
- interface Group {
-  /**
-   * Add implements `Echo#Add()` for sub-routes within the Group. Panics on error.
-   */
-  add(method: string, handler: HandlerFunc, ...middleware: MiddlewareFunc[]): RouteInfo
- }
- interface Group {
-  /**
-   * AddRoute registers a new Routable with Router
-   */
-  addRoute(route: Routable): RouteInfo
- }
- /**
-  * IPExtractor is a function to extract IP addr from http.Request.
-  * Set appropriate one to Echo#IPExtractor.
-  * See https://echo.labstack.com/guide/ip-address for more details.
-  */
- interface IPExtractor {(_arg0: http.Request): string }
- /**
-  * Logger defines the logging interface that Echo uses internally in few places.
-  * For logging in handlers use your own logger instance (dependency injected or package/public variable) from logging framework of your choice.
-  */
- interface Logger {
-  /**
-   * Write provides writer interface for http.Server `ErrorLog` and for logging startup messages.
-   * `http.Server.ErrorLog` logs errors from accepting connections, unexpected behavior from handlers,
-   * and underlying FileSystem errors.
-   * `logger` middleware will use this method to write its JSON payload.
-   */
-  write(p: string): number
-  /**
-   * Error logs the error
-   */
-  error(err: Error): void
- }
- /**
-  * Response wraps an http.ResponseWriter and implements its interface to be used
-  * by an HTTP handler to construct an HTTP response.
-  * See: https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/#ResponseWriter
-  */
- interface Response {
-  writer: http.ResponseWriter
-  status: number
-  size: number
-  committed: boolean
- }
- interface Response {
-  /**
-   * Header returns the header map for the writer that will be sent by
-   * WriteHeader. Changing the header after a call to WriteHeader (or Write) has
-   * no effect unless the modified headers were declared as trailers by setting
-   * the "Trailer" header before the call to WriteHeader (see example)
-   * To suppress implicit response headers, set their value to nil.
-   * Example: https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/#example_ResponseWriter_trailers
-   */
-  header(): http.Header
- }
- interface Response {
-  /**
-   * Before registers a function which is called just before the response is written.
-   */
-  before(fn: () => void): void
- }
- interface Response {
-  /**
-   * After registers a function which is called just after the response is written.
-   * If the `Content-Length` is unknown, none of the after function is executed.
-   */
-  after(fn: () => void): void
- }
- interface Response {
-  /**
-   * WriteHeader sends an HTTP response header with status code. If WriteHeader is
-   * not called explicitly, the first call to Write will trigger an implicit
-   * WriteHeader(http.StatusOK). Thus explicit calls to WriteHeader are mainly
-   * used to send error codes.
-   */
-  writeHeader(code: number): void
- }
- interface Response {
-  /**
-   * Write writes the data to the connection as part of an HTTP reply.
-   */
-  write(b: string): number
- }
- interface Response {
-  /**
-   * Flush implements the http.Flusher interface to allow an HTTP handler to flush
-   * buffered data to the client.
-   * See [http.Flusher](https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/#Flusher)
-   */
-  flush(): void
- }
- interface Response {
-  /**
-   * Hijack implements the http.Hijacker interface to allow an HTTP handler to
-   * take over the connection.
-   * See [http.Hijacker](https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/#Hijacker)
-   */
-  hijack(): [net.Conn, (bufio.ReadWriter | undefined)]
- }
- interface Routes {
-  /**
-   * Reverse reverses route to URL string by replacing path parameters with given params values.
-   */
-  reverse(name: string, ...params: {
-   }[]): string
- }
- interface Routes {
-  /**
-   * FindByMethodPath searched for matching route info by method and path
-   */
-  findByMethodPath(method: string, path: string): RouteInfo
- }
- interface Routes {
-  /**
-   * FilterByMethod searched for matching route info by method
-   */
-  filterByMethod(method: string): Routes
- }
- interface Routes {
-  /**
-   * FilterByPath searched for matching route info by path
-   */
-  filterByPath(path: string): Routes
- }
- interface Routes {
-  /**
-   * FilterByName searched for matching route info by name
-   */
-  filterByName(name: string): Routes
- }
- /**
-  * Router is interface for routing request contexts to registered routes.
-  * 
-  * Contract between Echo/Context instance and the router:
-  * * all routes must be added through methods on echo.Echo instance.
-  * ```
-  *   Reason: Echo instance uses RouteInfo.Params() length to allocate slice for paths parameters (see `Echo.contextPathParamAllocSize`).
-  * ```
-  * * Router must populate Context during Router.Route call with:
-  * ```
-  *   * RoutableContext.SetPath
-  *   * RoutableContext.SetRawPathParams (IMPORTANT! with same slice pointer that c.RawPathParams() returns)
-  *   * RoutableContext.SetRouteInfo
-  *   And optionally can set additional information to Context with RoutableContext.Set
-  * ```
-  */
- interface Router {
-  /**
-   * Add registers Routable with the Router and returns registered RouteInfo
-   */
-  add(routable: Routable): RouteInfo
-  /**
-   * Remove removes route from the Router
-   */
-  remove(method: string, path: string): void
-  /**
-   * Routes returns information about all registered routes
-   */
-  routes(): Routes
-  /**
-   * Route searches Router for matching route and applies it to the given context. In case when no matching method
-   * was not found (405) or no matching route exists for path (404), router will return its implementation of 405/404
-   * handler function.
-   */
-  route(c: RoutableContext): HandlerFunc
- }
- /**
-  * Routable is interface for registering Route with Router. During route registration process the Router will
-  * convert Routable to RouteInfo with ToRouteInfo method. By creating custom implementation of Routable additional
-  * information about registered route can be stored in Routes (i.e. privileges used with route etc.)
-  */
- interface Routable {
-  /**
-   * ToRouteInfo converts Routable to RouteInfo
-   * 
-   * This method is meant to be used by Router after it parses url for path parameters, to store information about
-   * route just added.
-   */
-  toRouteInfo(params: Array<string>): RouteInfo
-  /**
-   * ToRoute converts Routable to Route which Router uses to register the method handler for path.
-   * 
-   * This method is meant to be used by Router to get fields (including handler and middleware functions) needed to
-   * add Route to Router.
-   */
-  toRoute(): Route
-  /**
-   * ForGroup recreates routable with added group prefix and group middlewares it is grouped to.
-   * 
-   * Is necessary for Echo.Group to be able to add/register Routable with Router and having group prefix and group
-   * middlewares included in actually registered Route.
-   */
-  forGroup(pathPrefix: string, middlewares: Array<MiddlewareFunc>): Routable
- }
- /**
-  * Routes is collection of RouteInfo instances with various helper methods.
-  */
- interface Routes extends Array<RouteInfo>{}
- /**
-  * RouteInfo describes registered route base fields.
-  * Method+Path pair uniquely identifies the Route. Name can have duplicates.
-  */
- interface RouteInfo {
-  method(): string
-  path(): string
-  name(): string
-  params(): Array<string>
-  reverse(...params: {
-  }[]): string
- }
- /**
-  * PathParams is collections of PathParam instances with various helper methods
-  */
- interface PathParams extends Array<PathParam>{}
- interface PathParams {
-  /**
-   * Get returns path parameter value for given name or default value.
-   */
-  get(name: string, defaultValue: string): string
- }
- * Package types implements some commonly used db serializable types
- * like datetime, json, etc.
- */
-namespace types {
- /**
-  * DateTime represents a [time.Time] instance in UTC that is wrapped
-  * and serialized using the app default date layout.
-  */
- interface DateTime {
- }
- interface DateTime {
-  /**
-   * Time returns the internal [time.Time] instance.
-   */
-  time(): time.Time
- }
- interface DateTime {
-  /**
-   * IsZero checks whether the current DateTime instance has zero time value.
-   */
-  isZero(): boolean
- }
- interface DateTime {
-  /**
-   * String serializes the current DateTime instance into a formatted
-   * UTC date string.
-   * 
-   * The zero value is serialized to an empty string.
-   */
-  string(): string
- }
- interface DateTime {
-  /**
-   * MarshalJSON implements the [json.Marshaler] interface.
-   */
-  marshalJSON(): string
- }
- interface DateTime {
-  /**
-   * UnmarshalJSON implements the [json.Unmarshaler] interface.
-   */
-  unmarshalJSON(b: string): void
- }
- interface DateTime {
-  /**
-   * Value implements the [driver.Valuer] interface.
-   */
-  value(): driver.Value
- }
- interface DateTime {
-  /**
-   * Scan implements [sql.Scanner] interface to scan the provided value
-   * into the current DateTime instance.
-   */
-  scan(value: any): void
- }
 namespace store {
   * Store defines a concurrent safe in memory key-value data store.
@@ -14074,92 +13353,290 @@ namespace store {
+namespace mailer {
+ /**
+  * Mailer defines a base mail client interface.
+  */
+ interface Mailer {
+  /**
+   * Send sends an email with the provided Message.
+   */
+  send(message: Message): void
+ }
- * Package oauth2 provides support for making
- * OAuth2 authorized and authenticated HTTP requests,
- * as specified in RFC 6749.
- * It can additionally grant authorization with Bearer JWT.
+ * Package sql provides a generic interface around SQL (or SQL-like)
+ * databases.
+ * 
+ * The sql package must be used in conjunction with a database driver.
+ * See https://golang.org/s/sqldrivers for a list of drivers.
+ * 
+ * Drivers that do not support context cancellation will not return until
+ * after the query is completed.
+ * 
+ * For usage examples, see the wiki page at
+ * https://golang.org/s/sqlwiki.
-namespace oauth2 {
+namespace sql {
-  * An AuthCodeOption is passed to Config.AuthCodeURL.
+  * IsolationLevel is the transaction isolation level used in TxOptions.
- interface AuthCodeOption {
+ interface IsolationLevel extends Number{}
+ interface IsolationLevel {
+  /**
+   * String returns the name of the transaction isolation level.
+   */
+  string(): string
-  * Token represents the credentials used to authorize
-  * the requests to access protected resources on the OAuth 2.0
-  * provider's backend.
+  * DBStats contains database statistics.
+  */
+ interface DBStats {
+  maxOpenConnections: number // Maximum number of open connections to the database.
+  /**
+   * Pool Status
+   */
+  openConnections: number // The number of established connections both in use and idle.
+  inUse: number // The number of connections currently in use.
+  idle: number // The number of idle connections.
+  /**
+   * Counters
+   */
+  waitCount: number // The total number of connections waited for.
+  waitDuration: time.Duration // The total time blocked waiting for a new connection.
+  maxIdleClosed: number // The total number of connections closed due to SetMaxIdleConns.
+  maxIdleTimeClosed: number // The total number of connections closed due to SetConnMaxIdleTime.
+  maxLifetimeClosed: number // The total number of connections closed due to SetConnMaxLifetime.
+ }
+ /**
+  * Conn represents a single database connection rather than a pool of database
+  * connections. Prefer running queries from DB unless there is a specific
+  * need for a continuous single database connection.
-  * Most users of this package should not access fields of Token
-  * directly. They're exported mostly for use by related packages
-  * implementing derivative OAuth2 flows.
+  * A Conn must call Close to return the connection to the database pool
+  * and may do so concurrently with a running query.
+  * 
+  * After a call to Close, all operations on the
+  * connection fail with ErrConnDone.
- interface Token {
+ interface Conn {
+ }
+ interface Conn {
-   * AccessToken is the token that authorizes and authenticates
-   * the requests.
+   * PingContext verifies the connection to the database is still alive.
-  accessToken: string
+  pingContext(ctx: context.Context): void
+ }
+ interface Conn {
-   * TokenType is the type of token.
-   * The Type method returns either this or "Bearer", the default.
+   * ExecContext executes a query without returning any rows.
+   * The args are for any placeholder parameters in the query.
-  tokenType: string
+  execContext(ctx: context.Context, query: string, ...args: any[]): Result
+ }
+ interface Conn {
-   * RefreshToken is a token that's used by the application
-   * (as opposed to the user) to refresh the access token
-   * if it expires.
+   * QueryContext executes a query that returns rows, typically a SELECT.
+   * The args are for any placeholder parameters in the query.
-  refreshToken: string
+  queryContext(ctx: context.Context, query: string, ...args: any[]): (Rows | undefined)
+ }
+ interface Conn {
-   * Expiry is the optional expiration time of the access token.
+   * QueryRowContext executes a query that is expected to return at most one row.
+   * QueryRowContext always returns a non-nil value. Errors are deferred until
+   * Row's Scan method is called.
+   * If the query selects no rows, the *Row's Scan will return ErrNoRows.
+   * Otherwise, the *Row's Scan scans the first selected row and discards
+   * the rest.
+   */
+  queryRowContext(ctx: context.Context, query: string, ...args: any[]): (Row | undefined)
+ }
+ interface Conn {
+  /**
+   * PrepareContext creates a prepared statement for later queries or executions.
+   * Multiple queries or executions may be run concurrently from the
+   * returned statement.
+   * The caller must call the statement's Close method
+   * when the statement is no longer needed.
-   * If zero, TokenSource implementations will reuse the same
-   * token forever and RefreshToken or equivalent
-   * mechanisms for that TokenSource will not be used.
+   * The provided context is used for the preparation of the statement, not for the
+   * execution of the statement.
-  expiry: time.Time
+  prepareContext(ctx: context.Context, query: string): (Stmt | undefined)
- interface Token {
+ interface Conn {
-   * Type returns t.TokenType if non-empty, else "Bearer".
-   */
-  type(): string
- }
- interface Token {
-  /**
-   * SetAuthHeader sets the Authorization header to r using the access
-   * token in t.
+   * Raw executes f exposing the underlying driver connection for the
+   * duration of f. The driverConn must not be used outside of f.
-   * This method is unnecessary when using Transport or an HTTP Client
-   * returned by this package.
+   * Once f returns and err is not driver.ErrBadConn, the Conn will continue to be usable
+   * until Conn.Close is called.
-  setAuthHeader(r: http.Request): void
+  raw(f: (driverConn: any) => void): void
- interface Token {
+ interface Conn {
-   * WithExtra returns a new Token that's a clone of t, but using the
-   * provided raw extra map. This is only intended for use by packages
-   * implementing derivative OAuth2 flows.
+   * BeginTx starts a transaction.
+   * 
+   * The provided context is used until the transaction is committed or rolled back.
+   * If the context is canceled, the sql package will roll back
+   * the transaction. Tx.Commit will return an error if the context provided to
+   * BeginTx is canceled.
+   * 
+   * The provided TxOptions is optional and may be nil if defaults should be used.
+   * If a non-default isolation level is used that the driver doesn't support,
+   * an error will be returned.
-  withExtra(extra: {
-   }): (Token | undefined)
+  beginTx(ctx: context.Context, opts: TxOptions): (Tx | undefined)
- interface Token {
+ interface Conn {
-   * Extra returns an extra field.
-   * Extra fields are key-value pairs returned by the server as a
-   * part of the token retrieval response.
+   * Close returns the connection to the connection pool.
+   * All operations after a Close will return with ErrConnDone.
+   * Close is safe to call concurrently with other operations and will
+   * block until all other operations finish. It may be useful to first
+   * cancel any used context and then call close directly after.
-  extra(key: string): {
+  close(): void
+ /**
+  * ColumnType contains the name and type of a column.
+  */
+ interface ColumnType {
- interface Token {
+ interface ColumnType {
-   * Valid reports whether t is non-nil, has an AccessToken, and is not expired.
+   * Name returns the name or alias of the column.
-  valid(): boolean
+  name(): string
+ }
+ interface ColumnType {
+  /**
+   * Length returns the column type length for variable length column types such
+   * as text and binary field types. If the type length is unbounded the value will
+   * be math.MaxInt64 (any database limits will still apply).
+   * If the column type is not variable length, such as an int, or if not supported
+   * by the driver ok is false.
+   */
+  length(): [number, boolean]
+ }
+ interface ColumnType {
+  /**
+   * DecimalSize returns the scale and precision of a decimal type.
+   * If not applicable or if not supported ok is false.
+   */
+  decimalSize(): [number, boolean]
+ }
+ interface ColumnType {
+  /**
+   * ScanType returns a Go type suitable for scanning into using Rows.Scan.
+   * If a driver does not support this property ScanType will return
+   * the type of an empty interface.
+   */
+  scanType(): reflect.Type
+ }
+ interface ColumnType {
+  /**
+   * Nullable reports whether the column may be null.
+   * If a driver does not support this property ok will be false.
+   */
+  nullable(): boolean
+ }
+ interface ColumnType {
+  /**
+   * DatabaseTypeName returns the database system name of the column type. If an empty
+   * string is returned, then the driver type name is not supported.
+   * Consult your driver documentation for a list of driver data types. Length specifiers
+   * are not included.
+   * Common type names include "VARCHAR", "TEXT", "NVARCHAR", "DECIMAL", "BOOL",
+   * "INT", and "BIGINT".
+   */
+  databaseTypeName(): string
+ }
+ /**
+  * Row is the result of calling QueryRow to select a single row.
+  */
+ interface Row {
+ }
+ interface Row {
+  /**
+   * Scan copies the columns from the matched row into the values
+   * pointed at by dest. See the documentation on Rows.Scan for details.
+   * If more than one row matches the query,
+   * Scan uses the first row and discards the rest. If no row matches
+   * the query, Scan returns ErrNoRows.
+   */
+  scan(...dest: any[]): void
+ }
+ interface Row {
+  /**
+   * Err provides a way for wrapping packages to check for
+   * query errors without calling Scan.
+   * Err returns the error, if any, that was encountered while running the query.
+   * If this error is not nil, this error will also be returned from Scan.
+   */
+  err(): void
+ }
+ * Package types implements some commonly used db serializable types
+ * like datetime, json, etc.
+ */
+namespace types {
+ /**
+  * DateTime represents a [time.Time] instance in UTC that is wrapped
+  * and serialized using the app default date layout.
+  */
+ interface DateTime {
+ }
+ interface DateTime {
+  /**
+   * Time returns the internal [time.Time] instance.
+   */
+  time(): time.Time
+ }
+ interface DateTime {
+  /**
+   * IsZero checks whether the current DateTime instance has zero time value.
+   */
+  isZero(): boolean
+ }
+ interface DateTime {
+  /**
+   * String serializes the current DateTime instance into a formatted
+   * UTC date string.
+   * 
+   * The zero value is serialized to an empty string.
+   */
+  string(): string
+ }
+ interface DateTime {
+  /**
+   * MarshalJSON implements the [json.Marshaler] interface.
+   */
+  marshalJSON(): string
+ }
+ interface DateTime {
+  /**
+   * UnmarshalJSON implements the [json.Unmarshaler] interface.
+   */
+  unmarshalJSON(b: string): void
+ }
+ interface DateTime {
+  /**
+   * Value implements the [driver.Valuer] interface.
+   */
+  value(): driver.Value
+ }
+ interface DateTime {
+  /**
+   * Scan implements [sql.Scanner] interface to scan the provided value
+   * into the current DateTime instance.
+   */
+  scan(value: any): void
@@ -14391,16 +13868,16 @@ namespace models {
   validate(): void
- type _subMHkHQ = BaseModel
- interface Param extends _subMHkHQ {
+ type _subapxEF = BaseModel
+ interface Param extends _subapxEF {
   key: string
   value: types.JsonRaw
  interface Param {
   tableName(): string
- type _subMGMLI = BaseModel
- interface Request extends _subMGMLI {
+ type _subhRGTt = BaseModel
+ interface Request extends _subhRGTt {
   url: string
   method: string
   status: number
@@ -14428,136 +13905,6 @@ namespace models {
-namespace subscriptions {
- /**
-  * Broker defines a struct for managing subscriptions clients.
-  */
- interface Broker {
- }
- interface Broker {
-  /**
-   * Clients returns a shallow copy of all registered clients indexed
-   * with their connection id.
-   */
-  clients(): _TygojaDict
- }
- interface Broker {
-  /**
-   * ClientById finds a registered client by its id.
-   * 
-   * Returns non-nil error when client with clientId is not registered.
-   */
-  clientById(clientId: string): Client
- }
- interface Broker {
-  /**
-   * Register adds a new client to the broker instance.
-   */
-  register(client: Client): void
- }
- interface Broker {
-  /**
-   * Unregister removes a single client by its id.
-   * 
-   * If client with clientId doesn't exist, this method does nothing.
-   */
-  unregister(clientId: string): void
- }
-namespace mailer {
- /**
-  * Mailer defines a base mail client interface.
-  */
- interface Mailer {
-  /**
-   * Send sends an email with the provided Message.
-   */
-  send(message: Message): void
- }
-namespace hook {
- /**
-  * Hook defines a concurrent safe structure for handling event hooks
-  * (aka. callbacks propagation).
-  */
- interface Hook<T> {
- }
- interface Hook<T> {
-  /**
-   * PreAdd registers a new handler to the hook by prepending it to the existing queue.
-   * 
-   * Returns an autogenerated hook id that could be used later to remove the hook with Hook.Remove(id).
-   */
-  preAdd(fn: Handler<T>): string
- }
- interface Hook<T> {
-  /**
-   * Add registers a new handler to the hook by appending it to the existing queue.
-   * 
-   * Returns an autogenerated hook id that could be used later to remove the hook with Hook.Remove(id).
-   */
-  add(fn: Handler<T>): string
- }
- interface Hook<T> {
-  /**
-   * Remove removes a single hook handler by its id.
-   */
-  remove(id: string): void
- }
- interface Hook<T> {
-  /**
-   * RemoveAll removes all registered handlers.
-   */
-  removeAll(): void
- }
- interface Hook<T> {
-  /**
-   * Trigger executes all registered hook handlers one by one
-   * with the specified `data` as an argument.
-   * 
-   * Optionally, this method allows also to register additional one off
-   * handlers that will be temporary appended to the handlers queue.
-   * 
-   * The execution stops when:
-   * - hook.StopPropagation is returned in one of the handlers
-   * - any non-nil error is returned in one of the handlers
-   */
-  trigger(data: T, ...oneOffHandlers: Handler<T>[]): void
- }
- /**
-  * TaggedHook defines a proxy hook which register handlers that are triggered only
-  * if the TaggedHook.tags are empty or includes at least one of the event data tag(s).
-  */
- type _subdssyw<T> = mainHook<T>
- interface TaggedHook<T> extends _subdssyw<T> {
- }
- interface TaggedHook<T> {
-  /**
-   * CanTriggerOn checks if the current TaggedHook can be triggered with
-   * the provided event data tags.
-   */
-  canTriggerOn(tags: Array<string>): boolean
- }
- interface TaggedHook<T> {
-  /**
-   * PreAdd registers a new handler to the hook by prepending it to the existing queue.
-   * 
-   * The fn handler will be called only if the event data tags satisfy h.CanTriggerOn.
-   */
-  preAdd(fn: Handler<T>): string
- }
- interface TaggedHook<T> {
-  /**
-   * Add registers a new handler to the hook by appending it to the existing queue.
-   * 
-   * The fn handler will be called only if the event data tags satisfy h.CanTriggerOn.
-   */
-  add(fn: Handler<T>): string
- }
  * Package pflag is a drop-in replacement for Go's flag package, implementing
  * POSIX/GNU-style --flags.
@@ -16117,52 +15464,656 @@ namespace pflag {
+namespace migrate {
+ interface Migration {
+  file: string
+  up: (db: dbx.Builder) => void
+  down: (db: dbx.Builder) => void
+ }
- * Package cobra is a commander providing a simple interface to create powerful modern CLI interfaces.
- * In addition to providing an interface, Cobra simultaneously provides a controller to organize your application code.
+ * Package echo implements high performance, minimalist Go web framework.
+ * 
+ * Example:
+ * 
+ * ```
+ *   package main
+ * 
+ * 	import (
+ * 		"github.com/labstack/echo/v5"
+ * 		"github.com/labstack/echo/v5/middleware"
+ * 		"log"
+ * 		"net/http"
+ * 	)
+ * 
+ *   // Handler
+ *   func hello(c echo.Context) error {
+ *     return c.String(http.StatusOK, "Hello, World!")
+ *   }
+ * 
+ *   func main() {
+ *     // Echo instance
+ *     e := echo.New()
+ * 
+ *     // Middleware
+ *     e.Use(middleware.Logger())
+ *     e.Use(middleware.Recover())
+ * 
+ *     // Routes
+ *     e.GET("/", hello)
+ * 
+ *     // Start server
+ *     if err := e.Start(":8080"); err != http.ErrServerClosed {
+ * 		  log.Fatal(err)
+ * 	  }
+ *   }
+ * ```
+ * 
+ * Learn more at https://echo.labstack.com
-namespace cobra {
- interface PositionalArgs {(cmd: Command, args: Array<string>): void }
- // @ts-ignore
- import flag = pflag
+namespace echo {
-  * FParseErrWhitelist configures Flag parse errors to be ignored
+  * Binder is the interface that wraps the Bind method.
- interface FParseErrWhitelist extends flag.ParseErrorsWhitelist{}
- /**
-  * Group Structure to manage groups for commands
-  */
- interface Group {
-  id: string
-  title: string
+ interface Binder {
+  bind(c: Context, i: {
+  }): void
-  * ShellCompDirective is a bit map representing the different behaviors the shell
-  * can be instructed to have once completions have been provided.
+  * ServableContext is interface that Echo context implementation must implement to be usable in middleware/handlers and
+  * be able to be routed by Router.
- interface ShellCompDirective extends Number{}
+ interface ServableContext {
+  /**
+   * Reset resets the context after request completes. It must be called along
+   * with `Echo#AcquireContext()` and `Echo#ReleaseContext()`.
+   * See `Echo#ServeHTTP()`
+   */
+  reset(r: http.Request, w: http.ResponseWriter): void
+ }
+ // @ts-ignore
+ import stdContext = context
-  * CompletionOptions are the options to control shell completion
+  * JSONSerializer is the interface that encodes and decodes JSON to and from interfaces.
- interface CompletionOptions {
+ interface JSONSerializer {
+  serialize(c: Context, i: {
+  }, indent: string): void
+  deserialize(c: Context, i: {
+  }): void
+ }
+ /**
+  * HTTPErrorHandler is a centralized HTTP error handler.
+  */
+ interface HTTPErrorHandler {(c: Context, err: Error): void }
+ /**
+  * Validator is the interface that wraps the Validate function.
+  */
+ interface Validator {
+  validate(i: {
+  }): void
+ }
+ /**
+  * Renderer is the interface that wraps the Render function.
+  */
+ interface Renderer {
+  render(_arg0: io.Writer, _arg1: string, _arg2: {
+  }, _arg3: Context): void
+ }
+ /**
+  * Group is a set of sub-routes for a specified route. It can be used for inner
+  * routes that share a common middleware or functionality that should be separate
+  * from the parent echo instance while still inheriting from it.
+  */
+ interface Group {
+ }
+ interface Group {
-   * DisableDefaultCmd prevents Cobra from creating a default 'completion' command
+   * Use implements `Echo#Use()` for sub-routes within the Group.
+   * Group middlewares are not executed on request when there is no matching route found.
-  disableDefaultCmd: boolean
+  use(...middleware: MiddlewareFunc[]): void
+ }
+ interface Group {
-   * DisableNoDescFlag prevents Cobra from creating the '--no-descriptions' flag
-   * for shells that support completion descriptions
+   * CONNECT implements `Echo#CONNECT()` for sub-routes within the Group. Panics on error.
-  disableNoDescFlag: boolean
+  connect(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): RouteInfo
+ }
+ interface Group {
-   * DisableDescriptions turns off all completion descriptions for shells
-   * that support them
+   * DELETE implements `Echo#DELETE()` for sub-routes within the Group. Panics on error.
-  disableDescriptions: boolean
+  delete(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): RouteInfo
+ }
+ interface Group {
-   * HiddenDefaultCmd makes the default 'completion' command hidden
+   * GET implements `Echo#GET()` for sub-routes within the Group. Panics on error.
-  hiddenDefaultCmd: boolean
+  get(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): RouteInfo
+ }
+ interface Group {
+  /**
+   * HEAD implements `Echo#HEAD()` for sub-routes within the Group. Panics on error.
+   */
+  head(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): RouteInfo
+ }
+ interface Group {
+  /**
+   * OPTIONS implements `Echo#OPTIONS()` for sub-routes within the Group. Panics on error.
+   */
+  options(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): RouteInfo
+ }
+ interface Group {
+  /**
+   * PATCH implements `Echo#PATCH()` for sub-routes within the Group. Panics on error.
+   */
+  patch(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): RouteInfo
+ }
+ interface Group {
+  /**
+   * POST implements `Echo#POST()` for sub-routes within the Group. Panics on error.
+   */
+  post(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): RouteInfo
+ }
+ interface Group {
+  /**
+   * PUT implements `Echo#PUT()` for sub-routes within the Group. Panics on error.
+   */
+  put(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): RouteInfo
+ }
+ interface Group {
+  /**
+   * TRACE implements `Echo#TRACE()` for sub-routes within the Group. Panics on error.
+   */
+  trace(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): RouteInfo
+ }
+ interface Group {
+  /**
+   * Any implements `Echo#Any()` for sub-routes within the Group. Panics on error.
+   */
+  any(path: string, handler: HandlerFunc, ...middleware: MiddlewareFunc[]): Routes
+ }
+ interface Group {
+  /**
+   * Match implements `Echo#Match()` for sub-routes within the Group. Panics on error.
+   */
+  match(methods: Array<string>, path: string, handler: HandlerFunc, ...middleware: MiddlewareFunc[]): Routes
+ }
+ interface Group {
+  /**
+   * Group creates a new sub-group with prefix and optional sub-group-level middleware.
+   * Important! Group middlewares are only executed in case there was exact route match and not
+   * for 404 (not found) or 405 (method not allowed) cases. If this kind of behaviour is needed then add
+   * a catch-all route `/*` for the group which handler returns always 404
+   */
+  group(prefix: string, ...middleware: MiddlewareFunc[]): (Group | undefined)
+ }
+ interface Group {
+  /**
+   * Static implements `Echo#Static()` for sub-routes within the Group.
+   */
+  static(pathPrefix: string): RouteInfo
+ }
+ interface Group {
+  /**
+   * StaticFS implements `Echo#StaticFS()` for sub-routes within the Group.
+   * 
+   * When dealing with `embed.FS` use `fs := echo.MustSubFS(fs, "rootDirectory") to create sub fs which uses necessary
+   * prefix for directory path. This is necessary as `//go:embed assets/images` embeds files with paths
+   * including `assets/images` as their prefix.
+   */
+  staticFS(pathPrefix: string, filesystem: fs.FS): RouteInfo
+ }
+ interface Group {
+  /**
+   * FileFS implements `Echo#FileFS()` for sub-routes within the Group.
+   */
+  fileFS(path: string, filesystem: fs.FS, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): RouteInfo
+ }
+ interface Group {
+  /**
+   * File implements `Echo#File()` for sub-routes within the Group. Panics on error.
+   */
+  file(path: string, ...middleware: MiddlewareFunc[]): RouteInfo
+ }
+ interface Group {
+  /**
+   * RouteNotFound implements `Echo#RouteNotFound()` for sub-routes within the Group.
+   * 
+   * Example: `g.RouteNotFound("/*", func(c echo.Context) error { return c.NoContent(http.StatusNotFound) })`
+   */
+  routeNotFound(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): RouteInfo
+ }
+ interface Group {
+  /**
+   * Add implements `Echo#Add()` for sub-routes within the Group. Panics on error.
+   */
+  add(method: string, handler: HandlerFunc, ...middleware: MiddlewareFunc[]): RouteInfo
+ }
+ interface Group {
+  /**
+   * AddRoute registers a new Routable with Router
+   */
+  addRoute(route: Routable): RouteInfo
+ }
+ /**
+  * IPExtractor is a function to extract IP addr from http.Request.
+  * Set appropriate one to Echo#IPExtractor.
+  * See https://echo.labstack.com/guide/ip-address for more details.
+  */
+ interface IPExtractor {(_arg0: http.Request): string }
+ /**
+  * Logger defines the logging interface that Echo uses internally in few places.
+  * For logging in handlers use your own logger instance (dependency injected or package/public variable) from logging framework of your choice.
+  */
+ interface Logger {
+  /**
+   * Write provides writer interface for http.Server `ErrorLog` and for logging startup messages.
+   * `http.Server.ErrorLog` logs errors from accepting connections, unexpected behavior from handlers,
+   * and underlying FileSystem errors.
+   * `logger` middleware will use this method to write its JSON payload.
+   */
+  write(p: string): number
+  /**
+   * Error logs the error
+   */
+  error(err: Error): void
+ }
+ /**
+  * Response wraps an http.ResponseWriter and implements its interface to be used
+  * by an HTTP handler to construct an HTTP response.
+  * See: https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/#ResponseWriter
+  */
+ interface Response {
+  writer: http.ResponseWriter
+  status: number
+  size: number
+  committed: boolean
+ }
+ interface Response {
+  /**
+   * Header returns the header map for the writer that will be sent by
+   * WriteHeader. Changing the header after a call to WriteHeader (or Write) has
+   * no effect unless the modified headers were declared as trailers by setting
+   * the "Trailer" header before the call to WriteHeader (see example)
+   * To suppress implicit response headers, set their value to nil.
+   * Example: https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/#example_ResponseWriter_trailers
+   */
+  header(): http.Header
+ }
+ interface Response {
+  /**
+   * Before registers a function which is called just before the response is written.
+   */
+  before(fn: () => void): void
+ }
+ interface Response {
+  /**
+   * After registers a function which is called just after the response is written.
+   * If the `Content-Length` is unknown, none of the after function is executed.
+   */
+  after(fn: () => void): void
+ }
+ interface Response {
+  /**
+   * WriteHeader sends an HTTP response header with status code. If WriteHeader is
+   * not called explicitly, the first call to Write will trigger an implicit
+   * WriteHeader(http.StatusOK). Thus explicit calls to WriteHeader are mainly
+   * used to send error codes.
+   */
+  writeHeader(code: number): void
+ }
+ interface Response {
+  /**
+   * Write writes the data to the connection as part of an HTTP reply.
+   */
+  write(b: string): number
+ }
+ interface Response {
+  /**
+   * Flush implements the http.Flusher interface to allow an HTTP handler to flush
+   * buffered data to the client.
+   * See [http.Flusher](https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/#Flusher)
+   */
+  flush(): void
+ }
+ interface Response {
+  /**
+   * Hijack implements the http.Hijacker interface to allow an HTTP handler to
+   * take over the connection.
+   * See [http.Hijacker](https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/#Hijacker)
+   */
+  hijack(): [net.Conn, (bufio.ReadWriter | undefined)]
+ }
+ interface Routes {
+  /**
+   * Reverse reverses route to URL string by replacing path parameters with given params values.
+   */
+  reverse(name: string, ...params: {
+   }[]): string
+ }
+ interface Routes {
+  /**
+   * FindByMethodPath searched for matching route info by method and path
+   */
+  findByMethodPath(method: string, path: string): RouteInfo
+ }
+ interface Routes {
+  /**
+   * FilterByMethod searched for matching route info by method
+   */
+  filterByMethod(method: string): Routes
+ }
+ interface Routes {
+  /**
+   * FilterByPath searched for matching route info by path
+   */
+  filterByPath(path: string): Routes
+ }
+ interface Routes {
+  /**
+   * FilterByName searched for matching route info by name
+   */
+  filterByName(name: string): Routes
+ }
+ /**
+  * Router is interface for routing request contexts to registered routes.
+  * 
+  * Contract between Echo/Context instance and the router:
+  * * all routes must be added through methods on echo.Echo instance.
+  * ```
+  *   Reason: Echo instance uses RouteInfo.Params() length to allocate slice for paths parameters (see `Echo.contextPathParamAllocSize`).
+  * ```
+  * * Router must populate Context during Router.Route call with:
+  * ```
+  *   * RoutableContext.SetPath
+  *   * RoutableContext.SetRawPathParams (IMPORTANT! with same slice pointer that c.RawPathParams() returns)
+  *   * RoutableContext.SetRouteInfo
+  *   And optionally can set additional information to Context with RoutableContext.Set
+  * ```
+  */
+ interface Router {
+  /**
+   * Add registers Routable with the Router and returns registered RouteInfo
+   */
+  add(routable: Routable): RouteInfo
+  /**
+   * Remove removes route from the Router
+   */
+  remove(method: string, path: string): void
+  /**
+   * Routes returns information about all registered routes
+   */
+  routes(): Routes
+  /**
+   * Route searches Router for matching route and applies it to the given context. In case when no matching method
+   * was not found (405) or no matching route exists for path (404), router will return its implementation of 405/404
+   * handler function.
+   */
+  route(c: RoutableContext): HandlerFunc
+ }
+ /**
+  * Routable is interface for registering Route with Router. During route registration process the Router will
+  * convert Routable to RouteInfo with ToRouteInfo method. By creating custom implementation of Routable additional
+  * information about registered route can be stored in Routes (i.e. privileges used with route etc.)
+  */
+ interface Routable {
+  /**
+   * ToRouteInfo converts Routable to RouteInfo
+   * 
+   * This method is meant to be used by Router after it parses url for path parameters, to store information about
+   * route just added.
+   */
+  toRouteInfo(params: Array<string>): RouteInfo
+  /**
+   * ToRoute converts Routable to Route which Router uses to register the method handler for path.
+   * 
+   * This method is meant to be used by Router to get fields (including handler and middleware functions) needed to
+   * add Route to Router.
+   */
+  toRoute(): Route
+  /**
+   * ForGroup recreates routable with added group prefix and group middlewares it is grouped to.
+   * 
+   * Is necessary for Echo.Group to be able to add/register Routable with Router and having group prefix and group
+   * middlewares included in actually registered Route.
+   */
+  forGroup(pathPrefix: string, middlewares: Array<MiddlewareFunc>): Routable
+ }
+ /**
+  * Routes is collection of RouteInfo instances with various helper methods.
+  */
+ interface Routes extends Array<RouteInfo>{}
+ /**
+  * RouteInfo describes registered route base fields.
+  * Method+Path pair uniquely identifies the Route. Name can have duplicates.
+  */
+ interface RouteInfo {
+  method(): string
+  path(): string
+  name(): string
+  params(): Array<string>
+  reverse(...params: {
+  }[]): string
+ }
+ /**
+  * PathParams is collections of PathParam instances with various helper methods
+  */
+ interface PathParams extends Array<PathParam>{}
+ interface PathParams {
+  /**
+   * Get returns path parameter value for given name or default value.
+   */
+  get(name: string, defaultValue: string): string
+ }
+ * Package oauth2 provides support for making
+ * OAuth2 authorized and authenticated HTTP requests,
+ * as specified in RFC 6749.
+ * It can additionally grant authorization with Bearer JWT.
+ */
+namespace oauth2 {
+ /**
+  * An AuthCodeOption is passed to Config.AuthCodeURL.
+  */
+ interface AuthCodeOption {
+ }
+ /**
+  * Token represents the credentials used to authorize
+  * the requests to access protected resources on the OAuth 2.0
+  * provider's backend.
+  * 
+  * Most users of this package should not access fields of Token
+  * directly. They're exported mostly for use by related packages
+  * implementing derivative OAuth2 flows.
+  */
+ interface Token {
+  /**
+   * AccessToken is the token that authorizes and authenticates
+   * the requests.
+   */
+  accessToken: string
+  /**
+   * TokenType is the type of token.
+   * The Type method returns either this or "Bearer", the default.
+   */
+  tokenType: string
+  /**
+   * RefreshToken is a token that's used by the application
+   * (as opposed to the user) to refresh the access token
+   * if it expires.
+   */
+  refreshToken: string
+  /**
+   * Expiry is the optional expiration time of the access token.
+   * 
+   * If zero, TokenSource implementations will reuse the same
+   * token forever and RefreshToken or equivalent
+   * mechanisms for that TokenSource will not be used.
+   */
+  expiry: time.Time
+ }
+ interface Token {
+  /**
+   * Type returns t.TokenType if non-empty, else "Bearer".
+   */
+  type(): string
+ }
+ interface Token {
+  /**
+   * SetAuthHeader sets the Authorization header to r using the access
+   * token in t.
+   * 
+   * This method is unnecessary when using Transport or an HTTP Client
+   * returned by this package.
+   */
+  setAuthHeader(r: http.Request): void
+ }
+ interface Token {
+  /**
+   * WithExtra returns a new Token that's a clone of t, but using the
+   * provided raw extra map. This is only intended for use by packages
+   * implementing derivative OAuth2 flows.
+   */
+  withExtra(extra: {
+   }): (Token | undefined)
+ }
+ interface Token {
+  /**
+   * Extra returns an extra field.
+   * Extra fields are key-value pairs returned by the server as a
+   * part of the token retrieval response.
+   */
+  extra(key: string): {
+ }
+ }
+ interface Token {
+  /**
+   * Valid reports whether t is non-nil, has an AccessToken, and is not expired.
+   */
+  valid(): boolean
+ }
+namespace subscriptions {
+ /**
+  * Broker defines a struct for managing subscriptions clients.
+  */
+ interface Broker {
+ }
+ interface Broker {
+  /**
+   * Clients returns a shallow copy of all registered clients indexed
+   * with their connection id.
+   */
+  clients(): _TygojaDict
+ }
+ interface Broker {
+  /**
+   * ClientById finds a registered client by its id.
+   * 
+   * Returns non-nil error when client with clientId is not registered.
+   */
+  clientById(clientId: string): Client
+ }
+ interface Broker {
+  /**
+   * Register adds a new client to the broker instance.
+   */
+  register(client: Client): void
+ }
+ interface Broker {
+  /**
+   * Unregister removes a single client by its id.
+   * 
+   * If client with clientId doesn't exist, this method does nothing.
+   */
+  unregister(clientId: string): void
+ }
+namespace hook {
+ /**
+  * Hook defines a concurrent safe structure for handling event hooks
+  * (aka. callbacks propagation).
+  */
+ interface Hook<T> {
+ }
+ interface Hook<T> {
+  /**
+   * PreAdd registers a new handler to the hook by prepending it to the existing queue.
+   * 
+   * Returns an autogenerated hook id that could be used later to remove the hook with Hook.Remove(id).
+   */
+  preAdd(fn: Handler<T>): string
+ }
+ interface Hook<T> {
+  /**
+   * Add registers a new handler to the hook by appending it to the existing queue.
+   * 
+   * Returns an autogenerated hook id that could be used later to remove the hook with Hook.Remove(id).
+   */
+  add(fn: Handler<T>): string
+ }
+ interface Hook<T> {
+  /**
+   * Remove removes a single hook handler by its id.
+   */
+  remove(id: string): void
+ }
+ interface Hook<T> {
+  /**
+   * RemoveAll removes all registered handlers.
+   */
+  removeAll(): void
+ }
+ interface Hook<T> {
+  /**
+   * Trigger executes all registered hook handlers one by one
+   * with the specified `data` as an argument.
+   * 
+   * Optionally, this method allows also to register additional one off
+   * handlers that will be temporary appended to the handlers queue.
+   * 
+   * The execution stops when:
+   * - hook.StopPropagation is returned in one of the handlers
+   * - any non-nil error is returned in one of the handlers
+   */
+  trigger(data: T, ...oneOffHandlers: Handler<T>[]): void
+ }
+ /**
+  * TaggedHook defines a proxy hook which register handlers that are triggered only
+  * if the TaggedHook.tags are empty or includes at least one of the event data tag(s).
+  */
+ type _subqBHMT<T> = mainHook<T>
+ interface TaggedHook<T> extends _subqBHMT<T> {
+ }
+ interface TaggedHook<T> {
+  /**
+   * CanTriggerOn checks if the current TaggedHook can be triggered with
+   * the provided event data tags.
+   */
+  canTriggerOn(tags: Array<string>): boolean
+ }
+ interface TaggedHook<T> {
+  /**
+   * PreAdd registers a new handler to the hook by prepending it to the existing queue.
+   * 
+   * The fn handler will be called only if the event data tags satisfy h.CanTriggerOn.
+   */
+  preAdd(fn: Handler<T>): string
+ }
+ interface TaggedHook<T> {
+  /**
+   * Add registers a new handler to the hook by appending it to the existing queue.
+   * 
+   * The fn handler will be called only if the event data tags satisfy h.CanTriggerOn.
+   */
+  add(fn: Handler<T>): string
@@ -16323,6 +16274,55 @@ namespace daos {
+ * Package cobra is a commander providing a simple interface to create powerful modern CLI interfaces.
+ * In addition to providing an interface, Cobra simultaneously provides a controller to organize your application code.
+ */
+namespace cobra {
+ interface PositionalArgs {(cmd: Command, args: Array<string>): void }
+ // @ts-ignore
+ import flag = pflag
+ /**
+  * FParseErrWhitelist configures Flag parse errors to be ignored
+  */
+ interface FParseErrWhitelist extends flag.ParseErrorsWhitelist{}
+ /**
+  * Group Structure to manage groups for commands
+  */
+ interface Group {
+  id: string
+  title: string
+ }
+ /**
+  * ShellCompDirective is a bit map representing the different behaviors the shell
+  * can be instructed to have once completions have been provided.
+  */
+ interface ShellCompDirective extends Number{}
+ /**
+  * CompletionOptions are the options to control shell completion
+  */
+ interface CompletionOptions {
+  /**
+   * DisableDefaultCmd prevents Cobra from creating a default 'completion' command
+   */
+  disableDefaultCmd: boolean
+  /**
+   * DisableNoDescFlag prevents Cobra from creating the '--no-descriptions' flag
+   * for shells that support completion descriptions
+   */
+  disableNoDescFlag: boolean
+  /**
+   * DisableDescriptions turns off all completion descriptions for shells
+   * that support them
+   */
+  disableDescriptions: boolean
+  /**
+   * HiddenDefaultCmd makes the default 'completion' command hidden
+   */
+  hiddenDefaultCmd: boolean
+ }
  * Package core is the backbone of PocketBase.
@@ -16345,12 +16345,12 @@ namespace core {
   httpContext: echo.Context
   error: Error
- type _subILctd = BaseModelEvent
- interface ModelEvent extends _subILctd {
+ type _subPNoTK = BaseModelEvent
+ interface ModelEvent extends _subPNoTK {
   dao?: daos.Dao
- type _subrzCXG = BaseCollectionEvent
- interface MailerRecordEvent extends _subrzCXG {
+ type _subRGvDm = BaseCollectionEvent
+ interface MailerRecordEvent extends _subRGvDm {
   mailClient: mailer.Mailer
   message?: mailer.Message
   record?: models.Record
@@ -16389,50 +16389,50 @@ namespace core {
   oldSettings?: settings.Settings
   newSettings?: settings.Settings
- type _subzyoHt = BaseCollectionEvent
- interface RecordsListEvent extends _subzyoHt {
+ type _subOyveX = BaseCollectionEvent
+ interface RecordsListEvent extends _subOyveX {
   httpContext: echo.Context
   records: Array<(models.Record | undefined)>
   result?: search.Result
- type _subiZWjg = BaseCollectionEvent
- interface RecordViewEvent extends _subiZWjg {
+ type _subThnyx = BaseCollectionEvent
+ interface RecordViewEvent extends _subThnyx {
   httpContext: echo.Context
   record?: models.Record
- type _subXRlLT = BaseCollectionEvent
- interface RecordCreateEvent extends _subXRlLT {
+ type _subIVFnF = BaseCollectionEvent
+ interface RecordCreateEvent extends _subIVFnF {
   httpContext: echo.Context
   record?: models.Record
   uploadedFiles: _TygojaDict
- type _subkDpOa = BaseCollectionEvent
- interface RecordUpdateEvent extends _subkDpOa {
+ type _subeBnsZ = BaseCollectionEvent
+ interface RecordUpdateEvent extends _subeBnsZ {
   httpContext: echo.Context
   record?: models.Record
   uploadedFiles: _TygojaDict
- type _subUAqlt = BaseCollectionEvent
- interface RecordDeleteEvent extends _subUAqlt {
+ type _subzUNCU = BaseCollectionEvent
+ interface RecordDeleteEvent extends _subzUNCU {
   httpContext: echo.Context
   record?: models.Record
- type _subIPVTm = BaseCollectionEvent
- interface RecordAuthEvent extends _subIPVTm {
+ type _subDvuYX = BaseCollectionEvent
+ interface RecordAuthEvent extends _subDvuYX {
   httpContext: echo.Context
   record?: models.Record
   token: string
   meta: any
- type _subMRbKp = BaseCollectionEvent
- interface RecordAuthWithPasswordEvent extends _subMRbKp {
+ type _subbSqpX = BaseCollectionEvent
+ interface RecordAuthWithPasswordEvent extends _subbSqpX {
   httpContext: echo.Context
   record?: models.Record
   identity: string
   password: string
- type _subbEbir = BaseCollectionEvent
- interface RecordAuthWithOAuth2Event extends _subbEbir {
+ type _subYHXOK = BaseCollectionEvent
+ interface RecordAuthWithOAuth2Event extends _subYHXOK {
   httpContext: echo.Context
   providerName: string
   providerClient: auth.Provider
@@ -16440,49 +16440,49 @@ namespace core {
   oAuth2User?: auth.AuthUser
   isNewRecord: boolean
- type _subcrxER = BaseCollectionEvent
- interface RecordAuthRefreshEvent extends _subcrxER {
+ type _subImoXE = BaseCollectionEvent
+ interface RecordAuthRefreshEvent extends _subImoXE {
   httpContext: echo.Context
   record?: models.Record
- type _subfoFRl = BaseCollectionEvent
- interface RecordRequestPasswordResetEvent extends _subfoFRl {
+ type _subuBXjy = BaseCollectionEvent
+ interface RecordRequestPasswordResetEvent extends _subuBXjy {
   httpContext: echo.Context
   record?: models.Record
- type _subkRWOI = BaseCollectionEvent
- interface RecordConfirmPasswordResetEvent extends _subkRWOI {
+ type _subAXNeX = BaseCollectionEvent
+ interface RecordConfirmPasswordResetEvent extends _subAXNeX {
   httpContext: echo.Context
   record?: models.Record
- type _subXwTSq = BaseCollectionEvent
- interface RecordRequestVerificationEvent extends _subXwTSq {
+ type _subWEOwy = BaseCollectionEvent
+ interface RecordRequestVerificationEvent extends _subWEOwy {
   httpContext: echo.Context
   record?: models.Record
- type _subisziS = BaseCollectionEvent
- interface RecordConfirmVerificationEvent extends _subisziS {
+ type _subLIYKs = BaseCollectionEvent
+ interface RecordConfirmVerificationEvent extends _subLIYKs {
   httpContext: echo.Context
   record?: models.Record
- type _subQazEt = BaseCollectionEvent
- interface RecordRequestEmailChangeEvent extends _subQazEt {
+ type _subdGjWf = BaseCollectionEvent
+ interface RecordRequestEmailChangeEvent extends _subdGjWf {
   httpContext: echo.Context
   record?: models.Record
- type _subDDoxK = BaseCollectionEvent
- interface RecordConfirmEmailChangeEvent extends _subDDoxK {
+ type _subonrbf = BaseCollectionEvent
+ interface RecordConfirmEmailChangeEvent extends _subonrbf {
   httpContext: echo.Context
   record?: models.Record
- type _subScNif = BaseCollectionEvent
- interface RecordListExternalAuthsEvent extends _subScNif {
+ type _subkHQSt = BaseCollectionEvent
+ interface RecordListExternalAuthsEvent extends _subkHQSt {
   httpContext: echo.Context
   record?: models.Record
   externalAuths: Array<(models.ExternalAuth | undefined)>
- type _subVOahu = BaseCollectionEvent
- interface RecordUnlinkExternalAuthEvent extends _subVOahu {
+ type _subcRdzl = BaseCollectionEvent
+ interface RecordUnlinkExternalAuthEvent extends _subcRdzl {
   httpContext: echo.Context
   record?: models.Record
   externalAuth?: models.ExternalAuth
@@ -16536,33 +16536,33 @@ namespace core {
   collections: Array<(models.Collection | undefined)>
   result?: search.Result
- type _subNyqzI = BaseCollectionEvent
- interface CollectionViewEvent extends _subNyqzI {
+ type _subYCSPM = BaseCollectionEvent
+ interface CollectionViewEvent extends _subYCSPM {
   httpContext: echo.Context
- type _subidTiB = BaseCollectionEvent
- interface CollectionCreateEvent extends _subidTiB {
+ type _subzRBEP = BaseCollectionEvent
+ interface CollectionCreateEvent extends _subzRBEP {
   httpContext: echo.Context
- type _subeiEOO = BaseCollectionEvent
- interface CollectionUpdateEvent extends _subeiEOO {
+ type _subxqUkw = BaseCollectionEvent
+ interface CollectionUpdateEvent extends _subxqUkw {
   httpContext: echo.Context
- type _subsMJwt = BaseCollectionEvent
- interface CollectionDeleteEvent extends _subsMJwt {
+ type _subHRvxH = BaseCollectionEvent
+ interface CollectionDeleteEvent extends _subHRvxH {
   httpContext: echo.Context
  interface CollectionsImportEvent {
   httpContext: echo.Context
   collections: Array<(models.Collection | undefined)>
- type _subokvZP = BaseModelEvent
- interface FileTokenEvent extends _subokvZP {
+ type _submLVfd = BaseModelEvent
+ interface FileTokenEvent extends _submLVfd {
   httpContext: echo.Context
   token: string
- type _subxjpio = BaseCollectionEvent
- interface FileDownloadEvent extends _subxjpio {
+ type _subunTgk = BaseCollectionEvent
+ interface FileDownloadEvent extends _subunTgk {
   httpContext: echo.Context
   record?: models.Record
   fileField?: schema.SchemaField
@@ -16571,118 +16571,6 @@ namespace core {
- * Package time provides functionality for measuring and displaying time.
- * 
- * The calendrical calculations always assume a Gregorian calendar, with
- * no leap seconds.
- * 
- * Monotonic Clocks
- * 
- * Operating systems provide both a “wall clock,” which is subject to
- * changes for clock synchronization, and a “monotonic clock,” which is
- * not. The general rule is that the wall clock is for telling time and
- * the monotonic clock is for measuring time. Rather than split the API,
- * in this package the Time returned by time.Now contains both a wall
- * clock reading and a monotonic clock reading; later time-telling
- * operations use the wall clock reading, but later time-measuring
- * operations, specifically comparisons and subtractions, use the
- * monotonic clock reading.
- * 
- * For example, this code always computes a positive elapsed time of
- * approximately 20 milliseconds, even if the wall clock is changed during
- * the operation being timed:
- * 
- * ```
- * 	start := time.Now()
- * 	... operation that takes 20 milliseconds ...
- * 	t := time.Now()
- * 	elapsed := t.Sub(start)
- * ```
- * 
- * Other idioms, such as time.Since(start), time.Until(deadline), and
- * time.Now().Before(deadline), are similarly robust against wall clock
- * resets.
- * 
- * The rest of this section gives the precise details of how operations
- * use monotonic clocks, but understanding those details is not required
- * to use this package.
- * 
- * The Time returned by time.Now contains a monotonic clock reading.
- * If Time t has a monotonic clock reading, t.Add adds the same duration to
- * both the wall clock and monotonic clock readings to compute the result.
- * Because t.AddDate(y, m, d), t.Round(d), and t.Truncate(d) are wall time
- * computations, they always strip any monotonic clock reading from their results.
- * Because t.In, t.Local, and t.UTC are used for their effect on the interpretation
- * of the wall time, they also strip any monotonic clock reading from their results.
- * The canonical way to strip a monotonic clock reading is to use t = t.Round(0).
- * 
- * If Times t and u both contain monotonic clock readings, the operations
- * t.After(u), t.Before(u), t.Equal(u), and t.Sub(u) are carried out
- * using the monotonic clock readings alone, ignoring the wall clock
- * readings. If either t or u contains no monotonic clock reading, these
- * operations fall back to using the wall clock readings.
- * 
- * On some systems the monotonic clock will stop if the computer goes to sleep.
- * On such a system, t.Sub(u) may not accurately reflect the actual
- * time that passed between t and u.
- * 
- * Because the monotonic clock reading has no meaning outside
- * the current process, the serialized forms generated by t.GobEncode,
- * t.MarshalBinary, t.MarshalJSON, and t.MarshalText omit the monotonic
- * clock reading, and t.Format provides no format for it. Similarly, the
- * constructors time.Date, time.Parse, time.ParseInLocation, and time.Unix,
- * as well as the unmarshalers t.GobDecode, t.UnmarshalBinary.
- * t.UnmarshalJSON, and t.UnmarshalText always create times with
- * no monotonic clock reading.
- * 
- * Note that the Go == operator compares not just the time instant but
- * also the Location and the monotonic clock reading. See the
- * documentation for the Time type for a discussion of equality
- * testing for Time values.
- * 
- * For debugging, the result of t.String does include the monotonic
- * clock reading if present. If t != u because of different monotonic clock readings,
- * that difference will be visible when printing t.String() and u.String().
- */
-namespace time {
- /**
-  * A Month specifies a month of the year (January = 1, ...).
-  */
- interface Month extends Number{}
- interface Month {
-  /**
-   * String returns the English name of the month ("January", "February", ...).
-   */
-  string(): string
- }
- /**
-  * A Weekday specifies a day of the week (Sunday = 0, ...).
-  */
- interface Weekday extends Number{}
- interface Weekday {
-  /**
-   * String returns the English name of the day ("Sunday", "Monday", ...).
-   */
-  string(): string
- }
- /**
-  * A Location maps time instants to the zone in use at that time.
-  * Typically, the Location represents the collection of time offsets
-  * in use in a geographical area. For many Locations the time offset varies
-  * depending on whether daylight savings time is in use at the time instant.
-  */
- interface Location {
- }
- interface Location {
-  /**
-   * String returns a descriptive name for the time zone information,
-   * corresponding to the name argument to LoadLocation or FixedZone.
-   */
-  string(): string
- }
  * Package reflect implements run-time reflection, allowing a program to
  * manipulate objects with arbitrary types. The typical use is to take a value
@@ -16911,17 +16799,114 @@ namespace reflect {
- * Package bufio implements buffered I/O. It wraps an io.Reader or io.Writer
- * object, creating another object (Reader or Writer) that also implements
- * the interface but provides buffering and some help for textual I/O.
+ * Package time provides functionality for measuring and displaying time.
+ * 
+ * The calendrical calculations always assume a Gregorian calendar, with
+ * no leap seconds.
+ * 
+ * Monotonic Clocks
+ * 
+ * Operating systems provide both a “wall clock,” which is subject to
+ * changes for clock synchronization, and a “monotonic clock,” which is
+ * not. The general rule is that the wall clock is for telling time and
+ * the monotonic clock is for measuring time. Rather than split the API,
+ * in this package the Time returned by time.Now contains both a wall
+ * clock reading and a monotonic clock reading; later time-telling
+ * operations use the wall clock reading, but later time-measuring
+ * operations, specifically comparisons and subtractions, use the
+ * monotonic clock reading.
+ * 
+ * For example, this code always computes a positive elapsed time of
+ * approximately 20 milliseconds, even if the wall clock is changed during
+ * the operation being timed:
+ * 
+ * ```
+ * 	start := time.Now()
+ * 	... operation that takes 20 milliseconds ...
+ * 	t := time.Now()
+ * 	elapsed := t.Sub(start)
+ * ```
+ * 
+ * Other idioms, such as time.Since(start), time.Until(deadline), and
+ * time.Now().Before(deadline), are similarly robust against wall clock
+ * resets.
+ * 
+ * The rest of this section gives the precise details of how operations
+ * use monotonic clocks, but understanding those details is not required
+ * to use this package.
+ * 
+ * The Time returned by time.Now contains a monotonic clock reading.
+ * If Time t has a monotonic clock reading, t.Add adds the same duration to
+ * both the wall clock and monotonic clock readings to compute the result.
+ * Because t.AddDate(y, m, d), t.Round(d), and t.Truncate(d) are wall time
+ * computations, they always strip any monotonic clock reading from their results.
+ * Because t.In, t.Local, and t.UTC are used for their effect on the interpretation
+ * of the wall time, they also strip any monotonic clock reading from their results.
+ * The canonical way to strip a monotonic clock reading is to use t = t.Round(0).
+ * 
+ * If Times t and u both contain monotonic clock readings, the operations
+ * t.After(u), t.Before(u), t.Equal(u), and t.Sub(u) are carried out
+ * using the monotonic clock readings alone, ignoring the wall clock
+ * readings. If either t or u contains no monotonic clock reading, these
+ * operations fall back to using the wall clock readings.
+ * 
+ * On some systems the monotonic clock will stop if the computer goes to sleep.
+ * On such a system, t.Sub(u) may not accurately reflect the actual
+ * time that passed between t and u.
+ * 
+ * Because the monotonic clock reading has no meaning outside
+ * the current process, the serialized forms generated by t.GobEncode,
+ * t.MarshalBinary, t.MarshalJSON, and t.MarshalText omit the monotonic
+ * clock reading, and t.Format provides no format for it. Similarly, the
+ * constructors time.Date, time.Parse, time.ParseInLocation, and time.Unix,
+ * as well as the unmarshalers t.GobDecode, t.UnmarshalBinary.
+ * t.UnmarshalJSON, and t.UnmarshalText always create times with
+ * no monotonic clock reading.
+ * 
+ * Note that the Go == operator compares not just the time instant but
+ * also the Location and the monotonic clock reading. See the
+ * documentation for the Time type for a discussion of equality
+ * testing for Time values.
+ * 
+ * For debugging, the result of t.String does include the monotonic
+ * clock reading if present. If t != u because of different monotonic clock readings,
+ * that difference will be visible when printing t.String() and u.String().
-namespace bufio {
+namespace time {
-  * ReadWriter stores pointers to a Reader and a Writer.
-  * It implements io.ReadWriter.
+  * A Month specifies a month of the year (January = 1, ...).
- type _subzILxs = Reader&Writer
- interface ReadWriter extends _subzILxs {
+ interface Month extends Number{}
+ interface Month {
+  /**
+   * String returns the English name of the month ("January", "February", ...).
+   */
+  string(): string
+ }
+ /**
+  * A Weekday specifies a day of the week (Sunday = 0, ...).
+  */
+ interface Weekday extends Number{}
+ interface Weekday {
+  /**
+   * String returns the English name of the day ("Sunday", "Monday", ...).
+   */
+  string(): string
+ }
+ /**
+  * A Location maps time instants to the zone in use at that time.
+  * Typically, the Location represents the collection of time offsets
+  * in use in a geographical area. For many Locations the time offset varies
+  * depending on whether daylight savings time is in use at the time instant.
+  */
+ interface Location {
+ }
+ interface Location {
+  /**
+   * String returns a descriptive name for the time zone information,
+   * corresponding to the name argument to LoadLocation or FixedZone.
+   */
+  string(): string
@@ -16944,6 +16929,442 @@ namespace fs {
+ * ```
+ * 	Package flag implements command-line flag parsing.
+ * 
+ * 	Usage
+ * 
+ * 	Define flags using flag.String(), Bool(), Int(), etc.
+ * 
+ * 	This declares an integer flag, -n, stored in the pointer nFlag, with type *int:
+ * 		import "flag"
+ * 		var nFlag = flag.Int("n", 1234, "help message for flag n")
+ * 	If you like, you can bind the flag to a variable using the Var() functions.
+ * 		var flagvar int
+ * 		func init() {
+ * 			flag.IntVar(&flagvar, "flagname", 1234, "help message for flagname")
+ * 		}
+ * 	Or you can create custom flags that satisfy the Value interface (with
+ * 	pointer receivers) and couple them to flag parsing by
+ * 		flag.Var(&flagVal, "name", "help message for flagname")
+ * 	For such flags, the default value is just the initial value of the variable.
+ * 
+ * 	After all flags are defined, call
+ * 		flag.Parse()
+ * 	to parse the command line into the defined flags.
+ * 
+ * 	Flags may then be used directly. If you're using the flags themselves,
+ * 	they are all pointers; if you bind to variables, they're values.
+ * 		fmt.Println("ip has value ", *ip)
+ * 		fmt.Println("flagvar has value ", flagvar)
+ * 
+ * 	After parsing, the arguments following the flags are available as the
+ * 	slice flag.Args() or individually as flag.Arg(i).
+ * 	The arguments are indexed from 0 through flag.NArg()-1.
+ * 
+ * 	Command line flag syntax
+ * 
+ * 	The following forms are permitted:
+ * 
+ * 		-flag
+ * 		-flag=x
+ * 		-flag x  // non-boolean flags only
+ * 	One or two minus signs may be used; they are equivalent.
+ * 	The last form is not permitted for boolean flags because the
+ * 	meaning of the command
+ * 		cmd -x *
+ * 	where * is a Unix shell wildcard, will change if there is a file
+ * 	called 0, false, etc. You must use the -flag=false form to turn
+ * 	off a boolean flag.
+ * 
+ * 	Flag parsing stops just before the first non-flag argument
+ * 	("-" is a non-flag argument) or after the terminator "--".
+ * 
+ * 	Integer flags accept 1234, 0664, 0x1234 and may be negative.
+ * 	Boolean flags may be:
+ * 		1, 0, t, f, T, F, true, false, TRUE, FALSE, True, False
+ * 	Duration flags accept any input valid for time.ParseDuration.
+ * 
+ * 	The default set of command-line flags is controlled by
+ * 	top-level functions.  The FlagSet type allows one to define
+ * 	independent sets of flags, such as to implement subcommands
+ * 	in a command-line interface. The methods of FlagSet are
+ * 	analogous to the top-level functions for the command-line
+ * 	flag set.
+ * ```
+ */
+namespace flag {
+ /**
+  * A FlagSet represents a set of defined flags. The zero value of a FlagSet
+  * has no name and has ContinueOnError error handling.
+  * 
+  * Flag names must be unique within a FlagSet. An attempt to define a flag whose
+  * name is already in use will cause a panic.
+  */
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * Usage is the function called when an error occurs while parsing flags.
+   * The field is a function (not a method) that may be changed to point to
+   * a custom error handler. What happens after Usage is called depends
+   * on the ErrorHandling setting; for the command line, this defaults
+   * to ExitOnError, which exits the program after calling Usage.
+   */
+  usage: () => void
+ }
+ /**
+  * A Flag represents the state of a flag.
+  */
+ interface Flag {
+  name: string // name as it appears on command line
+  usage: string // help message
+  value: Value // value as set
+  defValue: string // default value (as text); for usage message
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * Output returns the destination for usage and error messages. os.Stderr is returned if
+   * output was not set or was set to nil.
+   */
+  output(): io.Writer
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * Name returns the name of the flag set.
+   */
+  name(): string
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * ErrorHandling returns the error handling behavior of the flag set.
+   */
+  errorHandling(): ErrorHandling
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * SetOutput sets the destination for usage and error messages.
+   * If output is nil, os.Stderr is used.
+   */
+  setOutput(output: io.Writer): void
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * VisitAll visits the flags in lexicographical order, calling fn for each.
+   * It visits all flags, even those not set.
+   */
+  visitAll(fn: (_arg0: Flag) => void): void
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * Visit visits the flags in lexicographical order, calling fn for each.
+   * It visits only those flags that have been set.
+   */
+  visit(fn: (_arg0: Flag) => void): void
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * Lookup returns the Flag structure of the named flag, returning nil if none exists.
+   */
+  lookup(name: string): (Flag | undefined)
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * Set sets the value of the named flag.
+   */
+  set(name: string): void
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * PrintDefaults prints, to standard error unless configured otherwise, the
+   * default values of all defined command-line flags in the set. See the
+   * documentation for the global function PrintDefaults for more information.
+   */
+  printDefaults(): void
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * NFlag returns the number of flags that have been set.
+   */
+  nFlag(): number
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * Arg returns the i'th argument. Arg(0) is the first remaining argument
+   * after flags have been processed. Arg returns an empty string if the
+   * requested element does not exist.
+   */
+  arg(i: number): string
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * NArg is the number of arguments remaining after flags have been processed.
+   */
+  nArg(): number
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * Args returns the non-flag arguments.
+   */
+  args(): Array<string>
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * BoolVar defines a bool flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
+   * The argument p points to a bool variable in which to store the value of the flag.
+   */
+  boolVar(p: boolean, name: string, value: boolean, usage: string): void
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * Bool defines a bool flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
+   * The return value is the address of a bool variable that stores the value of the flag.
+   */
+  bool(name: string, value: boolean, usage: string): (boolean | undefined)
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * IntVar defines an int flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
+   * The argument p points to an int variable in which to store the value of the flag.
+   */
+  intVar(p: number, name: string, value: number, usage: string): void
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * Int defines an int flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
+   * The return value is the address of an int variable that stores the value of the flag.
+   */
+  int(name: string, value: number, usage: string): (number | undefined)
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * Int64Var defines an int64 flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
+   * The argument p points to an int64 variable in which to store the value of the flag.
+   */
+  int64Var(p: number, name: string, value: number, usage: string): void
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * Int64 defines an int64 flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
+   * The return value is the address of an int64 variable that stores the value of the flag.
+   */
+  int64(name: string, value: number, usage: string): (number | undefined)
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * UintVar defines a uint flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
+   * The argument p points to a uint variable in which to store the value of the flag.
+   */
+  uintVar(p: number, name: string, value: number, usage: string): void
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * Uint defines a uint flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
+   * The return value is the address of a uint variable that stores the value of the flag.
+   */
+  uint(name: string, value: number, usage: string): (number | undefined)
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * Uint64Var defines a uint64 flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
+   * The argument p points to a uint64 variable in which to store the value of the flag.
+   */
+  uint64Var(p: number, name: string, value: number, usage: string): void
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * Uint64 defines a uint64 flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
+   * The return value is the address of a uint64 variable that stores the value of the flag.
+   */
+  uint64(name: string, value: number, usage: string): (number | undefined)
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * StringVar defines a string flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
+   * The argument p points to a string variable in which to store the value of the flag.
+   */
+  stringVar(p: string, name: string, value: string, usage: string): void
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * String defines a string flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
+   * The return value is the address of a string variable that stores the value of the flag.
+   */
+  string(name: string, value: string, usage: string): (string | undefined)
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * Float64Var defines a float64 flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
+   * The argument p points to a float64 variable in which to store the value of the flag.
+   */
+  float64Var(p: number, name: string, value: number, usage: string): void
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * Float64 defines a float64 flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
+   * The return value is the address of a float64 variable that stores the value of the flag.
+   */
+  float64(name: string, value: number, usage: string): (number | undefined)
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * DurationVar defines a time.Duration flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
+   * The argument p points to a time.Duration variable in which to store the value of the flag.
+   * The flag accepts a value acceptable to time.ParseDuration.
+   */
+  durationVar(p: time.Duration, name: string, value: time.Duration, usage: string): void
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * Duration defines a time.Duration flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
+   * The return value is the address of a time.Duration variable that stores the value of the flag.
+   * The flag accepts a value acceptable to time.ParseDuration.
+   */
+  duration(name: string, value: time.Duration, usage: string): (time.Duration | undefined)
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * Func defines a flag with the specified name and usage string.
+   * Each time the flag is seen, fn is called with the value of the flag.
+   * If fn returns a non-nil error, it will be treated as a flag value parsing error.
+   */
+  func(name: string, fn: (_arg0: string) => void): void
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * Var defines a flag with the specified name and usage string. The type and
+   * value of the flag are represented by the first argument, of type Value, which
+   * typically holds a user-defined implementation of Value. For instance, the
+   * caller could create a flag that turns a comma-separated string into a slice
+   * of strings by giving the slice the methods of Value; in particular, Set would
+   * decompose the comma-separated string into the slice.
+   */
+  var(value: Value, name: string, usage: string): void
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * Parse parses flag definitions from the argument list, which should not
+   * include the command name. Must be called after all flags in the FlagSet
+   * are defined and before flags are accessed by the program.
+   * The return value will be ErrHelp if -help or -h were set but not defined.
+   */
+  parse(arguments: Array<string>): void
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * Parsed reports whether f.Parse has been called.
+   */
+  parsed(): boolean
+ }
+ interface FlagSet {
+  /**
+   * Init sets the name and error handling property for a flag set.
+   * By default, the zero FlagSet uses an empty name and the
+   * ContinueOnError error handling policy.
+   */
+  init(name: string, errorHandling: ErrorHandling): void
+ }
+ * Package log implements a simple logging package. It defines a type, Logger,
+ * with methods for formatting output. It also has a predefined 'standard'
+ * Logger accessible through helper functions Print[f|ln], Fatal[f|ln], and
+ * Panic[f|ln], which are easier to use than creating a Logger manually.
+ * That logger writes to standard error and prints the date and time
+ * of each logged message.
+ * Every log message is output on a separate line: if the message being
+ * printed does not end in a newline, the logger will add one.
+ * The Fatal functions call os.Exit(1) after writing the log message.
+ * The Panic functions call panic after writing the log message.
+ */
+namespace log {
+ * Package driver defines interfaces to be implemented by database
+ * drivers as used by package sql.
+ * 
+ * Most code should use package sql.
+ * 
+ * The driver interface has evolved over time. Drivers should implement
+ * Connector and DriverContext interfaces.
+ * The Connector.Connect and Driver.Open methods should never return ErrBadConn.
+ * ErrBadConn should only be returned from Validator, SessionResetter, or
+ * a query method if the connection is already in an invalid (e.g. closed) state.
+ * 
+ * All Conn implementations should implement the following interfaces:
+ * Pinger, SessionResetter, and Validator.
+ * 
+ * If named parameters or context are supported, the driver's Conn should implement:
+ * ExecerContext, QueryerContext, ConnPrepareContext, and ConnBeginTx.
+ * 
+ * To support custom data types, implement NamedValueChecker. NamedValueChecker
+ * also allows queries to accept per-query options as a parameter by returning
+ * ErrRemoveArgument from CheckNamedValue.
+ * 
+ * If multiple result sets are supported, Rows should implement RowsNextResultSet.
+ * If the driver knows how to describe the types present in the returned result
+ * it should implement the following interfaces: RowsColumnTypeScanType,
+ * RowsColumnTypeDatabaseTypeName, RowsColumnTypeLength, RowsColumnTypeNullable,
+ * and RowsColumnTypePrecisionScale. A given row value may also return a Rows
+ * type, which may represent a database cursor value.
+ * 
+ * Before a connection is returned to the connection pool after use, IsValid is
+ * called if implemented. Before a connection is reused for another query,
+ * ResetSession is called if implemented. If a connection is never returned to the
+ * connection pool but immediately reused, then ResetSession is called prior to
+ * reuse but IsValid is not called.
+ */
+namespace driver {
+ /**
+  * Conn is a connection to a database. It is not used concurrently
+  * by multiple goroutines.
+  * 
+  * Conn is assumed to be stateful.
+  */
+ interface Conn {
+  /**
+   * Prepare returns a prepared statement, bound to this connection.
+   */
+  prepare(query: string): Stmt
+  /**
+   * Close invalidates and potentially stops any current
+   * prepared statements and transactions, marking this
+   * connection as no longer in use.
+   * 
+   * Because the sql package maintains a free pool of
+   * connections and only calls Close when there's a surplus of
+   * idle connections, it shouldn't be necessary for drivers to
+   * do their own connection caching.
+   * 
+   * Drivers must ensure all network calls made by Close
+   * do not block indefinitely (e.g. apply a timeout).
+   */
+  close(): void
+  /**
+   * Begin starts and returns a new transaction.
+   * 
+   * Deprecated: Drivers should implement ConnBeginTx instead (or additionally).
+   */
+  begin(): Tx
+ }
+ * Package bufio implements buffered I/O. It wraps an io.Reader or io.Writer
+ * object, creating another object (Reader or Writer) that also implements
+ * the interface but provides buffering and some help for textual I/O.
+ */
+namespace bufio {
+ /**
+  * ReadWriter stores pointers to a Reader and a Writer.
+  * It implements io.ReadWriter.
+  */
+ type _subpsAZZ = Reader&Writer
+ interface ReadWriter extends _subpsAZZ {
+ }
  * Package net provides a portable interface for network I/O, including
  * TCP/IP, UDP, domain name resolution, and Unix domain sockets.
@@ -17711,495 +18132,6 @@ namespace tls {
-namespace store {
-namespace hook {
- /**
-  * Handler defines a hook handler function.
-  */
- interface Handler<T> {(e: T): void }
- /**
-  * wrapped local Hook embedded struct to limit the public API surface.
-  */
- type _subpzjnf<T> = Hook<T>
- interface mainHook<T> extends _subpzjnf<T> {
- }
- * ```
- * 	Package flag implements command-line flag parsing.
- * 
- * 	Usage
- * 
- * 	Define flags using flag.String(), Bool(), Int(), etc.
- * 
- * 	This declares an integer flag, -n, stored in the pointer nFlag, with type *int:
- * 		import "flag"
- * 		var nFlag = flag.Int("n", 1234, "help message for flag n")
- * 	If you like, you can bind the flag to a variable using the Var() functions.
- * 		var flagvar int
- * 		func init() {
- * 			flag.IntVar(&flagvar, "flagname", 1234, "help message for flagname")
- * 		}
- * 	Or you can create custom flags that satisfy the Value interface (with
- * 	pointer receivers) and couple them to flag parsing by
- * 		flag.Var(&flagVal, "name", "help message for flagname")
- * 	For such flags, the default value is just the initial value of the variable.
- * 
- * 	After all flags are defined, call
- * 		flag.Parse()
- * 	to parse the command line into the defined flags.
- * 
- * 	Flags may then be used directly. If you're using the flags themselves,
- * 	they are all pointers; if you bind to variables, they're values.
- * 		fmt.Println("ip has value ", *ip)
- * 		fmt.Println("flagvar has value ", flagvar)
- * 
- * 	After parsing, the arguments following the flags are available as the
- * 	slice flag.Args() or individually as flag.Arg(i).
- * 	The arguments are indexed from 0 through flag.NArg()-1.
- * 
- * 	Command line flag syntax
- * 
- * 	The following forms are permitted:
- * 
- * 		-flag
- * 		-flag=x
- * 		-flag x  // non-boolean flags only
- * 	One or two minus signs may be used; they are equivalent.
- * 	The last form is not permitted for boolean flags because the
- * 	meaning of the command
- * 		cmd -x *
- * 	where * is a Unix shell wildcard, will change if there is a file
- * 	called 0, false, etc. You must use the -flag=false form to turn
- * 	off a boolean flag.
- * 
- * 	Flag parsing stops just before the first non-flag argument
- * 	("-" is a non-flag argument) or after the terminator "--".
- * 
- * 	Integer flags accept 1234, 0664, 0x1234 and may be negative.
- * 	Boolean flags may be:
- * 		1, 0, t, f, T, F, true, false, TRUE, FALSE, True, False
- * 	Duration flags accept any input valid for time.ParseDuration.
- * 
- * 	The default set of command-line flags is controlled by
- * 	top-level functions.  The FlagSet type allows one to define
- * 	independent sets of flags, such as to implement subcommands
- * 	in a command-line interface. The methods of FlagSet are
- * 	analogous to the top-level functions for the command-line
- * 	flag set.
- * ```
- */
-namespace flag {
- /**
-  * A FlagSet represents a set of defined flags. The zero value of a FlagSet
-  * has no name and has ContinueOnError error handling.
-  * 
-  * Flag names must be unique within a FlagSet. An attempt to define a flag whose
-  * name is already in use will cause a panic.
-  */
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * Usage is the function called when an error occurs while parsing flags.
-   * The field is a function (not a method) that may be changed to point to
-   * a custom error handler. What happens after Usage is called depends
-   * on the ErrorHandling setting; for the command line, this defaults
-   * to ExitOnError, which exits the program after calling Usage.
-   */
-  usage: () => void
- }
- /**
-  * A Flag represents the state of a flag.
-  */
- interface Flag {
-  name: string // name as it appears on command line
-  usage: string // help message
-  value: Value // value as set
-  defValue: string // default value (as text); for usage message
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * Output returns the destination for usage and error messages. os.Stderr is returned if
-   * output was not set or was set to nil.
-   */
-  output(): io.Writer
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * Name returns the name of the flag set.
-   */
-  name(): string
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * ErrorHandling returns the error handling behavior of the flag set.
-   */
-  errorHandling(): ErrorHandling
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * SetOutput sets the destination for usage and error messages.
-   * If output is nil, os.Stderr is used.
-   */
-  setOutput(output: io.Writer): void
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * VisitAll visits the flags in lexicographical order, calling fn for each.
-   * It visits all flags, even those not set.
-   */
-  visitAll(fn: (_arg0: Flag) => void): void
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * Visit visits the flags in lexicographical order, calling fn for each.
-   * It visits only those flags that have been set.
-   */
-  visit(fn: (_arg0: Flag) => void): void
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * Lookup returns the Flag structure of the named flag, returning nil if none exists.
-   */
-  lookup(name: string): (Flag | undefined)
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * Set sets the value of the named flag.
-   */
-  set(name: string): void
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * PrintDefaults prints, to standard error unless configured otherwise, the
-   * default values of all defined command-line flags in the set. See the
-   * documentation for the global function PrintDefaults for more information.
-   */
-  printDefaults(): void
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * NFlag returns the number of flags that have been set.
-   */
-  nFlag(): number
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * Arg returns the i'th argument. Arg(0) is the first remaining argument
-   * after flags have been processed. Arg returns an empty string if the
-   * requested element does not exist.
-   */
-  arg(i: number): string
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * NArg is the number of arguments remaining after flags have been processed.
-   */
-  nArg(): number
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * Args returns the non-flag arguments.
-   */
-  args(): Array<string>
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * BoolVar defines a bool flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
-   * The argument p points to a bool variable in which to store the value of the flag.
-   */
-  boolVar(p: boolean, name: string, value: boolean, usage: string): void
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * Bool defines a bool flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
-   * The return value is the address of a bool variable that stores the value of the flag.
-   */
-  bool(name: string, value: boolean, usage: string): (boolean | undefined)
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * IntVar defines an int flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
-   * The argument p points to an int variable in which to store the value of the flag.
-   */
-  intVar(p: number, name: string, value: number, usage: string): void
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * Int defines an int flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
-   * The return value is the address of an int variable that stores the value of the flag.
-   */
-  int(name: string, value: number, usage: string): (number | undefined)
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * Int64Var defines an int64 flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
-   * The argument p points to an int64 variable in which to store the value of the flag.
-   */
-  int64Var(p: number, name: string, value: number, usage: string): void
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * Int64 defines an int64 flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
-   * The return value is the address of an int64 variable that stores the value of the flag.
-   */
-  int64(name: string, value: number, usage: string): (number | undefined)
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * UintVar defines a uint flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
-   * The argument p points to a uint variable in which to store the value of the flag.
-   */
-  uintVar(p: number, name: string, value: number, usage: string): void
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * Uint defines a uint flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
-   * The return value is the address of a uint variable that stores the value of the flag.
-   */
-  uint(name: string, value: number, usage: string): (number | undefined)
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * Uint64Var defines a uint64 flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
-   * The argument p points to a uint64 variable in which to store the value of the flag.
-   */
-  uint64Var(p: number, name: string, value: number, usage: string): void
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * Uint64 defines a uint64 flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
-   * The return value is the address of a uint64 variable that stores the value of the flag.
-   */
-  uint64(name: string, value: number, usage: string): (number | undefined)
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * StringVar defines a string flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
-   * The argument p points to a string variable in which to store the value of the flag.
-   */
-  stringVar(p: string, name: string, value: string, usage: string): void
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * String defines a string flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
-   * The return value is the address of a string variable that stores the value of the flag.
-   */
-  string(name: string, value: string, usage: string): (string | undefined)
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * Float64Var defines a float64 flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
-   * The argument p points to a float64 variable in which to store the value of the flag.
-   */
-  float64Var(p: number, name: string, value: number, usage: string): void
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * Float64 defines a float64 flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
-   * The return value is the address of a float64 variable that stores the value of the flag.
-   */
-  float64(name: string, value: number, usage: string): (number | undefined)
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * DurationVar defines a time.Duration flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
-   * The argument p points to a time.Duration variable in which to store the value of the flag.
-   * The flag accepts a value acceptable to time.ParseDuration.
-   */
-  durationVar(p: time.Duration, name: string, value: time.Duration, usage: string): void
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * Duration defines a time.Duration flag with specified name, default value, and usage string.
-   * The return value is the address of a time.Duration variable that stores the value of the flag.
-   * The flag accepts a value acceptable to time.ParseDuration.
-   */
-  duration(name: string, value: time.Duration, usage: string): (time.Duration | undefined)
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * Func defines a flag with the specified name and usage string.
-   * Each time the flag is seen, fn is called with the value of the flag.
-   * If fn returns a non-nil error, it will be treated as a flag value parsing error.
-   */
-  func(name: string, fn: (_arg0: string) => void): void
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * Var defines a flag with the specified name and usage string. The type and
-   * value of the flag are represented by the first argument, of type Value, which
-   * typically holds a user-defined implementation of Value. For instance, the
-   * caller could create a flag that turns a comma-separated string into a slice
-   * of strings by giving the slice the methods of Value; in particular, Set would
-   * decompose the comma-separated string into the slice.
-   */
-  var(value: Value, name: string, usage: string): void
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * Parse parses flag definitions from the argument list, which should not
-   * include the command name. Must be called after all flags in the FlagSet
-   * are defined and before flags are accessed by the program.
-   * The return value will be ErrHelp if -help or -h were set but not defined.
-   */
-  parse(arguments: Array<string>): void
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * Parsed reports whether f.Parse has been called.
-   */
-  parsed(): boolean
- }
- interface FlagSet {
-  /**
-   * Init sets the name and error handling property for a flag set.
-   * By default, the zero FlagSet uses an empty name and the
-   * ContinueOnError error handling policy.
-   */
-  init(name: string, errorHandling: ErrorHandling): void
- }
- * Package driver defines interfaces to be implemented by database
- * drivers as used by package sql.
- * 
- * Most code should use package sql.
- * 
- * The driver interface has evolved over time. Drivers should implement
- * Connector and DriverContext interfaces.
- * The Connector.Connect and Driver.Open methods should never return ErrBadConn.
- * ErrBadConn should only be returned from Validator, SessionResetter, or
- * a query method if the connection is already in an invalid (e.g. closed) state.
- * 
- * All Conn implementations should implement the following interfaces:
- * Pinger, SessionResetter, and Validator.
- * 
- * If named parameters or context are supported, the driver's Conn should implement:
- * ExecerContext, QueryerContext, ConnPrepareContext, and ConnBeginTx.
- * 
- * To support custom data types, implement NamedValueChecker. NamedValueChecker
- * also allows queries to accept per-query options as a parameter by returning
- * ErrRemoveArgument from CheckNamedValue.
- * 
- * If multiple result sets are supported, Rows should implement RowsNextResultSet.
- * If the driver knows how to describe the types present in the returned result
- * it should implement the following interfaces: RowsColumnTypeScanType,
- * RowsColumnTypeDatabaseTypeName, RowsColumnTypeLength, RowsColumnTypeNullable,
- * and RowsColumnTypePrecisionScale. A given row value may also return a Rows
- * type, which may represent a database cursor value.
- * 
- * Before a connection is returned to the connection pool after use, IsValid is
- * called if implemented. Before a connection is reused for another query,
- * ResetSession is called if implemented. If a connection is never returned to the
- * connection pool but immediately reused, then ResetSession is called prior to
- * reuse but IsValid is not called.
- */
-namespace driver {
- /**
-  * Conn is a connection to a database. It is not used concurrently
-  * by multiple goroutines.
-  * 
-  * Conn is assumed to be stateful.
-  */
- interface Conn {
-  /**
-   * Prepare returns a prepared statement, bound to this connection.
-   */
-  prepare(query: string): Stmt
-  /**
-   * Close invalidates and potentially stops any current
-   * prepared statements and transactions, marking this
-   * connection as no longer in use.
-   * 
-   * Because the sql package maintains a free pool of
-   * connections and only calls Close when there's a surplus of
-   * idle connections, it shouldn't be necessary for drivers to
-   * do their own connection caching.
-   * 
-   * Drivers must ensure all network calls made by Close
-   * do not block indefinitely (e.g. apply a timeout).
-   */
-  close(): void
-  /**
-   * Begin starts and returns a new transaction.
-   * 
-   * Deprecated: Drivers should implement ConnBeginTx instead (or additionally).
-   */
-  begin(): Tx
- }
-namespace subscriptions {
- /**
-  * Message defines a client's channel data.
-  */
- interface Message {
-  name: string
-  data: string
- }
- /**
-  * Client is an interface for a generic subscription client.
-  */
- interface Client {
-  /**
-   * Id Returns the unique id of the client.
-   */
-  id(): string
-  /**
-   * Channel returns the client's communication channel.
-   */
-  channel(): undefined
-  /**
-   * Subscriptions returns all subscriptions to which the client has subscribed to.
-   */
-  subscriptions(): _TygojaDict
-  /**
-   * Subscribe subscribes the client to the provided subscriptions list.
-   */
-  subscribe(...subs: string[]): void
-  /**
-   * Unsubscribe unsubscribes the client from the provided subscriptions list.
-   */
-  unsubscribe(...subs: string[]): void
-  /**
-   * HasSubscription checks if the client is subscribed to `sub`.
-   */
-  hasSubscription(sub: string): boolean
-  /**
-   * Set stores any value to the client's context.
-   */
-  set(key: string, value: any): void
-  /**
-   * Unset removes a single value from the client's context.
-   */
-  unset(key: string): void
-  /**
-   * Get retrieves the key value from the client's context.
-   */
-  get(key: string): any
-  /**
-   * Discard marks the client as "discarded", meaning that it
-   * shouldn't be used anymore for sending new messages.
-   * 
-   * It is safe to call Discard() multiple times.
-   */
-  discard(): void
-  /**
-   * IsDiscarded indicates whether the client has been "discarded"
-   * and should no longer be used.
-   */
-  isDiscarded(): boolean
-  /**
-   * Send sends the specified message to the client's channel (if not discarded).
-   */
-  send(m: Message): void
- }
  * Package multipart implements MIME multipart parsing, as defined in RFC
  * 2046.
@@ -18246,21 +18178,6 @@ namespace multipart {
- * Package log implements a simple logging package. It defines a type, Logger,
- * with methods for formatting output. It also has a predefined 'standard'
- * Logger accessible through helper functions Print[f|ln], Fatal[f|ln], and
- * Panic[f|ln], which are easier to use than creating a Logger manually.
- * That logger writes to standard error and prints the date and time
- * of each logged message.
- * Every log message is output on a separate line: if the message being
- * printed does not end in a newline, the logger will add one.
- * The Fatal functions call os.Exit(1) after writing the log message.
- * The Panic functions call panic after writing the log message.
- */
-namespace log {
  * Package http provides HTTP client and server implementations.
@@ -18450,6 +18367,9 @@ namespace http {
  import urlpkg = url
+namespace store {
 namespace mailer {
   * Message defines a generic email message struct.
@@ -18467,49 +18387,6 @@ namespace mailer {
- * Package types implements some commonly used db serializable types
- * like datetime, json, etc.
- */
-namespace types {
- /**
-  * JsonRaw defines a json value type that is safe for db read/write.
-  */
- interface JsonRaw extends String{}
- interface JsonRaw {
-  /**
-   * String returns the current JsonRaw instance as a json encoded string.
-   */
-  string(): string
- }
- interface JsonRaw {
-  /**
-   * MarshalJSON implements the [json.Marshaler] interface.
-   */
-  marshalJSON(): string
- }
- interface JsonRaw {
-  /**
-   * UnmarshalJSON implements the [json.Unmarshaler] interface.
-   */
-  unmarshalJSON(b: string): void
- }
- interface JsonRaw {
-  /**
-   * Value implements the [driver.Valuer] interface.
-   */
-  value(): driver.Value
- }
- interface JsonRaw {
-  /**
-   * Scan implements [sql.Scanner] interface to scan the provided value
-   * into the current JsonRaw instance.
-   */
-  scan(value: {
-   }): void
- }
  * Package echo implements high performance, minimalist Go web framework.
@@ -18624,6 +18501,49 @@ namespace echo {
+ * Package types implements some commonly used db serializable types
+ * like datetime, json, etc.
+ */
+namespace types {
+ /**
+  * JsonRaw defines a json value type that is safe for db read/write.
+  */
+ interface JsonRaw extends String{}
+ interface JsonRaw {
+  /**
+   * String returns the current JsonRaw instance as a json encoded string.
+   */
+  string(): string
+ }
+ interface JsonRaw {
+  /**
+   * MarshalJSON implements the [json.Marshaler] interface.
+   */
+  marshalJSON(): string
+ }
+ interface JsonRaw {
+  /**
+   * UnmarshalJSON implements the [json.Unmarshaler] interface.
+   */
+  unmarshalJSON(b: string): void
+ }
+ interface JsonRaw {
+  /**
+   * Value implements the [driver.Valuer] interface.
+   */
+  value(): driver.Value
+ }
+ interface JsonRaw {
+  /**
+   * Scan implements [sql.Scanner] interface to scan the provided value
+   * into the current JsonRaw instance.
+   */
+  scan(value: {
+   }): void
+ }
 namespace search {
   * Result defines the returned search result structure.
@@ -18660,6 +18580,86 @@ namespace settings {
+namespace hook {
+ /**
+  * Handler defines a hook handler function.
+  */
+ interface Handler<T> {(e: T): void }
+ /**
+  * wrapped local Hook embedded struct to limit the public API surface.
+  */
+ type _suberRcY<T> = Hook<T>
+ interface mainHook<T> extends _suberRcY<T> {
+ }
+namespace subscriptions {
+ /**
+  * Message defines a client's channel data.
+  */
+ interface Message {
+  name: string
+  data: string
+ }
+ /**
+  * Client is an interface for a generic subscription client.
+  */
+ interface Client {
+  /**
+   * Id Returns the unique id of the client.
+   */
+  id(): string
+  /**
+   * Channel returns the client's communication channel.
+   */
+  channel(): undefined
+  /**
+   * Subscriptions returns all subscriptions to which the client has subscribed to.
+   */
+  subscriptions(): _TygojaDict
+  /**
+   * Subscribe subscribes the client to the provided subscriptions list.
+   */
+  subscribe(...subs: string[]): void
+  /**
+   * Unsubscribe unsubscribes the client from the provided subscriptions list.
+   */
+  unsubscribe(...subs: string[]): void
+  /**
+   * HasSubscription checks if the client is subscribed to `sub`.
+   */
+  hasSubscription(sub: string): boolean
+  /**
+   * Set stores any value to the client's context.
+   */
+  set(key: string, value: any): void
+  /**
+   * Unset removes a single value from the client's context.
+   */
+  unset(key: string): void
+  /**
+   * Get retrieves the key value from the client's context.
+   */
+  get(key: string): any
+  /**
+   * Discard marks the client as "discarded", meaning that it
+   * shouldn't be used anymore for sending new messages.
+   * 
+   * It is safe to call Discard() multiple times.
+   */
+  discard(): void
+  /**
+   * IsDiscarded indicates whether the client has been "discarded"
+   * and should no longer be used.
+   */
+  isDiscarded(): boolean
+  /**
+   * Send sends the specified message to the client's channel (if not discarded).
+   */
+  send(m: Message): void
+ }
  * Package autocert provides automatic access to certificates from Let's Encrypt
  * and any other ACME-based CA.
@@ -18827,6 +18827,26 @@ namespace autocert {
+ * Package core is the backbone of PocketBase.
+ * 
+ * It defines the main PocketBase App interface and its base implementation.
+ */
+namespace core {
+ interface BaseModelEvent {
+  model: models.Model
+ }
+ interface BaseModelEvent {
+  tags(): Array<string>
+ }
+ interface BaseCollectionEvent {
+  collection?: models.Collection
+ }
+ interface BaseCollectionEvent {
+  tags(): Array<string>
+ }
  * Package pflag is a drop-in replacement for Go's flag package, implementing
  * POSIX/GNU-style --flags.
@@ -18966,244 +18986,6 @@ namespace pflag {
- * Package core is the backbone of PocketBase.
- * 
- * It defines the main PocketBase App interface and its base implementation.
- */
-namespace core {
- interface BaseModelEvent {
-  model: models.Model
- }
- interface BaseModelEvent {
-  tags(): Array<string>
- }
- interface BaseCollectionEvent {
-  collection?: models.Collection
- }
- interface BaseCollectionEvent {
-  tags(): Array<string>
- }
- * Package reflect implements run-time reflection, allowing a program to
- * manipulate objects with arbitrary types. The typical use is to take a value
- * with static type interface{} and extract its dynamic type information by
- * calling TypeOf, which returns a Type.
- * 
- * A call to ValueOf returns a Value representing the run-time data.
- * Zero takes a Type and returns a Value representing a zero value
- * for that type.
- * 
- * See "The Laws of Reflection" for an introduction to reflection in Go:
- * https://golang.org/doc/articles/laws_of_reflection.html
- */
-namespace reflect {
- /**
-  * A Kind represents the specific kind of type that a Type represents.
-  * The zero Kind is not a valid kind.
-  */
- interface Kind extends Number{}
- /**
-  * ChanDir represents a channel type's direction.
-  */
- interface ChanDir extends Number{}
- /**
-  * Method represents a single method.
-  */
- interface Method {
-  /**
-   * Name is the method name.
-   */
-  name: string
-  /**
-   * PkgPath is the package path that qualifies a lower case (unexported)
-   * method name. It is empty for upper case (exported) method names.
-   * The combination of PkgPath and Name uniquely identifies a method
-   * in a method set.
-   * See https://golang.org/ref/spec#Uniqueness_of_identifiers
-   */
-  pkgPath: string
-  type: Type // method type
-  func: Value // func with receiver as first argument
-  index: number // index for Type.Method
- }
- interface Method {
-  /**
-   * IsExported reports whether the method is exported.
-   */
-  isExported(): boolean
- }
- interface Kind {
-  /**
-   * String returns the name of k.
-   */
-  string(): string
- }
- interface ChanDir {
-  string(): string
- }
- /**
-  * A StructField describes a single field in a struct.
-  */
- interface StructField {
-  /**
-   * Name is the field name.
-   */
-  name: string
-  /**
-   * PkgPath is the package path that qualifies a lower case (unexported)
-   * field name. It is empty for upper case (exported) field names.
-   * See https://golang.org/ref/spec#Uniqueness_of_identifiers
-   */
-  pkgPath: string
-  type: Type // field type
-  tag: StructTag // field tag string
-  offset: number // offset within struct, in bytes
-  index: Array<number> // index sequence for Type.FieldByIndex
-  anonymous: boolean // is an embedded field
- }
- interface StructField {
-  /**
-   * IsExported reports whether the field is exported.
-   */
-  isExported(): boolean
- }
- * Package fs defines basic interfaces to a file system.
- * A file system can be provided by the host operating system
- * but also by other packages.
- */
-namespace fs {
- /**
-  * A FileMode represents a file's mode and permission bits.
-  * The bits have the same definition on all systems, so that
-  * information about files can be moved from one system
-  * to another portably. Not all bits apply to all systems.
-  * The only required bit is ModeDir for directories.
-  */
- interface FileMode extends Number{}
- interface FileMode {
-  string(): string
- }
- interface FileMode {
-  /**
-   * IsDir reports whether m describes a directory.
-   * That is, it tests for the ModeDir bit being set in m.
-   */
-  isDir(): boolean
- }
- interface FileMode {
-  /**
-   * IsRegular reports whether m describes a regular file.
-   * That is, it tests that no mode type bits are set.
-   */
-  isRegular(): boolean
- }
- interface FileMode {
-  /**
-   * Perm returns the Unix permission bits in m (m & ModePerm).
-   */
-  perm(): FileMode
- }
- interface FileMode {
-  /**
-   * Type returns type bits in m (m & ModeType).
-   */
-  type(): FileMode
- }
- * Package driver defines interfaces to be implemented by database
- * drivers as used by package sql.
- * 
- * Most code should use package sql.
- * 
- * The driver interface has evolved over time. Drivers should implement
- * Connector and DriverContext interfaces.
- * The Connector.Connect and Driver.Open methods should never return ErrBadConn.
- * ErrBadConn should only be returned from Validator, SessionResetter, or
- * a query method if the connection is already in an invalid (e.g. closed) state.
- * 
- * All Conn implementations should implement the following interfaces:
- * Pinger, SessionResetter, and Validator.
- * 
- * If named parameters or context are supported, the driver's Conn should implement:
- * ExecerContext, QueryerContext, ConnPrepareContext, and ConnBeginTx.
- * 
- * To support custom data types, implement NamedValueChecker. NamedValueChecker
- * also allows queries to accept per-query options as a parameter by returning
- * ErrRemoveArgument from CheckNamedValue.
- * 
- * If multiple result sets are supported, Rows should implement RowsNextResultSet.
- * If the driver knows how to describe the types present in the returned result
- * it should implement the following interfaces: RowsColumnTypeScanType,
- * RowsColumnTypeDatabaseTypeName, RowsColumnTypeLength, RowsColumnTypeNullable,
- * and RowsColumnTypePrecisionScale. A given row value may also return a Rows
- * type, which may represent a database cursor value.
- * 
- * Before a connection is returned to the connection pool after use, IsValid is
- * called if implemented. Before a connection is reused for another query,
- * ResetSession is called if implemented. If a connection is never returned to the
- * connection pool but immediately reused, then ResetSession is called prior to
- * reuse but IsValid is not called.
- */
-namespace driver {
- /**
-  * Stmt is a prepared statement. It is bound to a Conn and not
-  * used by multiple goroutines concurrently.
-  */
- interface Stmt {
-  /**
-   * Close closes the statement.
-   * 
-   * As of Go 1.1, a Stmt will not be closed if it's in use
-   * by any queries.
-   * 
-   * Drivers must ensure all network calls made by Close
-   * do not block indefinitely (e.g. apply a timeout).
-   */
-  close(): void
-  /**
-   * NumInput returns the number of placeholder parameters.
-   * 
-   * If NumInput returns >= 0, the sql package will sanity check
-   * argument counts from callers and return errors to the caller
-   * before the statement's Exec or Query methods are called.
-   * 
-   * NumInput may also return -1, if the driver doesn't know
-   * its number of placeholders. In that case, the sql package
-   * will not sanity check Exec or Query argument counts.
-   */
-  numInput(): number
-  /**
-   * Exec executes a query that doesn't return rows, such
-   * as an INSERT or UPDATE.
-   * 
-   * Deprecated: Drivers should implement StmtExecContext instead (or additionally).
-   */
-  exec(args: Array<Value>): Result
-  /**
-   * Query executes a query that may return rows, such as a
-   * SELECT.
-   * 
-   * Deprecated: Drivers should implement StmtQueryContext instead (or additionally).
-   */
-  query(args: Array<Value>): Rows
- }
- /**
-  * Tx is a transaction.
-  */
- interface Tx {
-  commit(): void
-  rollback(): void
- }
  * Package bufio implements buffered I/O. It wraps an io.Reader or io.Writer
  * object, creating another object (Reader or Writer) that also implements
@@ -19467,61 +19249,134 @@ namespace bufio {
- * Package mail implements parsing of mail messages.
+ * Package reflect implements run-time reflection, allowing a program to
+ * manipulate objects with arbitrary types. The typical use is to take a value
+ * with static type interface{} and extract its dynamic type information by
+ * calling TypeOf, which returns a Type.
- * For the most part, this package follows the syntax as specified by RFC 5322 and
- * extended by RFC 6532.
- * Notable divergences:
- * ```
- * 	* Obsolete address formats are not parsed, including addresses with
- * 	  embedded route information.
- * 	* The full range of spacing (the CFWS syntax element) is not supported,
- * 	  such as breaking addresses across lines.
- * 	* No unicode normalization is performed.
- * 	* The special characters ()[]:;@\, are allowed to appear unquoted in names.
- * ```
+ * A call to ValueOf returns a Value representing the run-time data.
+ * Zero takes a Type and returns a Value representing a zero value
+ * for that type.
+ * 
+ * See "The Laws of Reflection" for an introduction to reflection in Go:
+ * https://golang.org/doc/articles/laws_of_reflection.html
-namespace mail {
+namespace reflect {
-  * Address represents a single mail address.
-  * An address such as "Barry Gibbs <bg@example.com>" is represented
-  * as Address{Name: "Barry Gibbs", Address: "bg@example.com"}.
+  * A Kind represents the specific kind of type that a Type represents.
+  * The zero Kind is not a valid kind.
- interface Address {
-  name: string // Proper name; may be empty.
-  address: string // user@domain
- }
- interface Address {
+ interface Kind extends Number{}
+ /**
+  * ChanDir represents a channel type's direction.
+  */
+ interface ChanDir extends Number{}
+ /**
+  * Method represents a single method.
+  */
+ interface Method {
-   * String formats the address as a valid RFC 5322 address.
-   * If the address's name contains non-ASCII characters
-   * the name will be rendered according to RFC 2047.
+   * Name is the method name.
+   */
+  name: string
+  /**
+   * PkgPath is the package path that qualifies a lower case (unexported)
+   * method name. It is empty for upper case (exported) method names.
+   * The combination of PkgPath and Name uniquely identifies a method
+   * in a method set.
+   * See https://golang.org/ref/spec#Uniqueness_of_identifiers
+   */
+  pkgPath: string
+  type: Type // method type
+  func: Value // func with receiver as first argument
+  index: number // index for Type.Method
+ }
+ interface Method {
+  /**
+   * IsExported reports whether the method is exported.
+   */
+  isExported(): boolean
+ }
+ interface Kind {
+  /**
+   * String returns the name of k.
   string(): string
+ interface ChanDir {
+  string(): string
+ }
+ /**
+  * A StructField describes a single field in a struct.
+  */
+ interface StructField {
+  /**
+   * Name is the field name.
+   */
+  name: string
+  /**
+   * PkgPath is the package path that qualifies a lower case (unexported)
+   * field name. It is empty for upper case (exported) field names.
+   * See https://golang.org/ref/spec#Uniqueness_of_identifiers
+   */
+  pkgPath: string
+  type: Type // field type
+  tag: StructTag // field tag string
+  offset: number // offset within struct, in bytes
+  index: Array<number> // index sequence for Type.FieldByIndex
+  anonymous: boolean // is an embedded field
+ }
+ interface StructField {
+  /**
+   * IsExported reports whether the field is exported.
+   */
+  isExported(): boolean
+ }
- * Package crypto collects common cryptographic constants.
+ * Package fs defines basic interfaces to a file system.
+ * A file system can be provided by the host operating system
+ * but also by other packages.
-namespace crypto {
+namespace fs {
-  * PrivateKey represents a private key using an unspecified algorithm.
-  * 
-  * Although this type is an empty interface for backwards compatibility reasons,
-  * all private key types in the standard library implement the following interface
-  * 
-  * ```
-  *     interface{
-  *         Public() crypto.PublicKey
-  *         Equal(x crypto.PrivateKey) bool
-  *     }
-  * ```
-  * 
-  * as well as purpose-specific interfaces such as Signer and Decrypter, which
-  * can be used for increased type safety within applications.
+  * A FileMode represents a file's mode and permission bits.
+  * The bits have the same definition on all systems, so that
+  * information about files can be moved from one system
+  * to another portably. Not all bits apply to all systems.
+  * The only required bit is ModeDir for directories.
- interface PrivateKey extends _TygojaAny{}
+ interface FileMode extends Number{}
+ interface FileMode {
+  string(): string
+ }
+ interface FileMode {
+  /**
+   * IsDir reports whether m describes a directory.
+   * That is, it tests for the ModeDir bit being set in m.
+   */
+  isDir(): boolean
+ }
+ interface FileMode {
+  /**
+   * IsRegular reports whether m describes a regular file.
+   * That is, it tests that no mode type bits are set.
+   */
+  isRegular(): boolean
+ }
+ interface FileMode {
+  /**
+   * Perm returns the Unix permission bits in m (m & ModePerm).
+   */
+  perm(): FileMode
+ }
+ interface FileMode {
+  /**
+   * Type returns type bits in m (m & ModeType).
+   */
+  type(): FileMode
+ }
@@ -20158,6 +20013,29 @@ namespace big {
+ * Package crypto collects common cryptographic constants.
+ */
+namespace crypto {
+ /**
+  * PrivateKey represents a private key using an unspecified algorithm.
+  * 
+  * Although this type is an empty interface for backwards compatibility reasons,
+  * all private key types in the standard library implement the following interface
+  * 
+  * ```
+  *     interface{
+  *         Public() crypto.PublicKey
+  *         Equal(x crypto.PrivateKey) bool
+  *     }
+  * ```
+  * 
+  * as well as purpose-specific interfaces such as Signer and Decrypter, which
+  * can be used for increased type safety within applications.
+  */
+ interface PrivateKey extends _TygojaAny{}
  * Package asn1 implements parsing of DER-encoded ASN.1 data structures,
  * as defined in ITU-T Rec X.690.
@@ -20350,6 +20228,44 @@ namespace x509 {
  interface ExtKeyUsage extends Number{}
+namespace subscriptions {
+ * Package mail implements parsing of mail messages.
+ * 
+ * For the most part, this package follows the syntax as specified by RFC 5322 and
+ * extended by RFC 6532.
+ * Notable divergences:
+ * ```
+ * 	* Obsolete address formats are not parsed, including addresses with
+ * 	  embedded route information.
+ * 	* The full range of spacing (the CFWS syntax element) is not supported,
+ * 	  such as breaking addresses across lines.
+ * 	* No unicode normalization is performed.
+ * 	* The special characters ()[]:;@\, are allowed to appear unquoted in names.
+ * ```
+ */
+namespace mail {
+ /**
+  * Address represents a single mail address.
+  * An address such as "Barry Gibbs <bg@example.com>" is represented
+  * as Address{Name: "Barry Gibbs", Address: "bg@example.com"}.
+  */
+ interface Address {
+  name: string // Proper name; may be empty.
+  address: string // user@domain
+ }
+ interface Address {
+  /**
+   * String formats the address as a valid RFC 5322 address.
+   * If the address's name contains non-ASCII characters
+   * the name will be rendered according to RFC 2047.
+   */
+  string(): string
+ }
  * Package tls partially implements TLS 1.2, as specified in RFC 5246,
  * and TLS 1.3, as specified in RFC 8446.
@@ -20371,6 +20287,184 @@ namespace tls {
+ * Package driver defines interfaces to be implemented by database
+ * drivers as used by package sql.
+ * 
+ * Most code should use package sql.
+ * 
+ * The driver interface has evolved over time. Drivers should implement
+ * Connector and DriverContext interfaces.
+ * The Connector.Connect and Driver.Open methods should never return ErrBadConn.
+ * ErrBadConn should only be returned from Validator, SessionResetter, or
+ * a query method if the connection is already in an invalid (e.g. closed) state.
+ * 
+ * All Conn implementations should implement the following interfaces:
+ * Pinger, SessionResetter, and Validator.
+ * 
+ * If named parameters or context are supported, the driver's Conn should implement:
+ * ExecerContext, QueryerContext, ConnPrepareContext, and ConnBeginTx.
+ * 
+ * To support custom data types, implement NamedValueChecker. NamedValueChecker
+ * also allows queries to accept per-query options as a parameter by returning
+ * ErrRemoveArgument from CheckNamedValue.
+ * 
+ * If multiple result sets are supported, Rows should implement RowsNextResultSet.
+ * If the driver knows how to describe the types present in the returned result
+ * it should implement the following interfaces: RowsColumnTypeScanType,
+ * RowsColumnTypeDatabaseTypeName, RowsColumnTypeLength, RowsColumnTypeNullable,
+ * and RowsColumnTypePrecisionScale. A given row value may also return a Rows
+ * type, which may represent a database cursor value.
+ * 
+ * Before a connection is returned to the connection pool after use, IsValid is
+ * called if implemented. Before a connection is reused for another query,
+ * ResetSession is called if implemented. If a connection is never returned to the
+ * connection pool but immediately reused, then ResetSession is called prior to
+ * reuse but IsValid is not called.
+ */
+namespace driver {
+ /**
+  * Stmt is a prepared statement. It is bound to a Conn and not
+  * used by multiple goroutines concurrently.
+  */
+ interface Stmt {
+  /**
+   * Close closes the statement.
+   * 
+   * As of Go 1.1, a Stmt will not be closed if it's in use
+   * by any queries.
+   * 
+   * Drivers must ensure all network calls made by Close
+   * do not block indefinitely (e.g. apply a timeout).
+   */
+  close(): void
+  /**
+   * NumInput returns the number of placeholder parameters.
+   * 
+   * If NumInput returns >= 0, the sql package will sanity check
+   * argument counts from callers and return errors to the caller
+   * before the statement's Exec or Query methods are called.
+   * 
+   * NumInput may also return -1, if the driver doesn't know
+   * its number of placeholders. In that case, the sql package
+   * will not sanity check Exec or Query argument counts.
+   */
+  numInput(): number
+  /**
+   * Exec executes a query that doesn't return rows, such
+   * as an INSERT or UPDATE.
+   * 
+   * Deprecated: Drivers should implement StmtExecContext instead (or additionally).
+   */
+  exec(args: Array<Value>): Result
+  /**
+   * Query executes a query that may return rows, such as a
+   * SELECT.
+   * 
+   * Deprecated: Drivers should implement StmtQueryContext instead (or additionally).
+   */
+  query(args: Array<Value>): Rows
+ }
+ /**
+  * Tx is a transaction.
+  */
+ interface Tx {
+  commit(): void
+  rollback(): void
+ }
+namespace search {
+ * ```
+ * 	Package flag implements command-line flag parsing.
+ * 
+ * 	Usage
+ * 
+ * 	Define flags using flag.String(), Bool(), Int(), etc.
+ * 
+ * 	This declares an integer flag, -n, stored in the pointer nFlag, with type *int:
+ * 		import "flag"
+ * 		var nFlag = flag.Int("n", 1234, "help message for flag n")
+ * 	If you like, you can bind the flag to a variable using the Var() functions.
+ * 		var flagvar int
+ * 		func init() {
+ * 			flag.IntVar(&flagvar, "flagname", 1234, "help message for flagname")
+ * 		}
+ * 	Or you can create custom flags that satisfy the Value interface (with
+ * 	pointer receivers) and couple them to flag parsing by
+ * 		flag.Var(&flagVal, "name", "help message for flagname")
+ * 	For such flags, the default value is just the initial value of the variable.
+ * 
+ * 	After all flags are defined, call
+ * 		flag.Parse()
+ * 	to parse the command line into the defined flags.
+ * 
+ * 	Flags may then be used directly. If you're using the flags themselves,
+ * 	they are all pointers; if you bind to variables, they're values.
+ * 		fmt.Println("ip has value ", *ip)
+ * 		fmt.Println("flagvar has value ", flagvar)
+ * 
+ * 	After parsing, the arguments following the flags are available as the
+ * 	slice flag.Args() or individually as flag.Arg(i).
+ * 	The arguments are indexed from 0 through flag.NArg()-1.
+ * 
+ * 	Command line flag syntax
+ * 
+ * 	The following forms are permitted:
+ * 
+ * 		-flag
+ * 		-flag=x
+ * 		-flag x  // non-boolean flags only
+ * 	One or two minus signs may be used; they are equivalent.
+ * 	The last form is not permitted for boolean flags because the
+ * 	meaning of the command
+ * 		cmd -x *
+ * 	where * is a Unix shell wildcard, will change if there is a file
+ * 	called 0, false, etc. You must use the -flag=false form to turn
+ * 	off a boolean flag.
+ * 
+ * 	Flag parsing stops just before the first non-flag argument
+ * 	("-" is a non-flag argument) or after the terminator "--".
+ * 
+ * 	Integer flags accept 1234, 0664, 0x1234 and may be negative.
+ * 	Boolean flags may be:
+ * 		1, 0, t, f, T, F, true, false, TRUE, FALSE, True, False
+ * 	Duration flags accept any input valid for time.ParseDuration.
+ * 
+ * 	The default set of command-line flags is controlled by
+ * 	top-level functions.  The FlagSet type allows one to define
+ * 	independent sets of flags, such as to implement subcommands
+ * 	in a command-line interface. The methods of FlagSet are
+ * 	analogous to the top-level functions for the command-line
+ * 	flag set.
+ * ```
+ */
+namespace flag {
+ /**
+  * Value is the interface to the dynamic value stored in a flag.
+  * (The default value is represented as a string.)
+  * 
+  * If a Value has an IsBoolFlag() bool method returning true,
+  * the command-line parser makes -name equivalent to -name=true
+  * rather than using the next command-line argument.
+  * 
+  * Set is called once, in command line order, for each flag present.
+  * The flag package may call the String method with a zero-valued receiver,
+  * such as a nil pointer.
+  */
+ interface Value {
+  string(): string
+  set(_arg0: string): void
+ }
+ /**
+  * ErrorHandling defines how FlagSet.Parse behaves if the parse fails.
+  */
+ interface ErrorHandling extends Number{}
  * Package acme provides an implementation of the
  * Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME) spec,
@@ -20796,100 +20890,6 @@ namespace acme {
- * ```
- * 	Package flag implements command-line flag parsing.
- * 
- * 	Usage
- * 
- * 	Define flags using flag.String(), Bool(), Int(), etc.
- * 
- * 	This declares an integer flag, -n, stored in the pointer nFlag, with type *int:
- * 		import "flag"
- * 		var nFlag = flag.Int("n", 1234, "help message for flag n")
- * 	If you like, you can bind the flag to a variable using the Var() functions.
- * 		var flagvar int
- * 		func init() {
- * 			flag.IntVar(&flagvar, "flagname", 1234, "help message for flagname")
- * 		}
- * 	Or you can create custom flags that satisfy the Value interface (with
- * 	pointer receivers) and couple them to flag parsing by
- * 		flag.Var(&flagVal, "name", "help message for flagname")
- * 	For such flags, the default value is just the initial value of the variable.
- * 
- * 	After all flags are defined, call
- * 		flag.Parse()
- * 	to parse the command line into the defined flags.
- * 
- * 	Flags may then be used directly. If you're using the flags themselves,
- * 	they are all pointers; if you bind to variables, they're values.
- * 		fmt.Println("ip has value ", *ip)
- * 		fmt.Println("flagvar has value ", flagvar)
- * 
- * 	After parsing, the arguments following the flags are available as the
- * 	slice flag.Args() or individually as flag.Arg(i).
- * 	The arguments are indexed from 0 through flag.NArg()-1.
- * 
- * 	Command line flag syntax
- * 
- * 	The following forms are permitted:
- * 
- * 		-flag
- * 		-flag=x
- * 		-flag x  // non-boolean flags only
- * 	One or two minus signs may be used; they are equivalent.
- * 	The last form is not permitted for boolean flags because the
- * 	meaning of the command
- * 		cmd -x *
- * 	where * is a Unix shell wildcard, will change if there is a file
- * 	called 0, false, etc. You must use the -flag=false form to turn
- * 	off a boolean flag.
- * 
- * 	Flag parsing stops just before the first non-flag argument
- * 	("-" is a non-flag argument) or after the terminator "--".
- * 
- * 	Integer flags accept 1234, 0664, 0x1234 and may be negative.
- * 	Boolean flags may be:
- * 		1, 0, t, f, T, F, true, false, TRUE, FALSE, True, False
- * 	Duration flags accept any input valid for time.ParseDuration.
- * 
- * 	The default set of command-line flags is controlled by
- * 	top-level functions.  The FlagSet type allows one to define
- * 	independent sets of flags, such as to implement subcommands
- * 	in a command-line interface. The methods of FlagSet are
- * 	analogous to the top-level functions for the command-line
- * 	flag set.
- * ```
- */
-namespace flag {
- /**
-  * Value is the interface to the dynamic value stored in a flag.
-  * (The default value is represented as a string.)
-  * 
-  * If a Value has an IsBoolFlag() bool method returning true,
-  * the command-line parser makes -name equivalent to -name=true
-  * rather than using the next command-line argument.
-  * 
-  * Set is called once, in command line order, for each flag present.
-  * The flag package may call the String method with a zero-valued receiver,
-  * such as a nil pointer.
-  */
- interface Value {
-  string(): string
-  set(_arg0: string): void
- }
- /**
-  * ErrorHandling defines how FlagSet.Parse behaves if the parse fails.
-  */
- interface ErrorHandling extends Number{}
-namespace search {
-namespace subscriptions {
  * Package autocert provides automatic access to certificates from Let's Encrypt
  * and any other ACME-based CA.
@@ -21002,8 +21002,8 @@ namespace reflect {
   * Using == on two Values does not compare the underlying values
   * they represent.
- type _subffNTw = flag
- interface Value extends _subffNTw {
+ type _suboLiBu = flag
+ interface Value extends _suboLiBu {
  interface Value {
@@ -22024,6 +22024,88 @@ namespace fmt {
+ * Package driver defines interfaces to be implemented by database
+ * drivers as used by package sql.
+ * 
+ * Most code should use package sql.
+ * 
+ * The driver interface has evolved over time. Drivers should implement
+ * Connector and DriverContext interfaces.
+ * The Connector.Connect and Driver.Open methods should never return ErrBadConn.
+ * ErrBadConn should only be returned from Validator, SessionResetter, or
+ * a query method if the connection is already in an invalid (e.g. closed) state.
+ * 
+ * All Conn implementations should implement the following interfaces:
+ * Pinger, SessionResetter, and Validator.
+ * 
+ * If named parameters or context are supported, the driver's Conn should implement:
+ * ExecerContext, QueryerContext, ConnPrepareContext, and ConnBeginTx.
+ * 
+ * To support custom data types, implement NamedValueChecker. NamedValueChecker
+ * also allows queries to accept per-query options as a parameter by returning
+ * ErrRemoveArgument from CheckNamedValue.
+ * 
+ * If multiple result sets are supported, Rows should implement RowsNextResultSet.
+ * If the driver knows how to describe the types present in the returned result
+ * it should implement the following interfaces: RowsColumnTypeScanType,
+ * RowsColumnTypeDatabaseTypeName, RowsColumnTypeLength, RowsColumnTypeNullable,
+ * and RowsColumnTypePrecisionScale. A given row value may also return a Rows
+ * type, which may represent a database cursor value.
+ * 
+ * Before a connection is returned to the connection pool after use, IsValid is
+ * called if implemented. Before a connection is reused for another query,
+ * ResetSession is called if implemented. If a connection is never returned to the
+ * connection pool but immediately reused, then ResetSession is called prior to
+ * reuse but IsValid is not called.
+ */
+namespace driver {
+ /**
+  * Result is the result of a query execution.
+  */
+ interface Result {
+  /**
+   * LastInsertId returns the database's auto-generated ID
+   * after, for example, an INSERT into a table with primary
+   * key.
+   */
+  lastInsertId(): number
+  /**
+   * RowsAffected returns the number of rows affected by the
+   * query.
+   */
+  rowsAffected(): number
+ }
+ /**
+  * Rows is an iterator over an executed query's results.
+  */
+ interface Rows {
+  /**
+   * Columns returns the names of the columns. The number of
+   * columns of the result is inferred from the length of the
+   * slice. If a particular column name isn't known, an empty
+   * string should be returned for that entry.
+   */
+  columns(): Array<string>
+  /**
+   * Close closes the rows iterator.
+   */
+  close(): void
+  /**
+   * Next is called to populate the next row of data into
+   * the provided slice. The provided slice will be the same
+   * size as the Columns() are wide.
+   * 
+   * Next should return io.EOF when there are no more rows.
+   * 
+   * The dest should not be written to outside of Next. Care
+   * should be taken when closing Rows not to modify
+   * a buffer held in dest.
+   */
+  next(dest: Array<Value>): void
+ }
  * Package rand implements pseudo-random number generators unsuitable for
  * security-sensitive work.
@@ -22283,39 +22365,6 @@ namespace big {
  interface Word extends Number{}
- * Package crypto collects common cryptographic constants.
- */
-namespace crypto {
- /**
-  * Signer is an interface for an opaque private key that can be used for
-  * signing operations. For example, an RSA key kept in a hardware module.
-  */
- interface Signer {
-  /**
-   * Public returns the public key corresponding to the opaque,
-   * private key.
-   */
-  public(): PublicKey
-  /**
-   * Sign signs digest with the private key, possibly using entropy from
-   * rand. For an RSA key, the resulting signature should be either a
-   * PKCS #1 v1.5 or PSS signature (as indicated by opts). For an (EC)DSA
-   * key, it should be a DER-serialised, ASN.1 signature structure.
-   * 
-   * Hash implements the SignerOpts interface and, in most cases, one can
-   * simply pass in the hash function used as opts. Sign may also attempt
-   * to type assert opts to other types in order to obtain algorithm
-   * specific values. See the documentation in each package for details.
-   * 
-   * Note that when a signature of a hash of a larger message is needed,
-   * the caller is responsible for hashing the larger message and passing
-   * the hash (as digest) and the hash function (as opts) to Sign.
-   */
-  sign(rand: io.Reader, digest: string, opts: SignerOpts): string
- }
  * Package asn1 implements parsing of DER-encoded ASN.1 data structures,
  * as defined in ITU-T Rec X.690.
@@ -22394,6 +22443,39 @@ namespace pkix {
+ * Package crypto collects common cryptographic constants.
+ */
+namespace crypto {
+ /**
+  * Signer is an interface for an opaque private key that can be used for
+  * signing operations. For example, an RSA key kept in a hardware module.
+  */
+ interface Signer {
+  /**
+   * Public returns the public key corresponding to the opaque,
+   * private key.
+   */
+  public(): PublicKey
+  /**
+   * Sign signs digest with the private key, possibly using entropy from
+   * rand. For an RSA key, the resulting signature should be either a
+   * PKCS #1 v1.5 or PSS signature (as indicated by opts). For an (EC)DSA
+   * key, it should be a DER-serialised, ASN.1 signature structure.
+   * 
+   * Hash implements the SignerOpts interface and, in most cases, one can
+   * simply pass in the hash function used as opts. Sign may also attempt
+   * to type assert opts to other types in order to obtain algorithm
+   * specific values. See the documentation in each package for details.
+   * 
+   * Note that when a signature of a hash of a larger message is needed,
+   * the caller is responsible for hashing the larger message and passing
+   * the hash (as digest) and the hash function (as opts) to Sign.
+   */
+  sign(rand: io.Reader, digest: string, opts: SignerOpts): string
+ }
  * Package acme provides an implementation of the
  * Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME) spec,
@@ -22723,84 +22805,34 @@ namespace acme {
- * Package driver defines interfaces to be implemented by database
- * drivers as used by package sql.
- * 
- * Most code should use package sql.
- * 
- * The driver interface has evolved over time. Drivers should implement
- * Connector and DriverContext interfaces.
- * The Connector.Connect and Driver.Open methods should never return ErrBadConn.
- * ErrBadConn should only be returned from Validator, SessionResetter, or
- * a query method if the connection is already in an invalid (e.g. closed) state.
- * 
- * All Conn implementations should implement the following interfaces:
- * Pinger, SessionResetter, and Validator.
- * 
- * If named parameters or context are supported, the driver's Conn should implement:
- * ExecerContext, QueryerContext, ConnPrepareContext, and ConnBeginTx.
- * 
- * To support custom data types, implement NamedValueChecker. NamedValueChecker
- * also allows queries to accept per-query options as a parameter by returning
- * ErrRemoveArgument from CheckNamedValue.
- * 
- * If multiple result sets are supported, Rows should implement RowsNextResultSet.
- * If the driver knows how to describe the types present in the returned result
- * it should implement the following interfaces: RowsColumnTypeScanType,
- * RowsColumnTypeDatabaseTypeName, RowsColumnTypeLength, RowsColumnTypeNullable,
- * and RowsColumnTypePrecisionScale. A given row value may also return a Rows
- * type, which may represent a database cursor value.
- * 
- * Before a connection is returned to the connection pool after use, IsValid is
- * called if implemented. Before a connection is reused for another query,
- * ResetSession is called if implemented. If a connection is never returned to the
- * connection pool but immediately reused, then ResetSession is called prior to
- * reuse but IsValid is not called.
+ * Package crypto collects common cryptographic constants.
-namespace driver {
+namespace crypto {
-  * Result is the result of a query execution.
+  * PublicKey represents a public key using an unspecified algorithm.
+  * 
+  * Although this type is an empty interface for backwards compatibility reasons,
+  * all public key types in the standard library implement the following interface
+  * 
+  * ```
+  *     interface{
+  *         Equal(x crypto.PublicKey) bool
+  *     }
+  * ```
+  * 
+  * which can be used for increased type safety within applications.
- interface Result {
-  /**
-   * LastInsertId returns the database's auto-generated ID
-   * after, for example, an INSERT into a table with primary
-   * key.
-   */
-  lastInsertId(): number
-  /**
-   * RowsAffected returns the number of rows affected by the
-   * query.
-   */
-  rowsAffected(): number
- }
+ interface PublicKey extends _TygojaAny{}
-  * Rows is an iterator over an executed query's results.
+  * SignerOpts contains options for signing with a Signer.
- interface Rows {
+ interface SignerOpts {
-   * Columns returns the names of the columns. The number of
-   * columns of the result is inferred from the length of the
-   * slice. If a particular column name isn't known, an empty
-   * string should be returned for that entry.
+   * HashFunc returns an identifier for the hash function used to produce
+   * the message passed to Signer.Sign, or else zero to indicate that no
+   * hashing was done.
-  columns(): Array<string>
-  /**
-   * Close closes the rows iterator.
-   */
-  close(): void
-  /**
-   * Next is called to populate the next row of data into
-   * the provided slice. The provided slice will be the same
-   * size as the Columns() are wide.
-   * 
-   * Next should return io.EOF when there are no more rows.
-   * 
-   * The dest should not be written to outside of Next. Care
-   * should be taken when closing Rows not to modify
-   * a buffer held in dest.
-   */
-  next(dest: Array<Value>): void
+  hashFunc(): Hash
@@ -22856,38 +22888,6 @@ namespace reflect {
- * Package crypto collects common cryptographic constants.
- */
-namespace crypto {
- /**
-  * PublicKey represents a public key using an unspecified algorithm.
-  * 
-  * Although this type is an empty interface for backwards compatibility reasons,
-  * all public key types in the standard library implement the following interface
-  * 
-  * ```
-  *     interface{
-  *         Equal(x crypto.PublicKey) bool
-  *     }
-  * ```
-  * 
-  * which can be used for increased type safety within applications.
-  */
- interface PublicKey extends _TygojaAny{}
- /**
-  * SignerOpts contains options for signing with a Signer.
-  */
- interface SignerOpts {
-  /**
-   * HashFunc returns an identifier for the hash function used to produce
-   * the message passed to Signer.Sign, or else zero to indicate that no
-   * hashing was done.
-   */
-  hashFunc(): Hash
- }
  * Package asn1 implements parsing of DER-encoded ASN.1 data structures,
  * as defined in ITU-T Rec X.690.