import{S as je,i as ze,s as Fe,M as We,e as s,w,b as h,c as re,f as p,g as i,h as a,m as ce,x as de,N as De,O as Ve,k as Le,P as Ee,n as Je,t as L,a as E,o as r,d as ue,R as Ne,C as Ue,p as Ie,r as J,u as Ke}from"./index-41f683eb.js";import{S as Qe}from"./SdkTabs-b5ab576b.js";function Be(c,l,o){const n=c.slice();return n[5]=l[o],n}function Me(c,l,o){const n=c.slice();return n[5]=l[o],n}function Re(c,l){let o,n=l[5].code+"",m,v,d,b;function k(){return l[4](l[5])}return{key:c,first:null,c(){o=s("button"),m=w(n),v=h(),p(o,"class","tab-item"),J(o,"active",l[1]===l[5].code),this.first=o},m(g,O){i(g,o,O),a(o,m),a(o,v),d||(b=Ke(o,"click",k),d=!0)},p(g,O){l=g,O&4&&n!==(n=l[5].code+"")&&de(m,n),O&6&&J(o,"active",l[1]===l[5].code)},d(g){g&&r(o),d=!1,b()}}}function He(c,l){let o,n,m,v;return n=new We({props:{content:l[5].body}}),{key:c,first:null,c(){o=s("div"),re(n.$$.fragment),m=h(),p(o,"class","tab-item"),J(o,"active",l[1]===l[5].code),this.first=o},m(d,b){i(d,o,b),ce(n,o,null),a(o,m),v=!0},p(d,b){l=d;const k={};b&4&&(k.content=l[5].body),n.$set(k),(!v||b&6)&&J(o,"active",l[1]===l[5].code)},i(d){v||(L(n.$$.fragment,d),v=!0)},o(d){E(n.$$.fragment,d),v=!1},d(d){d&&r(o),ue(n)}}}function Ge(c){let l,o,n=c[0].name+"",m,v,d,b,k,g,O,x,N,A,j,he,z,P,pe,I,F=c[0].name+"",K,be,Q,D,G,U,X,B,Y,S,Z,fe,ee,T,te,me,ae,ve,f,we,C,ke,ge,_e,le,ye,oe,Oe,Ae,Se,se,Te,ne,M,ie,$,R,y=[],$e=new Map,Ce,H,_=[],qe=new Map,q;g=new Qe({props:{js:`
import PocketBase from 'pocketbase';
const pb = new PocketBase('${c[3]}');
// This method initializes a one-off realtime subscription and will
// open a popup window with the OAuth2 vendor page to authenticate.
// Once the external OAuth2 sign-in/sign-up flow is completed, the popup
// window will be automatically closed and the OAuth2 data sent back
// to the user through the previously established realtime connection.
const authData = await pb.collection('users').authWithOAuth2({ provider: 'google' });
// after the above you can also access the auth data from the authStore
// "logout" the last authenticated model
import 'package:pocketbase/pocketbase.dart';
import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart';
final pb = PocketBase('${c[3]}');
// This method initializes a one-off realtime subscription and will
// call the provided urlCallback with the OAuth2 vendor url to authenticate.
// Once the external OAuth2 sign-in/sign-up flow is completed, the browser
// window will be automatically closed and the OAuth2 data sent back
// to the user through the previously established realtime connection.
final authData = await pb.collection('users').authWithOAuth2('google', (url) async {
await launchUrl(url);
// after the above you can also access the auth data from the authStore
// "logout" the last authenticated model
`}}),C=new We({props:{content:"?expand=relField1,relField2.subRelField"}});let V=c[2];const xe=e=>e[5].code;for(let e=0;e
For more details please check the OAuth2 integration documentation .
`,k=h(),re(g.$$.fragment),O=h(),x=s("h6"),x.textContent="API details",N=h(),A=s("div"),j=s("strong"),j.textContent="POST",he=h(),z=s("div"),P=s("p"),pe=w("/api/collections/"),I=s("strong"),K=w(F),be=w("/auth-with-oauth2"),Q=h(),D=s("div"),D.textContent="Body Parameters",G=h(),U=s("table"),U.innerHTML=`Optional data that will be used when creating the auth record on OAuth2 sign-up.
The created auth record must comply with the same requirements and validations in the
regular create action.
The data can only be in json
, aka. multipart/form-data
and files
upload currently are not supported during OAuth2 sign-ups.