package core

import (


// filter modifiers
const (
	eachModifier   string = "each"
	issetModifier  string = "isset"
	lengthModifier string = "length"
	lowerModifier  string = "lower"

// ensure that `search.FieldResolver` interface is implemented
var _ search.FieldResolver = (*RecordFieldResolver)(nil)

// RecordFieldResolver defines a custom search resolver struct for
// managing Record model search fields.
// Usually used together with `search.Provider`.
// Example:
//	resolver := resolvers.NewRecordFieldResolver(
//	    app,
//	    myCollection,
//	    &models.RequestInfo{...},
//	    true,
//	)
//	provider := search.NewProvider(resolver)
//	...
type RecordFieldResolver struct {
	app               App
	baseCollection    *Collection
	requestInfo       *RequestInfo
	staticRequestInfo map[string]any
	allowedFields     []string
	joins             []*join
	allowHiddenFields bool

// NewRecordFieldResolver creates and initializes a new `RecordFieldResolver`.
func NewRecordFieldResolver(
	app App,
	baseCollection *Collection,
	requestInfo *RequestInfo,
	allowHiddenFields bool,
) *RecordFieldResolver {
	r := &RecordFieldResolver{
		app:               app,
		baseCollection:    baseCollection,
		requestInfo:       requestInfo,
		allowHiddenFields: allowHiddenFields, // note: it is not based only on the requestInfo.auth since it could be used by a non-request internal method
		joins:             []*join{},
		allowedFields: []string{

	r.staticRequestInfo = map[string]any{}
	if r.requestInfo != nil {
		r.staticRequestInfo["context"] = r.requestInfo.Context
		r.staticRequestInfo["method"] = r.requestInfo.Method
		r.staticRequestInfo["query"] = r.requestInfo.Query
		r.staticRequestInfo["headers"] = r.requestInfo.Headers
		r.staticRequestInfo["body"] = r.requestInfo.Body
		r.staticRequestInfo["auth"] = nil
		if r.requestInfo.Auth != nil {
			authClone := r.requestInfo.Auth.Clone()
			r.staticRequestInfo["auth"] = authClone.

	return r

// UpdateQuery implements `search.FieldResolver` interface.
// Conditionally updates the provided search query based on the
// resolved fields (eg. dynamically joining relations).
func (r *RecordFieldResolver) UpdateQuery(query *dbx.SelectQuery) error {
	if len(r.joins) > 0 {

		for _, join := range r.joins {
				(join.tableName + " " + join.tableAlias),

	return nil

// Resolve implements `search.FieldResolver` interface.
// Example of some resolvable fieldName formats:
//	id
//	someSelect.each
//	project.screen.status
//	@request.context
//	@request.method
//	@request.query.filter
//	@request.headers.x_token
//	@request.body.someField
//	@request.body.someSelect:each
//	@request.body.someField:isset
func (r *RecordFieldResolver) Resolve(fieldName string) (*search.ResolverResult, error) {
	return parseAndRun(fieldName, r)

func (r *RecordFieldResolver) resolveStaticRequestField(path ...string) (*search.ResolverResult, error) {
	if len(path) == 0 {
		return nil, errors.New("at least one path key should be provided")

	lastProp, modifier, err := splitModifier(path[len(path)-1])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	path[len(path)-1] = lastProp

	// extract value
	resultVal, err := extractNestedVal(r.staticRequestInfo, path...)
	if err != nil {"resolveStaticRequestField graceful fallback", "error", err.Error())

	if modifier == issetModifier {
		if err != nil {
			return &search.ResolverResult{Identifier: "FALSE"}, nil
		return &search.ResolverResult{Identifier: "TRUE"}, nil

	// note: we are ignoring the error because requestInfo is dynamic
	// and some of the lookup keys may not be defined for the request

	switch v := resultVal.(type) {
	case nil:
		return &search.ResolverResult{Identifier: "NULL"}, nil
	case string:
		// check if it is a number field and explicitly try to cast to
		// float in case of a numeric string value was used
		// (this usually the case when the data is from a multipart/form-data request)
		field := r.baseCollection.Fields.GetByName(path[len(path)-1])
		if field != nil && field.Type() == FieldTypeNumber {
			if nv, err := strconv.ParseFloat(v, 64); err == nil {
				resultVal = nv
		// otherwise - no further processing is needed...
	case bool, int, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, float32, float64:
		// no further processing is needed...
		// non-plain value
		// try casting to string (in case for exampe fmt.Stringer is implemented)
		val, castErr := cast.ToStringE(v)

		// if that doesn't work, try encoding it
		if castErr != nil {
			encoded, jsonErr := json.Marshal(v)
			if jsonErr == nil {
				val = string(encoded)

		resultVal = val

	placeholder := "f" + security.PseudorandomString(6)

	if modifier == lowerModifier {
		return &search.ResolverResult{
			Identifier: "LOWER({:" + placeholder + "})",
			Params:     dbx.Params{placeholder: resultVal},
		}, nil

	return &search.ResolverResult{
		Identifier: "{:" + placeholder + "}",
		Params:     dbx.Params{placeholder: resultVal},
	}, nil

func (r *RecordFieldResolver) loadCollection(collectionNameOrId string) (*Collection, error) {
	if collectionNameOrId == r.baseCollection.Name || collectionNameOrId == r.baseCollection.Id {
		return r.baseCollection, nil

	return getCollectionByModelOrIdentifier(, collectionNameOrId)

func (r *RecordFieldResolver) registerJoin(tableName string, tableAlias string, on dbx.Expression) {
	join := &join{
		tableName:  tableName,
		tableAlias: tableAlias,
		on:         on,

	// replace existing join
	for i, j := range r.joins {
		if j.tableAlias == join.tableAlias {
			r.joins[i] = join

	// register new join
	r.joins = append(r.joins, join)

type mapExtractor interface {
	AsMap() map[string]any

func extractNestedVal(rawData any, keys ...string) (any, error) {
	if len(keys) == 0 {
		return nil, errors.New("at least one key should be provided")

	switch m := rawData.(type) {
	// maps
	case map[string]any:
		return mapVal(m, keys...)
	case map[string]string:
		return mapVal(m, keys...)
	case map[string]bool:
		return mapVal(m, keys...)
	case map[string]float32:
		return mapVal(m, keys...)
	case map[string]float64:
		return mapVal(m, keys...)
	case map[string]int:
		return mapVal(m, keys...)
	case map[string]int8:
		return mapVal(m, keys...)
	case map[string]int16:
		return mapVal(m, keys...)
	case map[string]int32:
		return mapVal(m, keys...)
	case map[string]int64:
		return mapVal(m, keys...)
	case map[string]uint:
		return mapVal(m, keys...)
	case map[string]uint8:
		return mapVal(m, keys...)
	case map[string]uint16:
		return mapVal(m, keys...)
	case map[string]uint32:
		return mapVal(m, keys...)
	case map[string]uint64:
		return mapVal(m, keys...)
	case mapExtractor:
		return mapVal(m.AsMap(), keys...)

	// slices
	case []string:
		return arrVal(m, keys...)
	case []bool:
		return arrVal(m, keys...)
	case []float32:
		return arrVal(m, keys...)
	case []float64:
		return arrVal(m, keys...)
	case []int:
		return arrVal(m, keys...)
	case []int8:
		return arrVal(m, keys...)
	case []int16:
		return arrVal(m, keys...)
	case []int32:
		return arrVal(m, keys...)
	case []int64:
		return arrVal(m, keys...)
	case []uint:
		return arrVal(m, keys...)
	case []uint8:
		return arrVal(m, keys...)
	case []uint16:
		return arrVal(m, keys...)
	case []uint32:
		return arrVal(m, keys...)
	case []uint64:
		return arrVal(m, keys...)
	case []mapExtractor:
		extracted := make([]any, len(m))
		for i, v := range m {
			extracted[i] = v.AsMap()
		return arrVal(extracted, keys...)
	case []any:
		return arrVal(m, keys...)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected map or array, got %#v", rawData)

func mapVal[T any](m map[string]T, keys ...string) (any, error) {
	result, ok := m[keys[0]]
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid key path - missing key %q", keys[0])

	// end key reached
	if len(keys) == 1 {
		return result, nil

	return extractNestedVal(result, keys[1:]...)

func arrVal[T any](m []T, keys ...string) (any, error) {
	idx, err := strconv.Atoi(keys[0])
	if err != nil || idx < 0 || idx >= len(m) {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid key path - invalid or missing array index %q", keys[0])

	result := m[idx]

	// end key reached
	if len(keys) == 1 {
		return result, nil

	return extractNestedVal(result, keys[1:]...)

func splitModifier(combined string) (string, string, error) {
	parts := strings.Split(combined, ":")

	if len(parts) != 2 {
		return combined, "", nil

	// validate modifier
	switch parts[1] {
	case issetModifier,
		return parts[0], parts[1], nil

	return "", "", fmt.Errorf("unknown modifier in %q", combined)