package migrations import ( "fmt" "path/filepath" "runtime" "" "" ) // Register is a short alias for `AppMigrations.Register()` // that is usually used in external/user defined migrations. func Register( up func(app core.App) error, down func(app core.App) error, optFilename ...string, ) { var optFiles []string if len(optFilename) > 0 { optFiles = optFilename } else { _, path, _, _ := runtime.Caller(1) optFiles = append(optFiles, filepath.Base(path)) } core.AppMigrations.Register(up, down, optFiles...) } func init() { core.SystemMigrations.Register(func(txApp core.App) error { if err := createParamsTable(txApp); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("_params exec error: %w", err) } // ----------------------------------------------------------- _, execerr := txApp.DB().NewQuery(` CREATE TABLE {{_collections}} ( [[id]] TEXT PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT ('r'||lower(hex(randomblob(7)))) NOT NULL, [[system]] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE NOT NULL, [[type]] TEXT DEFAULT "base" NOT NULL, [[name]] TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, [[fields]] JSON DEFAULT "[]" NOT NULL, [[indexes]] JSON DEFAULT "[]" NOT NULL, [[listRule]] TEXT DEFAULT NULL, [[viewRule]] TEXT DEFAULT NULL, [[createRule]] TEXT DEFAULT NULL, [[updateRule]] TEXT DEFAULT NULL, [[deleteRule]] TEXT DEFAULT NULL, [[options]] JSON DEFAULT "{}" NOT NULL, [[created]] TEXT DEFAULT (strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%fZ')) NOT NULL, [[updated]] TEXT DEFAULT (strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%fZ')) NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx__collections_type on {{_collections}} ([[type]]); `).Execute() if execerr != nil { return fmt.Errorf("_collections exec error: %w", execerr) } if err := createMFAsCollection(txApp); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("_mfas error: %w", err) } if err := createOTPsCollection(txApp); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("_otps error: %w", err) } if err := createExternalAuthsCollection(txApp); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("_externalAuths error: %w", err) } if err := createAuthOriginsCollection(txApp); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("_authOrigins error: %w", err) } if err := createSuperusersCollection(txApp); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("_superusers error: %w", err) } if err := createUsersCollection(txApp); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("users error: %w", err) } return nil }, func(txApp core.App) error { tables := []string{ "users", core.CollectionNameSuperusers, core.CollectionNameMFAs, core.CollectionNameOTPs, core.CollectionNameAuthOrigins, "_params", "_collections", } for _, name := range tables { if _, err := txApp.DB().DropTable(name).Execute(); err != nil { return err } } return nil }) } func createParamsTable(txApp core.App) error { _, execErr := txApp.DB().NewQuery(` CREATE TABLE {{_params}} ( [[id]] TEXT PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT ('r'||lower(hex(randomblob(7)))) NOT NULL, [[value]] JSON DEFAULT NULL, [[created]] TEXT DEFAULT (strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%fZ')) NOT NULL, [[updated]] TEXT DEFAULT (strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%fZ')) NOT NULL ); `).Execute() return execErr } func createMFAsCollection(txApp core.App) error { col := core.NewBaseCollection(core.CollectionNameMFAs) col.System = true ownerRule := " != '' && recordRef = && collectionRef = @request.auth.collectionId" col.ListRule = types.Pointer(ownerRule) col.ViewRule = types.Pointer(ownerRule) col.Fields.Add(&core.TextField{ Name: "collectionRef", System: true, Required: true, }) col.Fields.Add(&core.TextField{ Name: "recordRef", System: true, Required: true, }) col.Fields.Add(&core.TextField{ Name: "method", System: true, Required: true, }) col.Fields.Add(&core.AutodateField{ Name: "created", System: true, OnCreate: true, }) col.Fields.Add(&core.AutodateField{ Name: "updated", System: true, OnCreate: true, OnUpdate: true, }) col.AddIndex("idx_mfas_collectionRef_recordRef", false, "collectionRef,recordRef", "") return txApp.Save(col) } func createOTPsCollection(txApp core.App) error { col := core.NewBaseCollection(core.CollectionNameOTPs) col.System = true ownerRule := " != '' && recordRef = && collectionRef = @request.auth.collectionId" col.ListRule = types.Pointer(ownerRule) col.ViewRule = types.Pointer(ownerRule) col.Fields.Add(&core.TextField{ Name: "collectionRef", System: true, Required: true, }) col.Fields.Add(&core.TextField{ Name: "recordRef", System: true, Required: true, }) col.Fields.Add(&core.PasswordField{ Name: "password", System: true, Hidden: true, Required: true, Cost: 8, // low cost for better performce and because it is not critical }) col.Fields.Add(&core.AutodateField{ Name: "created", System: true, OnCreate: true, }) col.Fields.Add(&core.AutodateField{ Name: "updated", System: true, OnCreate: true, OnUpdate: true, }) col.AddIndex("idx_otps_collectionRef_recordRef", false, "collectionRef, recordRef", "") return txApp.Save(col) } func createAuthOriginsCollection(txApp core.App) error { col := core.NewBaseCollection(core.CollectionNameAuthOrigins) col.System = true ownerRule := " != '' && recordRef = && collectionRef = @request.auth.collectionId" col.ListRule = types.Pointer(ownerRule) col.ViewRule = types.Pointer(ownerRule) col.DeleteRule = types.Pointer(ownerRule) col.Fields.Add(&core.TextField{ Name: "collectionRef", System: true, Required: true, }) col.Fields.Add(&core.TextField{ Name: "recordRef", System: true, Required: true, }) col.Fields.Add(&core.TextField{ Name: "fingerprint", System: true, Required: true, }) col.Fields.Add(&core.AutodateField{ Name: "created", System: true, OnCreate: true, }) col.Fields.Add(&core.AutodateField{ Name: "updated", System: true, OnCreate: true, OnUpdate: true, }) col.AddIndex("idx_authOrigins_unique_pairs", true, "collectionRef, recordRef, fingerprint", "") return txApp.Save(col) } func createExternalAuthsCollection(txApp core.App) error { col := core.NewBaseCollection(core.CollectionNameExternalAuths) col.System = true ownerRule := " != '' && recordRef = && collectionRef = @request.auth.collectionId" col.ListRule = types.Pointer(ownerRule) col.ViewRule = types.Pointer(ownerRule) col.DeleteRule = types.Pointer(ownerRule) col.Fields.Add(&core.TextField{ Name: "collectionRef", System: true, Required: true, }) col.Fields.Add(&core.TextField{ Name: "recordRef", System: true, Required: true, }) col.Fields.Add(&core.TextField{ Name: "provider", System: true, Required: true, }) col.Fields.Add(&core.TextField{ Name: "providerId", System: true, Required: true, }) col.Fields.Add(&core.AutodateField{ Name: "created", System: true, OnCreate: true, }) col.Fields.Add(&core.AutodateField{ Name: "updated", System: true, OnCreate: true, OnUpdate: true, }) col.AddIndex("idx_externalAuths_record_provider", true, "collectionRef, recordRef, provider", "") col.AddIndex("idx_externalAuths_collection_provider", true, "collectionRef, provider, providerId", "") return txApp.Save(col) } func createSuperusersCollection(txApp core.App) error { superusers := core.NewAuthCollection(core.CollectionNameSuperusers) superusers.System = true superusers.Fields.Add(&core.EmailField{ Name: "email", System: true, Required: true, }) superusers.Fields.Add(&core.AutodateField{ Name: "created", System: true, OnCreate: true, }) superusers.Fields.Add(&core.AutodateField{ Name: "updated", System: true, OnCreate: true, OnUpdate: true, }) superusers.AuthToken.Duration = 86400 // 1 day return txApp.Save(superusers) } func createUsersCollection(txApp core.App) error { users := core.NewAuthCollection("users", "_pb_users_auth_") ownerRule := "id =" users.ListRule = types.Pointer(ownerRule) users.ViewRule = types.Pointer(ownerRule) users.CreateRule = types.Pointer("") users.UpdateRule = types.Pointer(ownerRule) users.DeleteRule = types.Pointer(ownerRule) users.Fields.Add(&core.TextField{ Name: "name", Max: 255, }) users.Fields.Add(&core.FileField{ Name: "avatar", MaxSelect: 1, MimeTypes: []string{"image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/svg+xml", "image/gif", "image/webp"}, }) users.Fields.Add(&core.AutodateField{ Name: "created", OnCreate: true, }) users.Fields.Add(&core.AutodateField{ Name: "updated", OnCreate: true, OnUpdate: true, }) users.OAuth2.MappedFields.Name = "name" users.OAuth2.MappedFields.AvatarURL = "avatar" return txApp.Save(users) }