package core_test import ( "encoding/json" "strings" "testing" "" "" ) func TestSettingsValidate(t *testing.T) { s := core.NewSettings() // set invalid settings data s.Meta.AppName = "" s.Logs.MaxDays = -10 s.Smtp.Enabled = true s.Smtp.Host = "" s.S3.Enabled = true s.S3.Endpoint = "invalid" s.AdminAuthToken.Duration = -10 s.AdminPasswordResetToken.Duration = -10 s.UserAuthToken.Duration = -10 s.UserPasswordResetToken.Duration = -10 s.UserEmailChangeToken.Duration = -10 s.UserVerificationToken.Duration = -10 s.EmailAuth.Enabled = true s.EmailAuth.MinPasswordLength = -10 s.GoogleAuth.Enabled = true s.GoogleAuth.ClientId = "" s.FacebookAuth.Enabled = true s.FacebookAuth.ClientId = "" s.GithubAuth.Enabled = true s.GithubAuth.ClientId = "" s.GitlabAuth.Enabled = true s.GitlabAuth.ClientId = "" // check if Validate() is triggering the members validate methods. err := s.Validate() if err == nil { t.Fatalf("Expected error, got nil") } expectations := []string{ `"meta":{`, `"logs":{`, `"smtp":{`, `"s3":{`, `"adminAuthToken":{`, `"adminPasswordResetToken":{`, `"userAuthToken":{`, `"userPasswordResetToken":{`, `"userEmailChangeToken":{`, `"userVerificationToken":{`, `"emailAuth":{`, `"googleAuth":{`, `"facebookAuth":{`, `"githubAuth":{`, `"gitlabAuth":{`, } errBytes, _ := json.Marshal(err) jsonErr := string(errBytes) for _, expected := range expectations { if !strings.Contains(jsonErr, expected) { t.Errorf("Expected error key %s in %v", expected, jsonErr) } } } func TestSettingsMerge(t *testing.T) { s1 := core.NewSettings() s1.Meta.AppUrl = "old_app_url" s2 := core.NewSettings() s2.Meta.AppName = "test" s2.Logs.MaxDays = 123 s2.Smtp.Host = "test" s2.Smtp.Enabled = true s2.S3.Enabled = true s2.S3.Endpoint = "test" s2.AdminAuthToken.Duration = 1 s2.AdminPasswordResetToken.Duration = 2 s2.UserAuthToken.Duration = 3 s2.UserPasswordResetToken.Duration = 4 s2.UserEmailChangeToken.Duration = 5 s2.UserVerificationToken.Duration = 6 s2.EmailAuth.Enabled = false s2.EmailAuth.MinPasswordLength = 30 s2.GoogleAuth.Enabled = true s2.GoogleAuth.ClientId = "google_test" s2.FacebookAuth.Enabled = true s2.FacebookAuth.ClientId = "facebook_test" s2.GithubAuth.Enabled = true s2.GithubAuth.ClientId = "github_test" s2.GitlabAuth.Enabled = true s2.GitlabAuth.ClientId = "gitlab_test" if err := s1.Merge(s2); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } s1Encoded, err := json.Marshal(s1) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } s2Encoded, err := json.Marshal(s2) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if string(s1Encoded) != string(s2Encoded) { t.Fatalf("Expected the same serialization, got %v VS %v", string(s1Encoded), string(s2Encoded)) } } func TestSettingsClone(t *testing.T) { s1 := core.NewSettings() s2, err := s1.Clone() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } s1Bytes, err := json.Marshal(s1) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } s2Bytes, err := json.Marshal(s2) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if string(s1Bytes) != string(s2Bytes) { t.Fatalf("Expected equivalent serialization, got %v VS %v", string(s1Bytes), string(s2Bytes)) } // verify that it is a deep copy s1.Meta.AppName = "new" if s1.Meta.AppName == s2.Meta.AppName { t.Fatalf("Expected s1 and s2 to have different Meta.AppName, got %s", s1.Meta.AppName) } } func TestSettingsRedactClone(t *testing.T) { s1 := core.NewSettings() s1.Meta.AppName = "test123" // control field s1.Smtp.Password = "test123" s1.Smtp.Tls = true s1.S3.Secret = "test123" s1.AdminAuthToken.Secret = "test123" s1.AdminPasswordResetToken.Secret = "test123" s1.UserAuthToken.Secret = "test123" s1.UserPasswordResetToken.Secret = "test123" s1.UserEmailChangeToken.Secret = "test123" s1.UserVerificationToken.Secret = "test123" s1.GoogleAuth.ClientSecret = "test123" s1.FacebookAuth.ClientSecret = "test123" s1.GithubAuth.ClientSecret = "test123" s1.GitlabAuth.ClientSecret = "test123" s2, err := s1.RedactClone() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } encoded, err := json.Marshal(s2) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } expected := `{"meta":{"appName":"test123","appUrl":"http://localhost:8090","senderName":"Support","senderAddress":"","userVerificationUrl":"%APP_URL%/_/#/users/confirm-verification/%TOKEN%","userResetPasswordUrl":"%APP_URL%/_/#/users/confirm-password-reset/%TOKEN%","userConfirmEmailChangeUrl":"%APP_URL%/_/#/users/confirm-email-change/%TOKEN%"},"logs":{"maxDays":7},"smtp":{"enabled":false,"host":"","port":587,"username":"","password":"******","tls":true},"s3":{"enabled":false,"bucket":"","region":"","endpoint":"","accessKey":"","secret":"******","forcePathStyle":false},"adminAuthToken":{"secret":"******","duration":1209600},"adminPasswordResetToken":{"secret":"******","duration":1800},"userAuthToken":{"secret":"******","duration":1209600},"userPasswordResetToken":{"secret":"******","duration":1800},"userEmailChangeToken":{"secret":"******","duration":1800},"userVerificationToken":{"secret":"******","duration":604800},"emailAuth":{"enabled":true,"exceptDomains":null,"onlyDomains":null,"minPasswordLength":8},"googleAuth":{"enabled":false,"allowRegistrations":true,"clientSecret":"******"},"facebookAuth":{"enabled":false,"allowRegistrations":true,"clientSecret":"******"},"githubAuth":{"enabled":false,"allowRegistrations":true,"clientSecret":"******"},"gitlabAuth":{"enabled":false,"allowRegistrations":true,"clientSecret":"******"}}` if encodedStr := string(encoded); encodedStr != expected { t.Fatalf("Expected %v, got \n%v", expected, encodedStr) } } func TestNamedAuthProviderConfigs(t *testing.T) { s := core.NewSettings() s.GoogleAuth.ClientId = "google_test" s.FacebookAuth.ClientId = "facebook_test" s.GithubAuth.ClientId = "github_test" s.GitlabAuth.ClientId = "gitlab_test" s.GitlabAuth.Enabled = true result := s.NamedAuthProviderConfigs() encoded, err := json.Marshal(result) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } expected := `{"facebook":{"enabled":false,"allowRegistrations":true,"clientId":"facebook_test"},"github":{"enabled":false,"allowRegistrations":true,"clientId":"github_test"},"gitlab":{"enabled":true,"allowRegistrations":true,"clientId":"gitlab_test"},"google":{"enabled":false,"allowRegistrations":true,"clientId":"google_test"}}` if encodedStr := string(encoded); encodedStr != expected { t.Fatalf("Expected the same serialization, got %v", encodedStr) } } func TestTokenConfigValidate(t *testing.T) { scenarios := []struct { config core.TokenConfig expectError bool }{ // zero values { core.TokenConfig{}, true, }, // invalid data { core.TokenConfig{ Secret: "test", Duration: 4, }, true, }, // valid data { core.TokenConfig{ Secret: "testtesttesttesttesttesttestte", Duration: 100, }, false, }, } for i, scenario := range scenarios { result := scenario.config.Validate() if result != nil && !scenario.expectError { t.Errorf("(%d) Didn't expect error, got %v", i, result) } if result == nil && scenario.expectError { t.Errorf("(%d) Expected error, got nil", i) } } } func TestSmtpConfigValidate(t *testing.T) { scenarios := []struct { config core.SmtpConfig expectError bool }{ // zero values (disabled) { core.SmtpConfig{}, false, }, // zero values (enabled) { core.SmtpConfig{Enabled: true}, true, }, // invalid data { core.SmtpConfig{ Enabled: true, Host: "test:test:test", Port: -10, }, true, }, // valid data { core.SmtpConfig{ Enabled: true, Host: "", Port: 100, Tls: true, }, false, }, } for i, scenario := range scenarios { result := scenario.config.Validate() if result != nil && !scenario.expectError { t.Errorf("(%d) Didn't expect error, got %v", i, result) } if result == nil && scenario.expectError { t.Errorf("(%d) Expected error, got nil", i) } } } func TestS3ConfigValidate(t *testing.T) { scenarios := []struct { config core.S3Config expectError bool }{ // zero values (disabled) { core.S3Config{}, false, }, // zero values (enabled) { core.S3Config{Enabled: true}, true, }, // invalid data { core.S3Config{ Enabled: true, Endpoint: "test:test:test", }, true, }, // valid data (url endpoint) { core.S3Config{ Enabled: true, Endpoint: "https://localhost:8090", Bucket: "test", Region: "test", AccessKey: "test", Secret: "test", }, false, }, // valid data (hostname endpoint) { core.S3Config{ Enabled: true, Endpoint: "", Bucket: "test", Region: "test", AccessKey: "test", Secret: "test", }, false, }, } for i, scenario := range scenarios { result := scenario.config.Validate() if result != nil && !scenario.expectError { t.Errorf("(%d) Didn't expect error, got %v", i, result) } if result == nil && scenario.expectError { t.Errorf("(%d) Expected error, got nil", i) } } } func TestMetaConfigValidate(t *testing.T) { scenarios := []struct { config core.MetaConfig expectError bool }{ // zero values { core.MetaConfig{}, true, }, // invalid data { core.MetaConfig{ AppName: strings.Repeat("a", 300), AppUrl: "test", SenderName: strings.Repeat("a", 300), SenderAddress: "invalid_email", UserVerificationUrl: "test", UserResetPasswordUrl: "test", UserConfirmEmailChangeUrl: "test", }, true, }, // invalid data (missing required placeholders) { core.MetaConfig{ AppName: "test", AppUrl: "", SenderName: "test", SenderAddress: "", UserVerificationUrl: "", UserResetPasswordUrl: "", UserConfirmEmailChangeUrl: "", }, true, }, // valid data { core.MetaConfig{ AppName: "test", AppUrl: "", SenderName: "test", SenderAddress: "", UserVerificationUrl: "" + core.EmailPlaceholderToken, UserResetPasswordUrl: "" + core.EmailPlaceholderToken, UserConfirmEmailChangeUrl: "" + core.EmailPlaceholderToken, }, false, }, } for i, scenario := range scenarios { result := scenario.config.Validate() if result != nil && !scenario.expectError { t.Errorf("(%d) Didn't expect error, got %v", i, result) } if result == nil && scenario.expectError { t.Errorf("(%d) Expected error, got nil", i) } } } func TestLogsConfigValidate(t *testing.T) { scenarios := []struct { config core.LogsConfig expectError bool }{ // zero values { core.LogsConfig{}, false, }, // invalid data { core.LogsConfig{MaxDays: -10}, true, }, // valid data { core.LogsConfig{MaxDays: 1}, false, }, } for i, scenario := range scenarios { result := scenario.config.Validate() if result != nil && !scenario.expectError { t.Errorf("(%d) Didn't expect error, got %v", i, result) } if result == nil && scenario.expectError { t.Errorf("(%d) Expected error, got nil", i) } } } func TestAuthProviderConfigValidate(t *testing.T) { scenarios := []struct { config core.AuthProviderConfig expectError bool }{ // zero values (disabled) { core.AuthProviderConfig{}, false, }, // zero values (enabled) { core.AuthProviderConfig{Enabled: true}, true, }, // invalid data { core.AuthProviderConfig{ Enabled: true, ClientId: "", ClientSecret: "", AuthUrl: "test", TokenUrl: "test", UserApiUrl: "test", }, true, }, // valid data (only the required) { core.AuthProviderConfig{ Enabled: true, ClientId: "test", ClientSecret: "test", }, false, }, // valid data (fill all fields) { core.AuthProviderConfig{ Enabled: true, ClientId: "test", ClientSecret: "test", AuthUrl: "", TokenUrl: "", UserApiUrl: "", }, false, }, } for i, scenario := range scenarios { result := scenario.config.Validate() if result != nil && !scenario.expectError { t.Errorf("(%d) Didn't expect error, got %v", i, result) } if result == nil && scenario.expectError { t.Errorf("(%d) Expected error, got nil", i) } } } func TestAuthProviderConfigSetupProvider(t *testing.T) { provider := auth.NewGithubProvider() // disabled config c1 := core.AuthProviderConfig{Enabled: false} if err := c1.SetupProvider(provider); err == nil { t.Errorf("Expected error, got nil") } c2 := core.AuthProviderConfig{ Enabled: true, ClientId: "test_ClientId", ClientSecret: "test_ClientSecret", AuthUrl: "test_AuthUrl", UserApiUrl: "test_UserApiUrl", TokenUrl: "test_TokenUrl", } if err := c2.SetupProvider(provider); err != nil { t.Error(err) } encoded, _ := json.Marshal(c2) expected := `{"enabled":true,"allowRegistrations":false,"clientId":"test_ClientId","clientSecret":"test_ClientSecret","authUrl":"test_AuthUrl","tokenUrl":"test_TokenUrl","userApiUrl":"test_UserApiUrl"}` if string(encoded) != expected { t.Errorf("Expected %s, got %s", expected, string(encoded)) } } func TestEmailAuthConfigValidate(t *testing.T) { scenarios := []struct { config core.EmailAuthConfig expectError bool }{ // zero values (disabled) { core.EmailAuthConfig{}, false, }, // zero values (enabled) { core.EmailAuthConfig{Enabled: true}, true, }, // invalid data (only the required) { core.EmailAuthConfig{ Enabled: true, MinPasswordLength: 4, }, true, }, // valid data (only the required) { core.EmailAuthConfig{ Enabled: true, MinPasswordLength: 5, }, false, }, // invalid data (both OnlyDomains and ExceptDomains set) { core.EmailAuthConfig{ Enabled: true, MinPasswordLength: 5, OnlyDomains: []string{"", ""}, ExceptDomains: []string{"", ""}, }, true, }, // valid data (only onlyDomains set) { core.EmailAuthConfig{ Enabled: true, MinPasswordLength: 5, OnlyDomains: []string{"", ""}, }, false, }, // valid data (only exceptDomains set) { core.EmailAuthConfig{ Enabled: true, MinPasswordLength: 5, ExceptDomains: []string{"", ""}, }, false, }, } for i, scenario := range scenarios { result := scenario.config.Validate() if result != nil && !scenario.expectError { t.Errorf("(%d) Didn't expect error, got %v", i, result) } if result == nil && scenario.expectError { t.Errorf("(%d) Expected error, got nil", i) } } }