package tests

import (


// ApiScenario defines a single api request test case/scenario.
type ApiScenario struct {
	// Name is the test name.
	Name string

	// Method is the HTTP method of the test request to use.
	Method string

	// URL is the url/path of the endpoint you want to test.
	URL string

	// Body specifies the body to send with the request.
	// For example:
	//	strings.NewReader(`{"title":"abc"}`)
	Body io.Reader

	// Headers specifies the headers to send with the request (e.g. "Authorization": "abc")
	Headers map[string]string

	// Delay adds a delay before checking the expectations usually
	// to ensure that all fired non-awaited go routines have finished
	Delay time.Duration

	// Timeout specifies how long to wait before cancelling the request context.
	// A zero or negative value means that there will be no timeout.
	Timeout time.Duration

	// expectations
	// ---------------------------------------------------------------

	// ExpectedStatus specifies the expected response HTTP status code.
	ExpectedStatus int

	// List of keywords that MUST exist in the response body.
	// Either ExpectedContent or NotExpectedContent must be set if the response body is non-empty.
	// Leave both fields empty if you want to ensure that the response didn't have any body (e.g. 204).
	ExpectedContent []string

	// List of keywords that MUST NOT exist in the response body.
	// Either ExpectedContent or NotExpectedContent must be set if the response body is non-empty.
	// Leave both fields empty if you want to ensure that the response didn't have any body (e.g. 204).
	NotExpectedContent []string

	// List of hook events to check whether they were fired or not.
	// You can use the wildcard "*" event key if you want to ensure
	// that no other hook events except those listed have been fired.
	// For example:
	//	map[string]int{ "*": 0 } // no hook events were fired
	//	map[string]int{ "*": 0, "EventA": 2 } // no hook events, except EventA were fired
	//	map[string]int{ EventA": 2, "EventB": 0 } // ensures that EventA was fired exactly 2 times and EventB exactly 0 times.
	ExpectedEvents map[string]int

	// test hooks
	// ---------------------------------------------------------------

	TestAppFactory func(t testing.TB) *TestApp
	BeforeTestFunc func(t testing.TB, app *TestApp, e *core.ServeEvent)
	AfterTestFunc  func(t testing.TB, app *TestApp, res *http.Response)

// Test executes the test scenario.
// Example:
//	func TestListExample(t *testing.T) {
//	    scenario := tests.ApiScenario{
//	        Name:           "list example collection",
//	        Method:         http.MethodGet,
//	        URL:            "/api/collections/example/records",
//	        ExpectedStatus: 200,
//	        ExpectedContent: []string{
//	            `"totalItems":3`,
//	            `"id":"0yxhwia2amd8gec"`,
//	            `"id":"achvryl401bhse3"`,
//	            `"id":"llvuca81nly1qls"`,
//	        },
//	        ExpectedEvents: map[string]int{
//	            "OnRecordsListRequest": 1,
//	            "OnRecordEnrich":       3,
//	        },
//	    }
//	    scenario.Test(t)
//	}
func (scenario *ApiScenario) Test(t *testing.T) {
	t.Run(scenario.normalizedName(), func(t *testing.T) {

// Benchmark benchmarks the test scenario.
// Example:
//	func BenchmarkListExample(b *testing.B) {
//	    scenario := tests.ApiScenario{
//	        Name:           "list example collection",
//	        Method:         http.MethodGet,
//	        URL:            "/api/collections/example/records",
//	        ExpectedStatus: 200,
//	        ExpectedContent: []string{
//	            `"totalItems":3`,
//	            `"id":"0yxhwia2amd8gec"`,
//	            `"id":"achvryl401bhse3"`,
//	            `"id":"llvuca81nly1qls"`,
//	        },
//	        ExpectedEvents: map[string]int{
//	            "OnRecordsListRequest": 1,
//	            "OnRecordEnrich":       3,
//	        },
//	    }
//	    scenario.Benchmark(b)
//	}
func (scenario *ApiScenario) Benchmark(b *testing.B) {
	b.Run(scenario.normalizedName(), func(b *testing.B) {
		for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {

func (scenario *ApiScenario) normalizedName() string {
	var name = scenario.Name

	if name == "" {
		name = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", scenario.Method, scenario.URL)

	return name

func (scenario *ApiScenario) test(t testing.TB) {
	var testApp *TestApp
	if scenario.TestAppFactory != nil {
		testApp = scenario.TestAppFactory(t)
		if testApp == nil {
			t.Fatal("TestAppFactory must return a non-nill app instance")
	} else {
		var testAppErr error
		testApp, testAppErr = NewTestApp()
		if testAppErr != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Failed to initialize the test app instance: %v", testAppErr)
	defer testApp.Cleanup()

	baseRouter, err := apis.NewRouter(testApp)
	if err != nil {

	// manually trigger the serve event to ensure that custom app routes and middlewares are registered
	serveEvent := new(core.ServeEvent)
	serveEvent.App = testApp
	serveEvent.Router = baseRouter

	serveErr := testApp.OnServe().Trigger(serveEvent, func(e *core.ServeEvent) error {
		if scenario.BeforeTestFunc != nil {
			scenario.BeforeTestFunc(t, testApp, e)

		// reset the event counters in case a hook was triggered from a before func (eg. db save)

		// add middleware to timeout long-running requests (eg. keep-alive routes)
			Func: func(re *core.RequestEvent) error {
				slowTimer := time.AfterFunc(3*time.Second, func() {
					t.Logf("[WARN] Long running test %q", scenario.Name)
				defer slowTimer.Stop()

				if scenario.Timeout > 0 {
					ctx, cancelFunc := context.WithTimeout(re.Request.Context(), scenario.Timeout)
					defer cancelFunc()
					re.Request = re.Request.Clone(ctx)

				return re.Next()
			Priority: -9999,

		recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()

		req := httptest.NewRequest(scenario.Method, scenario.URL, scenario.Body)

		// set default header
		req.Header.Set("content-type", "application/json")

		// set scenario headers
		for k, v := range scenario.Headers {
			req.Header.Set(k, v)

		// execute request
		mux, err := e.Router.BuildMux()
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Failed to build router mux: %v", err)
		mux.ServeHTTP(recorder, req)

		res := recorder.Result()

		if res.StatusCode != scenario.ExpectedStatus {
			t.Errorf("Expected status code %d, got %d", scenario.ExpectedStatus, res.StatusCode)

		if scenario.Delay > 0 {

		if len(scenario.ExpectedContent) == 0 && len(scenario.NotExpectedContent) == 0 {
			if len(recorder.Body.Bytes()) != 0 {
				t.Errorf("Expected empty body, got \n%v", recorder.Body.String())
		} else {
			// normalize json response format
			buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
			err := json.Compact(buffer, recorder.Body.Bytes())
			var normalizedBody string
			if err != nil {
				// not a json...
				normalizedBody = recorder.Body.String()
			} else {
				normalizedBody = buffer.String()

			for _, item := range scenario.ExpectedContent {
				if !strings.Contains(normalizedBody, item) {
					t.Errorf("Cannot find %v in response body \n%v", item, normalizedBody)

			for _, item := range scenario.NotExpectedContent {
				if strings.Contains(normalizedBody, item) {
					t.Errorf("Didn't expect %v in response body \n%v", item, normalizedBody)

		remainingEvents := maps.Clone(testApp.EventCalls)

		var noOtherEventsShouldRemain bool
		for event, expectedNum := range scenario.ExpectedEvents {
			if event == "*" && expectedNum <= 0 {
				noOtherEventsShouldRemain = true

			actualNum := remainingEvents[event]
			if actualNum != expectedNum {
				t.Errorf("Expected event %s to be called %d, got %d", event, expectedNum, actualNum)

			delete(remainingEvents, event)

		if noOtherEventsShouldRemain && len(remainingEvents) > 0 {
			t.Errorf("Missing expected remaining events:\n%#v\nAll triggered app events are:\n%#v", remainingEvents, testApp.EventCalls)

		if scenario.AfterTestFunc != nil {
			scenario.AfterTestFunc(t, testApp, res)

		return nil
	if serveErr != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Failed to trigger app serve hook: %v", serveErr)