// Package apis implements the default PocketBase api services and middlewares. package apis import ( "database/sql" "errors" "fmt" "io/fs" "log/slog" "net/http" "net/url" "path/filepath" "strings" "time" "github.com/labstack/echo/v5" "github.com/labstack/echo/v5/middleware" "github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase/core" "github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase/tools/rest" "github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase/ui" "github.com/spf13/cast" ) const trailedAdminPath = "/_/" // InitApi creates a configured echo instance with registered // system and app specific routes and middlewares. func InitApi(app core.App) (*echo.Echo, error) { e := echo.New() e.Debug = false e.Binder = &rest.MultiBinder{} e.JSONSerializer = &rest.Serializer{ FieldsParam: fieldsQueryParam, } // configure a custom router e.ResetRouterCreator(func(ec *echo.Echo) echo.Router { return echo.NewRouter(echo.RouterConfig{ UnescapePathParamValues: true, AllowOverwritingRoute: true, }) }) // default middlewares e.Pre(middleware.RemoveTrailingSlashWithConfig(middleware.RemoveTrailingSlashConfig{ Skipper: func(c echo.Context) bool { // enable by default only for the API routes return !strings.HasPrefix(c.Request().URL.Path, "/api/") }, })) e.Pre(LoadAuthContext(app)) e.Use(middleware.Recover()) e.Use(middleware.Secure()) e.Use(func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc { return func(c echo.Context) error { c.Set(ContextExecStartKey, time.Now()) return next(c) } }) // custom error handler e.HTTPErrorHandler = func(c echo.Context, err error) { if err == nil { return // no error } var apiErr *ApiError if errors.As(err, &apiErr) { // already an api error... } else if v := new(echo.HTTPError); errors.As(err, &v) { msg := fmt.Sprintf("%v", v.Message) apiErr = NewApiError(v.Code, msg, v) } else { if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { apiErr = NewNotFoundError("", err) } else { apiErr = NewBadRequestError("", err) } } logRequest(app, c, apiErr) if c.Response().Committed { return // already committed } event := new(core.ApiErrorEvent) event.HttpContext = c event.Error = apiErr // send error response hookErr := app.OnBeforeApiError().Trigger(event, func(e *core.ApiErrorEvent) error { if e.HttpContext.Response().Committed { return nil } // @see https://github.com/labstack/echo/issues/608 if e.HttpContext.Request().Method == http.MethodHead { return e.HttpContext.NoContent(apiErr.Code) } return e.HttpContext.JSON(apiErr.Code, apiErr) }) if hookErr == nil { if err := app.OnAfterApiError().Trigger(event); err != nil { app.Logger().Debug("OnAfterApiError failure", slog.String("error", hookErr.Error())) } } else { app.Logger().Debug("OnBeforeApiError error (truly rare case, eg. client already disconnected)", slog.String("error", hookErr.Error())) } } // admin ui routes bindStaticAdminUI(app, e) // default routes api := e.Group("/api", eagerRequestInfoCache(app)) bindSettingsApi(app, api) bindAdminApi(app, api) bindCollectionApi(app, api) bindRecordCrudApi(app, api) bindRecordAuthApi(app, api) bindFileApi(app, api) bindRealtimeApi(app, api) bindLogsApi(app, api) bindHealthApi(app, api) bindBackupApi(app, api) // catch all any route api.Any("/*", func(c echo.Context) error { return echo.ErrNotFound }, ActivityLogger(app)) return e, nil } // StaticDirectoryHandler is similar to `echo.StaticDirectoryHandler` // but without the directory redirect which conflicts with RemoveTrailingSlash middleware. // // If a file resource is missing and indexFallback is set, the request // will be forwarded to the base index.html (useful also for SPA). // // @see https://github.com/labstack/echo/issues/2211 func StaticDirectoryHandler(fileSystem fs.FS, indexFallback bool) echo.HandlerFunc { return func(c echo.Context) error { p := c.PathParam("*") // escape url path tmpPath, err := url.PathUnescape(p) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to unescape path variable: %w", err) } p = tmpPath // fs.FS.Open() already assumes that file names are relative to FS root path and considers name with prefix `/` as invalid name := filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Clean(strings.TrimPrefix(p, "/"))) fileErr := c.FileFS(name, fileSystem) if fileErr != nil && indexFallback && errors.Is(fileErr, echo.ErrNotFound) { return c.FileFS("index.html", fileSystem) } return fileErr } } // bindStaticAdminUI registers the endpoints that serves the static admin UI. func bindStaticAdminUI(app core.App, e *echo.Echo) error { // redirect to trailing slash to ensure that relative urls will still work properly e.GET( strings.TrimRight(trailedAdminPath, "/"), func(c echo.Context) error { return c.Redirect(http.StatusTemporaryRedirect, strings.TrimLeft(trailedAdminPath, "/")) }, ) // serves static files from the /ui/dist directory // (similar to echo.StaticFS but with gzip middleware enabled) e.GET( trailedAdminPath+"*", echo.StaticDirectoryHandler(ui.DistDirFS, false), installerRedirect(app), uiCacheControl(), middleware.Gzip(), ) return nil } func uiCacheControl() echo.MiddlewareFunc { return func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc { return func(c echo.Context) error { // add default Cache-Control header for all Admin UI resources // (ignoring the root admin path) if c.Request().URL.Path != trailedAdminPath { c.Response().Header().Set("Cache-Control", "max-age=1209600, stale-while-revalidate=86400") } return next(c) } } } const hasAdminsCacheKey = "@hasAdmins" func updateHasAdminsCache(app core.App) error { total, err := app.Dao().TotalAdmins() if err != nil { return err } app.Store().Set(hasAdminsCacheKey, total > 0) return nil } // installerRedirect redirects the user to the installer admin UI page // when the application needs some preliminary configurations to be done. func installerRedirect(app core.App) echo.MiddlewareFunc { // keep hasAdminsCacheKey value up-to-date app.OnAdminAfterCreateRequest().Add(func(data *core.AdminCreateEvent) error { return updateHasAdminsCache(app) }) app.OnAdminAfterDeleteRequest().Add(func(data *core.AdminDeleteEvent) error { return updateHasAdminsCache(app) }) return func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc { return func(c echo.Context) error { // skip redirect checks for non-root level index.html requests path := c.Request().URL.Path if path != trailedAdminPath && path != trailedAdminPath+"index.html" { return next(c) } hasAdmins := cast.ToBool(app.Store().Get(hasAdminsCacheKey)) if !hasAdmins { // update the cache to make sure that the admin wasn't created by another process if err := updateHasAdminsCache(app); err != nil { return err } hasAdmins = cast.ToBool(app.Store().Get(hasAdminsCacheKey)) } _, hasInstallerParam := c.Request().URL.Query()["installer"] if !hasAdmins && !hasInstallerParam { // redirect to the installer page return c.Redirect(http.StatusTemporaryRedirect, "?installer#") } if hasAdmins && hasInstallerParam { // clear the installer param return c.Redirect(http.StatusTemporaryRedirect, "?") } return next(c) } } }